17 Steps To Supercharge Social Media Marketing Strategies in 2025

Did you know, there’s no proper definition of what is social media marketing?

Everyone has it’s own social media definition. We can say that it is a method to generate traffic, sales, engagement, traction and more for our business.

If you want to take your social media to a new level, continue reading:

Don’t forget, businesses that use social media marketing have seen much better results in a small span of time.

SocialMedia Audience

Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

When it comes to marketing, we can’t miss social media, it drives traffic, sales, engagement and more.

Most of the big firms hire online marketers to develop or decide a social media marketing strategy to stand out among the competition and gain traction.

Is it enough?

Even a lot of them fails and some are not able to drive better results.

Do you really need a Social Media marketer?

It a lot depends on you, if you have time and the courage to learn, you don’t need. You only need to go through the below-mentioned tactics to stand out on social media.

Going through the strategies, you will need to be familiar with some of the social media marketing tools, including — Buffer, Canva, Hootsuite, etc. With these tools, you can rock your social media profiles.

Neil-Patel-Quote - social media marketingImage Courtesy: Neil Patel

Learning the social media tips and tricks will help you develop a social media marketing plan.

Today I am going to fill your social media marketing with super powers:

17 tactics you can implement right now to stand out on social media.

1. Know Your Audience

Here’s the deal:

Image title: Audience

The most important part of every marketing strategy is to know your audience.

Look at your database and ask yourself different questions:

Who are your customers(age, interest, etc)?

Why should they buy from you?

Who is your competitor’s audience?

Who are their customers?

From all the graphics or data, conclude about their age, location gender, occupation, etc. Inc magazine had a brief article about defining a target audience.

2. Choose Your Channels

social-networks-monthly-usersImage Courtesy: Buffer]


From the big list of channels including facebook, twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, etc. you have to choose the right social media platforms to invest in.

Example: If your audience is professionals(bloggers, artists, investors, entrepreneurs, etc) you should opt of Facebook and LinkedIn.

Example: You can go for Instagram and Pinterest if you audience is food lovers, travellers, artists, etc.

SMM is made much easier with social media apps available on all platforms.

Did you know Facebook has about 1.28 Billion monthly active users and twitter nearby 255 Million? Kevan Lee from Buffer posted a guide about choosing the right social media platform.

3. Work On Profiles

Nobody likes an old or bad quality profile picture or a stretched cover photo.

Work to improve your profiles and fill them with all the basic information like Bio, Interest, Images, etc.

4. Post Interesting

The best way to attract users or traffic is to fill your feed with desirable content.

Find interesting images, text, infographics, videos to post on your social media channels.

Take a deep look at your competitor’s channels to know what works for you, what type of posts gets more likes or comments.

Now it’s time to find content, surf the web or create your own graphics using Canva and Pablo by Buffer.

5. Using Canva, Pablo or Instasize

As we know, graphics or images work much better than text-only posts on social media websites and helps in user acquisition.

Canva -social media marketing

Image Courtesy: Canva

Using Canva you can create your own interesting images without being a good designer. It provides you with a lot of images, banners, fonts, colours, etc. Use them all together to create compelling images for your channels.

Pablo gives you a more simple way to create headings or quotes images with over 50,000 background images to choose from.

Instasize is a mobile editing app that let’s you play around with your photos and videos using filters, text styles, border designs, beauty tools – and professionally-designed templates so you can quickly curate branded material without ever having to touch a desktop computer. It integrates seamlessly with Instagram and works great for people or businesses who want to establish a consistent brand aesthetic.

Most of the brands and websites use headline on images to post articles on social media and it works.

6. Choosing Post Types

Don’t spam:

It’s better to choose, What to post?

(Image, Text, Infographic, Image with text, Graphics, Animations, Videos.)?????

Make sure that your readers do not get bored with the same type of content, give them a mix.

Keep in mind, infographics works better on Pinterest, quotes on facebook and Instagram, professional articles on LinkedIn, news on social media websites like Twitter and Facebook.

Create social media marketing plan or strategy to give your content a push.

7. Expand Your Reach

Don’t wait and watch:

Create your presence on each social media platform, focus on the important one.

The easiest way, tell your friends or people on your network to share, like, comment on your posts.

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Image Courtesy: Search engine journal

Boost your Facebook engagement by inviting your friends to like your page and then approach them to invite their friends. Be active on niche groups and contribute informative posts.

The most efficient one:

Cross-promote your profiles. Share posts link of one network on another network.

Get your profile links printed on business cards.

Another tactic is getting familiar with social media trends and planning your strategies to increase organic reach.

An entrepreneur has some more tips to increase your social media presence.

8. Post On Peak Timings

Do you know changing post timings can increase your chance of winning?

Users and visitors log into their social media accounts at specific hours on a day. And you can use these timings to increase your traffic and get most out of it.

Neil Patel of Kissmetrics created an infographic to know about peak timings to post on top social media sites. Read more details on the blog.

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Image Courtesy: Kissmetrics

Share your results in the comments below.

9. Schedule Posts

Don’t have time, not to worry:

Go for Buffer or Hootsuite and your problem is solved.

Saving hours a day by scheduling is a good option. You don’t need to work daily to find updates or news for social media.

Schedule updates for the whole day, week, or even for a month.

Using the tools, you can choose separate updates for each channel, post timings, link shortening and more. On Buffer, you can only post 10 updates a day for free and if you want to expand go for premium options.

10. Measure Everything

Go Crazy:

Analytics is the best marketing tool, use it to measure and use the data to build future.

Measure your social media growth:

Facebook: Use Facebook page insights to get information about likes, posts reach, engagements, when your fans are online, which post type works the best and more.


Twitter: Sign in to know your twitter statistics. It gives you details about your top tweets, tweet impressions, profile visits, mentions, followers and more.

You may like:

Instagram: The image sharing social media not have its own analytics tool. But you can choose from Iconosquare, SimplyMeasured, Instafollow and others. Know your audience demographics, most loved photos, peak timings, etc.

Pinterest: Go to analytics.pinterest.com to view your analytics. Know about your audience, pin insights, top boards and more.

To go deeper in optimizing and measuring your social media marketing campaigns use premium or other analytics tools like SproutSocial, Topsy and more.

Here’s a list of top 10 social media analytics tools by VentureBeat.

11. Convert Data Into Audience

Collecting data is important but using the data is much more important.

Now, you can use the statistics to drive traffic, sales and visitors to your channels.

Make changes to your posting strategies based on the collected data and optimize your social media accounts.

12. Posting Frequency

Have you ever wondered why brands post only 2 times a day on Facebook?

From a lot of research, SumAll and Buffer concluded posting frequency for social media websites.

Image title: Postingfrequency

13. Optimize Content

A single message can never fit all channels.

Here’s the best way to share updates on each social media website:

# Use conversations on Facebook.

# Post brief summaries on Twitter.

# Add hashtags on Instagram.

# Include compelling images on Pinterest and Google+.

14. Post More Than Once

Are you confident that when you post all your fans are online? It’s not necessary. To distribute posts you need to meet all the specific time zones.

But how much often you should post one update?

Here’s an answer from Coschedule:

sharing-schedule - social media campaignImage Courtesy: Coschedule

It always needs to meet your audience requirements and above is the path you need to follow.

15. Use Hashtags

Want to succeed with social media marketing? Start using hashtags.

But not as you know. Go strategically. Choose your own to create your brand image, but make sure that it is not used yet.

Add your hashtag to all your images and posts on social media channels to expand reach.

Instead, use some popular hashtags according to your posts.

Example: If you are posting a quote on Instagram, use hashtags like — quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, success, etc.

16. Paid Advertisement

Image title: Facebook-ad
Image Source: Leadpages

Have a budget?

Why don’t go for ads?

It only requires a few clicks to start your own campaign on social media.

Facebook-ad - social media

Where to start?

Facebook has a vast audience and more active users than any other social networking website. Start promoting your page or post with Facebook ads and track your social media campaigns for conversions.


Instagram is growing at a rapid pace so don’t let go the chance to advertise your posts.

Also, go for other networks if necessary.

17. Be Consistent Always reflect your brand:

Dictate your brand performance with your social media presence. Keep your brand logos, features, language similar across all platforms.

Share curated content that your users will like not always advertise your brand. Try to build your brand reputation. Never irritate or bombard your fans with the same type of content. Keep up the pace with a mix.

Make your presence across all major social channels to strengthen your brand message by rocking it on each one.

Here’s how to keep your branding consistent on social media by Inc Magazine.

Jay - social media marketing

Focus on how to be social, not how to do social. ~ Jay Baer

A large number of people always go up to read articles on social media websites because they can customize their feeds according to their needs.

And you can’t miss the chance to make your brand presence on social media. These days social media websites are responsible for a huge amount of traffic on websites.

Social media technology or websites give the world a new way to represent themselves and connect with new minds.

How social media site changed your way of marketing? Let us know in the comments below.

Quick links:


Fahana Pathan
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Fahana is a talented Marketing Manager who brings a wealth of expertise to BloggersIdeas blog. With 3 years of experience in the marketing industry, she has a deep understanding of the latest trends, strategies, and tactics in the internet marketing field. Fahana is passionate about helping businesses achieve their marketing goals and has a proven track record of success in areas such as social media, content marketing, SEO and email marketing. She has a natural talent for creating engaging and effective marketing campaigns that resonate with target audiences. Through her insightful articles, Fahana shares valuable tips, insights, and best practices to help BloggersIdeas readers improve their marketing efforts and grow their businesses. Connect with her on Linkedin

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

11 thoughts on “17 Steps To Supercharge Social Media Marketing ...”

  1. Nice Tips.
    I am going to use in my next project.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  2. These tips are great. I have been applying them for quite long and these really work. I am going to try rest of these. It’s so important to optimize your social media. It can be the voice of your brand. Consistency is definitely the key.

  3. Hi
    Your post artical is very helpfull.Thanks your 17 step socail media servies.Thank you
    keep it up

  4. It makes sense to first to know your audience and the choose on which social media platform you should use for your digital marketing.

    Usually, for any project, if the planning is done perfectly, the implementation becomes smoother.

    These tips and trick will be useful to make a perfect plan.

    Thanks Harshit Sharma

  5. Hi
    Your post artical is very helpfull.Thanks your 17 step socail media servies.Thank you

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