A New Alternative to Facebook and Google Ads for ACA? [The $45,000 Breakthrough]

Healthcare Pay-per-call offers can make a lot of money if you know how to handle them.

Many people use platforms like Facebook and Google to advertise these offers because they have a lot of users and offer tools like audience building and keyword targeting.

But there are challenges, too, like high competition and the risk of depending too much on one platform.

One solution to this risk is diversification, which means using different advertising methods. Push notifications are a good option for healthcare ads because they work similarly to Google ads and can reach people who are interested in finance, news, and other related topics.

It’s not very common to see healthcare ads on push notifications, which means there’s less competition. But running push ads can be tricky if you’re new to them.

One of their partners decided to try push notifications for their healthcare ads to reduce risk and expand their business. They started working with a company called Pushub in November 2023 to learn how to do it.

Now, let’s see how their campaign has been going up until April 2024. Then, you can decide if push notifications are a good alternative to Google and Facebook for healthcare ads.

Can Push Notifications Provide Google and Facebook with an Alternative to ACA Healthcare? [The 45,000$ Breakthrough]

Stage 1: November-December 2023 – Initial Challenges

  • Cost: $2,119.59
  • Conversions: 38
  • Avg CPA: $55.7

Pushub Dsp: 

Pushub Dsp

Advertiser tracking:

Advertiser tracking- Date

Advertiser tracking

Advertiser tracking Details- Stage 1 – Initial Challenges

Advertiser trackings

The partner liked that they could target specific days, hours, and states, which was crucial for their campaigns. Even with these specific targeting options, they were able to start scaling their campaigns.

To make things easier, the partner set up a way to track conversions on their platform. This helped them optimize their campaigns and gave their team important data to improve their account in the future.

The partner was experienced in their field and knew how to buy media on a cost-per-click basis. Their goal was to get an average cost per call of $30, but in November 2023, it was $57, and in December 2023, it improved to $45.

As the year ended and the partner’s attention shifted elsewhere, they decided to pause their campaigns and resume testing in 2024.

Stage 2: March 2024 – The Big Breakthrough

  • Cost: $19,902.47 (+950%)
  • Conversions: 760 (+1,900%)
  • Avg CPA: $26.18 (-113%)

Pushub Dsp:

Pushub Dsp- Stage 2

Advertiser Tracking:

Advertiser Tracking Date- Stage 2

Advertiser Tracking - Stage 2

Advertiser Trackings - Stage 2

Advertiser Tracking Details- Stage 2

Advertiser Tracking Case Study- Stage 2

In February 2024, Pushub’s Success Team contacted the advertiser and shared three important points:

  • There’s potential for success, as even when working independently, the average cost per acquisition (CPA) showed improvement.
  • With the right plan, tools, practices, and communication, the advertiser could achieve much better results.
  • More testing is needed, including trying different offers, sales funnels, ad creatives, and landing pages.
  • The Pushub team suggested starting a new test, beginning with managed service and then transitioning to agency service during the month.

The audience on Push Notifications aligns more with ACA Healthcare because it includes a wide range of ages and many people from low-income and subprime financial backgrounds. They understood the low-income aspect from their success with financial aid, subprime loans, and debt offers.

Creatives and landing pages

The Pushub Success Team changed their approach to the creatives used for ACA Healthcare campaigns. They focused on addressing the financial difficulties the audience might face, showing them that solutions were available through healthcare.

The creatives included texts like “You may be entitled to a subsidy card worth up to XXXX$” and images illustrating the benefits and subsidies available. Landing pages followed a similar theme.

To ensure they were reaching the right audience, the landing pages included questions about age, yearly income, and current healthcare coverage.

This helped qualify only those who were more likely to be eligible for ACA Healthcare before providing them with a phone number to call.

For testing purposes and to keep the creatives fresh, the Pushub Success Team used around 20 different creatives and rotated them. They also advised the partner to create multiple landing pages with similar themes to diversify and avoid creative exhaustion.

Blacklists & Whitelists

The Pushub Success Team set up a White List (WL) and Black List (BL) customized for this particular offer. These lists help to quickly stop sources of traffic that aren’t working well and boost bids on sources that are making a profit.

Dynamically changing Bids & CPA Goal management When the partner moved from Managed service to Agency service, they allowed the Pushub team to optimize the campaign for them, which opened up new opportunities.

The Pushub team has a unique perspective because they have years of performance data across different industries, a deep understanding of the platform’s capabilities, and knowledge of traffic sources over several years.

The next step was to manage the most important part of the campaign setup – the cost per click (CPC) bid.

The Success Team had all the necessary data, including the CPC of each traffic source, the win rate of all sources (which shows additional volume potential), and the advertiser’s CPA goal (which serves as a revenue benchmark).

They increased bids where there was a low win rate (meaning more volume potential), and the CPA goal was equal to or below the goal. This strategy helped them get more volume while maintaining enough margin.

On the other hand, they decreased bids in cases where the CPA goal was high to avoid losing placements and overspending.

Bottom line: Continuously testing different versions of ads in Push Notifications is really important for success. To make sure everything is working well, you need to adjust things like which sources you’re using and how much you’re bidding on them. You could try to do all of this by yourself, but with the Agency service and the Pushub Success Team helping out, it’s a lot easier and more efficient.

Stage 3: April 2024 – Additional Growth

  • Cost: $23,705.22 (+19%)
  • Conversions: 975 (+28%)
  • Avg CPA: $24.31 (-7%)

Pushub Dsp: 

Pushub Dsp- Stage 3

Advertiser Tracking:

Advertiser Tracking Date- Stage 3

Advertiser Tracking- Stage 3

Advertiser Trackings- Stage 3

Advertiser Tracking Details- Stage 3

Their expansion and growth continued, using more sophisticated targeting and resources as they gained a few weeks’ worth of positive data.

User Age-targeting campaigns

User age refers to the time since a user subscribed to push notifications.

Different ages of users show different performance trends, with the best results typically seen in the first few days (“fresh users”) and sometimes improving even more after 1-2 weeks.

To make the most of this, you need to set up campaigns that target different user ages. This means having reports that show how much it costs to acquire a customer for each user age group and then adjusting your bids accordingly.

Setting up these campaigns and managing them efficiently requires an agency account. This allows the Pushub Success Team to create specific campaigns for different user age groups and adjust bids as needed to target the most profitable groups.

It’s important to note that user age-targeted campaigns are not meant to replace broader campaigns (like RON and BL campaigns), which are essential for media buying and scalability.

Instead, they act as a way to boost revenue and return on investment (ROI) by targeting specific user age groups that perform well.

AI Optimization

Having a success manager who knows their stuff and can oversee setup and optimization really made a big difference. But even they have limitations – they’re human, after all, with only so much time, memory, and brainpower.

That’s where AI comes in. They took the main optimization tasks that a human would do, like adjusting bids and managing white and black lists, and made them automatic, quick, and accurate.

But it’s not just about automation – They also used AI for learning. They taught their AI engine by giving it lots of data: five years’ worth of performance reports, manual optimization techniques, and industry-specific knowledge about the types of ads they work with.

Final Stage – Overview

Final Stage – Overview

  • Total Cost: $45,727.28
  • Total Conversions: 1,773
  • Total Avg CPA: $25.79

This case study ends on a positive note: starting from a rough start, pivoting to make a profit, and then focusing on growing and improving the main return on investment (ROI) metrics by using data, tools, and best practices.

However, the question remains: Will both the advertiser and Pushub continue to thrive in the long term? Only time will tell, as we’re just a few weeks in.

However, judging by what the advertiser has said – reporting another improvement in average cost per acquisition (CPA) and requesting to increase spending – things are looking good so far.

Final Stage – Results

Bottom Line:

While Push Notifications show promise as an option for ACA Healthcare campaigns, it might not be time to shut down your Facebook and Google accounts just yet.

However, neglecting additional formats like Push means missing out on potential revenue and letting others take advantage of opportunities you’re leaving on the table.

Jitendra Vaswani
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded Digiexe.com, a digital marketing agency, and Bytegain.com, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

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