How To Auto Share Old Blog Posts on Various Social Networking Site

If you want to re-spread the word out of your old blog post, will you go manually to each social networking site and post them? What if a WordPress plugin or a web service does the work for you? Though sharing blog posts manually gives you the chance to lend a personal touch to you posts but the process can be very time consuming.

You might not like to waste so much of time for a single blog post. Time is the main factor why many bloggers choose to use a WordPress plugin or web service for doing the job of posting content to various social networking site.

Let us look at some amazing plugins and web services which does the job smoothly and conveniently.

1) Jetpack Publicize 


Publicize is a functional part of the popular Jetpack plugin. Jetpack Publicize is a natural choice as many already use the Jetpack plugin for their WordPress blogs. You can use the service to share in Facebook,  Twitter,  LinkedIn,  Tumblr and Yahoo. Setting up Publicize is easy under the setting column via sharing sub menu. You can choose the posts which you want to share and the social networking sites where you want to post them on a post by post basis.

Click here to download

2) SocialPublish


SocialPublish shares your blog post as soon as it is published. You do not have to create a separate Facebook app or Twitter app to use this service. This is a direct web service. Simply sign up with SocialPublish and link it or connect it with your social networking accounts.

Like Jetpack even here you can choose the platforms where you want to post your content. You can choose to add a custom message, though not mandatory.

Click here to download

3)WP Auto Share Post

WP-AutoSharePost Plugin

This plugin automatically shares your post with a pre defined message to Facebook and Twitter.  This plugin is slightly more technical than Jetpack as you have to create Facebook and Twitter app separately. It supports URL shortening which is great way to track your links.

In addition this plugin pulls in comments related to the post from Facebook and post them directly to the blog comment section.

Click here to download

4) 1Click  

1 Click WP SEO WordPress Plugin

This plugin has many features including the auto share features whereby you can share your posts to more than thirty social networking sites. You can customize the message to be posted in Facebook and LinkedIn shares on a post by post basis.

Click here to download

5) NextScripts


This is by far the best social networking auto post plugin. It automatically shares your post to eighteen widely popular social networking sites like Facebook,  LinkedIn,  Twitter,  Google+ ,  Pinterest etc. You can even post to multiple Twitter accounts and Facebook pages using this plugin. The plugin does 100% white labelled post, that is, it will look freshly posted by you and not via NextScripts. This is the USP of this plugin.

Click here to download



This is my preferred method as I can send RSS Feed (new blog posts) to  Buffer and Hootsuite. Buffer and Hootsuite are two services whereby you can schedule your posts to preferred timings. This will give your post a natural look as opposed to all content posted at the same time. You can automatically share your blog posts too with IFTTT.

Click here 

To wrap it up you have quite a bit of options to choose the best fitted plugin to share your posts across various popular social networking sites. Do let us know which plugin you liked the best or if any other plugin has different or the same features but with better functioning.

Christine Williams
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Christine Williams is an experienced Portland based web content writer for and she is writer by day and a reader by night. Her passion for helping people in all aspects of internet marketing industry flows through in the expert industry coverage she provides. She cover a wide range of niches, and share articles around popular products and online services. She also writes for many leading magazines like Forbes, NY times and she is a firm believer in giving back to community through her content pieces.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

5 thoughts on “How To Auto Share Old Blog Posts on Various Soc...”

  1. Hi Sonam ,

    Thanks for sharing these tons of information. I was specifically looking for a plugin that can automatically share my old posts on social sites. I know about revive old post but the problem is it dosent work for custom post. For the same you will need to by the premium version.

    Do let me know if you know any other plugin that will share OLD posts not the new post automatically on social sites.

  2. Great list of tools which helps to automatically share blog posts, but I recommend to use Next script WordPress plugin because it is free and easy to use.

  3. Soanm first of all i have to say that thank you for this great share with us and now i would like to say that, yes its most most important that we as a blogger continue have to share our old blog post to get socialize, again thank you so much

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