Is Bright Data safe to use? Who owns Bright data?

Searching for Is Bright Data safe to use? Who owns Bright data?

Bright Data was bought out by EMK Capital for $200M on Aug 10, 2017. Bright Data is confident in its technology, as seen by the fact that it promises a 99.99% uptime for residential proxies, but if you ever run into trouble, help is accessible around the clock to get your project back up and running.

Bright Data is the world’s number one web data platform, trusted by Fortune 500 companies, academic institutions, and small businesses alike. With a 99.99% residential proxies uptime guarantee, you can rest assured that your project will be running smoothly and efficiently with this comprehensive platform. In addition, its 24/7 customer support service ensures that any problems you may encounter along the way will be solved quickly and easily.

Bright Data CEO

What Are Residential Proxies?

Residential proxies are public IP addresses assigned to an ISP (Internet Service Provider) like Verizon or AT&T. As a result, they are highly anonymous and secure when compared to datacenter proxies. That makes them ideal for projects that require high levels of security and anonymity.

Additionally, they can help boost performance since they are connected directly to the source network via a dedicated line instead of through shared servers like datacenter proxies do.

The Benefits of Bright Data’s Solutions : Is Bright Data safe to use

Bright Data’s solutions offer numerous advantages that set it apart from other web data platforms on the market today. First off, its 99.99% residential proxies uptime guarantee ensures that your project runs smoothly with minimal disruptions or delays due to technical issues. Furthermore, its 24/7 customer service means that if you ever run into any problems during your project, there is always someone available to help you out as soon as possible- no matter what time it is!

Finally, its flexible solutions enable customers to customize their projects based on their individual needs and requirements without compromising on security or privacy. Check out Bright Data Review here.

Bright Data Reviews Formerly Luminati

Where the residential IPs come from? 

The answer comes from the service of his sister, Hola. Hola is one of the most popular free VPN services for home users. Hola is almost like Tor, as it can transmit traffic as a proxy node for Bright Data users.

Luminati.IO Review - Ad verification

They have the most intellectual property right, about millions, which is more than the other proxies.

They cannot be deceived or blocked, and the Hola network provides a more personalized service through its IP address. Hola, help provide millions of nodes that can reach all regions of the world.

The crash rate of Hola, according to the Bright Data proxy revision, is much lower than that of the other proxy servers and therefore preferable to other proxy servers.

This is because Hola uses private IP addresses created on a private network that can not be easily identified, while the IP addresses used by other proxy servers can be easily identified and receive misleading data or information.

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Guide to Use Residential IPs Proxies :Bright Data Review

Let’s further share in this Bright Data review about how you can easily configure your residential IP Proxies in your high-performance customer space. You can also request them through the API, the Bright Data Proxy Manager, the browsers, and so on.

Luminati.IO Review - Proxy Services

  • The Bright Data API provides a fast, affordable, convenient, and fast proxy solution, and you can use your proxies with different codes.
  • Proxy Manager, the most advanced in this area. It can be easily installed without code. The simple Bright Data requires minimal configuration but provides maximum performance. Install it, select the country and start your browsing activities. It can be completely personalized.

Luminati.IO Review - Proxy Manager

  • There are special features like custom headers and the user agent. Bright Data is ideal for multiple users, especially those with multiple employees. You can use the same Bright Data account. With LPM, you can also reduce the cost of your proxy, such as reducing bandwidth.
  • The Bright Data Chrome extension, which allows IP addresses for home users to navigate online, is useful for some GEO content sites and can be avoided by the police on some shoe sites, such as Adidas, that run HMAC Use the BOTs.

Luminati.IO Review - Chrome Extension

  • Every new session is available. You can also change the IP address if each new session changes the IP address automatically, and you can control it by setting the IP policy (in the proxy settings): In the maximum number of requests, you can change the number of requests Set requests from the same IP address (whenever and when the IP is available). If you do not set it, the IP is automatically updated every 60 seconds.
  • The time to change is available. You can define this in the “Session Time” configuration (also part of the Bright Data Proxy Manager IP policy). You have two options here: 1) If you use the Long Single Session option in the Preferences menu, the IP address will be the same every time it is available on the other side. 2) If you use the

“custom” option of the present, you can choose the duration of the session in seconds. Whenever you want it works only if the IP address is available on the other side.

Do you want to get discount codes for Bright Data? Check out this article which has the latest working Luminati coupon codes that you can use to avail great offers.

How to authenticate

Bright Data can be authenticated in two ways: with an IP address or username and password.

Authentication with an IP address is mainly used in cases where you are using proxies on some devices.

You can create an IP whitelist after you create a zone. If you click on the newly created area you will see “IP the whitelist” on the right side. Click on the pencil icon next to it, enter your IP address and click “Save”. You can add multiple addresses.

If you want to use Luminati with a username and password, the procedure is slightly different.

First, you have to type in the section “IPs” the whitelist “all” and click on “Save”. When you return to the box, your username and password are displayed on the right side. If you want to change your password, you must click on the pencil icon next to it

Multilogin Proxy Integration with Bright Data

Multilogin allows for the creation of virtual browsing profiles so you can manage multiple online accounts using physical device simulations

  • Go to Bright Data Dashboard
  • Click create a Zone
  • Choose your Network Type
  • Click Save
  • Within Multilogin click New browser profile
  • Click Edit proxy settings
  • Connection Type: choose Bright Data
  • Choose your protocol under Proxy Type
  • IP or Host:
  • Port: 22225
  • Username: Your Bright Data account ID and proxy Zone name
    • Example: lum-customer-CUSTOMER-zone-YOURZONE_STATIC
  • Password: Your Zone password (found in the Zone settings)
  • Click Check proxy

For integration with Multilogin and the Bright Data Proxy Manager

  • Create a Zone with the network, IP type and number of IPs you wish to use
  • Download and install the Proxy Manager
  • Click Add new proxy and choose the Zone and settings you require
  • Click save
  • Within Multilogin click New browser profile
  • Click Edit proxy settings
  • Under Connection Type choose Bright Data
  • Choose your protocol under Proxy Type
  • IP or Host: if the Proxy Manager installed locally or the IP of the remote server the Proxy manager is installed on or
  • Port: the port you created in the Bright Data Proxy Manager 24XXX
  • Leave the username and password field empty, as the Bright Data Proxy Manager has already been authenticated
  • Click Check proxy

Super proxy nuances

If you would like to use Bright Data Super proxy, you must use session prefix in order to avoid mismatches in browser profile and IP location data. It is recommended to do this in the following way, with rand prefix:


The 39484 value is used just as an example. It is recommended to set different rand prefix value for each browser profile. You can set a random number for rand prefix. Please notice that glob_ prefix is not working correctly with Multilogin.

Bright Data Customer Review :

Tom Hogans

We’ve been working with Bright Data for a little over a year. Previously one of our main challenges was constantly dealing with flakey, unreliable proxy providers. Bright Data’s stability and dependability has allowed us to focus on other revenue-generating activities.

Pavel VlasovCTO & Co-Founder of AppFollow

We are very pleased with the flexibility of the Bright Data service as well as the ongoing dedicated support we receive. Now that our company and customer base have grown, we turn to Bright Data gather high-quality data at a faster and more efficient pace.

Bright Data Networks Becomes Bright Data with Focus on Web Transparency and Continuous Innovation

In 2018, Bright Data Networks revolutionized the residential proxy domain and became a dominant leader in their industry. They’ve expanded far beyond it’s market-leading networks to launch powerful automated data collection solutions that deliver reliable mission critical online information for all types of customers ranging from startups to enterprises as well as research institutions universities NGOs & non profit organizations touching almost every region around world!

The launch of Bright Data represents the next step in a company’s journey to provide vital data-driven solutions for brands. The new platform will allow them to continue shedding light on obscure web pages, deliver complete transparency with its revolutionary ethical practices – all while maintaining their commitment towards making internet accessible and transparent around the world!

In the spirit of transparency, The Bright Initiative is committed to fighting social injustice and encouraging responsible data collection through education. As it partners with like-minded organisations they will tackle today’s most critical matters facing our industry while ensuring everyone has a brighter future ahead!

Conclusion: Is Bright Data safe to use?

Bright Data is the world’s number one web data platform for good reason; it offers unbeatable reliability with a 99.99% residential proxy uptime guarantee and unparalleled flexibility thanks to its customizable solutions. Furthermore, its 24/7 customer service guarantees that any problems encountered during your project will be addressed promptly and professionally so you don’t have to worry about downtime or disruption in progress due to technical issues!

If you’re in need of reliable web data solutions for your business or organization, look no further than Bright Data – the world’s top web data platform!

Jitendra Vaswani
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Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded, a digital marketing agency, and, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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