Circleboom Review 2024: Is Circleboom Legit? SHOULD YOU USE IT?

Circleboom Review

Overall Verdict

Circleboom calls itself a tool that “helps users, brands, and small and medium-sized businesses grow and strengthen their Twitter account(s).” Even though that isn’t very clear, we’re here to tell you more.

Out of 10


  • Prices that are affordable
  • Unfollow those who have not followed you
  • Spam/fake accounts should be unfollowed
  • Search live keywords and hashtags
  • Influencers can be found in minutes


  • The free trial run is limited, but that’s understandable


Price: $ 15

Looking for Circleboom review? I am here to help you out today.

Twitter is still one of the most popular social media sites in the world, with about 200 million active users every month.

Even though it’s not as popular as Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube, it’s still a very important way to reach your target audience.

In fact, it’s especially helpful for people who want to build a strong presence across platforms and talk directly with their followers. It’s still a powerful marketing tool that you should definitely use.

Twitter has been around for 15 years, and almost 70% of its users are in the US. This makes it a great tool for businesses and brands that are based in the US or are trying to reach people from that country.

Circleboom Review

The number of people who click on Twitter ads has gone up by 27%, and it also has a lot of potential for B2-B marketing.

Still, managing Twitter can be hard. With so many social media platforms, creating content and working on other business projects, how do you find time to manage Twitter?

Twitter management involves a lot of things, like looking at likes, comments, retweets, and other interactions. You also have to work to build a valuable community of followers and make sure you know who is following you and how your tweets are doing.

Keeping to a schedule when you tweet can also be hard, and it can affect how well your Twitter profile does.

There are a lot of things that can be hard, but the good news is that there are a lot of tools to help you manage your Twitter account.

Circleboom is one that has become more popular in recent years. Since there are so many companies that offer social media tools, we wanted to find out if they really are as good as they say they are.

In this review, we’ll get to the bottom of what Circleboom is, how it works if it’s worth it, and some frequently asked questions that we’ve seen out there.

Let’s get going.

What Is Circleboom? 

Circleboom calls itself a tool that “helps users, brands, and small and medium-sized businesses grow and strengthen their Twitter account(s).” Even though that isn’t very clear, we’re here to tell you more.

Circleboom gives its clients a set of easy-to-use tools for managing their Twitter accounts, which help them get the most out of their tweets, interactions, and Twitter audience as a whole.

These tools are all about different parts of a successful Twitter profile, such as followers, tweets, scheduling, and more.

Circleboom Review

Circleboom was started in 2017 and has been changing and adding to its tools ever since. It is known especially for being able to delete all tweets and retweets.

When they first came out, they were known for being able to follow and unfollow different Twitter accounts.

Let’s take a look at the different things Circleboom offers its customers right now.

Features of CircleBoom

Here are the features:

1. Discover and Publish Tool

The publishing tool on Circleboom is one of the best ways to find new content and share it on your Twitter profile.

How it works is as follows.

Sign in to Circleboom with your Twitter account, and when you click on “Articles,” go to the “Publish” tab.

When you click on that, you’ll see a new dashboard with a button that says “Select Your Interests Now.”

When you click that button, a new page will open with two tabs: “Interests” and “Queue Settings.”

You have to choose more than five interests that you want to show on your profile in the “Interests” section.

And in the queue settings, you can decide how often and when your posts will be published.

You can add up to 3 articles to your queue with a free Circleboom account. If you want to add more, you’ll need to upgrade your free Circleboom account.

Schedule Tweets – Circleboom lets you schedule tweets that you can send your followers at any time you want to . You can also add photos, videos, and GIFs to a tweet.

Circleboom protects your scheduled tweets, which you can delete or change at any time.

Circleboom Review - Schedule Tweets circleboom

2. Control Over My Tweets

The Circleboom Twitter app empowers users to control their tweets, retweets, and likes.

Circleboom allows you to perform the following actions:

Unlike – Sometimes you like a tweet that you probably shouldn’t. When you figure out you were wrong, you can’t find that tweet.

Circleboom’s “Dislike” feature helps you find tweets you don’t like so you can dislike them one by one or in groups.

Delete RTs – With the Circleboom unfollow tool, you can delete all of your retweets if you want to. You can delete all of the 3200 most recent retweets at once.

Delete Tweets – With Circleboom, you can delete all of your tweets. Remember that you can’t get back a tweet that you deleted. List all of your tweets and replies. You can delete them one by one or all at once.

circleboom Delete Tweets

Delete Twitter Archive – You can get rid of your Twitter history. All you have to do is upload your Twitter archive, sort your tweets, and delete them. You can get rid of the tweets, replies, and likes you’ve already sent.

3. Smart Search Tool

You can find features like Smart Search, Live Keyword & Hashtag Search, and Find Friends Search in the Circleboom search tool section.

Smart Search – Through millions of public profiles, you can use this feature to narrow down who you want to reach. For example, if you want to find profiles of people who are interested in SEO, you can just search for that keyword, and it will only show you profiles of people who have said they are interested in SEO in their profile.

Live Keyword & Hashtag Search – You can look up what hashtags and keywords are popular for a certain topic and add them to your tweet.

Find Friend Search – You can use Find Friend Search to find the accounts of influencers who share your interests. For example, I want to see the people Brain Dean is following, such as:

I’m not following back – You can also see accounts that follow you but that you don’t follow back. You can search for and sort Twitter accounts to find ones you should and shouldn’t follow.

4. Circle Tool 

You’ll be able to find fake accounts, spammers, and accounts that aren’t being used. This will help you get rid of any Twitter accounts that don’t bring you engagement.

Eggheads are also found. These are Twitter accounts that don’t have a profile picture or that make your profile look spammy or weak.

Circle Tool circleboom

You can also find overactive accounts so you can figure out which profiles are making too much noise on your Twitter feed.

5. Build A Strong Circle

Unfollow non-followers, inactive users, spam accounts, and fake accounts to improve your Twitter profile.

Our Verdict: In general, the Circleboom Publish tool offers a lot of content automation, especially for those with limited time.

Even though you can use it for a positive purpose, you have to make sure the content is of high quality and will not harm your reputation.

Circleboom’s Publish tool can be a game-changer if you are able to find the right content to use for your Twitter content

6. Who to unfollow on Twitter?

Get Your Follower Insights – Use Twitter follower insights to improve your profile. Using it, you can look at your account and find out useful things about it.

Who is not following you back – It is not easy or quick to find Twitter users who are not following you. Circleboom makes it easy to find the profiles that aren’t following you back.. 

Non-English Accounts – If you don’t understand their language, there’s no point in following accounts that don’t tweet in English. Using the Circleboom app, you can stop following them.

Fake/Spam Accounts – Spam and fake accounts should be filtered and unfollowed. By doing so, your feed will be cleaner and you’ll gain more authority. 

Twitter has been getting rid of spam accounts and cleaning up the site to make it better for people who actually use Twitter. Twitter wants to stop fake accounts from adding to the number of people who follow them, so they have blocked tens of millions of fake accounts.

Inactive Twitter Accounts – It won’t hurt your profile if you stop following Twitter accounts that don’t add anything to it. Circleboom finds accounts that haven’t been used in 30 days so you can stop following them.

Overactive – You can stop following an account that tweets too much if you don’t like it.

Overactive accounts are identified by the Circleboom app as those that send more than 20 tweets per day.

Eggheads – The chances of spam or fake accounts are higher when a profile does not have a profile picture. The egghead profile accounts you follow on Twitter should be unfollowed for your account’s safety.

7. Analyze user behavior with this powerful dashboard

Circleboom provides detailed information on your followers’ activity. This helps you to understand who your audience is and what they are doing.

The dashboard displays the following data:

Growth Graphs – In Circleboom, you can see who has unfollowed you or followed you and which accounts are inactive. 

Circleboom’s follower stats analytics let you view follower statistics daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.   

Friends & Followers Characteristics – It’s important to understand which followers are genuine, inactive, verified, and spam in order to make your Twitter profile more influential. This chart shows who to focus on.

Language Stats – Companies that operate overseas need to know the language of their audiences. Knowing their audience’s language helps them plan their tweets

Best Time to Tweet – In order to succeed at Twitter marketing, you must ensure that your tweets are engaging. Circleboom identifies the optimal time to send out a tweet to maximize engagement. 

Gender Stats – Adapt your tweet content to your audience’s gender to increase engagement

Friends & Followers Interests – The Circleboom Interest Cloud displays what your friends and followers are interested in.

Why Should You Use Circleboom?

Here are some good reasons why you should use the Twitter unfollow tool from Circleboom.

  • Stop following people who aren’t following you back on Twitter.
  • To stop following fake users on Twitter who send out spam tweets.
  • To stop following accounts that don’t use English to tweet.
  • To stop following people on Twitter who don’t post anything useful.
  • To figure out when the best time is to send tweets.
  • To search for keywords and hashtags in real-time

Like other tools for unfollowing people on Twitter, Circleboom PRO also lets you stop following people who have stopped following you.

This mass unfollow tool lets you unfollow more than 100 people who don’t follow you back. Other similar Twitter unfollow apps only let you unfollow 20 people for free.

If you pay for a Circleboom PRO account, you can even unfollow more spam accounts.

Circleboom Pricing Plans

Here’s what the Circleboom monthly plan looks like: You get 6 months free when you sign up for the annual plan.

In general, Circleboom’s plans are MUCH cheaper than those of its two main competitors: ManageFlitter and Audiense.

Regardless of what premium plan you choose, you’re guaranteed to get the same features. However, you might be able to manage more profiles with a premium plan.

Circleboom Review- Circleboom Pricing Plans

ManageFlitter begins at $12 per month, whereas Audiense begins at $49 per month.

Therefore, Circleboom PRO plans are more affordable when compared with ManageFliter and Audiense Connect.

No credit card information is required for a FREE TRIAL of Circleboom. 

Pros & Cons of Circleboom

Here are the pros & cons:


  • Prices that are affordable
  • Unfollow those who have not followed you
  • Spam/fake accounts should be unfollowed
  • Search live keywords and hashtags
  • Scheduling a post
  • Influencers can be found in minutes
  • Dashboard with powerful analytics
  • Management of content
  • Automated publication


  • The free trial run is limited, but that’s understandable
  • There is nothing to dislike about it

Circleboom’s Other Products

Here is the other product

Publish and Schedule Tool

The Circleboom platform goes beyond Twitter management. You can use it to create a social network that goes far beyond Twitter.

In addition to Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google My Business (and Pinterest soon), Circleboom now supports all major social networks.

All your social media posts can now be planned, scheduled, automated, and automated in one place.

Circleboom also offers the following social media tools:

  • Facebook Scheduler – Schedule your Facebook posts so you can save time.
  • LinkedIn Scheduler – Circeboom’s LinkedIn post scheduling tool automates the posting of company page updates to LinkedIn in advance, saving you time. 
  • Instagram Scheduler – Use the Circleboom Instagram scheduling tool to schedule Instagram posts.
  • Google My Business Scheduler – Add GMB posts to your schedule using Circleboom’s scheduler. 
  • Post RSS Feeds to Social Media – Use your RSS feeds to distribute hand-picked articles, photos, and videos to your social media channels. You’ll boost your traffic by distributing these feeds to your social channels.
  • Twitter Video Downloader – You can download publicly available videos and gifs from Twitter directly using this app. 
  • Facebook Video Downloader – Circleboom’s Facebook video downloader allows you to download Facebook videos from public Facebook posts. 
  • Instagram Video & GIF Downloader – Download Instagram video clips, IGTV videos, and reels.
  • TikTok Video Downloader – TikTok video downloader lets you download TikTok videos from publicly accessible posts on TikTok.

Using the Circleboom multi social media management tool will save you the time and trouble of managing each social media account separately.

It makes it easier to make a content plan because you can schedule posts for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google My Business, and a lot of other places from one place.

Circleboom Publish can help you run your next social media campaign in minutes instead of spending hours planning it in advance.

FAQ About Circleboom Review

What is Circleboom?

Cirlceboom is a Twitter management tool that allows you to schedule your tweets, analyze your followers, dislike tweets, and delete tweets/retweets.

How Do You Use Circleboom?

Circleboom will ask you to sign in with your Twitter account, and then it will guide you through the process of performing the action you desire.

Is Circleboom Safe?

Circleboom is a safe app. Circleboom uses SSL encryption to secure its website and does not share your data or information without your permission. You don't have to worry about your Twitter account being banned because they have safe payment gateways and don't take any actions that can harm it.

Is Circleboom Free?

A free Circleboom plan is available; however, it is limited and does not offer all the features that are advertised on Circleboom's website.

How Do You Unfollow Someone on Circleboom?

With Circleboom, there's no unfollow function anymore, which has disappointed many of its clients and taken away a key part of its functionality. Many users are affected by this problem because one of the keys to using Twitter is ensuring you have a strong, engaged community.

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Conclusion: Circleboom Review 2024

Circleboom has some great tools that help you manage your tweets and learn more about your followers.

For example, you can automate your posting schedule and find content in a number of different categories. But you can’t do anything about who you follow or unfollow, and the free plan has a lot of restrictions.

Circleboom may not be the best free service if that’s what you’re after. Circleboom could be a good choice if you want to pay for a service to help you manage your Twitter account and you need help with your tweets.

It’s important to note that many Twitter management services have taken away the ability to follow and unfollow people, so if that’s something you want, you might be better off looking at a different type of service.

If you want to grow your real Twitter following and get more attention in your niche, check out Twitter growth services such as Twesocial or Tweeteev.

They can help you get the right people to notice you and build the good Twitter reputation you need.

Kashish Babber
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Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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