How To Properly Credit Photos on Instagram

In This Post, We’ll Look At How To Properly Credit Photos on Instagram:

While user-generated material is a terrific way to broaden your audience and enhance interaction, knowing how to credit images on Instagram is crucial. You’re sharing images responsibly and demonstrating that you’re a trustworthy member of your business community by crediting them.

It’s critical to provide picture credit where credit is due in your Instagram postings. You’re demonstrating to other members of your community that you’re a useful partner when you do so. As a result, you can expect more social media cross-promotion, which will help you expand your audience!

We’ll go over why you should credit, what a correct credit looks like, crediting style, the advantages of crediting, and why it’s bad for artists and merchants if you don’t credit in this post. By performing just one easy thing—crediting—you have the potential to turn your Instagram profile into a mine of knowledge and inspiration.

How To Properly Credit Photos on Instagram

Why Is It Necessary to Give Credit to Photographs on Instagram?

How To Properly Credit Photos on Instagram

Tagging someone in a picture is not the same as giving them credit. (Some individuals, for example, may caption their photo with “tap for tags” or something basic with no additional information.) Unless you styled the picture and took the photographs yourself, you must give credit to those who helped create it.


  • Because the picture in question isn’t yours.
  • Because that lovely photograph was taken by someone.
  • Because that lovely tablescape was meticulously designed, purchased for, and agonized over.
  • Because someone toiled till his or her fingers bled on that wonderful DIY endeavor.
  • And because someone who is scrolling through your page will WANT anything in that picture!

Consider your Instagram feed to be a “magazine” for your followers that will be updated often. If you’re a wedding planner, tagging all of the wedding providers is a huge networking advantage for you—not just because it allows you to connect with them, but also because it allows you to offer vital information to future brides.

Consider a bride who falls in love with a bouquet from a wedding last year—you may not remember who the florist was, but your tag will! For you, the bride, and the florist, this adds tremendous value.

There is a lot of work that goes into developing such material, and people who are responsible for it appreciate your little gesture of tagging them in your remark. Why wouldn’t you mention them if you appreciate their work so much that you want to share it on Instagram? Don’t you enjoy it when people mention you on Instagram and share your work? I’m sure I do!

Plus, here’s a not-so-fun fact: If you don’t properly credit photographs you publish on Instagram, the individuals who hold the rights to such images may report your account to Instagram, resulting in issues for your profile.

What Does an Appropriate Instagram Photo Credit Look Like?

What Does an Appropriate Instagram Photo Credit Look Like

In order to provide correct picture credit, you must tag everyone who was involved in the photograph in the comments. Various companies and settings will have different interpretations of this.

A basic guideline to remember is to tag everything in that one picture. Credit it if you can see it. If you’re not sure who should be credited, look into it or ask someone who knows.

Here are a few more examples of how to credit images on Instagram that are specialized to the wedding industry. Even if you’re not in the wedding business, you may encounter comparable situations while dealing with other suppliers or partners.

Example #1: You’re a photographer and you’re publishing a shot of a woman getting ready for her wedding—wearing she’s a lovely robe from Etsy and carrying a glass of champagne.

The ideal credit would be to include the bride, the hairstylist, the makeup artist, and the Etsy robe vendor. “That’s too much effort,” you may be thinking now. While this is true, it takes a community to create that wonderful shot, which is why those other professionals should be credited.

Example #2: You’re a florist, and you’ve posted a gorgeous, close-up image of a bridesmaid in a turquoise gown holding the bouquet you produced. Tag the photographer, the wedding coordinator, and the outfit she’s wearing, as well as the bride and bridesmaids, for an excellent credit.

No one will ever be offended if you give them Instagram credit, but they will be unhappy if you leave them off! It’s usually simpler than you think to give Instagram picture credit in most circumstances. You’re almost certainly already in contact with the suppliers or partners involved. If not, you may also inquire about your client’s name and account number.

Credits: How To Properly Credit Photos on Instagram

There are a variety of methods to write out picture credits, but I advocate coming up with your own “crediting style” to complement your brand—and having fun with it. When you utilize the same structure for all of your articles, your readers will get used to and appreciate the information you’re sharing.

Sample credits for the wedding blog looks like this in every post:

@hairdresser did the hair and make-up, @florist did the flowers, and @weddingdress did the dress.

However, there are other ways to write the same thing:

H+M: @hairdresser — Photography: @photography @florist — @weddingdress — Florist: @florist — Gown: @weddingdress

picture courtesy of @photography… @hairdresser @weddingdress @weddingdress

@hairdresser @florist provided the bouquets, and @weddingdress provided the gown.

Consider utilizing emojis to indicate the wedding professional’s area of expertise, such as the flower emoji for the florist or the camera emoji for the photographer. Everyone involved will appreciate you taking the time to display your effort, regardless of how you credit images on Instagram.

The Advantages of Crediting

The Advantages of Crediting

The most significant advantage of tagging as many individuals as possible is the opportunity to network.

Networking relies heavily on credit. You tag them, they tag you, your followers see them, and their followers see you—and so on. Couples are now discovering their vendors on social media, which is both strange and lovely. The networking opportunities, on the other hand, are limitless.

A bride may observe a lot of hairstyles she likes, and if she notices that @hairdresser123 is responsible on a regular basis, she may decide to employ that individual.

You could notice business cards on @soandso’s profile that you like, click to learn who manufactured them, and then utilize that firm to generate your own cards.

You may see that @flowers + @weddingplanner are doing some fantastic styled shots and decided to contact them and volunteer to photograph their next one.

A wedding blogger may fall in love with one of your photos and opt to republish it with all of the credits you provided. (Yay!)

When you give credit to others, you’re more likely to get credit in return. And the more people talk about you on social media, the simpler it is to grow a fan base. As you get more Instagram followers, you can be confident that some of them are coming from industry partners and suppliers who are beginning to acknowledge your work.

Your Instagram will become even more beneficial for establishing your community and converting social followers into customers with a more focused audience! Make sure to provide a link to your profile bio when you start tagging people. As more people become aware of your work, you may make it simple for them to contact you and begin collaborating with you.

It’s stealing if you don’t give credit.

You’re stealing if you don’t possess the rights to the picture and don’t credit the person/brand/blog/website that CREATED it. This occurs often for me and my brand, Something Turquoise, particularly when using the “regram” and “repost” functionalities.

Users on Instagram believe that by utilizing such applications, it is OK to grab photographs from other people’s accounts and publish them as their own. But all of those photographs have a home, whether it’s on a website or a blog, and they were made for a purpose.

Take a moment to consider your fellow creators before you post—then be kind, share with permission, and give credit.

It’s not simply the correct thing to do on Instagram—also it’s beneficial to everyone. As a result, do your part. Make an additional effort. Also, ensure that your Instagram profile “acts” as well as it appears.

Jitendra Vaswani
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Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded, a digital marketing agency, and, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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