Jungle Scout vs AMZScout 2024: 🚀 Which is Best ? (#1 Pick)


Jungle Scout

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$ Pricing
$19 per month $49.87 per month
Best for

Jungle Scout is a best tool for keyword research to find best products and services on Amazon.

AMZScout is a product research tool for Amazon Seller which help you to find profitable products to sell online.

  • Ease Of Use
  • Support
  • Pricing
  • Rank Tracker
  • Keyword Research
  • Reliable
  • Features
  • Product Research Tool
  • Ease Of Use
  • Support
  • Navigating through the site is easy.
  • Contacting manufacturers is easy.
  • 14-days money-back guarantee.
  • Gives a more analytical approach to researched data.
  • The courses offered are very insightful.
  • Website design is user friendly and navigation is easy.
  • 7-day money-back guarantee.
  • The product database is huge and offers various opportunity
  • Sometimes the software can become a bit complicated for a ne
  • Auto-renewal policy can be quite frustrating.
  • Fewer features offered as compared to Jungle Scout.
  • Video courses are focused on beginners.
Ease of Use

Easy to use

Easy to use

Value For Money

Jungle Scout is totally worth your money because it helps you to boost your sale and it cheaper than AMZScout.

AMZScout is also the best Amazon Seller bundle that helps you to find the best product, but it is a little bit expensive.

Customer Support

The Jungle Scout team is always available to answer any questions you have, and they are very responsive when it comes to providing feedback or ideas for new features.

AMZScout's customer service team is the perfect mix of confident and helpful, always ensuring you're satisfied.

Amazon FBA services are gaining more popularity as more businesses are now shifting to online platforms. Amazon, being one of the biggest online platforms,  provides various opportunities to its businessmen to launch and start a new business in a very short period.

Succeeding on Amazon would not only be a good achievement but also increase your income by many folds, and this is where various Amazon tools come into the picture for you. 

What are these tools, and how do they help you? 

These are product research and finder tools designed specifically to help you grow your online business.

What is the best Amazon FBA tool for you?

Both platforms can help you organize and run your Amazon business, but there are some key differences and similarities to consider before making a final decision.

In this article, I will compare Jungle Scout vs AMZScout side-by-side.

🚀Bottom Line Upfront

AMZScout and Jungle Scout are both great ways to learn about products on Amazon, but AMZScout is more user-friendly and less expensive. However, the fact that Jungle Scout offers more functionalities than its competitors may be the deciding factor for your business.

If you’re a first-time seller on Amazon and want to make a good impression, AMZScout is a great tool to use. Experienced sellers, however, who want a solution that covers a wider range of needs, may find it worthwhile to pull out their credit cards and give Jungle Scout a try.

Jungle Scout vs AMZScout

Jungle Scout vs AMZScout 2024

The two most popular Amazon FBA tools are AMZScout and Jungle Scout. Both, being the most used, are often confused to be alternatives for one other. 

In this blog, I’ll tell you more about these two tools in particular and help you choose which is the best tool for you! 

Feature/Aspect AMZScout Jungle Scout
Pricing PRO Extension: $259 per year

Seller’s Bundle: $379 per year

– Basic: $29 per month

– Suite: $49 per month

– Professional: $84 per month

Data Accuracy Self-reported accuracy of 74% Self-reported accuracy of 84.1%
Key Features – Private label and reselling score

– Niche score

– 520 million listings

– Weekly Trend Report

– Keyword Tracker

– Opportunity score

– Works with Firefox

– 475 million listings

– Opportunity Finder

– Rank Tracker

– Jungle Scout Academy

Support and Resources – “Getting Started” course

– Amazon Seller Masterclass

– Jungle Scout Academy

– Tool Tip Tuesdays

User Experience Focus on product research, simpler and easier to use More comprehensive, requires credit card for trial
Customer Ratings – 4.7/5 stars on Trustpilot

– 4.8/5 stars on G2

– 4.7/5 stars on Trustpilot

– 4.6/5 stars on G2

Overall Suitability Better for new sellers, focus on product research Better for seasoned sellers, more comprehensive features

About Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is one of the most popular and used product research and finder tools on Amazon.

 Jungle Scout vs AMZScout - Jungle_scout

With its great products and solutions, Jungle Scout helps you throughout your seller journey.

Whether you are just a beginner, have your business, and want to grow it, or you are a brand and want to explore brand and agency solutions, Jungle Scout provides solutions to help you in any part of your journey.

About AMZScout

AMZScout is a part of the Amazon sellers bundle. It is a tool made especially for Amazon sellers to help sellers find the best product. 

 Jungle Scout vs AMZScout - AMZScout

AmzScout also has amazing features that help you find the best Amazon product that will, in return, increase your income by $3000 per month or more! The main highlights of AMZScout are its Pro Extension, Product Database, and Keyword Tracker.

Features Comparison: Jungle Scout vs AMZScout

Let us have a look at the features offered by Jungle Scout and AMZScout. The main features are the product database, product finder, extensions, etc. I’ll tell you about the best features in detail.

1) Jungle Scout vs AMZScout – Product Database

What is a Product Database?

Product Database is a collection of data about all products that exist on Amazon. It is a collective Database containing all the required data in a single place. Both Jungle Scout and AMZScout have their product database that contains all the information about the desired product. 

Jungle_scout_ reach

  • Jungle Scout Product Database

The Jungle Scout Product Database contains over 70 million products directly from the Amazon Catalog.

Jungle Scout Product Database

How to use the Jungle Scout Product Database: 

  • Product research

Taking the first step has always been the most important decision for all of us. Before deciding on any product,  product research should be carried out to find out the best product.

To help you with this, the product database of Jungle Scout offers you pre-set filters to generate great ideas and identify products with greater potential. You can filter the products by categories like estimated sales, sales rank, revenue, etc, to help you find more profitable products very quickly.

  • Filters 

Once you apply different filters to your search, the results are a more narrowed-down list of products.

Jungle_Scout - Filter

Jungle Scout provides you with comprehensive data filters that help you be creative while doing your product research. You will easily come to know if your product has high ratings, competition, type of listing, etc. This type of detailed knowledge will help you find the winning product for you.

  • Fees 

Jungle_Scout- Fees

The next step after finding out about your product through research is the fees associated with the product.

You have to keep track of the overhead costs, and you have the FBA Profit Calculator for this purpose.  With this calculation, you can easily choose what type of product you have to invest in and which product will give you more success. 

 AMZScout Product Database

The Product Database of AMZScout helps you build the best product and earn a sustainable income of $10,000 per month on Amazon. This product database helps you brainstorm your ideas, spy on your competitors, and discover the keywords that would be more profitable for you. 


How to use the AMZScout Product Database?

Using the AMZScout Database is very easy. You can simply follow these three steps to get a hang of it.

  • Brainstorming new product ideas

AMZScout has 44 advanced filters to give you a great search experience. You can easily find out what’s trending and look for the most successful niches and product ideas using these filters. Choosing the most successful products is definitely going to help you make more money and become a successful seller on Amazon.

Product Idea

  • Find Profitable Ideas

After finding the best niche and product ideas for you, the next step is finding the most profitable products. For this very purpose, you would need to find out a product’s average price, average rank, and also its rating. You would need to find these parameters and check them over regular intervals to ensure more consistent results.

Profitable Product

  • Discover the best Keywords.

Until now, I have discovered new product ideas and niches, checked their costs, and estimated our profitability. So, what next? The next step would now be to discover the best keywords. Using the most appropriate keywords would definitely help you to succeed in your business and achieve greater heights.

Best Keyword

2) Jungle Scout vs AMZScout- Keyword Finder

Keywords play an important role in making your product visible to your target customer. Hence, choosing the correct keywords for your products is very important for higher sales and the overall success of your business.

JungleScout andAMZScout both have their respective keyword research tools. The keyword tool of Jungle Scout is called the Keyword Scout, whereas that of AMZScout is called the Keyword Tracker.

Jungle Scout Keyword Scout

Keyword Scout is the tool used for analyzing and finding the appropriate keywords on Jungle Scout. It will easily help you find high-quality keywords and their search volume and also give insights into their PPC bids. With the keyword scout, you can 

Keyword Scout

  • Discover high-quality keywords: This feature helps you find the most appropriate keyword from millions of keywords present on the Amazon database.

For example: If you search for the keyword Shears, the related keywords like kitchen scissors, herb scissors, garden shears, etc will appear on your screen telling you exactly the number of times a particular keyword has appeared in searches.

  • Research Global Market Places: Different regions of the word have different terminologies, and hence, the keywords used throughout might not be the same or have the same density. Hence, to resolve this issue, Keyword Scout helps you research marketplaces so that you can use the appropriate keywords to target audiences from specific regions. This feature wasn’t previously available for Canada and Mexico, but now it has been made available in these countries as well.

For example, For the same keyword, Shears, the keyword density in the US is just 3715 searches, while there are 4190 searches in the UK.

  • Historic search volume: the keyword scout also lets you discover how a particular keyword has been performing over the years. You can easily use this feature to see the product’s success and discover how much time the popularity of the product lasted. This tool will immensely help you organize different PPC campaigns, and you will also get some ideas regarding areas of investment.

For example, you can see the graph of the Number of searches vs the period in the historic search volume. It shows the search volume of a product for nearly two years.

  • Competitive Intelligence: The Keyword Scout also provides competitive analysis for the keywords in a very detailed manner. This competitive intelligence helps you have a profound knowledge of the types of keywords your competitors are using and their PPC bid values.

For example, You can see the Competitive analysis for the term scissors. In this, the number of exact searches, along with Giveaways and HSA PPC bid values, is also shown.

AMZScout Keyword Tracker

Using the AMZScout keyword teacher, you can get the whole picture of your competitor’s performance. You can find out the types of keywords your competitor is using and also monitor the outcome from those specific keywords.

_AMZScout_ KeyWord Tracker

You can use the AMZScout keyword rank tracker for the following purposes:

  • Keyword ranking position

You can easily monitor the keyword ranking of any product if you have its ASIN. ASIN is the Amazon Standard 10-digit Identification Number with which the process of tracking a particular product becomes really easy.

AMZScout - KeyWord Position

  • Segregate the rankings

You can break down the keyword ranking according to your preference. Breaking down the keyword in a page-by-page manner is a very effective method as not only does this give a better form of representing our data, but it also helps us look at more information at a single glance.

AMZScout - Segregate Ranking

  • Visualize the changes

You can visualize the keyword position in graphical forms. This is a very easy creative method as graphical representation simply does the whole understanding process, and you can very well decipher whether your product is doing good or bad. 

AMZScout - Visualize Change

  • Track the performance of your keywords.

You can track the performance of your keywords for up to 24 hours, and this keyword tracker also supports 8 different Amazon markets. You also have tracking options available after regular time intervals.

For example, you can track your product every hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, and even every 24 hours and get your performance reports.

AMZScout - Keyword Performance

3) Jungle Scout vs AMZScout- Extensions

Extensions for any web application are used for easy access and to provide results at a single glance. Jungle Scot and AMZScout have their respective Chrome extensions along with web applications.

Let us have a look at their extensions. Helium 10 is also the best competitor of both and provides lots of extra features. You can check the detailed Helium 10 Review.

Jungle Scout Extension

Jungle_Scout - Extenstion

Jungle Scout Extension comes with some amazing features. Let us have a look at them.

Sales Analytics

Seamless integration- You can have all the data you need on a particular in no time using the extension. You can get real-time competitive data, sales estimates, and profit projections, too, based on your browsing history.

Product Tracker

Historical analysis- You can easily do the historical analysis of all your data through the extension. Here, the historical analysis will be visible through graphical methods and give you insights into investing in a particular product. Their AccuSales™ algorithm analyses very large data in no time. 

Opportunity score- Opportunity score helps you determine the demand, competition, and listing of any product very easily, and based on these parameters, it generates an opportunity score so that you can quickly validate any data with ease.

Products Alerts

Bulk review request- You can easily send requests to your fellow customers to get product reviews from them. This feature is amazing as you can get product reviews from eligible customers with only one click.

 AMZScout Pro Extension

AMZScout - Extension

You can use the AMZScout Pro Extension to

  • Find winning products- Your search just gets much easier as compared to before when you use the pro extension of AMZScout. You can easily find profitable items that will increase your profits and grow your business.
  • Validate ideas- You can find out the demand for any product and find out the competition you will have to face for it. This will help you choose the best product, and you will be able to validate your ideas accordingly.
  • Get extensive data- The pro extension offers you very extensive data for every Amazon product. You can get the sales estimates, reviews, and costs and determine what is selling and what is not performing well in the market.

Jungle Scout vs AMZScout: Pricing

Pricing has always been an important parameter for me when deciding on any tool. Hence, while deciding the best tools, comparing their prices is a must.

Jungle Scout: Pricing

How much do you have to pay to use the Jungle Scout Web App?

You can use all the Jungle Scout web application features at just $39 per month and $468 when billed annually. 

How much do you have to pay to use the Jungle Scout Extension?

JungleScout vs AMZScout - Pricing

Jungle Scout Extension– You can use the Jungle Scout extension for $19 per month and $228 when billed annually. The features you would get access to would be: 

Chrome Extension, Opportunity Score, 

Product Database- 20 searches, 

Product Tracker- 3 products, 

Supplier Database- 20 searches,

Keyword Scout 20 searches,


AccuSales Estimates, and

Customer Support.  

Jungle Scout and Extension– If you wish to use both the web application and extension, then this can be done at the cost of only $49 per month and $588 when billed annually. 

I prefer using Jungle Scout and extension together since this would give me access to all the features at a single cost.

Save up to $240 Off. 

AMZScout: Pricing

How much do you have to pay to use the AMZScout Web App?

AMZScout- Pricing Plan

The AMZScout web application costs $49.87 per month, and it would cost you $299 per year when billed annually.

How much do you have to pay to use AMZScout Pro Extension?

The pricing for AMZScout Pro Extension is as stated below. You can get the Pro extension for a year at the cost of $14.9 per month, i.e., $179 when billed annually.

You can get the Amazon Seller’s Bunde at $24.9 per month, which would be $299 when billed annually.

Jungle Scout vs AMZScout: Free trial

Does Jungle Scout offer a free trial?

Jungle Scout doesn’t have any free trial options, but it does give a 14-day money-back guarantee. If you decide to cancel your subscription within these 14 days, you can get a refund very easily by getting in touch with their support team. The best thing is you can use all the amazing Jungle Scout features within these 14 days.

Does AMZScout offer a free trial?

AMZScout doesn’t offer you any free trial, but you can use its pro version for free along with its web application for 7 days. Yes, AMZScout offers you a & 30-day money-back guarantee, during which you can easily explore all its amazing features. AMZScout offers you some exciting free tools like Stock Stats, Sales estimator, etc, which you can use anytime you want to.

Jungle Scout vs AMZScout: Support

They both have great help centers that provide 24/7 support for all their users. The great FAQ sections directly direct you to troubleshoot your minor issues on your own, but if you have any major problems, you can directly contact their support team.

Jungle Scout vs AMZScout: Resources

Jungle Scout Resources: Jungle Scout has various resources for its users. Many of these resources are very helpful in staying updated with the current trends. These resources include resources like:

Jungle_Scout - Free Resourse

  • Blog– these blogs are updated frequently and are very informative regarding the current trends and changes in the business world, including Amazon.
  • Amazon FBA News– This news keeps you updated with all the happenings in Amazon FBA.
  • Beginner’s Guide- This guide is specially designed to help beginners launch and start their own businesses and is very helpful indeed.
  • E-Books & Guides- There are various E-books and guides available to everyone. 
  • Success Stories-You can also read about the success stories of other people in the resources column. These stories help overcome obstacles and provide insights into successful businesses that flourished on Amazon.

Some other resources available on Jungle Scout are:

  • Webinars
  • Estimator Tool
  • Podcast
  • Amazon Seller Data
  • Jungle Scout Market
  • Million Dollar Case Study

AMZScout Resources

AMZScout contains various resources like webinars, blogs, courses, testimonials, etc., for their users so that they can make the maximum use of them and maximize their profits. Let us take a look at each of these resources.

AMZScout - Resourse

  • Webinars- webinars on various topics have been uploaded in the resources section and are easily accessible to everyone. You get to learn a lot of things from these webinars in very little time.
  • Blog- AMZScout’s blogs are also amazing and up-to-date. These blogs on various topics keep you informed and provide informative steps for your success.
  • Courses- AMZScout offers Various courses for its users. They have made a lot of data available through courses, so the learning process has become easier.
  • Testimonials- The best resource offered is the testimonials from its users. These testimonials give real-life stories and offer great insights into the success of the products. These testimonials help you to stay focused and dedicated to the success of your products.

Jungle Scout vs AMZScout: Pros And Cons

Jungle Scout Pros:

  • You can do your product research easily as more features help you simplify your research task.
  • Contacting manufacturers is easy.
  • Gives a more analytical approach to researched data.
  • Navigating through the site is easy. 
  • 14-day money-back guarantee.

Jungle Scout Cons:

  • Sometimes, the software can become a bit complicated for a new user.
  • An auto-renewal policy can be quite frustrating.

AMZScout Pros:

  • The product database is huge and offers various opportunities to explore new products.
  • Website design is user-friendly, and navigation is easy. 
  • The courses offered are very insightful.
  • 7-day money-back guarantee.

AMZScout Cons:

  • Fewer features are offered as compared to Jungle Scout.
  • Video courses are focused on beginners.

Jungle Scout vs AMZScout: The Main Differences

The major difference between Jungle Scout and AMZScout can be spotted in the number of users and features offered.

  • A number of users- AMZScout has over 2,50,000 users, whereas Jungle Scout has over 4,00,000+ entrepreneurs using it for their successful business on Amazon.
  • Number of Features- The number of features offered can also be a distinctive point as Jungle Scout has over 
  • The number of resources- Though AMZScout has some wonderful resources, Jungle Scout offers more resources to its users.
  • Speed- While comparing the two, we can say that the speed of AMZScout is a bit less than that of Jungle Scout.

The above-stated are the main differences between AMZScout and Jungle Scout.

Is AMZScout an alternative to Jungle Scout?

AMZScout and Jungle Scout have some common features, which often lead the users to confusion about one of them being an alternative to the other. I have often been asked this question if Jungle Scout could be substituted with AMZScout.

To answer this question in simple terms, I would just say that you can’t easily find a Substitute for Jungle Scout. The number of resources Jungle Scout provides is amazing, and all the features just take the whole user experience to a completely different level.

So, the answer to the above question would be a big No. AMZScout and Jungle Scout are two different tools, and one cannot be an alternative to the other.

How We Evaluate

The evaluation of Jungle Scout vs. AMZScout involves several key factors to determine which tool is more effective for Amazon sellers. Here’s an overview of the criteria used in the evaluation:

  • Cost: This involves comparing the pricing structures of both tools. It’s important to assess not just the price but also the value offered at each price point. This includes looking at different plans, such as monthly and annual subscriptions, and what features are included in each plan.
  • Data Accuracy: Since both tools provide market and product data, their accuracy is crucial. This involves assessing how closely the data reflects actual market conditions on Amazon. It’s important to note that no tool can guarantee 100% accuracy due to Amazon’s constantly changing algorithms and the lack of direct data sharing from Amazon.
  • Features: This criterion examines the range and utility of features offered by each tool. It includes product research capabilities, keyword research and tracking tools, database size and quality, and any additional features like inventory management, trend reporting, and sales estimations.
  • Support and Additional Resources: This factor evaluates the level of customer support and the availability of educational resources provided by each tool. It includes the availability of tutorials, webinars, courses, and customer service responsiveness.
  • User Experience: This involves assessing the ease of use of each tool, including the interface design, navigation, and overall user-friendliness. The tool needs to be accessible to both new and experienced sellers.
  • Customer Ratings: Customer reviews and ratings from trusted platforms like Trustpilot and G2 are considered to gauge user satisfaction and the tool’s reputation in the market.

By evaluating Jungle Scout and AMZScout across these factors, users can make an informed decision about which tool better suits their needs, whether they are new to Amazon selling or are experienced sellers looking for a comprehensive solution.

Customer Reviews & Testimonials

Jungle Scout has got thousands of positive customer reviews and testimonials. Let’s check some of the reviews they have got on Trustpilot and other platforms.

Jungle Scout Reviews


I have been using it for a few days now. It’s great, and the courses are great. I will get back to you in 3 months.
Using it for a few days now. It’s great, and the courses are great. I will get back to you in 3 months to show my results. It is just the beginning. – Yesenia Gonzalez, US, is a great tool and an asset to have by your side if you are an FBA. It is easy to get into, and it can scale to a complex tool with all the information you may need. – Leandro

What a pleasure working with Jungle Scout. I have been looking into working with Jungle Scout as I begin my journey as an Amazon Seller. Before subscribing, I reviewed so much material that is incredibly available at no charge. In addition, my questions were answered accurately and in great detail. Thank you, Jungle Scout! – Andrew, US

Credit – Trustpilot


Let’s check some of the customer reviews from Facebook.

Customer Reviews & Testimonials

As of now, I’m sure you have ideas like what Jungle Scout is capable of and how it helps Amazon Sellers to make their business profitable.

Jungle Scout Customer Success Stories

These Amazon sellers tried multi-level marketing, and it just didn’t work out. Launching on Amazon was the key to helping them leave their jobs and travel six months out of the year.-  Ari and Chelsea Cohen

Just three years out of college, he went from working at Facebook – a dream job for many people – to owning his own Amazon business.- Kevin David

“It’s because we kept pushing and kept working on our Amazon business that we were able to recover from that very tragic event in our lives,” said Kristin Ostrander.

“Jungle Scout is the ONE tool I cannot live without. A must-have tool for any Amazon seller!” –
Scott Voelker

“Jungle Scout is how I started all of my product research. It saves my team and me countless hours each and every month. Honestly, I don’t know what we did without it!” – Kevin Rizer.

“My team loves Jungle Scout as it is the best Amazon software out there. I love Jungle Scout’s creator, Greg Mercer. He has a teacher’s heart. He doesn’t just create a tool. He educates his users all about succeeding on Amazon and using Amazon as a tool for personal success” – Robert Kiyosaki.

Jungle Scout on Social Media

Jungle Scout Facebook

Jungle Scout Facebook

Jungle Scout Twitter

AMZScout Customer Reviews & Testimonials

AMZScout Review With Discount Coupon

AMZScout - Testimonials

AmzScout on Social Media

AmazScout Facebook

AMZScout Facebook

AmzScout Twitter

FAQs On Jungle Scout vs AMZScout

👉🏻 Does AMZScout Web application and extension work with any browser?.

AMZScout web application works with any browser, but the extension can be added to Chrome only.

👉🏻 Is it compulsory to have an Amazon account to use AMZScout?

No, it isn’t compulsory to have an Amazon account. You can use the AMZscout tools without having an account on Amazon.

👉🏻 Does Jungle Scout have a Money-back guarantee?

Yes, Jungle Scout offers a 14-day money-back guarantee.

👉🏻How to install Jungle Scout chrome extension?

Steps to install jungle scout extension- Log in to your account Choose the extension menu from the tools option. Click on download now. Add to Chrome Add extension. You will get a confirmation message once the extension is successfully added.

👉🏻What is the difference between AMZScout and Jungle Scout?

Numbers don't lie. Unlike other Amazon seller platforms, Jungle Scout has a 47% higher accuracy rate than its competitors and is now the market leader in data-driven research for new items to sell on Amazon.

👉🏻How accurate is AMZScout?

AMZScout is the most trustworthy tool I have found when looking for new products to sell. You can't go wrong with it if you're only selling less than thirty items a month. Suppose your sales are higher and require more accurate data. In that case, this might not be the best option depending on what other features you want from them because they may not provide that level of accuracy in those cases too.

👉🏻 Is there anything better than Jungle Scout?

Helium 10 is the perfect tool for Amazon sellers looking to get a leg up on their competition. With dozens of tools included in this comprehensive package, such as Niche Hunter and Product Tracker, you will have all the information you need at your fingertips.

👉🏻 Is there anything better than Jungle Scout?

Helium 10 is the perfect tool for Amazon sellers looking to get a leg up on their competition. With dozens of tools included in this comprehensive package, such as Niche Hunter and Product Tracker, you will have all the information you need at your fingertips.

Quick Links:

Conclusion: Jungle Scout vs AMZScout 2024

In the world of Amazon product research, AMZScout narrowly clinches the title as the top pick. It’s a great choice for newbies embarking on their first Amazon business, providing just the appropriate tools to get them started.

On the other hand, experienced sellers looking for a more comprehensive toolkit may find Jungle Scout to be their go-to solution, well worth the money for its greater variety of capabilities.

In short, AMZScout is the best place to start for newcomers, while Jungle Scout is the secret weapon for experienced players.

Leana Thorne
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

As a seasoned professional, Leana Thorne brings 10 years of editorial experience and creative directing skills to her role as Marketing & Branded Content Editor at BloggersIdeas. She is an expert in visual storytelling, digital content strategy and crafting high-conversion copy for campaigns across various digital media platforms – all with the goal of raising creativity while maintaining brand consistency. Beyond that, she has made it a mission to share knowledge about search marketing practices through global conferences and seminars on topics such as International Search Marketing Strategies; In-House SEO; Social Media Techniques; Enterprise SEO - always demonstrating an unshakeable interest in online search optimization efforts.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

9 thoughts on “Jungle Scout vs AMZScout 2024: 🚀 Which is Best...”

  1. If you’re looking for a tool to help with your product research, AMZScout is a decent option. It’s got a good database of products, and the FBA fees calculator and trainings can be helpful in finding winning products and building a strong foundation for your store. However, it’s not the best option out there, and I’d give it a 5/10 overall.

  2. Jungle Scout is here to help! As the leading all-in-one platform for Amazon sellers, we provide you with the tools, features, and data you need to make informed decisions and take your business to new heights.

  3. Don’t waste your time with AMZScout. The customer service is terrible and the tool itself is buggy and unreliable. Save yourself the headache and go with a different product research tool.

  4. Jungle Scout offers unparalleled data accuracy, you’ll be able to make the most informed decisions about your business.

  5. Jungle Scout is the most accurate business management platform for Amazon. It has been trusted by sellers for over a decade to give them an edge in their data aggregation and analysis.

  6. I’ve been using Jungle Scout for a little while now and it’s really accurate! I like how it breaks down the data for me so I can make informed decisions about my business.

  7. AMZScout PRO is the tool you need! With powerful market analysis and product research capabilities, AMZScout PRO will help you find winning products and grow your business. And with great customer service backing it up, you can’t go wrong!

  8. AMZScout is your perfect buddy for sellers. It helps you with product research and market analysis so that you can make informed decisions about what to sell on Amazon.

  9. AMZScout PRO is the perfect tool for helping you with your product research and market analysis. With amazing customer service, this tool will help you take your business to the next level!

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