BionicWP Review 2024: Best Features & Pricing With Pros & Cons


Overall Verdict

Trusted my more than 10k+ website owners, BionicWP is one of the best MANAGED WordPress platform for freelancers, businesses, agencies, and super-heroes. Combining all your favorite tools into one – updates, security, backups, speed optimization.

Out of 10


  • WAF Firewall
  • White Label Support
  • Unlimited Free Migrations
  • Daily Malware Scanning -
  • WordPress Hardening
  • Increase conversion rates by 18-30% and total users by 20-40%


  • More pricing options needed
  • No email hosting


Price: $ 11.90

Are you looking for a fast and reliable hosting service for your website? Let me tell you about BionicWP.

I recently tried it out, and I’m really impressed. BionicWP promises super-fast speeds, top-notch security, and excellent support.

It’s perfect for anyone who wants their site to run smoothly without any headaches.

With BionicWP, you get managed hosting, meaning they handle all the technical stuff for you. If you want hassle-free, high-performance hosting, BionicWP might just be the solution you need.

Bottom Line Upfront: BionicWP is said to be TRULY MANAGED WordPress platform for people with different occupations such as freelancers, businesses, agencies, and super-heroes. All the tools are merged in this platform – updates, security, backups, speed optimization. Nginx + FCGI + PHP 7.4 + MariaDB with LXD – Hyper Optimized Stack (connected together with wood donated by Groot) & 90+ GTMetrix scores & – 90+ Google PageSpeed Insights scores are easily achieved by BionicWP clients.

What is BionicWP and How Can It Grow Your Business? 

BionicWP hosting solution is a premium WordPress-managed hosting company that offers application-level support within its hosting package.

The hosting solution uses Google Cloud Infrastructure for its hosting backend (mainly the Google C2 High Compute Instance) with a hyper-optimized stack that adds rocket boosters to your website.

It comes with unlimited site edits, guaranteed page performance, core site, theme, and plugin updates and a LOT MORE!

BionicWP Review

The best part about Bionic is that it is a WordPress-friendly hosting solution that puts you in charge of everything you want done.

Do you want to edit content on your WordPress website, or do you want top-notch server performance, or maybe you want to scale your website to handle more visitors? All are achievable within minutes!

BionicWP is Great at… 

  1. Guaranteed page performance with 90+ Google Pagespeed Insights score.
  2. Hack-proofing with 30-Days site backup.
  3. Weekly performance monitoring and report.
  4. High-performance CDN, SSL, and Scalability.
  5. Your very own staging area with SSH access.
  6. White label hosting solution.
  7. WordPress Core/Plugin/Theme update management.
  8. And finally… UNLIMITED WordPress site edits.

You must be wondering with all these features offered by BionicWP, how much does it actually cost to host your website? Well, not much!

The best part about BionicWP is that all these features are available as an add-on for $25 extra with the hosting package. Make sure to check the ‘Unlimited Edits’ check box. 

Overview of BionicWP WordPress Managed Platform 

The platform is highly simple to use. You can sign up on a trial and try the platform for yourself (for absolutely free).

BionicWP Review-Overview

Get everything on the dashboard. When you launch a website, it will appear in your Live Sites tab. You can also see the theme installed on it, the number of plugins that you use, and a lot more. 

Let’s create a live site, shall we?

Launch Your Site on the Fastest WordPress Hosting Solution

Bionic WP Review- Launch Your Site

When you click on a ‘New Site’ tab, you are automatically directed to the site installation page. You can either migrate a website or launch your own website. In our case, we are launching our first website. 

BionicWP Review-Ready Site

Our site is ready. Now, if we go to the dashboard, we can see the live site available.

Bionic WP Review- Live Site

And the site is ready. We have a clean WordPress installation available. Do whatever you want on the new site. It uses a hyper-performance stack and is already super fast (we will be testing it in a while).

Bionic WP Review-Launched Site

Now that I have the site launched. It already has a theme available. The theme and the plugins I have installed are also shown on the BionicWP dashboard.

Bionic WP Review- Performance Management

I can update all of them at once through the BionicWP ‘Update all’ option available or update them one by one.

BionicWP Review- Site Overview

If you visit the WordPress admin panel, you can see the BionicWP plugin on the dashboard. 

BionicWP Review-Dashboard

This just shows the status of themes, plugins, and WordPress core available on your website within WordPress and even on the BionicWP dashboard. You also get an application-level cache to improve site performance even further.

BionicWP Review-Purge Cache

Overview of Site Details in BionicWP Managed Hosting

Now let’s see what options BionicWP offers to manage our WordPress-based website.

BionicWP Review-Site Details

For starters, the site dashboard offers me a glimpse of everything that is available to me down to the SSH access panel.

BionicWP Review-SFTP

I have SSH access. I can also directly log in to the database from the dashboard with a single click. I can also improve my site performance with the click of a button by pressing ‘Make these numbers bionic’.

Currently, I don’t have any page speed rank because the site is new.

Hyper-Performance Activated

On BionicWP WordPress-managed hosting, I can easily activate hyper-performance on my website. So, we will just do a simple test and see what type of performance boost our website gets.

BionicWP Review-High Performance

BionicWP offers its own CDN and a hyperspeed pack by Nitropack. Both options help improve performance.

The CDN will distribute your content to servers around the globe, and Nitropack will create an image of your website on its server, fetching data directly from it.

Testing Site Speed on BionicWP WordPress Managed Hosting

I haven’t even enabled Nitropack or CDN yet for the WordPress website, but you can see that Google Page Speed test shows a full score.

BionicWP Review- Site Testing

You can check out the BionicWP hosting solution yourself. They offer a ‘Try Before You Buy’ option, and I recommend that you go for it if you are serious about your business and its growth.

Features of BionicWP in Detail

Now that you know a little about what BionicWP has to offer, it is time to understand how it can actually help you take extra site management work off your shoulders.

BionicWP- Feature

1. Truly Managed WordPress Hosting

What comes to your mind when we talk about a managed WordPress hosting solution? A hosting solution that provides server-level support and management?

A solution that provides both server- and application-level support and management, or a solution that offers customizations to your application as well? BionicWP offers all three! 

In short, consider Bionic WordPress managed hosting solution as a caretaker that handles everything from server management to site management to WordPress page and post edits.

2. Unlimited edits 

Hiring a VA for your day-to-day website edits can get costly at times. Every store owner dreams of saving all that extra cash and spending it on some other leisure activity. With BionicWP software, that dream can become a reality.

They allow their customers to get as many website edits as they require. From changing images on the website to changing content, updating plugins, and much more.

The BionicWP support team can handle all the additions that you want to make on your WordPress website.

3. Fully white-label

Many WordPress agencies and experts offer their own hosting solutions to their clients.

Now, they can get BionicWP’s hosting solution and sell it as their own to their clients with BionicWP’s white label hosting feature.

Clients will get the complete support offered by BionicWP hosting but the agency will display it as its own hosting solution and the end user would at no point be able to see BionicWP’s branding.

4. Ideal for Agencies/Businesses/Site-owners

BionicWP’s hosting solution offers a lot of unique website management features that can directly impact the business’s bottom line.

By getting the hosting package along with the truly managed add-on (For just an additional $25), business owners can delegate the menial task to the BionicWP support team and focus on what they do best – business! 

Similarly, agency owners won’t have to handle website management and support issues. All these will be delegated to the BionicWP support team.

Previously, agencies spent multiple hours daily managing site-related issues. BionicWP’s WordPress-managed hosting solution not only saves them time and money but also makes them more efficient in business growth.

BionicWP’s: Performance

Let’s learn how BionicWP WordPress managed hosting supersedes other hosting solutions in terms of superior performance.

1. 90+ Google PageSpeed Insights scores

No other hosting solution offers a website performance guarantee, but BionicWP doesn’t work like other hosting solutions. It offers a 90+ Google page speed test for all websites hosted on its platform.

2. Increase Conversion Rates by 20% 

There is a direct connection between qualified traffic and conversion rate. When you increase the traffic to the website, its conversion rate automatically goes up. The best part about all this?

Traffic is increased when a site performs faster. With BionicWP’s guaranteed performance, you are bound to get a higher conversion rate for your e-commerce store.

3. Google C2 High Compute Instances with Premium Tier Bandwidth 

Google C2 High Compute instance servers allow one of the best performance ratios for cloud instances in the market for its users.

With specs going up to 128GB RAM and 32-core CPU, they are one of the fastest and most reliable cloud servers available in the market. 

4. Nginx + FCGI + PHP 7.4 + MariaDB/MYSQL with LXD Containers

The secret sauce behind BionicWP is not just the cloud server it uses but the complete hosting stack. With server-level and application-level support, BionicWP also offers Linux containers for super-fast server provisioning.

5. Free High-Performance CDN 

BionicWP offers its own CDN service to its users. The CDN has servers in all six continents, and they make it easier for people to improve their website distribution with the click of a button. 

BionicWP’s: Security

Security is a forte of BionicWP’s WordPress-managed hosting. It offers complete malware protection, hack-proofing, regular site-wide backups, IP whitelisting, bot-blocking, and many other features.

1. One-click Malware Scanning 

Want to know if your website or web app is infected by malware? You don’t need to install a third-party plugin like Sucuri to do that because BionicWP’s WordPress hosting solution offers malware scanning within its dashboard.

Simply click ‘Start Scan’, and your website will automatically get scanned for malware.

2. WAF Firewall 

Website Application Firewall (WAF) monitors website traffic and ensures that clients are protected from attacks.

BionicWP ensures that all your websites have WAF protection, barring attacks such as cross-site scripting, DDoS, and SQL Injection.

3. Hack Promise

Any website can get hacked if it is not completely secure or if the hackers use social engineering tactics to acquire credentials of the website.

In both cases, the website is hacked. What now? That’s where BionicWP offers hack-proofing. It means that users will get their hacked website back and in ready-to-use condition. 

BionicWP’s: Site Management

A managed hosting solution is never complete if it doesn’t offer its users core, theme, and plugin updates, website edits, and regular site maintenance. That’s where BionicWP shines.

1. Core, Theme, & Plugins Updates

BionicWP allows users to update everything on their website, including WordPress core, theme, and plugins, through the BionicWP dashboard.

They can simply press the ‘Update all’ button, and all assets are updated. If an asset is not updated or it gives an error, it is rolled back to its previous state.

2. Frequent Speed Monitoring

BionicWP’s managed hosting service ensures that all of its customers’ sites are working perfectly. They monitor site performance on a frequent basis and sort out any issues even before the customers know about them.

3. Unlimited Site Edits

One unique feature that BionicWP offers with its managed hosting service is the unlimited site edit feature.

For as low as $15, site users can get 30 minutes of unlimited site edits throughout the month! Talk about saving money.

4. Staging Environment

Testing changes on a live website can be horrendous for your store’s reputation and health. It can impact everything from user behaviour to marketing to sales.

That’s where a staging environment comes in. With the BionicWP staging area, you can easily clone your live website and make changes to it.

Once you are satisfied with the alterations you made and have tested them on alpha and beta trials, you can roll out the final version on the live site.

5. White Label Support

The best part about the BionicWP hosting solution is that you can use it as a reseller for your business.

If you are a development agency and you also sell hosting to your clients, then you can use BionicWP’s white-label support.

With it, you will get complete server and application support. Now, let’s say your clients need a hosting solution, and you have BionicWP available.

Simply sell the hosting to your client, and they won’t know that it is by BionicWP. Instead, you can offer it under your brand name.

Testing BionicWP Performance & Security 

I will be using the best tools available in the market to test website performance of this new managed hosting platform. 

Speed Testing on Pingdom

Pingdom is known as the most reputed speed and performance testing tool in the hosting industry. Let’s see how a website hosted on BionicWP hosting solution fairs on it.

Server: Iowa

Bionic WP-Speed Test

This is without enabling Nitropack and CDN on BionicWP.

Now, we will test it after enabling both features.

BionicWP-Speed Test 2

As you can see, load time has decreased even further, and performance grade went up by 6 points! For a new entrant to the managed WordPress hosting solution industry, this looks splendid.

Speed Testing on GTMetrix

GTMetrix is known for its holistic site analysis and site performance recommendations. Let’s test the BionicWP website on this speed testing tool.

Speed Test on GTmetrix

The above performance is of the website without turning on CDN or Nitropack.

Now, let’s do the same after enabling Nitropack and CDN on the website.

Speed Test on GTmetrix 2

As you can see, LCP has decreased even further. So, Nitropack and CDN did their trick!

Security Testing on Quttera

The website is fully secure, and no malware was detected by the Quttera testing tool. Its report says that the website hosted on BionicWP is completely clean.

Security Test On Quttera

Pricing of BionicWP Hosting Solution

Pricing of BionicWP Hosting Solution

1. LITE Plan

  • One Site per Container
  • Daily Backups
  • Free SSL
  • Managed Updates
  • Daily Malware Scan
  • Bionic Speed
  • Speed Monitoring & Management



  • One Site per Container
  • Daily Backups
  • Free SSL
  • Managed Updates
  • Daily Malware Scan
  • Bionic Speed
  • Speed Monitoring & Management


3. SECURE Plan

  • One Site per Container
  • Daily Backups
  • Free SSL
  • Managed Updates
  • Daily Malware Scan
  • Bionic Speed
  • Speed Monitoring & Management


BionicWP vs Other Managed Hosting Solutions:

Let’s see how BionicWP compares with other managed hosting solutions.

BionicWP vs Kinsta

Is it the best Kinsta alternative? You bet!

Features Bionic WP Kinsta
Pricing 25.90 30
Free Migrations Yes No
Try Before You Buy Yes No
Google Page Speed Score Guarantee Yes No
Unlimited Performance Optimizations Yes No
Unlimited Site Edits Yes No
Managed WordPress Core Updates Yes No
CDN Yes Yes
SSL Yes Yes
24/7 Ticket Support Yes Yes

Here is a comparison of BionicWP vs. Kinsta, and you can see that BionicWP-managed hosting stands out.

Kinsta doesn’t offer many features, like site edits, try before you buy, speed and performance guarantee, no traffic barring limits, etc. 

BionicWP vs WPEngine

Is it the best WPEngine alternative? Definitely, it is. Here is how.

Features Bionic WP WPEngine
Pricing 25.90 30
Free Migrations Yes Yes
Try Before You Buy Yes No
Google Page Speed Score Guarantee Yes No
Unlimited Performance Optimizations Yes No
Unlimited Site Edits Yes No
Managed WordPress Core Updates Yes No
CDN Yes Yes
SSL Yes Yes
24/7 Ticket Support Yes Yes

The best part about BionicWP is the number of options it offers to its customers.. Moreover, it offers unlimited website edits – a feature no other hosting solution is offering at this time.

It also offers a try before you buy with a speed guarantee. This is another feature that is given often as a favor by other hosts but not part of their pricing plan.

So, these combined give BionicWP an edge over WPEngine and other managed WordPress hosting solutions offering similar features.

BionicWP Customer Reviews & Testimonials :

Truly Managed WordPress - Hyper Optimized WP - BIONICWP Reviews

Quick Links:

Final Verdict: BionicWP takes Managed WordPress Hosting to the Next Level (BionicWP Reviews)

BionicWP is changing the meaning of managed hosting for good. Where other hosting solutions offered server-level updates and called it managed hosting, BionicWP has added application-level edits, support, and application-level customizations as part of its plan.

As of the writing of this review, there is no other hosting solution available that can beat it in feature comparison. 

The best part? BionicWP offers all these features at an even lower price than what other website hosts are charging. 

I have personally tried several managed hosting solutions from various providers. However, each one seemed to be missing something. Some had excellent support and flexibility but lacked application-level edits.

Others offered great application-level support but were priced as if I were hosting 20 websites. BionicWP WordPress website hosting has resolved these issues with affordable pricing.

Now, anyone in need of a WordPress host can choose a managed hosting solution that allows them to focus on their primary goal: making a profit!

If you need a hosting solution with your eyes closed, then BionicWP is the solution to try! 

Jenny Corte
This author is verified on

Jenny Corte is a writer and reviewer. She specializes in writing on web hosting, web builder software, graphic design, technology, and electronics, and she has published hundreds of product reviews and comparisons for and publications such as The Daily Mail and PCMag. She evaluates new software and products regularly to write about and utilize for her professional and personal creative projects. Jenny worked as a freelance writer, graphic designer, photographer, and digital nomad for almost a decade before joining She has shared her expertise with readers of numerous prominent magazines, including Mashable, ThriveGlobal, and others because she is tech-savvy and proficient in the arts.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

Comments (5)

  1. It sounds cheesy, but bionic is really worth it! I was struggling with my sites performance. It just wouldn’t keep up with me. But now I have this hosting company and its by far the best one out there for WordPress.

    Benefits: Performance on fast lanes, Unlimited site edits at your beck and call and a lot more than other services offer! You get a refund guarantee too for your peace of mind when you purchase these service.

  2. Basically, BionicWP is the easiest way to manage a website. The interface is nice and clean with all of the necessary features packed into one place. I can’t believe how much time I wasted on using old-fashioned, traditional WordPress hosting services before it became outdated with trends in technology. It doesn’t matter if you’re an experienced web designer looking to experiment or just starting out with your first site; you’ll be able to handle everything without worry thanks to our new managed WordPress platform!

  3. I have a small business and I am not very tech-savvy so it was difficult to manage everything. However, with BionicWP, all of my updates, security, and more are handled for me which really saves me time and stress. All the tools are right at my fingertips and this helps me feel in control of what I do without stressing about anything technical!

  4. I’ve been using BionicWP since quite a few time and it has been great, it has many upsides to it like:
    ¤Truly managed WordPress platform
    ¤Excellent performance
    ¤Deep application level support
    ¤Unlimited migrations
    ¤Daily malware scanning

  5. If you are looking for a fast and reliable WordPress hosting provider, then BionicWP is the one!
    BionicWP helps us in many ways it gives high website speed and performance. It promises and serves fast load times that means guaranteed 90+ score on GTMetrix and Google Page Speed Insights.
    In all, they manage your website, offer unlimited site edits, and deliver site speeds that you never have experienced before!

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