Super Affiliate System Review 2024: John Crestani Course Is Legit or SCAM ?

Super Affiliate System

Overall Verdict

Super Affiliate System helps you to create an online business and earn money. It is very easy to use for a beginner. - You will be able to access the information, tools and resources you need to start your own successful online business today!

Out of 10


  • Money-back guarantee
  • Comprehensive curriculum
  • Easy to understand
  • Good bonuses
  • Course Structure is very good for newbies
  • Weekly Webinars


  • Not ideal for experienced affiliate marketers
  • Expensive for newbies


Price: $ 997

Looking for Super Affiliate System Review, I am here to help you today.

Are you interested in creating your own online business from scratch?  Are you curious about the process of becoming an affiliate?

Hey there! So, I know why you’re here, maybe because you came across John Crestani’s New Book titles “Work at Home Secrets & Scams” or maybe you came across this system online.

I know you’re looking for the correct review and information about Super Affiliate System by John Crestani, and well, let me tell you that you’ve hopped into the right place!

The dark truth is that most people don’t have the courage to go after their dreams and goals. And even if they do, they often don’t have the knowledge, skills or network to make their dreams a reality.

That’s why it’s important to make your goals crystal clear and develop a plan that you can follow to ensure you stay on track and take consistent action.

You need the Super Affiliate System blueprint! You can be the next successful online marketer!

John Crestani affiliate markerting reviews John Crestani CEO of Nutryst

Credits : Yahoo

Bottom Line Upfront : 

I’ve gone through this System myself and studied it in utter detail, and I make sure that I don’t give you any incorrect information about the same. Trust me, I was mesmerized when I saw him teach the first lesson itself. He’s amazing when it comes to making you understand a topic. Although this Super Affiliated System came in around 2015, I recently popped into the same, I regret not coming across this earlier.

I am an affiliate marketer and earning online is what I do. I’m into this for quite a long time now, and Super Affiliated System is something that has taught me a great deal to get a leap in my graph of making money online.

Super Affiliate System teaches you how to create a professional, profitable business online. With the help of Super Affiliate System, you can start your home-based affiliate marketing business without having any technical knowledge.

Remember this is not quick rich scheme and you need to put time and efforts to see the results.

Super Affiliate System Review

I personally Met John Crestani At Las Vegas ASW 2020 Event : Check Out his Interview :  Who Is John Crestani?

Super Affiliate System Review 2024 | Is John Crestani a SCAM?

In-Depth Super Affiliate System Review: Pros and Cons of the Super Affiliate System

So let me tell you something that John Crestani himself teaches you in this program. Affiliate marketing, unlike the other marketing, doesn’t require that much input and has low chances of going into a loss. You don’t need a product, not do you need technical skills, not sales or audience.

You work well and earn handsome even without all of these. And that’s the beauty of affiliate marketing.

John Crestani Reviews CourseInstead, the outputs that you get as an affiliate marketer are that you’re cash flow is positive, you can do this from absolutely any city or country, and your city is also not a matter of concern. All you need to do is make contacts and affiliate networks.

The rest of the detailed information you will find in this course system.

What is a Super Affiliate System?

John Crestani Courses Testimonials

So as I already told you that I have access to this super amazing program and I’ve already gone through each of its modules, I make sure that you know what’s inside this Super Affiliate System. Shh! It’s a secret and I’m only going to tell you cause you’re an enthusiast.

I’ll be sharing screenshots of every topic I try to tell you about what John Crestani wants you to learn. Super Affiliate System, came out in 2015, where he was available for $5000, which has become much cheaper now, nonetheless, John Crestani kept updating this program to deliver the best and fresh knowledge possible.

This system has an update in 2019/2020, so you need not worry about getting out-dated or not being able to cope up with recent trends. Each year their system is revised and kept up to the mark.

Here’s what Super Affiliated System looks like when you get yourself registered and log in to the system –

Super Affiliate System Review - John Crestani

I complete 91% of the training & I did got some real value from John Course. 

Which upgrade is Super Affiliate System now?

This current upgrade of the Super Affiliated system is *Super Affiliate System 3*. (You can see it in the picture above). As John Crestani himself congratulated you when you login, he gives you the confidence that yes this is your first step towards success. Well, you as a person should be proud of yourself too, as you have won half the battle.

Here, winning half the battle doesn’t mean that you’ve already started earning in millions, NO! Winning half the battle means that you are sure of what you’ve opted for an already registered to your journeys step. Your willingness to do what you want is what brings you a step closer to what you want to do.

This system makes sure that you get the best and do your best. As John Crestani says at the beginning itself that “This decision of yours is a massive leap in the world of entrepreneurship which will help you start your own business and take it in the right direction.”

Who is it for?

John Crestani Reviews Course Testimonials John Crestani reviews

There is this common question everybody has, as to who can sign up for this system? Or who is it made for? In my opinion, Super Affiliate System works amazingly for those who have never made a single dollar online. This amazing package of training gives you utter confidence to take a leap in this world of online affiliate marketing.

Yet, if someone earns a few dollars a day or week, this system has a lot to teach people like them. It helps these kinds of people to step up their game significantly.

This Super Affiliate System is quite “newbie friendly”, and John Crestani is an amazing teacher and makes sure that all of his steps are easy to follow, doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 80!

My Income Proofs I learned From John Crestani Course (I made $300+ in 2 weeks approx)

Niche : MMO

Promotion Methods : SEO & Adwords

Clickbank money income proofs

Why John Cretani’s Super Affiliated System?

Well, as John Cretani himself says during his period of teaching that he has studied this graph of success insanely. He has done a study of deep psychology in the same and known the patterns of how this thing works. Right from the history of brains to what and why do people react in certain situations. From knowing things that they don’t tell you in education to having knowledge about what is required, everything is compact in one place in this powerful Super Affiliate System by John Cretan.

He has taken extreme efforts in making this a success for himself and for the growth of anybody who aspires to be an affiliate marketer. It’s a highly recommended system from my end personally.

What do they teach?

John Crestani Reviews Course Testimonials John Crestani Super Affiliate System Reviews John Crestani Reviews Course Testimonials John Crestani Super Affiliate System Reviews

The Super Affiliate System gives an easy to follow a course that helps people become successful affiliate marketers in a mere 6 weeks. He helps you master Ads on Facebook, Google, YouTube, and many more.
John makes sure that a person of any level can understand this.

His courses are available in almost all language and are broken down into things which even a newbie can follow. He provides a tour of the course so that you are familiar with it and Guess what? He also provides the templates of ads and audiences along with the landing page which you can use for your promotions. Ain’t that amazing? All in one package!

This training is for 6 weeks and around 50 hours worth watching videos where John explains affiliate marketing from the beginning to the end.

From the welcome module to the step by step roadmap, from the dashboard to the community, from the importance of badges to chances of success and goals to resources, John gives the minute details of everything.

After these things end, the modules begin for each week.

The first two weeks include the basics which give you a complete insight of business models and the requirements for the same. It helps you understand how to track software and do and teaches you to make landing pages for offers you wish to promote.

The next few weeks involve the actual task, learn the major traffic sources on Facebook, AdWords, Native Advertising, YouTube Ads, etc.
Finally, the ending weeks take you to the actual optimization and scaling of affiliate campaigns and other ways to earn online.

What’s in this Super Affiliate System?

This entire program is Super Affiliate System is 6 weeks long. It includes over 50 hours of informative videos and daily homework assignments along with all the weekly quizzes.

So, basically, this is not something you can just rush through or fast forward in a week or even a month! They have worked every inch to make this as the most comprehensive guide based on affiliate marketing so you need to make sure that you make the most out of it. Students also need to hold themselves accountable for their learning.

So whether you as a person are worried about what in the modules that they provide, here’s a detailed overview of what’s in this super affiliate system program –


The first thing that comes when you open this system is the :

John Crestani Reviews Course Testimonials John Crestani Super Affiliate System Review

Here, John Crestani welcomes you to the module and tells you everything about what is included in this package and how is this going to benefit you in every possible way. You will get to know how to go about this system and every information about which you can get stuck is provided in this module. The positive energy and excitement of Crestani makes you more interested in this system and makes you really look forward to what is in store for you.

2. How this course works:
Every course has some guidelines, so Crestani gives a detailed guideline on this system and the advantages of this course. He also gives a step by step roadmap to building a successful business and a detailed lesson on how to use this system and go about it. This he explains for about 5minutes

3. What’s in the course :
There’re 6 modules in this course for each week with a total description of the same. These 6 modules are –

Module 1: THE SETUP

Module 2: GOOGLE ADS

John Crestani Reviews Course Testimonials John Crestani Super Affiliate System Review John Crestani



John Crestani Reviews Course Testimonials John Crestani Super Affiliate System Review John Crestani Adwords



John Crestani Reviews Course Testimonials John Crestani Super Affiliate System Review John Crestani Course


Module 5: PRESELL PGS.

John crestani Courses


John Crestani Reviews Course Testimonials John Crestani Super Affiliate System Review John Crestani online training
These 6 modules constitute the in-depth details of what you as a learner are going to attain in those 6 weeks of becoming successful.

John Crestani Courses Testimonials Reviews
John Crestani Courses Testimonials Reviews

4. Why affiliate marketing
To be very honest, affiliate marketing is the biggest market in the world today. The amount a person earns and things are learning is immense. This was just my point of view, but what John has to say includes in-depth knowledge of this field. This will make you more interested in this full course.

5. The SAS dashboard
This is the Super Affiliate System Dashboard and everything you see on this course and every button is explained in these 18min. It’s a complete travel guide to this course.

6. The community
These 9min show in detail how big this affiliate community is and how everyone benefits from each other. There’re numerous ways where you can clear your doubts.
John Crestani ClickBank - The Community

7. Badges & Why they matter
Well, who wouldn’t like an appreciation to what they do? Hence these badges are attained when you finish studying each module one by one. These badges keep track as well as give you the confidence that you are advancing in the right direction.

8. How to get the best chances of success :
Here John Crestani clearly mentions that it’s not compulsory that whoever studies this course or gets into this field becomes successful. Although this field has a high amount of success rate, still it requires a lot of effort from the other end too. Nonetheless, he has devised some amazing assignments and quizzes so that you practically understand and work towards tour own betterment.

9. Setting a goal
The most important thing in this field is to know what tour end goal is. So he helps you to create an end goal for yourself and strive towards the same.

10. Support resources
There’re times when you might get stuck, so he has given you some support like Support Desk, Emails, community, and live training. As well as some resources like Buyer Data, Proven Ads, presells, coupons, etc. John has made sure that you have everything available at your fingertips.

John Crestani ClickBank - Support

super Affiliate Commission System - Resource

Here’s what’s inside the 6-week module training 

Well, I’m not going to tell you the proper details of what is inside these modules, cause no amount of words can sum up what excellent training John Crestaniand his community gives in these 6 weeks. But these topics will be sufficient for you to know what does he teach in these 6 modules. Take a look.

Week 1 – Training for the course

super Affiliate Commission System - !st Week Introduction
A module of the first week is an overview of what you will be learning further in this training:


Not just this, there’s much more to it. Along with all of this you also get free access to join John’s traffic training course and internet jetset. This jet-set is normal $47 per month but you get it once you become a member. There is also a full set of video training that covers almost everything you need to know about Google, Facebook, and YouTube.

The video lectures included in Week 1 are :

1. Affiliate Marketing Step by Step
2. Joining an affiliate network
3. Choosing your niche
4. Finding click bank offers
5. Finding offers on other affiliate networks
6. Common mistakes we make in choosing an offer
7. Solo ads setup
8. Udimi solo ads, other offers
9. Other solo ads providers
10. Bryan Biscoe- why leverage solo ads
11. Bryan Biscoe- researching and selecting a solo ad provider
12. Bryan Biscoe- tracking and testing your solo ad campaigns
13. Common setup mistakes
14. Tracking, testing, and advanced strategies
15. Affiliate marketing basics recaps.

super Affiliate Commission System - !st Week

                      super Affiliate Commission System - !st Week


Week 2 – Ad Campaigns

the 6 Week Super Affiliate System - Add Campaign
This week they teach you about The Ready2Launch ad campaigns and some of the templates they provide for you which include basically everything you need to set up an ad campaign for. This includes –
• Audience Targeted (on Facebook)
• Affiliate Ads
• Landing Pages
• Top Offers to be Promoted
And much more…
The video lectures included in these modules are –
1. Websites and funnels introduction
2. Website, lander, presell, squeeze, funnel – what’s the difference between them?
3. Registering your website
4. Manual method
5. Click funnel methods
6. Common presell page mistakes
7. Advanced website tactics
8. Funnel hacking recap

the 6 Week Super Affiliate System - Week 2

Week 3 – About the Community

Once you become a member of this Super Affiliate System, you automatically get free access to private Facebook groups. This group features all the question and answers and updates to each content, including training and a lot more.
John Crestani himself if very active there and helps students in their concern on a daily basis.

 Super Affiliate System Review - Customer Support

                                    Super Affiliate System Review - Customer Support


The video lectures for Week 3 include –

1. Searching advertising welcome video
2. Google search ads setup
3. Google display ads setup
4. AdWords conversion pixel setup
5. Common google ads mistakes
6. Advanced search tactics: intent
7. Search marketing recap

 The 6 Week Super Affiliate System - Week 3

Week 4 – Weekly Group Live Coach Training (Live)

John Crestani himself does live webinars for almost 2 to 3 hours every Friday at 3pm PST. He has few experts who stare their ad campaigns with him and he helps them optimize their content and create ads for them.
These live sessions are quite interesting and you get to learn a lot from them.

The video lectures included in week 4 are –

 Video advertising course welcome
YouTube channel setup
YouTube ad setup
Why exclude mobile?
 Common YouTube mistakes
Advanced video advertising tactics shooting your own videos
Video marketing recap
 The 6 Week Super Affiliate System - Week 4

Week 5 – Social Marketing

Social media sites are something almost everybody uses these days. Hence in this module, John pays more attention to social media marketing and advertising.
The video lectures included for this week are on the topics –

1. Social Advertising course welcome video
2. Advanced Facebook advertising with too joe Blanchard
3. Tim bird introduction
4. Tim, hoe to keep compliant with Facebook
5. Advanced social advertising tactics
6. Social advertising recap

 The 6 Week Super Affiliate System - Week 5

Week 6- The final affiliate market king

This is the final week where you give it the actual shot. What is required and what really has to be done is given properly step by step in this module.
The video lectures this final week include –

1. Advanced affiliate marketing introduction
2. Scaling basics
3. Payout bumps
4. Events
5. Brian Pfeiffer, how to breakthrough
6. Ronnie, speaking to the reptile brain
7. Ronnie, how to hack people’s trust.
8. Ronnie, highly profitable headlines
9. Ronnie, famous copywriters
10. Next level affiliate strategies
11. Advanced affiliate marketing recap

 The 6 Week Super Affiliate System - Week 6


Super Affiliate System Bonuses By John Crestani

  • Lifetime Access to Super Affiliate System PRO – Worth $4,985.00
  • Million Dollar Swipe File: Copy & Paste Ads! – Worth $2,997.00
  • ​Click & Copy, Done-For-You Presell Pages – Worth $1,247.00
  • ​The Best Products + Guaranteed Acceptance – Worth $1,497.00
  • ​24/7 VIP Concierge & 4x Monthly Coaching Calls – Worth $2,497.00
  • ​No-Risk, Success Guarantee (Get Your Money Back!) – PRICELESS
  • ​BONUS #1: When You Succeed, Your Entry is FREE – Worth $1,997.00
  • ​BONUS #2: Free Traffic – Costs $0 to Get Started – Worth $647.00
  • ​BONUS #3: $1,245 in Completely FREE Ad Credits – Worth $1,245.00
  • ​BONUS #4: Buyer Data for Artificial-Intelligence Ad – Worth $1,997.00
  • ​BONUS #5: Make High Ticket Commissions – Worth $1,950.00
  • ​BONUS #6: Case Studies of $0 to $50,000 – Worth $747.00
  • ​BONUS #7: Extra Login For Spouse/Biz Partner – Worth $997.00
  • ​BONUS #8: 1-on-1 Call With John Crestani – Worth $5,000.00

TOTAL VALUE: $27,803.00+

How Much Is The Super Affiliate System? What Does The Super Affiliate System Cover?

John Crestani Course Pricing

John Crestani in News: Where is John Crestani ?

John Crestani Super Affiliate System Review

John Crestani Forbes

I was at a point in my life where I had very little direction, didn’t know where I was going, and had this void,” says Crestani. “I thought ‘This sounds freaking awesome and I want to do it.

Source : Forbes 

John Crestani Yahoo news

John Crestani is pleased to announce that he will receive the Excellence in Education Award at the upcoming Global Forum for Education and Learning (GFEL) conference. Source:  Yahoo 

Quick Links:

Super Affiliate System Testimonials :

John crestani courses reviews

You might have questions like this for John Crestani Course : I have tried my best to answer

Is John Crestanis Super Affiliate System worth it?

Is The Super Affiliate Network a scam?

Is John Crestani’s Course Worth It?

Super affiliate system review 2024?

Is the super affiliate system legit?

Where is John Crestani?

Does John Crestani sell your data?

Does The Super Affiliate System Deliver?

Super Affiliate System Review: Latest Super Affiliate System Review Report Released?

Does the Super Affiliate System Really Work?

Better than what the Super Affiliate System by John Crestani has to offer you right now?

I know you’ve been on the internet searching for a good system to start an affiliate marketing business. You’ve seen hundreds of systems but you can’t find one that will work for you.

You’re frustrated because you can’t find a system that will work for you and you know that you need to find one soon. You need to start earning some money.

Solution :  Super Affiliate System is the blueprint to start your home-based, anywhere in the world, affiliate marketing business. It is comprehensive, easy to understand and implement.

Final Verdict: John Crestani Super Affiliate System Review (Scam or Legit?) 

Well, this system is quite extensive. When it shows just 6 weeks, it’s not a joke. You have to set aside at least 2 hours for this training. It’s like a proper education system and you need to practice and implement it as well. Nonetheless, this course is amazing and you get to learn a lot from it.

Is The Super Affiliate System a Scam?

Super Affiliate System can help you make money online! Create an online business using our step-by-step guide and we will show you how.

Advantages: With Super Affiliate System, John have developed a simple system that makes it easy for beginners to get started with affiliate marketing. His system will teach you how to use Google AdWords effectively, helping reduce the amount of ads that are shown on your site.

Benefits: Super Affiliate System is complete newbie-friendly and easy to use. Super Affiliate System is the answer for you. You will be able to create your own online business from scratch and earn a full-time income

Even though Super Affiliate System by John Crestani teaches you a lot of things and companies they have made sure that you don’t get confused in them promoting certain things.

You found the solution! Join this online training course today and in less than three weeks, you will be on your way to achieving success in affiliate marketing.

John Crestani Reviews Course Testimonials John Crestani Scammer reviews


Jitendra Vaswani
This author is verified on

Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded, a digital marketing agency, and, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

5 thoughts on “Super Affiliate System Review 2024: John Cresta...”

  1. I am an affiliate marketer and earning online is what I do. I’m into this for quite a long time now, and Super Affiliated System is something that has taught me a great deal to get ahead in this field. The teacher John Crestani did a spectacular job at his recent launch of the system which focuses on building niches from scratch to earn money through such multiple avenues. He helped me learn how to write killer articles and make passive income as part of the same without doing much about it myself.

  2. I’ve gone through this System myself and studied it in utter detail, and I make sure that I don’t give you any incorrect information about the same. Trust me, I was mesmerized when I saw him teach the first lesson itself. He’s amazing when it comes to making you understand a topic. Although this Super Affiliated System came in around 2015, I recently popped into the same, reluctant of not coming across this earlier.
    I am an affiliate marketer and earning online is what have been up to for quite a long time now, but Super Affiliated System is something that has taught me a great deal since then on how all these are made easier with quick packages delivered right at your door steps every

  3. Super Affiliated System is an informative course that helps you put together a marketing strategy from the word go. It’s been developed by someone who started their career as a Super Affiliate, and knows best what it takes to get the job done.

  4. Super Affiliate System is a detailed, very simple to follow training course designed to help you become a successful affiliate marketer.
    It is a 6 weeks training program will equip you with little known secrets about affiliate marketing to help you differentiate from the rest. It decent course was known as internet jetset that teaches people how to get started with affiliate marketing.
    I’ll absolutely recommend to try out this course and it will surely help you!!

  5. Super Affiliate System is an
    ideal program to equip people with information and skills to attain affiliate marketing success. In this system, learners need to participate in a module-based learning setting that will help them get started with affiliate marketing by using a simplified system that consists of a single website, buyers, and regular quality traffic.
    This has really helped me a lot! Surely it will help you too.

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