Interview With Aaron Agius: Sharing Best Marketing Techniques

As part of our BloggersIdeas interview series, today we have Aaron Agius from who have Over 8 years experience in affiliate, CPA, search, social and content marketing for small businesses through to global brands. He will be answering various questions related to Digital Media & other Internet Marketing stuffs . So lets start with the interview.

Aaron Agius Interview

Please introduce yourself to our readers. Can you tell us something about your content writer journey. How and when did you enter into this?

I’ve been in internet marketing for around 10 years and have always been involved in a number of different areas –Paid Search, affiliate marketing, SEO, content strategy and marketing.

Through our company – LouderOnline, we focus our efforts on inbound marketing that all stems from a strong content strategy and marketing system.

What is your educational background and who suggested you to this digital world ?

I have a technical background and have been in IT related roles prior to starting work in internet marketing. I actually jumped in to internet marketing one day when my fiancé( now wife) and I were looking at ways to combine our skills – me IT and her Marketing, so that we could figure out how people were making money online.

I spent 6 months 15 hours a day learning the in’s and out’s of it all until we finally made $0.40 online one day. We were over the moon with excitement. The reason we were so happy is we realized early on that making money online is fantastic because it can be automated to a large extent, and it can be almost infinitely scalable.

The very next day we turned that $0.40 in to $400 – and the rest is history.

What are the best Press release websites you are using ?

If we are ever required to help distribute press releases for clients, we do so through

How has the importance or value of content changed over the time you’ve been in online marketing?

It has changed a lot. As search engine algorithms have improved they continue to fight off low value content and links. Developing high value , quality content and then distributing this content are the sure fire steps to a solid SEO \ inbound marketing campaign.

How to build a community for promoting your business or client business ? Any tools you recommend ?

It all starts with ensuring you have a steady stream of high value content. Once you have the content base, deciding where your target audience hangs out online is essential. Different industries, products and businesses have audience in different places, so doing your research up front is essential to choosing which social platform(s) to begin engaging on.

One of the worst things to do is be of the opinion that you need to have a prescence in all social networks. It spreads resources too thin and puts a strain on social media strategies, content strategies and content development requirements.

Do you think using fake names for client business can help their promote business very well.. Suppose you promoting your client business on Forum & Blog commenting platform, would you use fake or spammny names to promote client business. Please explain in detail.

No I don’t recommend fake names for client work. We like to keep everything above board and ensure that there are no problems moving forward. We would not recommend the use of fake names if there are other options available.

And who are your blogging role models ?

Neil Patel, Jon Morrow, Pat Flynn.

Why Content Marketing is playing keen role in SEO 2014. Do you think that only content marketing is king, other seo techniques are dead?

Technical SEO will always be important and should never be forgotten. Content is king, but ignoring all other areas of SEO is a mistake.

Top 10 wordpress plugins you are using for your blog ? Please mention it in brief ?

  • Yoast SEO
  • WordPress Dropbox backup
  • W3Cache
  • Google Analytics plugin
  • Wp Manage
  • Fancier Author Box

Check Out: Top WordPress Plugins 

What kind of social media management tools you are using currently. Can you tell me ?


Do you have any questions to ask, Do you have more marketing strategies to share. So go on share in the comments below !!!

Dont forget to share this awesome interview in social media. I will be pleased if you share this now !!! Cheers!!! Join BloggersIdeas on Facebook, Google+ & Twitter 🙂

Jitendra Vaswani
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Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded, a digital marketing agency, and, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

Comments (9)

  1. To the best of my knowledge I think that Aaron Agius is quite expressive. His take on how he first mad $0.40 is somewhat exciting. With many years of experience in search and affiliate marketing I think Aaron should be role model to a lot of bloggers.

    My question for is Aaron is this: What you make link building in 2014! Is it still relevan for online success? Or, have social signals overtaken the very essence of link building?

    I have shared this comment in where this post was shared for the Internet marketing community.

    Sunday – contributor

    • Hi Sunday – thanks for your comments.

      Links are still the most powerful part of the Google algorithm. Link ‘earning’ not necessarily just link ‘building’ is definitely important for 2014 and beyond. Continue to create linkable content assets on your website and then work hard to market that content to ensure it gets the links, social awareness and engagement needed to help your site rank well in the search engines.

      In my opinion, social signals will only continue to increase in importance as well – but if you have the content assets on your site, attracting these signals will come naturally too.

  2. It’s a great thing to find out the tools and the process an experienced person like Aaron Agius. The story about how he started in this field is one that most of us can relate to.

  3. Ouch guys on the fake names 😉

    Awesome tips. Be transparent to prosper accordingly.

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