AdSpyglass Review 2024: Boost Your Website Revenue Up To 100% [Working]


Overall Verdict

AdSpyglass, a robust ad network mediation service that promises to revolutionize the way website owners manage and optimize their ad inventory. This platform stands out in the crowded digital advertising space by offering a unique solution that intelligently selects the highest paying ads from a plethora of ad networks.

Out of 10


  • Multiple Ad Networks
  • Detailed Analytics
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Anti-Ad Blocker Technology
  • Lower Payout Thresholds


  • Complexity for Beginners


Price: $

If you’re running a website and want to make more money from ads, AdSpyglass could be a big help. It’s a tool that helps website owners pick the best-paying ads from different ad networks easily.

This review will take a closer look at AdSpyglass, explaining how it works and why it might be a good choice for people looking to boost their ad earnings without making their website annoying for visitors.

Let’s dive in and see what AdSpyglass has to offer.

AdSpyglass Review

AdSpyglass Review 2024: Ad Networks Meditation System

AdSpyglass is a platform that helps publishers manage their advertisements and increase their revenue.

The platform focuses on ad network mediation, which means that publishers can manage multiple networks from one place. This helps publishers generate the highest revenue on every impression.

Many publishers aim to integrate more partners into their ad stack and diversify their income but often struggle to execute this objective effectively.

AdSpyGlass solves this problem by enabling publishers to bid in real-time for their traffic with dozens of advertising networks and direct advertisers simultaneously.

This ensures that nearly 100% of their traffic is sold at the highest price, resulting in an income increase of 40%-107%.

Publishers can also choose to turn off unperformed networks and change the aggressiveness level of advertising for each network at any time.

AdSpyglass Review

AdSpyglass is one of the most popular of its type, and it works directly with over 4,000 publisher websites. Their specialties primarily include:

  • Selling views to the most profitable ad networks.
  • Managing all ads from a single place.
  • Managing direct advertisers’ ads and Handling unbought traffic.

You can increase your income by up to 100% if you work with ExoClick, PopCash, Ero-Advertising, JuicyAds, and other advertisement platforms.

AdSpyglass automatically selects and displays ads with the highest CPM on your websites from the most profitable offers from top ad networks.

AdSpyglass is one of the fastest growing platforms of its type, already being used by over 4500 websites and 10000 ad campaigns displaying over 300 Million ads daily.

AdSpyglass: Highlight Features

Adspyglass reviews by customers

AdSpyglass has made a name for itself in the fast-growing niche of ad meditation by providing some very powerful, efficient, yet cost-effective tools and features.

With the help of the following features, Adspyglass has helped businesses across the world:

1. Ad Network Mediation and Aggregation:

AdSpyglass acts as an ad network aggregator, allowing publishers to connect and manage multiple ad networks from a single platform.

This feature helps maximize the revenue potential by choosing the highest-paying ads from a pool of networks.

2. Real-Time Bidding (RTB) System:

The platform employs a real-time bidding system where multiple ad networks bid for your traffic. This ensures that each ad impression is sold at the highest possible rate, increasing overall revenue.

3. Automatic Selection of High-CPM Ads:

AdSpyglass automatically selects ads with the highest Cost Per mile (CPM) from connected networks. This ensures that the most profitable ads are displayed on your website, optimizing your earnings.

4. Support for Multiple Ad Formats:

AdSpyglass supports a variety of ad formats, including display banners, pop-unders, video ads, interstitials, and more. This versatility allows publishers to choose the best formats for their audience.

5. 100% Fill Rate:

With its extensive network connections, AdSpyglass guarantees a 100% fill rate, ensuring that no ad space goes unsold.

6. Customizable Ad Frequency and Capping:

Publishers can set the frequency and capping for ads, controlling how often ads are shown to the same user. This helps in maintaining a balance between monetization and user experience.

7. Direct Advertiser Management:

The platform allows publishers to manage direct advertiser ads alongside network ads, providing more control and potentially higher earnings.

8. Anti-Ad Blocker Technology:

AdSpyglass includes features to counter ad-blocking software, helping publishers recover revenue that would otherwise be lost to ad blockers.

9. Multiple Payment Options and Low Payout Thresholds:

AdSpyglass offers various payment options and typically has lower payout thresholds compared to individual ad networks, facilitating quicker and more convenient earnings withdrawals.

How AdSpyslass Works?

Webmasters often face the challenge of managing their website monetization. As the rates of different ad networks fluctuate continually, it can be challenging to find the right alternative.

Suppose you have tried multiple ad networks this year and found that each has its pros and cons. In that case, you would want to eliminate the cons and only focus on the benefits.

AdSpyglass is a network system that allows webmasters to work with multiple ad networks simultaneously. This team of skilled and experienced webmasters understands the issues faced by webmasters.

How AdSpyslass Works

By continuously monitoring the CPM rates of all ad networks, AdSpyglass displays ads with the highest CPM on your website automatically.

Here’s an example to give you an idea of how simple the whole process is:

Suppose you work with three ad networks: Ad Network 1, Ad Network 2, and Ad Network 3. You can link these ad networks to AdSpyglass by setting the API keys and placing their ad codes on your website. AdSpyglass will then automatically monitor the CPM rates of all linked ad zones of all ad networks.

AdSpyglass works by optimizing ad revenue for publishers through a streamlined process:

1. Integration with Multiple Ad Networks: Publishers connect their various ad network accounts to AdSpyglass.

2. Ad Mediation: The platform mediates between these networks, automatically selecting the most profitable ads based on real-time bidding and the highest CPM (Cost Per mile).

3. Display of Highest Paying Ads: AdSpyglass then displays the highest-paying ads on the publisher’s website, ensuring maximum revenue from each ad impression.

In short, AdSpyglass acts as an intermediary, efficiently managing and optimizing ad placements from different networks to maximize earnings for website owners.

AdSpyslass Ad Formats:

Adspyglass ad targeting

AdSpyglass supports a variety of ad formats, catering to the diverse needs of publishers and advertisers. Here are some of the key ad formats available on the platform:

1. Display Banners: Traditional banner ads in various sizes that appear at designated spots on a website. They are commonly used and are effective for brand visibility.

2. Pop-Unders: These ads open in a new browser window underneath the current webpage, becoming visible when the user closes the main browser window. They are less intrusive compared to pop-ups.

3. Video Ads: This includes in-stream video ads (like pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll) and out-stream video ads. They are highly engaging and can be a significant source of revenue, especially for sites with video content.

4. Interstitial Ads: Full-page ads that appear at natural transition points in the flow of an app or a website, such as between activities or during the pause between levels in a game.

5. Native Banners: Ads that match the look and feel of the media format in which they appear. They are designed to blend seamlessly with the website’s content, providing a less disruptive user experience.

6. In-Page Push Notifications: These are ads that mimic push notifications and appear directly on the webpage. They are a newer format and can be an effective way to capture user attention.

7. Instant Messages: Ads that appear as chat or message prompts on the website, offering a direct way to engage users.

8. Slider Ads (VAST): These ads slide in from the bottom or side of the screen and typically include video content. They use the Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) standard.

9. Direct Links: A simple yet effective format where a text link or image redirects users to the advertiser’s page when clicked.

Adspyglass Earnings Calculator

One of the best things I loved about Adspyglass is that when you open their official website and scroll to the bottom, you will find their native “Earnings calculator” that has been designed for publishers and businesses to estimate their future incomes and average profits by setting up various combinations of daily traffic and current daily incomes.

Adspyglass income

The calculator is an easy-to-use slider mechanism in which you can slide the bar right or left to fix your average daily traffic or daily income details.

The system will then tally both the data and yield an average estimate for your future income. This calculator is Free to use, whether you are signed up with Adspyglass or not!

AdSpyglass: Price Plan

AdSpyglass Pricing

1. RevShare (Revenue Sharing) – 10% Hits:

Default Option: This model involves giving 10% of random traffic hits to AdSpyglass.

Suitability: Ideal for publishers who prefer a revenue-sharing model and are comfortable with allocating a portion of their traffic to AdSpyglass.

Operation: AdSpyglass takes a share of the traffic (10%), monetizes it, and in return, provides the ad mediation service.

2. Pay As You Go – Per Impression:

Most Popular: Publishers pay according to the amount of consumed impressions.

Suitability: Best for publishers who want a straightforward, usage-based payment model.

Flexibility: This option allows publishers to pay based on the actual number of ad impressions served, making it a flexible choice for varying traffic volumes.

3. Post-Paid – 10% Income:

For Trusted Clients: This option involves giving 10% of the publisher’s monthly profit using a post-payment method, billed monthly.

Suitability: Ideal for established publishers with consistent revenue, who prefer to pay from their earnings.

Trust Factor: This model is typically available to trusted clients who have a history with AdSpyglass, ensuring reliability and mutual trust.

4. Enterprise – For Traffic Whales:

Custom Conditions: Tailored specifically for owners of large sites with significant traffic volumes.

Suitability: Best for high-traffic websites or networks looking for customized solutions.

Advantages: Offers more personalized service, potentially including custom rates, dedicated support, and tailored features to match the scale of operation.

Each of these plans is designed to meet different needs and scales of operation, allowing publishers to choose the one that best fits their traffic volume, revenue model, and business strategy.

Why I Recommend AdSpyglass?

Hoping that you have understood what AdSpglass is, what it does, and how it works, About Pricing, let me give you a couple of reasons why we recommend you try AdSpyglass.

AdSpyglass user reviews

1. Benefits of all networks under one hood.

Adspyglass allows webmasters to work with multiple ad networks simultaneously, thus enabling you to get the benefits of each ad network.

Though continuously monitoring the dynamic CPM rates of all ad networks you work with, Adspglass will display the ads with the highest CPM on your websites automatically.

AdSpyglass Review — Income Reports

2. Their process is simple and easy to understand.

AdSpyglass makes sure that you do the least work by automatically selecting and displaying ads and studying the most profitable offers from top ad networks with the highest CPM on your websites.

AdSpyglass Review— The Process Is Simple

The network gives complete transparency to their publishers over the data they collect, making sure that nothing remains hidden from them.

No need to worry about any hidden terms and clauses, as they will automatically switch your ad tags to the most profitable offers available.

3. Massive and the best advantages for the users.

AdSpyglass works in a manner that almost ensures you an income boost of up to 100% automatically. The network is able to create the following major advantages for customers:

AdSpyglass Review— Reports

  • You are able to manage all network ads or your own ads directly via the AdSpyglass admin panel.
  • There is no need to change ad tags to reply to your website’s templates.
  • If you have numerous sites, AdSpyglass will help you avoid mistakes while you add your website templates, thus saving you valuable time.
  • You can see detailed statistics from all inventory ad networks in AdSpyglass reports in one admin panel. This allows for granular analysis and the optimization of campaigns from all your networks.

AdSpyglass: Customer Support

AdSpyglass offers comprehensive customer support to its users, encompassing various channels like email and live chat for easy accessibility.

They provide a detailed knowledge base and FAQs for quick self-help solutions, ensuring timely responses to queries.

The quality of assistance is generally high, with knowledgeable staff capable of addressing a range of issues. For premium users, dedicated account managers might be available for personalized support.

Additionally, AdSpyglass may offer multilingual support to cater to a global user base, and they actively seek user feedback to continually improve their services.

This robust support system is designed to help publishers effectively navigate and utilize the platform for optimal ad revenue management.

General Inquiries: [email protected]
Technical Support: [email protected]


💰 How does AdSpyglass increase my revenue?

By mediating between multiple ad networks, AdSpyglass ensures that your ad space is always filled with the highest paying ads, thereby potentially increasing your overall ad revenue.

📊 Does AdSpyglass provide analytics and reporting?

Yes, AdSpyglass offers comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, allowing publishers to track ad performance, CPM rates, and earnings in real-time.

💸 What are the payment models in AdSpyglass?

AdSpyglass offers various payment models including RevShare, Pay As You Go, Post-Paid, and custom conditions for high-traffic sites (Enterprise).

🛠️ Is AdSpyglass easy to use for beginners?

While AdSpyglass is a powerful tool, it might have a learning curve for beginners. However, it offers a user-friendly interface and comprehensive support to help new users.

🚫 How does AdSpyglass handle ad blockers?

AdSpyglass includes anti-ad blocker technology to help publishers recover revenue that might otherwise be lost due to ad-blocking software.

🌍 Is multilingual support available in AdSpyglass?

Depending on their global user base, AdSpyglass may offer support in multiple languages to cater to non-English speaking users.

Quick Links:

Conclusion: AdSpyglass Review 2024

AdSpyglass simplifies advertisement management for business owners and publishers by unifying all the ad networks on a single platform.

The signup process is free and secure, and their platform is quick, easy-to-use, and offers complete transparency and control over ad networks.

They bring you profitable offers from top ad networks with the highest CPM, and their “Earnings calculator” helps estimate future incomes and profits. AdSpyglass is a reliable platform that ensures higher revenues and profits.

Jitendra Vaswani
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Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded, a digital marketing agency, and, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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