Push Monetization Review 2024: Push Notification Ad Network (Try It)

Push Monetization

Overall Verdict

Push Monetization is a platform for website owners to generate extra income by sending web push notifications. It's easy to integrate, customizable, and has global coverage. It also provides a referral system and 24/7 live chat support.

Out of 10


  • Additional Revenue Stream
  • Easy to integrate and set up
  • Global coverage
  • 24/7 live chat support
  • Referral system for earning commissions


  • May require balancing notification frequency to avoid user annoyance.


Price: $

Are you curious about Push Monetization and how it can help you earn money online?

Let’s thoroughly examine every aspect of the Push Monetization platform, starting from its basic functions to its advanced features.

Through this review, you will learn how it operates, the various tools it offers, and, most importantly, whether it fulfills its promise of helping you earn money.

I will also provide a balanced view by discussing its Pros and Cons. My aim is to provide you with a clear understanding of this platform so that you can make an informed decision about using it in your online ventures.

Push Monetization Review

Push Monetization Review 2024: Legit Push Notification Advertising Network

Push Monetization is a Push notification advertising network developed in 2017 that allows advertisers to send push notifications to their users and provides publishers with an additional revenue stream from it.

Push Monetization Review

Notifications by Push Monetization catch the user’s attention and keep the users happy and engaged to your brand and its services.

It allows users and subscribers to become potential customers with just one single click or tap on the screen.

Push Monetization: Features

Push Monetization holds benefits for both publishers and advertisers, who can take advantage of their amazingly efficient web push technology.

Signing up for Push Monetization is absolutely free, and the platform pays you every week on a NET 3 schedule.

features Push Monetization

1. Referral System:

This system allows you to refer other website administrators to Push Monetization. For every referral, you receive a lifetime commission of 5% on the profits generated from your earnings.

This is an ongoing benefit that adds to your revenue stream.

2. Leaderboard:

Engage in friendly competition by getting onto the Push Monetization leaderboard. Active participants have the opportunity to win various prizes and unique experiences, adding a fun and interactive aspect to the platform.

3. Custom Permission Prompts:

This feature enhances user experience by allowing you to customize the look and feel of your push notifications.

You can align the design, including colors and styles, with your website’s theme, ensuring a seamless and native feel for your users.

4. Ease of Use:

The platform is designed to be user-friendly, particularly for tracking and analytics.

You get access to a comprehensive dashboard that provides all necessary statistics and insights, making it easy to monitor and optimize your push notification strategy.

5. Global Coverage:

Push Monetization is equipped to monetize traffic from any geographic location.

This means that regardless of where your website’s traffic originates, there’s potential for revenue generation, including from less common or ‘obscure’ regions.

6. Live Chat Support:

The platform offers robust support through a 24/7 live chat service. This feature is particularly useful for immediate assistance with issues like site integration or queries before setting up, ensuring that help is always just a click away.

These features make Push Monetization a versatile and user-friendly platform for webmasters looking to monetize their websites through push notifications.

Benefits for Publishers and Advertisers:

For Publishers:

You, as a publisher and webmaster, can earn money from your website, blog, or other traffic sources.

1. Additional Revenue Stream

Use Push Monetization’s web push technology to bring in income from your website. The platform provides publishers with an additional way to earn more from their websites and stay profitable.

2. Unique Monetization

Push Monetization’s web push technology does not replace any of your current ad units and allows you to earn daily income in the background.

3. Easy Integration and Setup

The platform is user-friendly and easy to set up. If publishers encounter any issues during the integration process, Push Monetization’s dedicated team offers assistance every step of the way.

4. User Value Measurement:

Push Monetization enables publishers to ascertain the lifetime value of their users, helping to determine how much revenue each user generates over time.

For Advertisers:

Push Monetization For Advertisers

Get your message out to an extremely targeted audience.

1. Untapped Inventory

Advertisers can utilize Push Monetization’s efficient web push technology to reach an audience that might not be accessible through traditional digital marketing channels.

2. Targetable Audience

Push Monetization allows pushing notification targeting by country, city, state, connection type, carrier, ISP, device, browser, and many other categories.Β 

3. CPM Bidding

The platform sends only one notification to a single user per day. Your advertisers then bid against each other to get their message sent to your subscribers.

The winning bids are selected at midnight EST and are sent out the next day at the advertiser’s set time.

4. Affordable CPM

You only have to pay for the amount of traffic you want to target.

How Does Push Monetization Work?

Let's Get Started

1. Code Implementation: You start by placing a Push Monetization code snippet on your website.

2. User Opt-In: Visitors to your site are prompted to allow or block push notifications.

3. Subscriber Base: Users who click “Allow” become subscribers, enabling you to send them notifications.

4. Revenue Generation: Advertisers bid to have their messages sent to your subscriber base. More subscribers typically mean higher revenue potential.

5. Weekly Payments: The platform offers free signup and pays on a NET 3 schedule.

6. Direct Messaging: Beyond monetizing your subscriber base, you also have the option to directly send them alerts about new content, drive traffic to your other websites, or cross-promote material.

This model allows for both monetization through advertiser bids and direct engagement with your audience.

Follow the Steps to Know How It Works:

Step 1- Signup

PushMonetization offers a unique solution for making money from your traffic without interfering with your current web and mobile monetization methods.

Step 2- Install Script

After taking a few steps, you will receive some files that need to be placed in your root directory, along with some JavaScript code that must be added to your website.

You can customize your settings and parameters as per your requirements and preferences, and then you will be ready to use the service.

Step 3- Make Money

After adding the code to your website, our dashboard will display your top geographic locations within 12 hours. This information will help you increase your earnings on a daily basis.

They follow a NET-7 standard payment system, meaning that once you reach $50, you will be added to our payroll and receive payment every Tuesday.

Push Monetization- Supported Browsers:

An extremely important aspect to keep in mind before signing up with a push notification platform is to make sure that the platform supports the most popularly used web browsers, both on smartphones and on the desktop, to ensure maximum engagement anytime, anywhere.

Push Monetization- Supported Browsers

Push Monetization is fully compatible with the most popularly used web browsers as of 2018, including:

  • Chrome (Android & Desktop)
  • Safari (Android & Desktop)
  • Firefox (Desktop)
  • Opera (Android & Desktop)

Live inventory targeting

Push Monetization has been extremely successful in allowing publishers and advertisers to earn that extra share of revenue through push notifications. Their services have a massive global reach, covering more than 100+ countries.

As of December 2018, Push Monetization claims to have an average of 683,000,000+ monthly impressions so far, with the USA, India, Indonesia, and Brazil having the most impressions, together having over 20,000,000+ impressions per month.

Push Monetization- Customer Support

Push Monetization offers customer support primarily through email, assisting users with any issues they may encounter. Additionally, they have developed a comprehensive blog as a resource for users.

This blog contains a variety of articles and guides addressing basic and general problems that users might face.

Push Monetization user reviews

The blog is well-organized, with its content divided into six different categories, making it easy for users to find the information they need.

This dual approach to customer support, combining direct assistance with a self-help resource, ensures that users of Push Monetization have access to the necessary support to effectively use the platform.

Push Monetization: Pros and Cons


1. Effective for Driving Traffic:

Push notifications are excellent for driving traffic back to your website, as they encourage visitors to return.

2. Interest-Based Targeting:

Since users opt-in to receive notifications, it’s clear they have an interest in your content, making targeting more effective.

3. Non-Intrusive Notifications:

Users receive notifications even when not on the site, as long as their browser is running, which is less intrusive than other ad formats.

4. Easy Integration:

The integration of the push widget and other widgets into your website is straightforward.

5. One-Time Integration:

It requires just a one-time setup without the need for continuous updates.


1. User Permission Required:

Users must first allow the notifications, which can be a barrier to entry.

2. Notification Frequency Balance:

Sending too many notifications can annoy users, while too few can lead to users forgetting about your website.


πŸ“Š Can I track my earnings and performance?

Yes, the platform provides a dashboard for tracking all your statistics and earnings.

🎨 Can I customize the push notifications?

Absolutely! Customize the notifications to align with your website's style.

🌍 Is it available for all countries?

Yes, Push Monetization offers global coverage and monetizes traffic from any location.

πŸ”§ How easy is it to integrate Push Monetization?

The platform is designed for easy integration, with support available if you encounter any difficulties.

Quick Links

Conclusion: Push Monetization Review 2024

Wrapping up the chat about Push Monetization: it’s been pretty interesting to see what they offer with their push notifications and how they engage users.

I always find it cool to check out different ad networks, and Push Monetization has some neat stuff. Whether it’s the right choice for you depends on what you’re looking for.

Remember, picking the right tool for your online work is important. Think it over – maybe Push Monetization is just what you need to give your online presence a boost.Β 

Kashish Babber
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

Comments (2)

  1. Hello, Nice Article! I would like to introduce you to a free push notification service. Truepush is a globally free push notification tool to send unlimited push notifications for unlimited subscribers. The web push notification service is available for WordPress, API, and Shopify. It provides features like segmentation, triggers, RSS feed, simple notifications, campaign analysis, and more. You can also join the Truepush monetization plan to add additional revenue to websites using push ads.

  2. I’m using digitalpush.org mainly because of their free push service. They also offer a monetization feature which is quite good. Getting between $0.05 and $0.80 / click.

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