Wealthy Affiliate Review 2024: Scam or Legit?🦾Get the Truth!

Wealthy Affiliate


  • Affordable at beginning
  • Helpful and active community
  • Weekly live webinars & updates
  • Tools provided are high quality
  • Training material is good
  • It has everything you need to start making money online


  • No refunds
  • Information overload
  • A lot of the training seems really repetitive


Price: $ 99

Looking for Wealthy Affiliate Review? I got you covered today. You’ve heard of affiliate marketing and you’re intrigued, but you don’t know where to start.

Affiliate marketing can be a great way to make money, but it’s not as simple as slapping a few banners on your website and calling it a day.

If you want to make real money with affiliate marketing, you need to learn the ropes from the pros.

Wealthy Affiliate is the perfect place for aspiring affiliate marketers. With their step-by-step course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about this lucrative industry.

Plus, their vibrant community of experts is always happy to help.

Wealthy Affiliate Review

🚀 Bottom Line Upfront: 

In a world where everything seems to be moving online, it’s no surprise that more and more people are turning to affiliate marketing to earn an income.

With so many options available, it can be difficult to know which programs are legitimate, and which are just out to scam you out of your hard-earned money.

That’s where Wealthy Affiliate comes in. With their all-in-one platform, training and community, they claim to have everything you need to succeed in the world of affiliate marketing.

But is it all too good to be true? Many have questioned the legitimacy of Wealthy Affiliate, so today we’re going to take a closer look at what they offer and whether it’s a scam or a legit program.

Is Wealthy Affiliate a Scam? 🏝

Nope, Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam. However, despite their flaws, this is not a hoax.

There is no doubt that they are an affiliate marketing training organization that provides training videos and resources as well as coaching and a supportive community.

Wealthy Affiliate is the best place seen for getting all of the preparation and equipment you’ll ever need in one place. Last but not least, you may want to try out the free membership first and see what you think.

I guess that if you’re serious about growing an online company, you’ll be more than happy.

Is Wealthy Affiliate a beginner program? 🎠

Wealthy Affiliate is 100% for beginners and novices only. Don’t be fooled by what they state on their homepage. It isn’t appropriate for all kinds of marketers.

Unless you upgrade to a Premium membership, they just cover the bare essentials. When you’re done with that, they’ll simply teach you a few obsolete SEO strategies that may or may not work.

Is Wealthy Affiliate an MLM? Is it a Pyramid Scheme? 🏜

Do not confuse Wealthy Affiliate with MLM or pyramid schemes. At the very least, not in the typical sense.

In a pyramid scheme, new members pay upfront charges to members at the top of the pyramid with the promise of earning rewards when they recruit new members “below” the new members they have paid upfront expenses to.

To put it simply, you pay a fee to join and then make money by recruiting new members — who in turn pay you. Let’s start with a detailed Wealthy Affiliate Review.

Beginning of the Wealthy Affiliate Program: Wealthy Affiliate Review 🚦

The owners of the community started the website in 2005, and way back when they first started, this website had just a keyword list and was a simple keyword list site.

Sooner, they realized that their website lacks several crucial aspects and planned to develop it further. Wealthy Affiliate has traveled a long route, and it went from just a keyword list to what it has become today.

It is built more like a congregation for affiliate marketers where they will get everything right from training, support, hosting, tools, domain buying options, etc. 

The Wealthy Affiliate Program consists of:

  • A simple and easy-to-use Content Management Platform, similar to WordPress.
  • A platform to research keywords related to your business.
  • Their very own platform for hosting websites.  
  • Over a hundred training modules to understand the concepts better and weekly classes.  
  • Domains are sold, and they also have platforms for engagement and feedback.  


  • Get The Premium Plan for $19 Now

About Wealthy Affiliate Review (Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam?) 📉

Wealthy Affiliate is an online platform that provides training and, at the same time, encourages affiliate marketers.

A free membership provision is also available, and you get access to a plethora of resources even if you sign up for a free membership.

The entire program comprises different levels. Each level focuses on distinct topics related to internet marketing, content creation, entrepreneurship, etc.  

However, it doesn’t claim to make you productive overnight. Instead, it leads your way to learning to earn money online.

It furnishes you with the right resources that can be used and several tools that will help you start your online business.  

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Wealthy Affiliate

A neutral view of the platform is provided in the article, along with several features provided by the wealthy affiliate program. This Wealthy Affiliate review​ of mine will help you decide what is best for you.

Make a detailed decision after knowing if the wealthy affiliate is for you or not.  

Want to know if Wealthy Affiliate is better than Affilorama? Then check out this article on Wealthy Affiliate vs Affilorama and find out which one is the best for you.

Course Module Wealthy Affiliate | Detailed Wealthy Affiliate Review 📗

The free membership program comes with level 1. So, anyone will be able to access level 1 of this program as soon as they log in to the platform.  

1️⃣ Module 1

The first video has a half an hour walkthrough of the platform, and it mainly concentrates on how to succeed. It also explains the 4-step roadmap to achievement.

The concept told is quite simple, and they are too apt. The process discussed is sure to help you to succeed.  

The second lesson pertains to the steps to earn money. In the third one, you get to know about varied niches in detail. In the fourth one, you will learn to build a website and also know about a free hosting platform available.  

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Affiliate Marketer

In the fifth lesson, it is assumed that your website is ready, and you will learn the configuration of WordPress.

The sixth lesson is all about getting your website search engine ready, and you will know about plugins that will help you in the process.

Level seven teaches you the steps to set up some crucial pages that include the “About Me” and “Privacy Policy” pages.

Lesson eight goes over the actions of menu customization, and level nine furnishes the steps to pick relevant and significant keywords.  

Lesson 10 is not a lesson. It is a short message which says that the training for a free program is over and you need to opt for a paid membership to learn further.  

2️⃣ Module 2 

Building a website that produces traffic

This module is included in the premium training, and it furnishes the importance of having your personal domain. Hence, if you have opted for a free hosting service, it is time to shift.

Since in the first module, niches are already talked about, there is no separate training on slots in the premium package. It assumes that you have already decided on your niche and have built your website.  

Kyle And Carson Wealthy Affiliate -Load Traffic

Selecting a niche is mandatory to move forward with the training. Level 2 has ten different lessons, as well.

The various aspects of the module include picking your domain/brand, shifting your website from a free domain, choosing target keywords, writing articles based on the keywords, and publishing them.  

It further furnishes steps to creating email accounts, using visuals, creating content that drives traffic, identification, and usage of keywords, productivity, increasing visibility, etc.

It also emphasizes on creating content for affiliate marketing and writing as the WA community. By doing so, you will obtain several benefits. This module ends after all ten levels.  

3️⃣ Module 3

Money Making

In this module, affiliate marketers are taught several ways that will help them earn money. You will make money via the traffic that is directed toward your website. Several concepts are taught in this module.  

  • How does affiliate marketing work?  
  • Steps to add links to the affiliate pages that you have.  
  • Testing Google Adsense vs Affiliate offers
  • Steps to come up with the best affiliate programs
  • Usage of Amazon Associates
  • Leveraging reviews of the products
  • Configure Google Adsense on your website and make money through ads on your website
  • Analyzing data with the help of Google Analytics

In this module, you will learn that the content on your website should help your readers and should be capable of educating them.

Offering value is crucial, since if your content is not informative and is only full of affiliate links, then it is not going to help you. Website visitors will soon realize that you are doing this only for money.

Hence, offer something informative and beneficial to your readers.  

The Classes Run Wealthy Affiliate

4️⃣ Module 4  

Master Social Engagement Practices

In this module, you will learn about how critical social engagement is. Significant social media platforms are discussed that include Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.

There are several ways of setting these profiles, and they are discussed further in the module.  

  • Sharing social media posts and managing spam and fake comments. Engage as much as possible with your audience.  
  • Using different platforms properly and making the most of it. Such platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.  
  • Creating and updating a blog in the Wealthy Affiliate community can help too. It will help your website rank for keywords.  
  • How to do social branding effectively and work towards making social media platforms advantageous for your business.  
  • Tips to engage with members of the WA community and how it will benefit you and your website.  

The module then wraps up, stating the appropriate use of social platforms. Other issues are also addressed that include overuse, why should social engagement be used, etc. This module focuses on the usage of social platforms.  

5️⃣ Module 5

Creating Content

Content creation is essential for websites from all niches. It is essential to have quality content on your website so that it can perform better.

Google recently updated its guidelines, and with its new update, sites with low-quality or duplicate content are penalized.

Hence, long lost are the days when website owners used to rip off material from their competitors. Nowadays, businesses have to focus more on creating quality and relevant content.  

At the beginning of this module, you will get to understand how content is relevant to google ranking. Content is crucial, but not the only thing that helps a website rank.

There are several websites with great content, but with no SEO, they are nowhere in the search results. On the contrary, websites with poor-quality content, with a bit of SEO done to them, have secured a high ranking in SERP.  

There are a few other things that you need to pay attention to, it includes good-quality backlinks, using the right anchor text, injecting keywords, etc. On top of that, don’t forget, Content is King.  

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Features

There are several aspects included such as learning to set up google webmaster tool, knowing more on indexing speed & time, content readability and making an easily readable breakdown of traffic you get on your website,  

The last section focuses on future plans in regard to the posts you are going to create. Set goals regarding the number of articles that you can produce and the creation of a keyword list will be a lot helpful.

Include keywords in every continent to make your articles rank.  

Now, you are near to the end of this module as well, and you have successfully completed five modules with ten lessons in each.  

In addition to the above program, this course consists of an affiliate Bootcamp program and has adequate training to help its viewers earn money.

It generally targets getting affiliate links and making money by affiliating the wealthy affiliate program. The program is further divided into seven modules of 10 lessons each. 

Module 1 consists of website designing techniques and tips on how to set up an online business.  

Module 2 will deal with picking the right keywords and using them in your content. It helps to promote the Wealthy Affiliate program.  

Module 3 is related to social media platforms and how to increase visibility on them.  

Module 4 discusses making your reviews on Wealthy Affiliate attractive and tips on how to use and create text-based graphics

Module 5 will get thorough tips on knowing your audience better and how to get referrals. It requires the creation of engaging content and suggestions to use YouTube.  

Module 6 is all about Yahoo, Bing, and PPC. Learn how to run PPC ads on Bing and use the webmaster tool of Bing. Know how you can get your pages indexed on Yahoo and Bing.  

Module 7, the final module contains ideas on how to maximize the results of PPC Ads.  

There are weekly live webinars by experienced and prosperous affiliate marketers. Experts will help you with your queries, and you are free to ask them anything and everything. Interact with industry specialists to learn more.

Only paid members get access to webinars and they are available for the freemium account.  

Several aspects are included in the course and it requires your time. You will have to spend hours to entirely go through different aspects of affiliate marketing and know about it.

Apply the techniques of this lesson in real life and experience the benefits. Additionally, work on improving your writing skills, since the main focus in the entire program is on quality content creation.

You have to be good at writing to obtain desired results.  

Why should you sign up for Wealthy Affiliate? 📝

I came across Wealthy Affiliate after checking out a few different online marketer training programs.

If you want to understand how to create money online legally, create a website, or blog, and, most importantly, make money from that blog, you can sign up for Wealthy Affiliate.

You can vet the preparation, software, and services offered by Wealthy Affiliate. Even by signing up for their free membership option, it was clear that Wealthy Affiliate operates uniquely.

My mind was blown by the group, filmed training, live weekly training sessions, live chat and assistance options, and business-like strategy for beginners and professionals alike.

What will you get with the FREE Membership? 🆓

Wealthy Affiliate follows that model by offering a free membership account. You don’t need to put in any payment information to sign up for a free account.

The free membership gives you limited access to the Wealthy Affiliate dashboard.

Some of your access lasts forever, such as some training videos and community features, while other features only last for a limited time, such as the live chat feature. Here is what you get with the free Wealthy Affiliate Membership:

  • Live Help – First 7 Days
  • 2 Websites
  • Website Backup
  • Beginner Training Course
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Training – Phase 1 Only
  • Video Walk-Throughs
  • Keyword Research Tool – 30 Searches
  • Training Classrooms – 2
  • Affiliate Program
  • 1-on-1 Coaching – First 7 Days

Can you run a successful business by only using the free membership option at Wealthy Affiliate? Well, you can, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

Instead, I recommend you sign up for the free Wealthy Affiliate membership as a way to try things out.

Honestly, the free membership is set up to be a bit of a teaser to get you to sign up for premium eventually, but most of us expect that going in.

What’s nice about it is you can judge yourself, based on the free membership, whether it is worth it for you to sign up for premium.

Ultimately, only you can decide if Wealthy Affiliate is of high quality or not. You will get more than enough of an idea by signing up for their free membership option.

On average, about 1 in every eight people upgrades to a premium membership.

What will you get with the PREMIUM Membership? 🆒

You can get access to anything with the luxury Wealthy Affiliate membership.

If you’re serious about starting an online company, I’ve never seen such an awesome community full of support, software, and services in my ten years in this field.

The most significant problem I’ve seen with prior training programs and marketing communities is how quickly they become obsolete. You won’t have to think about that if you join Wealthy Affiliate Premium.

Regular new training videos, as well as live weekly video training sessions, are introduced. You will also scan and scroll through previous training sessions they’ve put together through the years.

You can have unrestricted access to group features with a paid subscription, which is one of the significant facets of Wealthy Affiliate.

Features included in Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership:

  • Unlimited live help and support
  • Unlimited private chat and messaging
  • Access to 50 websites
  • An excellent package for website security
  • A significant Website Backup
  • Full access to a beginner training course
  • Your very own personal affiliate blog
  • Seven phases of Affiliate boot camp training
  • The feature of live digital video sessions
  • Digital walk-through of subjects
  • Limitless search on a keyword search tool
  • Two fully equipped training classrooms
  • Some Affiliate Programs with twice the payout
  • The opportunity to earn as you are learning
  • Limitless one-to-one coaching
  • Webinars with private access
  • An active everyday live support
  • A feedback platform for your website

If you add up all the services you get, the premium membership is a steal. For example, you’ll notice they include unlimited keyword research with a membership.

Other paid keyword research tools sell for $49 or more just by themselves. Add in website hosting, and there’s another $10 / mo. When all of the advantages are considered, the premium membership is a steal.

A subscription, for example, will allow you to check limitless keywords. Some paid keyword detection programs cost $49 or more on their own. Using website hosting will cost you an extra $10 a month.

Yes, it is costly, but beginning a company necessitates a financial commitment. The trick is to spend wisely, save money, and make sure you’re putting your money into the right stuff.

With Wealthy Affiliate Premium, you get everything you need to launch and run a profitable online company.

From training to web-building software to website hosting, backup, surveillance, and help – they’ve got you covered. Interestingly, Wealthy Affiliate hasn’t increased its price in 20 years.

Problems With Wealthy Affiliates 😢

1) Some User Opinions are Really Bad:

Users have claimed their business model is dying and just fooling its users. They have claimed you can make use of their free features for the free trial period but it is not worth paying for.

2) They have a Candy-Coated Sales Pitch:

Now, I’m sure there are some highly driven and disciplined individuals who could create successful companies using the community resources and membership training.

But the key sales page is quite simplistic in that it grossly streamlines the process of forming a viable website and does not adequately stress the amount of effort required.

Not to mention the many months and countless hours of sweat equity needed before you see any revenue.

3) Earning revenue is Not That Easy:

Making revenue off the website is completely feasible until it is designed and receives related traffic. The hardest aspect is all of the work leading up to the monetization stage.

The issue with 90 % of those who enter Wealthy Affiliate is that they skip straight to this stage.

Some of it may be due to grandiose illusions, some to impatience or desperation, but I suspect a good deal of it has to do with the reality that Wealthy Affiliate lures people in by making the method seem to be too easy. It is not the case.

However, it seems as if as soon as people have their WordPress pages up and running, they want to include an about tab, a privacy statement, and a couple messages, and then begin threatening guests with advertisements in the face…

At this point I picture them sitting and looking at their screen, waiting for the money to start spilling out like an ATM. This is not how instant messaging functions.

You are just seconds away from launching your own company. This is accurate.

You may have access to the website launcher and training that will allow you to start a company in seconds, but you will be months (and more than likely…years) away from earning some income.

4) Attracting Visitors is not That Easy:

They inform you that in order to benefit from your new venture, you must attract traffic to your blog. Well, indeed! Of course, in order to earn income, you need tourists.

The good news is that Wealthy Affiliate continues by stating that during the first few courses, you can learn the techniques necessary to attract an excess, no wait…an abundance of related customers to your website through organic search.

The majority of people who read this have no idea how challenging this is. If you grasp how to do it, it’s all hard work, but if you don’t, you’re in for a lengthy education filled with trial and error.

If obtaining rankings were easy, everybody would do it, am I correct? There is no way a newcomer to IM can pick up even a smidgeon of what they need to know in the first few classes. I’ve completed the exercises. I am familiar with this.

Pricing Wealthy Affiliate 💰

A freemium model is also offered by the Wealthy Affiliate community, and you are free to sign up on the platform to see what it offers.

However, limited access to several features is granted, and you cannot use all features of the platform.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Pricing Plan

To obtain the maximum benefits provided by the platform, you will have to sign-up as a paid member by paying for the membership.  

 Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth it? Can You Make Money With it? 💲

No, a Wealthy Affiliate isn’t a fraud. They do provide some basic assistance and training for affiliate marketing.

With WA, if you’re looking to learn the basics and connect with other people who are in the same situation, there is nothing wrong with it. However, don’t expect to receive specialized instruction.

However, you should expect to learn on your own and be pushed to promote the product rather than your own site in order to be successful in this business model.

If you want to make a living with Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll have to market it and recruit new members to do so. The information is obsolete and some of the advice is harmful to a website in the long run..

Even though there is some valuable information in there, I can’t help but feel there is a strong overtone of a pyramid scam in the content.

Take a chance and sign up for an account. It’s better to give up now than try to make money online with affiliate marketing without a comprehensive education that starts from the ground up.

Pros & Cons | Wealthy Affiliate Review 🎭

Pros Cons
Active and Supportive Community Inadequate for Experts
24/7 Customer Support Limited Website Control
Comprehensive Guide Emphasis on Self-Promotion
Suitable for Beginners and Experts

You Can Check These Wealthy Affiliate Alternatives 🔢

Matt Diggity offers a premium course called The Affiliate Lab. The aim of the course is to teach students everything they need to know about niche website growth, monetization, and flipping. Is the course up to par? To learn more, read our in-depth review. Pricing: Its programme costs $ 997. You can pay in two instalments of $ 597 ($ 1,194 total), you can do so.

It's a make-money-online product available on Clickbank, a popular online marketplace. The Commission Hero Pro presents itself as a plain, systematic mechanism that promotes digital products through Facebook's super social networking site. You will make your money from these advertisements. Pricing: You can choose between 1 payment  of $ 997 or 2 payments of $ 597, you can get complete access to Commission Hero that will be billed 30 days apart. It's worth noting that the 2-payment option would cost you $ 197 more for the same thing

The Super Affiliate System is a comprehensive curriculum that teaches you how to build active affiliate networks. At the same time, completing the curriculum and putting the techniques outlined in it to the test necessitates effort and application. Pricing: Normally, it costs $ 997. You can also pay $ 397 over three months to get the course.

Who Should Become a Wealthy Affiliate Member? 😁

The primary goal of every review, including this Wealthy Affiliate review, is to assist you in deciding whether or not to sign up for or buy anything.

To begin with, you can create a free account at Wealthy Affiliate. There’s no need for a credit card or anything like that. It’s open to giving it a shot.

However, Wealthy Affiliate isn’t for everybody, so let’s start with who it is for.  A wealthy affiliate is a fantastic place to start if you’re new to the industry.

While seasoned marketers may profit from a wealthy affiliate membership, the program is primarily designed for brands new to the market.

Furthermore, Wealthy Affiliate is not, and has never claimed to be, a get-rich-quick scheme.

You will learn how to create a trustworthy, legal online company that will make you a lot of money, but it will take a lot of time, commitment, determination, and help along the way, much like every other business.

Wealthy Affiliate is a fantastic position for you if you have reasonable goals, can learn from others who have achieved before you, and thus are willing to spend at least six months in the company before seeing any income at all.

Wealthy affiliate is also a great place to go if you want to get anything you need in one place.

All are in one spot, from market analysis resources to web construction tools to domain names, web hosting, website storage, site management, and much more.

These resources also come with complete step-by-step instructional videos and a support group to assist you if you get stuck.

If you don’t want to pay ten different corporations for the ten different services, you would need to run your company, and join Wealthy Affiliate to get everything you need in one location.

Wealthy Affiliate seems to have everything you’ll need to start and run a successful online company.

Who Shouldn’t Consider Wealthy Affiliates? 🚫

Wealthy Affiliate marketing can be avoided by those trying to make quick money. There are a plethora of “make money fast” e-books and courses available, and they’re all a rip-off (trust me).

Though Wealthy Affiliate is a legitimate company, they can never pretend to teach you how to make money quickly. It takes time to build an online legal company.

You can also avoid joining Wealthy Affiliate if you aren’t interested in the culture or social part. The ability to associate with other members is an essential aspect of a Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s a place where you can support and be helped. You would not be able to participate if you have no experience in creating a profile, answering questions, assisting others, talking in live chat sessions, or doing something else.

The Wealthy Affiliate market model emphasizes creating a lot of excellent content to draw search engine traffic. This means you’ll be writing almost every day while developing your company.

Affiliate marketing is time-consuming, and you can avoid it if you are unable or otherwise unable to write a lot of material. Being a writer would be your matrimony.

Finally, don’t sign up for the paid subscription if you’re just checking it out to see what affiliate marketing is all about. The free subscription is more than enough to give you a taste of what’s on offer.

Premium membership can only be reserved for people who are serious about starting their own company. There’s no need to waste your money if you’re not in it for the long run.

Wealthy Affiliate Customer Testimonials & Reviews 🥇

wealthy affiliate Scams and complaints

Wealthy Affiliate Review -Customer Review

More Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories & Case Studies 🏆

An HONEST Wealthy Affiliate Review (WealthyAffiliate.com) Updated
An HONEST Wealthy Affiliate Review (WealthyAffiliate.com) Updated

Here are some additional and RECENT Wealthy Affiliate success stories you can read about:

Wealthy Affiliates Scam – Did a Lawsuit Expose the Pyramid Scheme? 📑

People believe the Wealthy Affiliate is a fraud, a pyramid, among other types of misrepresentation. The fact is, it was Wealthy Affiliate who first found out about MOBE, took on the case, and won.

Wealthy Affiliate is not a fraud, and I am about to explain why. An exponential decline in the nonsense (work from home affiliate marketing, autopilot income from coffees when riding jet skis) is required.

Those statements are all affiliate-link-generated sales pitches with the expectation that you’ll pay for the premium subscription.

Is the community to blame for the Wealthy Affiliate pyramid talk?

Many that blindly endorse Wealthy Associate as good are, in reality, a part of the issue. Beware of the Wealthy Affiliate ratings that overlook the drawbacks.

There are many reports about Wealthy Affiliate University students that the information is obsolete, and in my Wealthy Affiliate independent analysis, you’ll find that information.

The WA substance operates from start to finish:

1. Making your blog

2. Affiliate marketing, also known as referral marketing

Wealthy Affiliate Lawsuits: Key Takeaways 🔑

I don’t believe that the Wealthy Affiliate lawsuit claims were surrounding the legitimacy of WA’s membership training.

This seems to point to Wealthy Affiliate fraud allegations, however. And, in this respect, I No, it is not a pyramid scheme or a fraud.

When things are not stable, we may follow other people or ideas. To be sure, a steady flow of favorable advertisements on Wealthy Affiliate will have a positive impact. Try it for free and see how you like it.

The free training will be your guide. No loss, no gain. The Wealthy Affiliate fraud allegations are based on a severe lack of knowledge about WA and affiliate marketing.

Those who expected to earn instant riches through affiliate marketing or those who had no affiliates enter without promotion would create these.

FAQs on Wealthy Affiliate Review

👉🏻What is the Wealthy Affiliate?

The Wealthy Affiliate is a program developed to help people earn online through affiliate marketing. The training focuses on key points that help a person to earn money by doing affiliate marketing. It teaches how to set up a website, creating landing pages and sales funnel, finding products to sell through affiliate links, paid advertising, etc. All on one package to help you learn affiliate marketing from the beginning.

👉🏻How much does the Wealthy Affiliate Program cost?

The course is offered for a monthly subscription of $49. The members are billed continuously. However, if someone opts to buy the course for an entire year, they are offered a discount.

👉🏻Where can I buy this course?

Search for it online and there are several affiliate links for this particular course. However, you can also choose to buy it directly from its website.

👉🏻Is the Wealthy Affiliate course for beginners?

Yes, the course is specially formulated for beginner affiliate marketers. Advanced level marketers may not find suitable material to enhance their knowledge of affiliate marketing.

👉🏻Is Wealthy Affiliate for everyone?

No, this course is not for everyone, only those truly interested in affiliate marketing should opt to invest in the wealthy affiliate program.

🔥Is Wealthy Affiliate a reputable company?

In the everyday context, Wealthy Affiliate is not a fraud. Wealthy Affiliate is entirely legitimate and offers a high-quality commodity.

🔥Is it possible to earn money from Wealthy Affiliate?

If you want to build a website promoting Wealthy Affiliate, you can make a living from it. Still, I strongly advise you to pursue the Wealthy Affiliate training and find a niche industry that you genuinely enjoy educating others about.

🔥Who controls Wealthy Affiliate?

It was created in 2005 by two Canadians, Carson and Kyle. Carson and Kyle were formerly very popular authors and web entrepreneurs.

🔥What is the aim of Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is an online educational program designed specifically for potential affiliate marketers. When you become a student, even though it is for free, you have access to various educational opportunities. It provides the necessary training, services, and software to assist you in starting your online company.

Other Popular Wealthy Affiliate Alternatives in 2024 📅

In Affiliate Marketing, the wealthy affiliate has long been recognized as one of the top programs and industry leaders.

1️⃣ Affiliate Lab By Matt Diggity #1 Wealthy Affiliate Alternative

When it comes to picking a niche, building a site, and then selling it for a profit, Matt Diggity walks you through the entire process. Furthermore, Matt’s training is based on current data, unlike WA, which is based on historical data.

You know, in the same way that Google is currently operating. This course is full of obsolete information, and some of it could get you in trouble with the FTC or Google!


You will learn everything you need to know about ranking and flipping affiliate websites, as well as search engine optimization and tried-and-true methods for constructing backlinks, in Affiliate Lab.

On-page and off-page SEO, as well as website flipping, were all addressed in this course’s dozens of video lessons.

In addition to more than 12 hours of content, the course comes with six pre-made templates and checklists for both on and off-page optimization. Furthermore, you’ll be able to join his own Facebook group.

Affiliate lab was founded by Matt Diggity, a self-described SEO specialist who makes all of his money from SEO and affiliate marketing.

He had a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering before beginning his career in search engine optimization. He obtained a job at a fledgling software company and learned a lot about digital marketing while working there.

After returning from the office, he began to experiment with new methods for ranking affiliate websites.

Finally, he started selling his partner’s websites and earned hundreds of thousands of dollars, allowing him to experience a new level of independence in his life.

Choosing The Affiliate Lab Over Wealthy Affiliate

Let me begin by giving you an honest explanation, and then I’ll go into more detail. The Lab provides more in-depth, actionable advise based on data rather than just surface-level information like WA does.

“Find your passion -> Build a site -> Help your audience -> Make Money” is what WA tells you to do.

The situation demands more than that. As a result of this, and WA’s affiliate marketing model is centered on prehistoric times, not today.

Here are a few of the most significant differences:

  • Matt and Jay are constantly testing new ideas to find out what works best and then sharing this information with their audience. Since when has WA been updated?
  • Step-by-step instructions can be found in the Lab. WA is nothing more than a strategizing bird’s eye view.
  • SEO in 2024 compared to SEO in 2013. Enough said.
  • Matt and Jay are still actively involved in affiliate marketing and provide up-to-date information on their progress. Even Kyle’s most recent websites date back to 2015.
  • Matt does not make you feel obligated to tell your relatives and friends about his course.
  • The Affiliate Lab has no voids. It’s a one-stop shop. To fill in knowledge gaps, WA students must read dozens of blog pieces or watch webinars.
    This is done on purpose to keep you in the subscription system and encourage you to promote WA, which is a simpler method to generate money.
  • As of 2024, the Affiliate Lab includes every aspect of affiliate marketing that WA is aware of, and then some.

Everything from the following to the following:

Affiliate Lab Facebook group Affiliate lab matt diggitty reviews courses

  • How to plan, structure, outline, and even outsource your content so that you can generate outstanding articles as well as fast scale your operation.
  • Matt and his business partner Jay have a lot of experience with keyword research. Their recursive kw module is top-notch.
    Rather than simply instructing, they demonstrate. When Jay is working on a new niche, you can practically watch him as he does it, so you know exactly how to accomplish it on your own niche site as well.
  • On-page: WA largely ignores this. The Lab teaches you all you need to know about optimizing your site for both Google and your readers, including how to speed up your site, optimize your URL, and much more.
  • You don’t even need links, according to WA. That is not the case. There are no penalties if you follow Matt’s advice on building true, natural links.
  • Additionally, you’ll gain access to a mastermind group, templates, and even a video on how to take snippets from customers and haggle with them (not mentioned in WA).

Who is The Affiliate Lab for?

  • Beginner SEOs ready to take a shortcut into advanced SEO practices
  • Advanced SEOs who want to polish up their SEO game and take it to the next level with tactical linking, debugging, and monetization strategies.
    If you read my blog, you’re familiar with me releasing new strategies never seen before. The Affiliate Lab contains strategies that are too valuable to release publicly.
  • SEOs that gave up. If you tried other methods and didn’t succeed, it’s because you had the wrong information. There’s no theory or guesswork in The Affiliate Lab, it’s all based on actual tests.
  •  Client SEOs looking to diversify into passive income through affiliate
  • Lone wolf SEOs that would like to join an advanced SEO community
  • Complete Newbies who have never built a website. They start from scratch.

The Affiliate Lab is the best course for building a successful specialty website in my opinion.

Flipping website in 5 figure

2️⃣ Authority Hacker’s The Authority Site System



The Authority Site System platform provides a plethora of tools and resources to aid in site development and research, as well as more than 70 training videos that walk you through the process of building a functional and profitable website.

Since 2013, it has been entirely suitable for both seasoned and novice affiliate marketers, and it focuses its energies on assisting its members in building high-authority affiliate sites.

Since the focus is on ethically creating high authority effective sites, Authority Site System has been featured by prominent names such as The Huffington Post and Hubspot.


Authority Hacker System Review Authority Hacker System


The course’s total cost is $2997, which is a one-time payment with no additional charges. For those who want to test the waters before jumping in, the Authority Site System provides a 30-day free trial with a money-back guarantee.

Authority Hacker Pro Pricing Plan

3️⃣ Savage Affiliates

Savage Affiliates Course


The affiliate marketing course known as Savage Affiliates 2.0 is designed in such a way that it helps you become an experienced affiliate revenue veteran by providing you with the appropriate training.

This course will show you how to develop your website assets such that they may generate passive money for you.

Affiliate marketing is a form of marketing in which individuals or businesses promote the products of another company in exchange for a commission.

You can make what is known as “passive income,” which is income that requires little to no work on your part when visitors to your website make a purchase from the firm whose items they discovered through clicking on your affiliate links.

You can become an internet marketer with the help of Franklin, who walks you through the procedure step by step.

In this 10-module course, you will study the fundamentals, which range from developing your own online asset that generates profits to utilizing a launch-jacking approach that draws in traffic.

After purchasing the course, you will be added to a closed group on the Savage Affiliates Facebook page.

This community will be able to assist you throughout each module of the training that totals more than 30 hours in length.

This is a comprehensive A to Z training curriculum that delves into nearly every aspect of affiliate marketing, getting down to the nitty-gritty.

SEO, paying traffic, free traffic, niche selection, and affiliate programs are among the topics covered in the program. That’s just the beginning. This course has an incredible amount of content packed into it.


Standard Plan – ($197)

Cost: $197 (one time); Normally $497.

What’s Included:

  • Over-the-shoulder affiliate training
  • Full niche research training using Franklin Hatchett’s methods
  • Complete website setup & training for building your website asset
  • Complete email mark
  • Marketing setup & training
  • Complete funnel setup & training
  • Complete ClickBank training & bonus funnels
  • Complete Amazon affiliate marketing training
  • Google SEO traffic mastery training
  • Paid traffic academy to explode predictable growth (includes discussions on Facebook ads, Google ads, and solo ads)
  • Organic traffic academy to explode organic growth
  • Private Facebook group with Franklin Hatchett & other members
  • Weekly videos, including Q&A sessions
  • Instant access & lifetime updates

Savage Affiliates Pricing

Super Pack Plan – ($297)

Cost: $297 (one time); Normally $697.

What’s Included: The Super Pack includes everything in the Standard Pack plus the following extra features:

  • Full step-by-step ClickFunnels affiliate academy
  • Franklin Hatchett’s secret done-for-you affiliate marketing funnel
  • Multiple ClickFunnels pre-made funnels
  • Launch jacking affiliate method blueprint
  • Web hosting affiliate method blueprint

4️⃣ Income School Project 24

The Project 24 SEO Course

Individuals of all skill levels can benefit from Project 24’s goal of teaching them how to become better Content Creators and Internet Entrepreneurs. Project 24 is a step-by-step process.

There are so many tiny things you have to remember and do right if you want a site to succeed, and while many courses share good tips, they leave you hanging by skipping over other important details.

You’ll pay $449 for a year’s worth of service with Project 24.

A step-by-step guide will lead you through everything you need to do in order to have a successful blog if this is your first time creating one.

Learn how to set up WordPress, install plugins, optimize your site for search engine optimization, and generate content that will consistently bring visitors to your site.

If you decide to keep going with the course (you can stop at any time), it will automatically renew for $249 for each additional year. They won’t abandon you after you enroll in this course.


$449 will allow you access to Project 24 for the whole year. Regularly, new and revised content is introduced.

Final Conclusion: Wealthy Affiliate Review 2024 📢

If you are still in doubt and are thinking about whether the Wealthy Affiliate program works, I do think it does. The course material provided is very comprehensive and it works for you.

What I meant is that it will not work if you don’t apply the lessons taught and the ideas shared. 

You will have to learn several concepts and apply them to your real life so as to make it work. I would recommend this course to people who are planning to start an affiliate marketing business and want to learn online.

Well, if affiliate links are something that bothers you, then they shouldn’t after all the owners are marketers.  

But, if you want to earn overnight, then it is not for you. Since it doesn’t teach you how to learn money instantly. Affiliate Marketing is a long process and requires a lot of effort to alleviate.

No matter if you learn it from the internet or from any e-learning platform. Once your website is trusted by Google bots, it will secure a good position on SERPs.

This Wealthy Affiliate review will help you decide, whether you should opt for the program ornot. Have you purchased Wealthy Affiliate, share your thoughts in the comments below.

Kashish Babber
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

12 User Reviews on Wealthy Affiliate

  1. When it comes to delivering on its promise, Wealthy Affiliate aces it. The course content focuses on arming you with the right training and strategies to start a business online. The combination of live webinars and videos along with text-based study materials makes the learning process more engaging. While these tools are useful for beginners, they also provide with the advanced features with help of modern tools!!

  2. The one thing that I really like about Wealthy Affiliate is that other hosting companies and affiliate marketing companies do not invest so much in the website owners’ internet marketing knowledge and success. Wealthy Affiliate hosts the website, and they provide the best affiliate marketing course on various ways site owners can be good affiliates for their company, and overall successful online.

  3. If you want to know how to make money online, there are many ways to do that. But, with that said, you need to find something that you can actually market to make money. You can use Wealthy Affiliate to get started.

    Wealthy Affiliate is an online instructional program designed specifically for latent affiliate marketers. When you become a student, even though it is for free, you have access to various educational opportunities.

  4. Wealthy Affiliate is easy too affordable at beginning. It’s helpful and has a active community. Moreover the tools provided are superb and programs are very beneficial.

  5. Wealthy Affiliate is a great tool out there. I’ve been using it and I like it because of these things:
    1.Make a move on actions quickly.
    2.Affordable and no upsells
    3.Incorporates the tools you need
    4.Week after week live online courses and updates

  6. I really love using Wealthy Affiliate. Its courses about everything related to starting a website or blog and a making money from it: from the very basics to the more advanced techniques.
    It aids in making you learn from the best in the industry and develop a business mindset that turns you into a successful entrepreneur!
    With such amazing things you must try it out!

  7. Wealthy Affiliate provides you with a simple and intuitive interface. The member dashboard is fairly straightforward and helps you easily navigate different parts of the platform.
    It also comes at a very affordable price.
    Wealthy Affiliate’s paid membership costs $49 per month. It gives you access to the full range of features, including educational resources, live chat, private messages, website builder, etc. The membership also covers the cost of website hosting and domain registration.
    What are you waiting for go and and check it out!

  8. If there is one aspect where Wealthy Affiliate is much better than its competitors, it is outstanding customer support. Being a community-driven platform, providing a seamless experience for members is integrated with its core principle.
    I simple love using Wealthy Affiliate and will surely recommend it!

  9. Wealthy Affiliate offers a straightforward and simple to utilize Content Management Platform, like WordPress.
    Its a stage to explore watchwords identified with your business.
    They have their own personal stage for facilitating sites.
    There are over 100 preparing modules to comprehend the ideas better and week by week classes.

  10. Whether you are a newbie to the online business world or an experienced blogger, I think Wealthy Affiliate can help you.
    It does not require any software/app download and installation required — everything is online just like Facebook or Gmail and you can access it from every available device: desktop/laptop, tablet and smartphone.
    The task-based lesson courses are awesome and they make you really want to get through them quickly to get closer to success.
    I’m absolutely to recommend this, it’ll will benefit you a lot!

  11. Wealthy Affiliate is the best spot seen for getting the entirety of the planning and gear you’ll at any point need in one spot. To wrap things up, you might need to evaluate the free enrollment first and see your opinion. I surmise that in case you’re significant about growing an online organization, you’ll be more than glad.

  12. This so such an informative article about wealthy affiliate platform. I agree it’s very helpful thing, but after while you are out of lessons and classes to learn :/

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