Cloudways Affiliate Program 2024: To Make Money Upto 200$ Per Sale


Overall Verdict

The Cloudways Affiliate Program offers a lucrative opportunity for individuals and businesses to earn recurring commissions by referring customers to their managed cloud hosting platform. With its user-friendly interface, generous commission structure, and strong support resources, it presents a compelling option for affiliate marketers looking to monetize their online presence.

Out of 10


  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Strong Support Resources
  • Lucrative Commission Structure
  • High-Quality Service
  • Flexibility and Scalability


  • Limited Promotional Materials


Price: $

The Cloudways Affiliate Program is a way for people to make money by recommending Cloudways’ hosting services. When you join, you get a special link to share.

If someone signs up for Cloudways through your link, you earn a commission. It’s easy to start: just sign up on their website, get approved, and begin sharing your link.

You can use your website, blog, or social media to promote Cloudways. The more people you refer, the more money you can make. Cloudways supports you with materials and guidance to help you succeed.

Cloudways Affiliate Program

Recently, I came to know that Cloudways (one of the leading managed hosting providers) has recently launched its revamped affiliate program and stepped up its offering with multiple commission models to help affiliates earn bigger bucks.

After going through their affiliate program myself, I must say I’m impressed; it’s easily among the top web hosting affiliate programs at the moment.

This is why I’ve decided to share a few details on the Cloudways Affiliate Program and some of the amazing benefits it can offer you as an affiliate.

Simply add promo code “CWBlOGIDEA” when you sign up with Cloudways, and a 20$ credit will be applied automatically. You can also start with the 30-day free trial of Cloud hosting with Cloudways, and your discount will be applied automatically when you upgrade to higher plans.

What is Cloudways Affiliate?

The Cloudways Affiliate Program is a marketing initiative where affiliates earn commissions by promoting Cloudways’ hosting services.


It’s an excellent example of affiliate marketing, allowing you to earn money from home by referring customers to Cloudways. The program offers:

  • Access to Resources: Affiliates receive promotional materials and analytics to help in their marketing efforts.
  • Flexibility for Higher Commissions: The more successful referrals you make, the higher your commission.
  • Dedicated Support: Cloudways provides personalized support to help affiliates maximize their earnings.

This program exemplifies affiliate marketing’s win-win nature, benefiting both Cloudways through increased clientele and affiliates with potential earnings based on their promotional success.

It leverages trust and personal endorsement, which is crucial for converting referrals into Cloudways customers.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a strategy where individuals earn commissions by promoting other companies’ products or services. Here’s how it works in the context of the Cloudways Affiliate Program:

  1. Brand/Product Owner: Companies like Cloudways that offer products or services.
  2. Affiliate Network: Cloudways itself connects affiliates with their hosting services and manages payments.
  3. Affiliate Promoter: Individuals who use their platforms (blogs, social media, etc.) to promote Cloudways and share affiliate links.
  4. The Customer: People who buy Cloudways’ services through these affiliate links, leading to commissions for the promoter.

Affiliates earn by promoting links; when a sale is made through their link, they receive a commission. This model benefits both Cloudways through increased sales and affiliates through earnings on referrals.

How Does One Join the Cloudways Affiliate Program?

Joining the Cloudways Affiliate Program is straightforward:

Cloudways Hosting experience

  1. Sign Up: Create an account with Cloudways through their website.
  2. Approval: Wait for your account to be approved by Cloudways.
  3. Access Dashboard: Once approved, you’ll get access to the affiliate dashboard.
  4. Promote: Use the provided promotional materials (banners, text links, product reviews) to promote Cloudways on your website, blog, or social media.
  5. Earn Commissions: Earn up to $200 per referral, with the commission rate increasing as you refer more customers.

How Much Can You Earn from Cloudways Affiliate Program?

The Cloudways affiliate program offers an appealing opportunity for individuals looking to earn additional income by leveraging their online presence.

By joining this program, affiliates can earn commissions of up to $250 per referral, making it a potentially lucrative source of extra cash.

The program operates on a tiered commission structure, where the amount you earn per referral increases with the number of customers you successfully refer within a month.

To get started, interested parties simply need to visit the Cloudways website, navigate to the “Affiliate” section, and sign up by providing some basic information to create an affiliate account.

Once the account is set up, affiliates gain access to a variety of promotional materials designed to aid in the marketing of Cloudways services across different platforms, including websites, blogs, social media, and email.

When a new customer signs up for Cloudways using an affiliate’s link, the affiliate earns a commission, offering a straightforward way to monetize their network and content.

This program not only provides a valuable avenue for earning extra money but also associates affiliates with Cloudways’ reputable and reliable cloud hosting services.

Cloudways: Features

Cloudways Features

1. Performance

Cloudways ensures your website operates at peak performance, directly influencing better conversion rates and unlocking your site’s growth potential.

With optimized servers, caching solutions, and a network designed for speed, your website can handle traffic spikes and deliver content quickly to your audience worldwide.

2. 24/7 Support

The platform offers expert support available 24/7 to address any questions or concerns you might have.

Whether it’s a technical issue or you need guidance on utilizing their platform optimally, Cloudways’ team is there to ensure a smooth and worry-free experience.

3. Security

Cloudways provides robust security measures to protect your website from malicious attacks and unwanted disruptions.

With dedicated firewalls, regular security patching, SSL certificates, and real-time monitoring, you can be confident that your site and data are secure against online threats.

4. Ease of Use

Designed with simplicity in mind, Cloudways offers a 1-click hosting solution that removes the complexities typically associated with managing web hosting.

From setting up a server to deploying applications, the platform is user-friendly, making it accessible for users with varying levels of technical expertise.

How Does It Work?

Cloudways offers the following three different commission structures to help affiliates earn at their pace: Slab, Hybrid, and Custom.

Each of these has a different commission policy and is intended to give affiliates a greater choice in expanding their passive income.

Cloudways affiliate program reviews

1. Slab

The Slab model is CPA-based. This means that you earn commissions based on the number of referrals who convert to Cloudways as customers every month.

The total number of commissions on a monthly basis depends on how many sales you achieve and the matching Slab number and commission per sale.

In the example below, if you refer 5 customers a month, your total earnings are calculated based on Slab 1 commissions, giving you $250. But, if you refer 10 customers, your earnings are calculated based on Slab 2 commissions, giving you a total of $750 instead of $500.

Cloudways affiliate program reviews discountIn other words, the more customers you refer, the higher your Slab number and the more commissions you make per referral.

2. Hybrid

The Hybrid structure is a recurring commissions model where you earn commissions based on the number of referrals who stay as active Cloudways Customers.

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In this model, you earn a $30 signup bonus in addition to a 7% recurring commission for a lifetime, so the longer a referral stays as a Cloudways Customer, the higher your passive earnings.

3. Custom

The Custom model is a special tier for affiliate wizards and veterans. Suppose you have the swagger to refer more than 80 customers every month on a consistent basis.

In that case, you can enter into a customized agreement with Cloudways in which you can earn commissions from a combination of Slab and Hybrid commission policies. The exact details will depend on your sales performance and your strengths.

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How to Become a Cloudways Affiliate?

Becoming a Cloudways affiliate involves a strategic approach to effectively promote their hosting services and earn commissions. Here’s a condensed guide on how to embark on this journey:

Cloudways Has the Solution for everything

Step 1: Identify Your Niche

Select a niche that aligns with Cloudways’ offerings and your interests. A well-chosen niche can significantly influence your promotional success. Assess your passion, market demand, and competition to find a niche that suits you best.

Step 2: Research and Join the Program

Investigate the Cloudways Affiliate Program to understand the commission structure and support provided. Look for a program that offers a good partnership opportunity, ensuring it aligns with your niche and has a promising earning potential.

Step 3: Build Your Platform

Create a platform such as a blog, website, or social media page where you can engage with your audience. is recommended for its flexibility and SEO benefits. Ensure your hosting choice is reliable, as this will be the foundation of your promotional efforts.

Step 4: Create and Publish Content

Develop high-quality content that resonates with your audience and incorporates your affiliate links. Whether you’re blogging or using ads, content is crucial to attract and convince your audience of the value Cloudways provides.

Step 5: Utilize Paid Advertising

Consider setting up paid advertising accounts with platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or Bing Ads to extend your reach. This step is optional but can be beneficial in driving targeted traffic to your affiliate links.

By following these steps, you can establish a solid foundation for your affiliate marketing efforts with Cloudways.

Remember, success in affiliate marketing comes from engaging with your audience and providing them with valuable content that encourages them to use Cloudways for their hosting needs.

5 Reasons to Choose Cloudways Affiliate Program

As varied as Cloudways Affiliate Program commission structures are, the story doesn’t end there. The program offers several amazing benefits to you as an affiliate. These are as follows:

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1. More Earning Choices

As explained above, Cloudways’ Slab, Hybrid, and Custom commission models offer immense flexibility and options to help you choose how you want to earn.

Unlike other web hosting affiliate programs in which you’re only restricted to earning one particular way, Cloudways Affiliate Program gives you more room to grow as an affiliate.

For example, you can choose to earn under the Slab model and then switch to a Hybrid model if you want to earn recurring commissions.

Or, if you feel you have acquired a large enough monthly traffic to your website and have what it takes to refer to a sizeable number of customers, you can switch to the Custom tier to earn even higher commissions.

The Slab is the default commission model for anyone who joins the Cloudways Affiliate Program. So, if you want to change to either a Hybrid or Custom model, you’ll need to contact the Cloudways Affiliate Manager.

2. Ideal for Your Preferences

Any affiliate marketer who’s been earning commissions for a while will tell you that there is no one-size-fits-all commission model that works best for every affiliate.

Rather, you will find that some affiliates will prefer one structure or another depending on the type of work they do on a day-to-day basis.

With the Cloudways Affiliate Program, you don’t get that problem. It gives you a full spectrum of earning possibilities so that regardless of whether you’re a blogger, agency owner, or performance marketer, you can choose to earn the way you want.

The Slab, Hybrid, and Custom are each best suited for all types of affiliate marketers. Have a look below:

  • Slab: best suited for performance marketers, entrepreneurs, and media publishers
  • Hybrid: ideal for bloggers, digital agencies, developers, and freelancers
  • Custom: ideal for highly experienced and skilled affiliate marketers

3. Get Monthly Payments

There is often a concern among affiliates about earning stable commissions in the form of monthly payments.

At Cloudways, you get monthly payouts on your commissions as long as you reach the minimum threshold of $250 total commissions. All payouts are sent via PayPal, but you can also request to receive your commissions via Wire Transfer.

4. Hands-on Affiliate Marketing Support

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You’re probably reading this and wondering if becoming a web hosting affiliate is only for affiliate wizards who have years of experience in this field. How else would newbies make their first buck, right?

Wrong! As a Cloudways hosting affiliate, you gain from a variety of learning resources to learn all the ropes to refer affiliates’ links and earn commissions the right way.

You get everything from how-to guides and articles to ebooks and promotional banners in multiple sizes to help hone your skills as a seasoned affiliate marketer and earn thousands of dollars every month.

Also, you are assigned a Cloudways Affiliate Manager, acting as your guardian for any issues or concerns for your affiliate marketing needs.

So, if you’re unsure how to do affiliate marketing, you don’t have to feel overwhelmed. Cloudways offers extensive marketing and affiliate support to help you become successful as an affiliate.

5. Affiliate Tracking Panel for Performance Reporting

In affiliate marketing, you’ll have to spend a lot of time testing new practices and tricks. Cloudways Affiliate Panel is geared to provide you with advanced performance reporting and referral tracking so that you never lose watch of your efforts and referrals.

Cloudways Affiliate Panel’s Reports section gives a consolidated overview of all key reports and stats on your conversions, signups, commissions, and payouts.


🤔 What is the Cloudways Affiliate Program?

It's a program that allows you to earn money by promoting Cloudways hosting services. When someone signs up through your referral link, you get a commission.

💰 How much can I earn with the Cloudways Affiliate Program?

You can earn up to $250 per referral. Your earnings depend on how many customers you refer each month.

📝 How do I join the Cloudways Affiliate Program?

Simply sign up on the Cloudways website under the affiliate section, get your account approved, and start sharing your unique referral link.

🛠️ What tools does Cloudways provide to help affiliates?

Cloudways offers promotional materials like banners and text links, as well as access to an affiliate dashboard to track your progress.

💼 Who can join the Cloudways Affiliate Program?

Anyone with a platform to promote Cloudways, like bloggers, digital marketers, and web developers, can join.

📈 How are my referrals tracked?

Cloudways tracks referrals using cookies linked to your affiliate ID. When someone clicks your link and signs up, you're credited with the referral.

📊 When and how do I get paid?

Payments are made through PayPal or bank transfer, usually on a monthly basis, after reaching a minimum payout threshold.

Quick Links:

Conclusion: Cloudways Affiliate Program 2024

The Cloudways Affiliate Program is a great opportunity for anyone looking to earn extra income by promoting a reliable hosting service.

It’s simple to join and offers a chance to make money through referrals. With Cloudways, you get support, promotional materials, and a chance to earn up to $250 per referral.

This program is ideal for bloggers, web developers, and digital marketers.

By choosing Cloudways, you’re not just earning; you’re also recommending a high-quality hosting platform to your audience, making it a win-win situation for both you and your referrals.

Jitendra Vaswani
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Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded, a digital marketing agency, and, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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