The Definitive Guide To Master The Pinterest Marketing 2024


Marketing on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are very common among people now. Though they have their importance still because of the social network, so if you haven’t started building your network on Pinterest yet, it’s time to start it right now.

What is Pinterest?

Introduced in 2010, Pinterest is worth paying attention to. This social media platform is centered around images, sharing and buying. According to a survey, every day around 2 million people posts pins. Isn’t it huge?

What is Pinterest

You can say it’s a pinboard, a corkboard or a platform from where you can get inspiration. A digital planning platform for people to discover, share and form creative ideas from around the globe.

A Few Basics Of Pinterest.

Pinterest has become the third largest social media network which helps businesses in marketing. The pins are much more spreadable than any tweet or a Facebook post.


The strength of Pinterest is its feature of integration of business accounts. So if you are looking for a platform to build marketing your business, Pinterest is the one stop shop. Join the family of over 500,000 businesses, and you will also get features to promote your brand on this insanely popular platform. Clearly, it’s a tremendous market opportunity for the businesses.

Reasons To Hop-On On Pinterest

With a number of 250 million active users monthly and same traffic presence as Instagram, this platform has become the most popular amongst millennials. Pinterest is rocking the social media world.


Do you still need a reason to plunge into this platform?

Not only this, it has become the fastest site to reach 10 million unique visitors and a higher engagement rate.

With these many people present who would not choose this as their marketing platform. Nowadays many firms have taken Pinterest in their marketing agenda to promote products and content. People are preferring this new way of displaying products and services. This online site enables your customers to share your posted content and pins if they find it relevant and interesting.

If these reasons are not enough, then try these fellas!

Pinterest is a perfect place where you can get inspiration about what you love, and you are free to discover new thingies. It’s an ideal stop for exposure of your business.

  • It’s completely free

Yeah! Right now Pinterest is free to use, and it is exploring options for paid and promotion of pins. It’s fantastic because your brand too can enjoy significant organic traffic through Pinterest advertising.

  • Build your Brand Image –  

Pinterest builds and strengthens your brand value. You can reflect your brand identity by creating boards that define your business and by appearing on your followers’ home pages.

  • Increase your customer engagement

It gives you an enormous opportunity to engage with potential and current customers to gain achieve their insights for the benefit of your business.

  • Be discoverable  

Pins make your products more discoverable, and every pin can be attached to a link to the original source to get the potential traffic.

 Steps To Get Started On Pinterest In 2024

There are two types of accounts anyone can create on Pinterest: Beginners and Business.


Let’s dive in how to start using it

  1. Signing Up

Setting up a new profile is damn easy. You can do it on your own. Just head to Pinterest website or application and enter the required detail such as email address, password, business name, website, and business category.

You will have one more option at the time of sign up, either you can link your Facebook or Twitter account with your Pinterest account. You can also convert your existing account into a business one by clicking the convert your current account button and then you just have to enter the required details.

  1. Creating your profile

When you create an account, try to stick with a constant username if you are linking your accounts. This will make it easier if anybody wants to follow you to find through searching on Pinterest.

Do not forget to upload a profile photo, fill the about section, add your business location, turn on your notification and start making the network.

  1. Personalize your settings

Once your account is active the first thing you should do is to manage your settings. Pinterest settings are easy to understand. When you start pinning, keep the email notification on. It’s a great way to find new people to follow by viewing their comments and other activities. You can turn this off if your inbox is getting clogged.

  1. Claiming website to your account

Adding the website is very important for the exposure of your business.

Claiming your website on Pinterest unlocks great features of Pinterest including featured logo, analytics, access to tools and more. In order to claim the website, you will require to edit your website’s HTML code.

Add a meta tag to your website

Log in to the Pinterest from a web browser and then click to open your menu> Select Settings> In the “Claim website” section, enter your website URL then click on Claim> Select “Add HTML tag”> Copy the tag and click Next> Go to the index.html file of your website and add the tag to the <head> section before the <body> section> Go back to Pinterest and click Submit.

To Upload an HTML file to your website

Log in to Pinterest from a web browser and click   to open your menu

Select Settings> In the “Claim website” section, enter your website URL then click Claim> Select “Upload HTML file”> Click Download then click Next> Upload the HTML file to your web server at the root folder – if you upload to a subfolder we won’t be able to access it> Go back to Pinterest and click Submit.

  1. Now it’s time to create your board

All set with Pinterest now you can start building your board and pinning. Give users a reason to follow you. But don’t be vague in this. First, plan and make a strategy, it requires well thought out, well-planned actions to increase your reach, followers and your target, sales. It needs a fully fledged Pinterest marketing strategy.

Why You Need A Pinterest Marketing Plan?

Pinterest has taken the referral business to the new heights as some sites are receiving more traffic through Pinterest in comparison to social media.

Why you need a Pinterest Marketing Plan

Let’s have a glance at these Pinterest marketing statistics:

– Pinterest is ruled by women, with 90% of users existing are females.

– 21% of the users have bought something they found on a Pinboard

– The most favorite categories in Pinterest are Home (17%), Arts & Crafts (12%), Style & Fashion (12%), and Food (10%).

Create Your Marketing Strategy To Take Your Business To The Next Level


  1. Assume Pinterest as a Search Engine

While creating any content, approach it with an SEO mindset. It will take you one step ahead of your competitors. Though Pinterest is a visual platform still text plays a very significant role here.

Pinterest is becoming popular among people as a search engine. In order to achieve the best result, take Pinterest as a visual search engine. Pinterest also suggests things to the readers they might like, and they also get suggestions from the words they used in the pin description.


While using Pinterest as a marketing tool for your business, keep your ideal customers in mind. Strategize the name for your image files and choose the text for your board and pin the description that would attract your potential customers.

  1. Analyze the audience engagement

The main difference in successful and regular pins is of Pinterest strategies and the level of involvement. One thing is that you can pin your content and rarely repin the content of others. Another approach is to interact with those who are repining, favoriting and commenting on your content.

Always keep an eye on your notification board and communicate with those who are already engaging with you. Repin and like their content, you can also invite them to pin your boards. Checking and analyzing your notifications on a daily basis is also an outstanding way to observe which type of pins are more popular among the audience.

This observation will help you to find out which topics people are finding you for and which are the most trending ones. So you have to take this thing into account in order to grow your business, engage people who like and repin your content. Keep follow up of who’s watching you and who’s not to take care of your engagement.

  1. Check out what’s rolling out

Now Pinterest Analytics can be accessed by businesses, so all you have to do is to take advantage of this tool. Keep a regular check on your activity like top pins, impressions, repins as well as how many clicks you get.

This tool also helps you in tracking what type of content people are interested in and also can assist you in making choice of pins as well as in the content you share.

I also suggest checking your Pinterest metrics monthly to get a better picture of how your pins are working and what needs improvement.

The best thing is the content on Pinterest lives a lot longer than other social media platforms. It implies that you can get traffic on a pin in a month or even a year later also. Do not check the engagement too often otherwise; it will not reflect accurate Pinterest engagement rate.

Use the worthy info you get through the metrics to update your Pinterest strategy according to market’s demand.

  1. Be perfect in what you do – Test you pins and content

Have you checked your website over different platforms? Is your site is responsive? If not you are losing your audience.

Since the number of people uses Pinterest on their mobile devices is increasing, it’s worthy to test your site, images, and content on a variety of mobile platforms.

You just need to consider a few things while evaluating your site such as do the images you have created appear on the different devices, are the images or text used is cropped off or is it readable in every device or not, are your Pinterest images pinnable, do your sharing buttons work correctly or not, etc.

Though you have a top-notch site if it is failing in responsiveness on different mobile devices, you could lose your audience.

  1. Use secret boards for content curation

Pinterest is also a form of social media, and it also takes a lot of time. You also want to pin your content and also want to search appropriate pins to share with your audience. This can be done through secret boards.

To create a secret board just log into Pinterest, create a board and save it as a secret board. Discover pins you like and would love to share and pin them to your secret board. You can store many pins in a few minutes or just while scrolling.

In your free time explore content and images that you wanna post in future and pin them to your secret board. This will help you when the traffic is at the peak, and you don’t have time. You just need to go to your secret board.

Don’t forget to attach your lnk to the pin and do not repin from the secret board.

These tips for marketing strategy may seem simple, but they are marvelous. If you include these into your Pinterest Approach, you can reach your target audience and increase your traffic as well as following, which could impact your sales.

Success in everything requires consistency, same works with Pinterest it needs a goal, a strategy, and consistency. To give you more info about Pinteresting, just continue to read the following amazing tips to fire up your Pinterest Business account.

Tips To Drive Sales And Traffic To Your Pinterest Account In 2024

A few techniques that proved to be thriving for others can help you drive traffic, connect with your audience and can increase sales.


  1. Add keywords in Promoted Pins

Keywords are very effective in order to reach the target audience, and it’s the most critical targeting feature you can use with promoted pins. The best thing with Pinterest is that it recommends you to use 20-30 keywords per promoted pin. I think this is enough to get you noticed.

Do not add too many keywords that you are showing your content to the wrong audience. You can use a large number of keywords that can help you cover all of the broad, specific, and long keywords you need. The more you will appear in the research the more sales you are gonna get. This can be done with the right keywords and also ensure that your pin is in the right category.

These promoted keywords will not show up on the promoted pins. Keywords work like targeting criteria, meeting your content with the people seeking for it.

You just need to think outside the box.

  1. Show multiple products in a single pin

Displaying multiple products in one pin can help you to get more engagement. This strategy can add value to a pin such as you can show what you have to offer with a better chance of appealing to more users by featuring more options.

You can add multiple products or services that you offer. This will increase the chance of appealing more audience and also can lead to greater sales.

  1. Make your image stand out and appealing

Pinterest is all about vibrant, colorful, high-quality images. So what’s your plan of standing out in the crowd???

Image size, yeah it can help you as it matters a lot. Though Pinterest scales the images you upload to match the exact width, you just choose the height of the image.

According to the analysis the vertical pins perform better on Pinterest. It is suggested that you should use the images of dimensions from about 2:3 and 1.3:5 with a minimum of 600 pixels in width.

  1. Images with step-by-step tutorials

DIY is very popular these days. Pictures that show step by step guide usually get more engagement and likes on Pinterest. Use photos that shows that you actually have quality content to share with them.

When you show the value, you are providing up front in the image, and it will increase the user action. It can also help make the tutorial more interactive and easy, giving the user the spirit that they can do it feel and motivate them to save it.

  1. Do not forget to share the Pin it for later links

These Pin It encourages the audience to pin content onto their boards. Even if the users are not on the platform, still the engagement will be captured. The idea is right in the case of Pin It for later links.

You can post Pin It for Later links with the ” Pin It for later” across the social media. To create Pin It for Later you need to attach the URL of the pin you want your users to save. Just highlight it so that users can understand.

  1. Use Call to Action in the pin description

CTA should be brief, simple, clear and to the point. Adding CTAs encourage the audience to take action. In Pinterest also you can highlight the CTA if you want your audience to take the desired actions.

Be transparent and tell users exactly what you want them to do, it will give users a specific viewpoint and will increase the engagement.

  1. Be Consistent

The most important factor in marketing to get the desired results is the factor that you have to be consistent in the posts. The question is that how often should you post.

According to the report( for businesses, it’s a good start to pin five times a day.

Align these pins across the day, make sure that you pin in the afternoon and in the evening, as those are the best timings for pin engagement.

  1. Take benefit of rich pins

Rich pins can be very beneficial for any business account. This great feature can be used to make your pins more dynamic. And the good news is only business accounts can use these rich pins, and for that, you need to set up these rich pins separately.

There are many types of rich pins that can be beneficial for you. For example, a product pin can boost your sales by providing information and every detail.

In order to use these rich pins for your benefit, you will need some metadata to your website, verify your site and then apply for the rich pins.  You only can use once per domain.

  1. Show the usage of products and services

The biggest mistake new marketers and businesses make is that they focus only on what the product is instead of how it can be used. But the audience is much interested in the use of the products or how it can benefit in their lifestyle rather what it is.

If you customize your pins according to the users’ point of view, it will give you better results, as users will be able to picture themselves using your product.

Do not forget the importance of content in here, and your content will perform best if you can show them various uses in your pin. Make the product fit in users day-to-day life, and the more people can picture using your product, the more they will respond.

  1. Go for Pinterest Contest

Businesses look to boost their engagement rate, the number of followers, and new leads, Pinterest contests are proved to be a fantastic marketing tool. When you announce a contest, you ask the user to repin it or like it.

This results in organic pinning by other users who come across to it. This encourages users to react on your pin and bring more traffic to your pins.

Pins can be reposted indefinitely, so it’s always a good idea to add end date of the contest in the pin. This will ensure that users don’t continue to keep reacting on the same pin.

Also, Focus On Pinterest Ads

With 200 million active users, Pinterest is an essential platform for marketers as a place where users visit to gather info about implied purchases.


According to Hootsuite, 61% of pinners have discovered new brands and products from the promoted pins, and most of the users already made the purchase by seeing the promoted pins. If you are still wondering about these ads that do they offer any value to businesses, take into account that 75% of saved pins are from businesses.

You just need to create targeted Pinterest ads that can appeal users, build awareness, drive traffic and heighten your business sales with the help of Pinterest Ads Manager. You just need to simply pick a pin that you want to promote, decide a goal, your target audience, set bid, pay for the desired results, track what’s working and modify your strategy accordingly.

There are presently five types of Pinterest Ads Manager campaigns.

  • Traffic – It’s kind of PPC. Transferring users from your pins to your website.
  • Awareness – Displaying your ads to the new people (PPC)
  • Video Awareness – Bringing video pins in reach of new audience.
  • Engagement – Inspiring the audience to engage with your Pinterest ads
  • App Install – This kind of campaign is used to get more installs for your app.

Pin-ny To Your Thoughts

Similar to all the social media platforms, Pinterest and its ad manager require understanding, time and effort. Nowadays approx 93% of Pinterest users use Pinterest to plan purchases.


If you are still thinking about it, we will make it easy for you and your business.

Just give Pin-ny to your thoughts!!!

Quick Links:

Conclusion: Guide To Master The Pinterest Marketing In 2024

There are a number of techniques and tips that you can use to get the better result in marketing your Business on Pinterest. Whether you wanna optimize your pins or engage your audience, these tips and tactics will boost your sales and help you to get your desired results.

Just a few things to keep in mind are

* Be consistent in pinning is the best way to optimize your reach

* There is no restriction on how much times you can pin.

* Be present at every time when your audience is free. Check out the best timing to reach the traffic

What are you thinking now? Don’t lag behind in the race, hop on and start pinning your products and services. Still in a dilemma that what can work for your business? We are one stop shop for all your marketing demands, serving as a top social media marketing agency in the market. Pinning is the new marketing tool that can lead to the success of your business.


Linda Craig
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Linda Craig is an experienced professional, boasting more than 10 years of experience in marketing and content creation for local and international ecommerce websites. A talented writer with a wry voice derived from her tenure writing obituaries for the local paper, Leana currently serves as BloggersIdeas' Marketing & Education Columnist specializing in crafty copywriting designed to convert readers into leads. Furthermore, she excels at visual storytelling & digital strategy making her the ideal choice when looking to produce comprehensive how-to guides customized towards equipping fellow freelancers or marketers alike with necessary toolsets.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

2 thoughts on “The Definitive Guide To Master The Pinterest Ma...”

  1. I have been having issues understanding how to promote on Pinterest. This has been my friend’s secret to getting crazy traffic to his blog. With this helpful post, I am on. A million thanks to you.

  2. Hi Nirav,
    This is really very much helpful article for newbie like me. I will follow this tips to improve. Thanks for sharing and helping through this guide.

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