One Funnel Away Challenge Review 2024 What’s So Special About It??

Russell Brunson has created the One Funnel Away Challenge which he claims will give you the life you want, the marriage you want and the family you want.

To join the 30-day challenge and build an online business he says all you need to do is pay $100 for the One Funnel Away kit and you’ll have everything you need to get started.

Bottom Line Upfront: 

The One Funnel Away Challenge is a 30-day training course that takes you step-by-step through the process of building and launching a funnel. The One Funnel Away Membership Area and Facebook Group are important parts of the 30-day challenge training, where you will find videos, content, and bonuses from your purchase of the challenge.

OFA-Testimonials Russell

Is this program legit and does it really delivers, or is there more to this than meets the eye? That’s exactly what we’ll be asking in this review.

What Is The One Funnel Away Challenge? One Funnel Away Challenge Review 2024 

One Funnel Away Challenge Create your Funnel

Essentially, One Funnel Away Challenge is a 30-day course on how to build a high converting sales funnel (A.K.A. purchase funnel) that will generate sales for you around the clock.

The program was created by Russell Brunson, owner of

He believes that every person walking the planet is just ‘One Funnel Away’ from creating a life of financial freedom for themselves.

The One Funnel Away Challenge!

The One Funnel Away Challenge 2024 – Worth the Hype

The Real Cost Of One Funnel Away

Read Russell Brunson’s One Funnel Away sales page and no one would blame you for thinking that all you need to replace your full-time income and build the life you want is available for a one-off fee of $100…

Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case.

The truth is that in order to be able to implement any of the training you’re going to need to sign up for…

…you guessed it, Russell Brunson’s very own ClickFunnels program!

How do I know?

The One Funnel Away Challenge Review - Top Secret

Because he pretty much tells you outright that this is the sole purpose of the One Funnel Away Challenge:

In effect, One Funnel Away is just a teaser product and the relatively low $100 front-end cost is just to lure you into one of Russell’s sales funnels.

In a way, that’s kind of what you’d expect though, right?

He is THE sales funnel expert after all!  

ClickFunnels membership doesn’t come cheap either; after a free 14-day trial you can expect to pay $97 or $297 per month.

That’s a whopping $1,164 or $3,564 per year!

Why Just One Funnel is NOT Enough

OFA challenge Process


one funnel away challenge reviews pros and cons one funnel away challenge reviews pros and cons

One funnel is not enough because the funnel is only one small piece of the larger puzzle. Gurus would like you to believe that their funnel will solve all of your problems.

But if you buy into this gimmick, you will only be making them a lot of money! They are trying to sell you on a system that is not complete.

And to prove it, I’m going to give you the TRUTH about what you need to succeed.

So let’s put the myths to bed and figure out what you actually need to do to make money as a digital marketer online.

It takes a lot more than one funnel to create true, lasting success with an online business.

Do you want to know which one is better? Builderall or Clickfunnel, check out our article where we compared both these tools and find out which is best for you.

Success Lies in These Metrics

These are the most essential metrics that you could possibly focus on when it comes to a successful online digital marketing business.


You need to focus first and foremost on your audience. Have you properly identified them? Are you helping them? Are you creating real value that will make their lives better?

If not, no funnel is going to make your business successful.


The One Funnel Away Challenge Review - Audience


Without traffic, your funnel won’t even be discovered by potential buyers. So if you don’t focus on this key metric, you won’t sell a single unit or convert a single visitor.

Offer and Delivery

Your offer and delivery must not only solve your customer’s main problem… they must also deliver on what you are promising.

If you can’t create real value and transform lives, you need to go back to the drawing board… and I will explain ‘why’ in just a moment!

Creating Your Membership Account – Accessing Your Membership Area:

1. To create your membership account, you can click on the link within the email confirmation or click on the link below.

Important Note: When creating your membership account, please use the same email address that you used to purchase the OFA program.

If you have created your membership account already, you can access your member’s area here:

CS SCS - Products - One Funnel Away Challenge Create login

2. Enter your email address.

3. Enter your password.

4. Confirm your password

Welcome to One Funnel Away Challenge – Join the Facebook group:

1. Proceed to watch the welcome videos in your membership area and follow the instructions.

CS SCS - Products - One Funnel Away Challenge membership area

2. After completing the Pre- Challenge missions, join our Facebook Group!

A) Click on Mission Training and then on Secret Training.

CS SCS - Products - One Funnel Away Challenge Mission

B) Then click on Access The Secret Area Now!

CS SCS - Products - One Funnel Away Challenge button

3. Once you have access to the member’s area, and the Facebook group, you are good to go. Make sure to check in each day and follow along with the challenge as the next steps are explained.



The One Funnel Away Challenge Customer Testimonials & Reviews

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Russell Brunsons One Funnel Away Reviews

OFA-Testimonials Online

The One Funnel Away Challenge reviews

Quick Links:

Final Verdict: One Funnel Away Challenge Reviews 2024

one funnel away challenge reviews pros and cons discount coupons

In my honest opinion, Russell Brunson is an excellent training and THE go-to expert when it comes to sales funnels. I’ve no doubt anyone taking up the One Funnel Away Challenge will get tons of value from it.

The interviews alone make the $100 asking price a worthwhile investment and it goes without saying that you can learn a lot from some of the most successful marketers and multi-millionaires in the industry.

Russell is teaching a legitimate way to make money online through affiliate marketing and as long as you’re fully aware of the costs involved then enroll here and it could end up being the best choice you have ever made.

On the other hand, if you want to build a lucrative affiliate marketing business without the high upfront costs and monthly overheads then Wealthy Affiliate is a solid option.

Kashish Babber
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Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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