4 Proven Successful Ways to Make Money Online In 2024

If you want to succeed in any endeavor, you need to provide a lot of value. This is particularly important when you want to make money online. Creating an audience and building trust and authority takes time. These are the main ingredients needed to succeed in the world of commerce online. Consider the long-term outcome of your actions.

Successful Ways to Make Money Online- Poster

Although it will seem exasperating in the beginning, everything will be worth it in the end. Just stick it out and never give up. Continue reading to learn some of the best ways to make money online.

In this post, we have listed 4 proven ways to make money online in 2024. Let’s get started here.

4 Proven Successful Ways to Make Money Online In 2024

1) Write and Sell Ebooks

Successful Ways to Make Money Online- Charts Data

(Source: Goodereader.com)

Ebooks that teach readers about technical topics sell extremely well. It’s a good source of passive income, but it doesn’t require a lot of effort at the beginning before the money is generated. You can sell your ebook through Apple’s iTunes Connect or Amazon’s Kindle program. There’s no need to invest a lot of money to write and sell ebooks. Rather, what you have to invest in is plenty of time in writing and marketing them. Here are a few tips on how to write ebooks:

  • Choose your target audience and topic

What are you passionate about? What content would be beneficial to your target audience? The best ebooks share personal experiences or stories because this kind of content creates compassion with the readers and builds authority.  One way to determine what your target audience will respond to is to analyze which of your social media updates and blog posts are getting the most shares or comments.

It’s also essential to conduct your research on the current market before you finalize your topic. Investigate potential competitors that are already selling similar ebooks on their websites or through Amazon. Consider ways in which unique perspective and your story can help you stand out. A killer title is also a must to attract the attention of your target audience.

You are ready to start writing the book. Write clearly and begin with your desired result, such as teaching a skill or idea and work backward. Organize your writing around the structure you’ve made. You don’t need to write the entire ebook in one sitting. It’s fine to write a little bit every day. Focus on a single chapter at a time and set yourself deadlines.

At some point, you are going to encounter a writer’s block. There are different ways to overcome this problem. Consider your audience:

  1. How old are they?
  2. Are they someone you know?
  3. What’s their job?

Think of the ebook you are writing as an escape or challenge for that person. You can also set an exact number of pages for the ebook or set an end goal for word count. Ebooks are usually at around 11,000 words or 35 pages. Try to write 250 to 300 words per page.

  • Format the ebook

Your ebook should be readable. Keep the formatting consistent and use a sans-serif font such as Verdana or Ariel at size 12 or 11 to make it easy to read and digest the information you are presenting. Avoid going overboard on the formatting. Use a simple color scheme. Lists and short paragraphs as well as maintaining 2 or 3 kinds of headers will improve your ebook’s readability. Don’t forget to use high-quality images.

People are likely to remember about ten percent of what they hear three days later. Pairing information with relevant images will increase the retention rate. You can take your photos with a DSLR camera or smartphone. Another option is to buy photos from an image library. There are also plenty of websites that offer free images such as Unsplash, Gratisography, and PicJumbo,

  • Proofread

Check for any spelling and grammar mistakes or typos on your own. By doing so, your proofreader won’t be distracted from bigger tasks such as checking how well how you have presented and communicated your ideas. The brain automatically ignores incorrect words, fills in gaps, and corrects typos. Read the sentences out loud to catch errors that you might miss by reading quietly.

Look for an objective outside party who is not too concerned about saying what you need to hear or hurting your feelings. Don’t be hurt or offended if they recommend deleting some paragraphs of the ebook.

  • Use a good book cover

Successful Ways to Make Money Online- Choose A Good Cover Image

(Source: AuthorPackages.com)

A good cover gives readers a sense that you’ve put a lot of work into the book. It also suggests professionalism. The title color should be different from the background. Visual elements must be 300 dpi. Set the title in an easy to read font. Avoid using design elements or images that you don’t have any permission to use.

Avoid cheap standard stock photos. Always use high-quality images. If you’re not skilled in graphic design, you can find someone to create the cover for you. Once you begin selling your ebook, you will be able to recoup these costs. If you want to try making the cover on your own, you can try free tools such as Adobe Spark Book Cover Maker or Canvas Free Online BookMaker. Create a short description of the ebook. It’s a teaser that tempts readers to purchase your book.

  • Convert the ebook

Successful Ways to Make Money Online- Convert The Ebook

You have to format the ebook correctly. The universal format for ebooks is ePub. It’s a good option for selling the ebook directly from your shop. ePub is also accepted by Apple iBookstore, Kobo and Barnes & Noble. The file format for Amazon Kindle is MOBI. You can also sell the ebook in PDF format if it’s convenient for the readers. When you’re selling from your own store, you can have all 3 formats available. Upload the ebook to your website with a photo of the front cover, set the price, provide a description, and add the product to your store.

  • Promote the ebook

Promote your ebook before and after you launch it. Use the buzz you’ve built within your audience to drive sales. Self-publishing your ebook gives you absolute control over how you sell and market ebooks. You can do 10 to 20 guest posts for websites that your target audience reads. Look at popular keywords for your market to know what you should write about.

You can also see the most popular blogs for authors in your niche by searching online. There’s no need to mention your book directly, but the subject of your post should relate to your book’s topic. Your goal is to get people interested enough to visit your website and consider purchasing your book.

You can give free copies to bloggers in your market and ask that they share it with their friends and network if they like it. However, don’t bombard them with requests for shares or reviews without becoming acquainted with them first. You can use Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and other visual content channels to get traction with your target audience. Live streaming can also help you create a buzz. Your email list is also a great resource.

Don’t forget to monitor your sales. This will help you know where your sales are coming from. Writing and selling your ebook takes work, but it is also a rewarding way to share your expertise and explore your interests as well as increase your passive income.

2) Create Apps

Successful Ways to Make Money Online- Create Apps

(Source: Statista.com)

Creating apps will be a significant undertaking if you don’t have app development skills. However, apps are a good source of passive income when done properly. Build a great app and you will have a massive audience of mobile phone users at your disposal. Apps need a significant investment of money and time up front. You can hire someone to help you build an app. First, you need to think of an idea that will sell by doing the right market analytics and research.

The industry, however, is extremely competitive. Making an app that stands out can be challenging. If you want to create an app that sells, you need to develop apps for different phones and promote what you offer. Here are tips on how to create apps that sell.

  • Learn the kinds of apps that people are buying by studying the top apps in every category. Read reviews or buy the top-selling apps and explore their features. Compare these apps to see what they have in common.
  • Create an app with a wide audience. Incorporate some of the features you recognized when you compared the best-selling apps. Some of the top selling apps incorporate GPS access and social networking. Others are simple productivity or novelty apps like to-do lists. You should create apps with a mass appeal because popularity will increase your revenue.
  • Submit your apps to every Smartphone company. Don’t forget to review policies about the types of apps that Smartphone companies publish.
  • You need to market your app. If you have a business, you can promote your app to your existing customers through your social networking platforms, brick-and-mortar stores, and online shop. If you don’t own a business, you can create a page for your app on Facebook or other social networking sites. Encourage your followers to try your app and write reviews about it on other sites. You need a strong marketing plan because the competition is fierce for apps, and people are more likely to buy popular apps because they appear on most frequently downloaded or purchased lists.

Creating and promoting apps for different phones will likely provide better results than making only one app for one phone. If you want to make a free app, you can still earn money by selling advertising on this app. Just avoid making apps that are incredibly similar to existing apps.

3) Create Video Tutorials

Successful Ways to Make Money Online- Create Video Tutorials

(Source: DigiDay.com)

If your goal is to make a considerable amount of passive income in the long term, you should consider creating and posting video tutorials. The result, however, will depend on how well-received your videos might be. Look for a niche and create your own YouTube channel. Is there something that you can do which will add value to those who might be interested in that niche? Doing video tutorials will require upfront investment and a lot of time before it pays off, but for many, it can pay off very well.

Hobbyists can produce and upload videos on YouTube to share what they love doing. Small business owners can also create tutorials to earn additional money. High-quality tutorials have higher chances of making money for you. Here are tips on how you can make money through video tutorials.

  • Endorse products

Some sellers and manufacturers pay popular tutorial producers on YouTube to promote their products. The more views your channel has, the better the chance of a seller or manufacturer is approaching you with a product endorsement offer. You create a video tutorial that showcases the products and promotes its benefits and positive features to your viewers.

For instance, if you create makeup tutorials, a seller or manufacturer will pay you to showcase their new makeup line and build interest for the products by giving away samples. You will be playing the role of a successful tastemaker or someone with the power to influence customers. This will help you get more potentially rewarding product endorsement offers.

  • Increase your views

You can earn money based on your video’s number of views. Google owns YouTube, and advertisers pay the company to display advertisements on videos. You need to create and link your AdSense account to your YouTube account. To monetize your videos, choose the kind of ads you want to display. It could be video commercials or banner ads. You have to get thousands of people to watch your tutorials to make money through your videos.

Creating viral tutorials can help you increase views. This will involve some research. For instance, if you upload crafting videos, your viral content might be a tutorial on to make a fashionable holiday gift. Although you won’t make a lot of money through video monetization, you can benefit from increased publicity for the services and products you offer as well as views for your channel.

  • Boost demand for your service

You can use video tutorials to increase demand for your products or services. For instance, if you own a bakery, you can create video tutorials to build your client base for your customized cakes or to improve awareness about your baking classes. You have to be willing to provide your business location and name for your marketing to be successful.

YouTube offers an ideal platform to share your knowledge with others. Millions of videos are uploaded every day, so getting noticed can be challenging. You should be active in all social networking platforms available to you to build your audience. For instance, you should create an account on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram to promote your tutorials, build your audience, and connect with them. You may also want to allocate a modest budget to promote your tutorials in social networking platforms.

4) Affiliate Marketing

Successful Ways to Make Money Online- Stats About Affiliate Marketing

(Source: Medium.com)

One of the best things about affiliate marketing is that you can earn money by marketing for different companies. There’s no limit to the amount that you can earn or the number of products you can promote. However, affiliate marketing provides a low-friction-to-market opportunity since you don’t have to make your services or products. Affiliate marketing is not as easy as it sounds. Without traffic, you will not get significant results. However, by keeping some tips and principles in mind, you can also make money while you sleep and dominate in the affiliate marketing world. What is the secret? Persistence and never giving up!

There are 2 kinds of buyers – emotional and logical buyers. Emotional buyers purchase a product based on their emotion because they believe in it. When customers are emotionally invested in your business, you can build a huge tribe. They are the best kinds of buyers because they will believe in you no matter what you sell. Logical buyers base all decisions on cold-hard facts and experience analysis paralysis. They over the judge and over analyze everything and base their buying decision on data because they don’t believe in you.

You have to build an emotional attachment during all stages of the sales funnel or the buying process. If you are not doing it, you are just wasting your time. If you want to be successful in affiliate marketing or you want to make money online, you need to follow this principle because this is how you turn visitors into customers into raving fans. Here are tips on how to earn money through affiliate marketing.

  • Create a story 

You have to be transparent when creating your story.

  1. What did you experience in life?
  2. What secrets have you discovered over the years?
  3. Why should they pay attention to you?

By properly relaying your story, you can close the emotional bond between those who don’t have any idea about you. In other words, make them care about you and be able to relate to you. Get your target audience emotionally invested in you before attempting to sell them anything.

Creating a diversified platform is also crucial; because it will help you reach more people. When one platform fizzles out, you won’t need to worry about losing your network. If you already have a Facebook group, you should also join online forums and other platforms. This way, people will have various ways to reach you.

Building your platforms is not enough. You need to nurture your audience as well. Reply to their comments and emails and connect with them on social networking sites. When someone posts a comment on your blog post, you should respond to them. The more you nurture your audience, the more they will believe in you and become avid buyers.

  • Find a company or product to promote

Create valuable content and provide a lot of value before trying to sell anything. When you’re ready, you should look for the right company or product that is relevant to your target audience. Use your email list to know what your audience is most interested in. Their answers will help you focus your affiliate offers in the right direction. One way to accomplish this is by offering surveys. This also means that you need to give them something in return such as a free how-to ebook or cheat sheet. This is also known as a lead magnet.  Tell them what they need to do and what they will get in exchange.

Quick Links:

Many large companies promote their products or services through popular affiliate networks such as ClickBank and Commission Junction. Look for related networks and submit your application to them. Once you are accepted in, you may be required to apply directly to the company afterward. There are 2 levels that you have to bypass. That is why you need to create an emotional bridge between yourself and your target audience and build up your platform before trying to sell anything to them.

  • Provide value and attract targeted traffic

Grab their interest by providing relevant and engaging content. Your blog can be your main channel to provide long-form value. People have to stick around as well as read and share your content. When this happens, the Google search engine will notice you. You can attract visitors through article marketing, email marketing, paid advertising, and free advertising. Place ads and links on free websites such as Craigslist. Combine graphics, links, and ad copy on paid services such as Google AdSense and other PPC (pay-per-click) websites.

If you’re using article marketing, you need to improve your ranking in the search results. You can submit your articles to article submission websites. Don’t forget to include your affiliate link or link to your website.

  • Promote your affiliate link

Merchants or networks will give you a link that you can use to promote what you want to sell. Analyze the details of the offer that you want to participate in. Build out your affiliate link and make sure that the clicks and sales are registering to your account. There are URL shorteners such as Bitly that can help make a link’s length more manageable.

Quick Links:

Wrapping it Up: 4 Proven Successful Ways to Make Money Online In 2024

These are some of the best ways on how to make passive income online. You can work from home, and you are your boss. However, making money online requires a lot of patience. You may not be seeing any results right now, but don’t give up. The day will come when you start earning money while you sleep.


Abhishek Pathak
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Hey this is Abhishek Pathak, a Blogger & Digital Marketing Consultant. He started freelancing around his technical skills of online optimization, SEO, SMM, SMO and other digital stuff early from his early college days. After completing college he thought, having a workaday job was not his cup of tea. He had embraced the freelance lifestyle So he Started his Own Digital Marketing Blog GeekyBuzz where he share awesome stuff about freelancing, entrepreneurship, business, blogging and other cool nerd stuff based on his experiences and journeys.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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