3 Honest Reasons Why HubSpot Doesn’t Work in 2024

Why HubSpot Doesn’t Work for me? Looking for an answer, I am here to help you with 3 best reasons. 

Neither of these situations is uncommon for me in my work as a HubSpot partner certified by HubSpot.

An existing HubSpot customer will tell me outright that HubSpot doesn’t work and that they believe it was a waste of money when we communicate to one other.

HubSpot has been rumoured to not work by a potential customer who is not a current user of the platform. They were advised by a friend or another software vendor that it was too difficult or did not produce the results promised. Both of them, you know what I’m going to tell them? It’s possible that you’re right. However, it’s most likely you, not the software, that’s the problem.

What is Marketing Automation ?

The beginning of your brand’s relationship with your ideal customer is found in marketing. As your business grows, it gets increasingly difficult to maintain. There are a few things to keep in mind when you’re looking to hire someone to help with your marketing performance and conversion efforts.

In the long run, your marketing activities will grow so large that they will no longer be able to be controlled by fragmented tools such as Outlook, Word, or spreadsheets. It is imperative that you have a system that can automate the repetitive and unnecessary tasks. This is a form of automated marketing.

It is possible to use marketing automation software to streamline the acquisition and retention of new customers.

Marketing Automation and HubSpot

Hubspot CRM

HubSpot, a marketing automation platform, is the result of our research into Marketing Automation. Your company will become more like Amazon and less like All About Pies if you use HubSpot’s highest level of marketing automation.

For us, the phrase “like Amazon” refers to the ability to provide your ideal customers with helpful and personalised content that encourages them to convert into paying customers. It is also used to thrill customers after the sale, so that they become brand advocates. As a result, your company’s revenue and marketing/selling ROI are likely to rise significantly with this level of automation and HubSpot.

HubSpot may seem amazing, but in my experience, it hasn’t been effective for my company.

The job of mastering HubSpot might be daunting. Why does HubSpot fail?

Here are my top Honest Reasons why HubSpot doesn’t work for you :

1. You Didn’t Expect HubSpot to Live Up To Your Expectations.

You may have purchased HubSpot directly and swallowed the orange kool-aid like many others.

Because everything you heard sounded great, you agreed to buy the product. HubSpot has become a complete and total mystery to you, and you have no idea what to do with it. It does happen from time to time. This occurs frequently.

HubSpot isn’t a quick-fix solution that can instantly boost your revenue.

HubSpot is a blank canvas on which you must paint your vision, and that process takes time.

To get the most out of HubSpot, you need to understand that it’s not enough to just use the email tool; you need to use all of its functions.

You’ll need at least six months to witness the results of your hard work if you don’t just dip your toes in the HubSpot water.

It’s important to keep in mind that every firm is unique, and you may notice benefits sooner than expected. However, you will observe a difference.

This gets me to my next point: strategy.

2. You failed to develop an appropriate HubSpot strategy.

What are your driving skills like now that you have the Ferrari?

The strategy for employing HubSpot includes a wide range of factors, including but not limited to:

  • Training and certification in HubSpot strategy
  • Strategy for bringing visitors to your site
  • Strategy for content marketing
  • The Email Marketing Plan
  • Strategic Use of Social Media
  • Techniques of Search Engine Optimization, etc.

It’s all about the Inbound Methodology and how you plan to market your business online when you use HubSpot’s platform.

All this happens within HubSpot, and it’s all interconnected, as well. To succeed, you need to know how to create a strategy that works together.

3) Your HubSpot/Inbound Strategy Wasn’t Successfully Implemented.

Is a strategy or plan worth anything if you don’t put it into action?

Your content strategy is either the result of your own efforts or the work of a marketing firm. The failure to carry out the plan is virtually always the case, regardless of the circumstances.

You can’t halt the momentum when it comes to putting a plan into action. The key is to persist. You receive what you put in with HubSpot and Inbound Marketing.

You must put in the effort if you want to see results. Period.

Also you want to increase the number of visitors to your website and the number of leads it generates for your business.

Your director of marketing or yourself can start creating blog posts, and for the first 30 days you will follow a certain step-by-step approach. By offering your visitors free downloads in exchange for their email addresses, you may turn them into potential customers by using various forms of information such as eBooks, webinars, whitepapers, case studies, and other similar resources.

HubSpot is an all-in-one solution for creating content, implementing inbound concepts, and managing these efforts.

It’s easy to give yourself a “A” for excitement, but it’s hard to get that grade if you don’t put in the effort to learn why content and the inbound technique are so important.

Your marketer has 30 days to implement a new traffic-boosting technique you’ve identified through these inbound efforts. Instead of focusing on your core business objectives, you become sidetracked by the latest and greatest social network or PPC opportunity.

You tell your team that HubSpot doesn’t work at your next strategic review. Marketing automation is no longer worth the money spent on software and the effort invested in it.

In contrast to HubSpot and marketing automation’s fundamental objectives, this strategy focuses on short-term advantages rather than long-term growth.

HubSpot works if you’re committed to the inbound methodology and content for the long haul.

If you don’t meet these criteria and your efforts with HubSpot aren’t bearing fruit, it’s possible that HubSpot isn’t right for your company.

The following are some of the things your business can accomplish with the help of HubSpot and the correct company and marketing team:

  • Promote your products and services in a way that is tailored to the buying habits of your target audience. You can, for example, send emails and content offers to specific individuals depending on their interactions with your business.
  • Segment customers and potential customers based on their shared characteristics, hobbies, and lifestyles, as well as how they interact with your firm.
  • Lead/database segmentation is the term for this technique.
  • Optimize and conduct regular marketing initiatives, and examine patterns to improve results. Email subject lines, headings, email times, and content personalisation may all be tested to see what works best for your campaign.

Integrate all of your marketing channels into a single, unified brand experience across all platforms. You’ll be able to make certain that each interaction with your ideal buyer is both valuable to them and very effective in terms of converting them.

Conclusion : Why HubSpot Doesn’t Work


An inbound marketing and sales platform, HubSpot helps businesses attract visitors, convert leads and close customers.

Bringing together a multitude of functionalities and allowing marketing and sales teams to manage all of their activities in one place is how it accomplishes this goal. You’ll be able to automate everything from content production and social media promotion to lead generation and client relationship management, as well as track your sales pipeline and other performance metrics.

Thus, sales and marketing efforts become more efficient, and leads are easily nurtured through the buyer’s journey. It’s time to get rid of all the compartmentalized information and mismatched divisions. Everything takes place in one location.

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Jitendra Vaswani
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded Digiexe.com, a digital marketing agency, and Bytegain.com, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

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