6 Best CRM For Real Estate 2024: Detailed Reviews & Pricing (#1 Choice)

Here is the list of Best CRM For Real Estate 2024!

First of all, before you start to think, is CRM really necessary for real estate? Let us see what exactly a CRM platform offers to do with real estate. 

The CRM platform provides the following objectives regardless of the field in which you are going to implement it. 

  • Grab visitor’s attention through advertisements
  • Make them fall for your bait
  • Do a consistent follow-up
  • Convert potential leads into potential buyers

Now, in the real estate business, they have a common database of customers. The CRM platform provides a gateway to the collected information of potential customers, those who have visited the website or who have given an email for a follow-up email or ad campaigns.

The CRM platform only strengthens the relationship between sales marketers and customers by making their jobs easier and closing deals effectively. 

 In order to thrive in real estate and be at the top of the game, you need to save more time and act wisely by following up on prospects that could turn into potential buyers.

For those who are focused on business and offer a variety of property deals, a CRM platform is useful for maintaining a strong customer relationship and quickly accessing data from the client database.

This allows for more work to be completed in less time and with fewer employees.

Best CRM For Real Estate

6 Best CRM Platforms In Real Estate 2024

We will discuss 7 of the widely used CRM platforms in real estate and finally conclude which one is the best amongst them all. 

1. Engagebay


Engagebay is a CRM platform that provides a marketplace for its customers, including sales and marketing, CRM, and support software. Although it was founded in 2017, having a list of giant competitors, Engagebay did make its path for itself. 

 When other companies limit their CRM offers to big business companies, Engagebay had a great deal offering CRM to small businesses and start-up companies.


Features of Engagebay 

 The following are the features provided by Engagebay. 

  • Automated workflow: It uses an automated workflow to track the customer’s behaviour; you could use this data to follow up on the customers based on their preferred perspectives.
  • E-mail marketing: It provides personalized customization for email marketing.
  • Lead / behavioural / click-link tracking: It provides a comprehensive lead scoring system, tracking potential leads’ activities, which links they click, and their preferences according to their previous transactions and purchases. It analyzes the data and could give you a preview of the number of potential leads qualified to become customers.
  • Task management: It provides task management, where you can analyze your work and follow up with your sales and support team for a possible conversion based on the assignments you’ve taken up and completed.
  • Automated data entry system: It provides a complete automated data entry system, hence eliminating the time taken to do manual data logging.
  • Appointment scheduling: They have the same appointment scheduling feature, in which they send out the meeting dates via an individual or team calendar so the relevant party can talk when necessary.
  • Recorded call logs: The calls between the customers and the salesperson get recorded and saved as call logs records, which is useful for future purposes if in case you are working on approaching the same client for a better deal.
  • Pipe visualization: It provides pipe visualization for acknowledging the deals that are closed and deals that are yet to be done and are in progress. Then, those which need a follow-up.

Pros & Cons of Engagebay

Pros :

  • Engagebay became famous in a short period of time because it offers no mandatory contract and users can save a huge amount of money by opting for it. 
  • Engagebay costs very little compared to other CRM platforms.
  • Once your business grows, engage bay also offers you many automated features with an automated builder and to make your own customization using the automated bot.
  • Engagebay also takes the security and protection of its users very seriously. Hence they give utmost importance to user data backups on a regular basis in case of a security breach, they could easily carry on with the backed up data with a smooth transition. 
  • Engagebay offers a lot of integration and CRM tools for small-scale businesses which many other CRM platforms could offer you only on a paid subscription basis. 

Cons :

  • When your real estate is well established and you start expanding your clients to more than 10,000, you should step up from a free plan into a growth plan which provides you email automation for all your clients and also it is quite affordable at the rate of $25 per month.

2. Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM

The Zoho CRM provides a number of features to a realtor, including automated invoice and bill generation.

Zoho provides all necessities, which include tracking the lead, scheduling calls to interact with them, sending them ad campaign emails, and much more to stay on top of the game. 

Features of Zoho CRM

 The following are the unique features Zoho offers for real estate sellers and buyers. 

  • Project management: This feature renders an update on your current project, including the upcoming one and the possible deadlines.
  • Customization option: The customization option allows you to organize the tabs and information according to your convenience, whichever works for you. 
  • Ad campaigns: The Zoho CRM allows you to send automated ad campaigns by e-mail or newsletter to prospective targets. 
  • Mobile app for increased efficiency: It has a mobile app where you could scan the business card or QR code to get the details of the clients and it gets updated in the CRM software automatically, so you could contact them and finalize the deal later on the move. 


Pros & cons of Zoho CRM 

Pros :     

  • Using Zoho CRM Software, the realtors have shown an improvement in procuring more clients through lead-tracking behaviour. 
  • The automated e-mail and extensive customization offered by Zoho CRM are very user-friendly and flexible. 
  • It provides various integration tools that give you an analytics report on each client and each lead, an estimate of property and property availability, and a comparison of prices of different homes and properties available. 

Cons :

  • Although Zoho CRM provides everything, it still lags when it comes to calendar scheduling and social media-integrated apps. They are working on making it a smoother experience, but it is becoming difficult to handle the buggy integration.

3. Hubspot


Hubspot is a marketplace for different kinds of customers to flock together for sales and marketing. It incorporates customer relationship management (CRM) and lead management to track, classify, and give a seamless sales closure.

As the name suggests, it is a place where all the sales and marketing converge together at the same place for the betterment of productivity.

The main reason you could choose HubSpot for the real estate business is its inbound marketing. Something different and something not pushy or invading your leads by contacting for marketing. 


Features of Hubspot CRM

  • Dashboard and tracking: It provides an accurate dashboard to track the progress of the tasks and keep track of the relationship management.
  • Integration with other tools: Integration with other software tools to provide top-notch service to their customers.
  • Appointment or meeting scheduling: This makes it easy for those who are enthused to have a brief talk with the sales team when they want to. 
  • Inbound marketing and SEO management: The unique feature of HubSpot is that it provides inbound marketing, this needs the visitors or the lead attraction towards their website so they could contact the prospective realtor. This could be done by improving the SEO of your website. 
  • Maintaining client relationship and data of all the prospective clients: It’s important to have a healthy rapport between you and your clients, give them advice on which one is best for them to buy according to their budget. Have a constant follow-up, and build trust with your clients. 
  • Call recording/ call logs: The CRM software tools let you record all the chat conversations and interactions with your clients and save them in a conversation Inbox. You can always go back and check to have another follow-up, according to the previous conversation. 

Pros & Cons of Hubspot CRM 

Pros :     

  • The advantage of having an automated email system makes the job of a realtor easier especially when you need to send out emails to many prospective clients. It saves more time. 
  • Hubspot provides almost 700 integration options you could choose from for your business, it also provides customized integration if you want to integrate it with software that you want. 
  • To attract more customers, you need to widen your horizon, you must reach a wide range of audiences. On that note, Hubspot provides eCommerce integration. The level at which you could get clients from an eCommerce platform is limitless. 
  • It keeps track of your customer’s database and gets the information of those who visit the website for future lead conversion. 

Cons :

  • You have to do a cost analysis if you’re planning to have your own customization and your team size is big, then the pricing of HubSpot falls on a bit expensive side.

4. Liondesk

Liondesk : Best CRM for real estate

Liondesk offers a variety of features at a low-end price compared to many CRM platforms. It gives many options to organize your data and schedule your automated texts and emails.

Liondesk was founded in 2014 and has grown tremendously in the real estate field, providing a video e-mail feature.

Lion Desk’s success in the real estate field has made it a popular CRM for real estate or insurance businesses. It provides plentiful integration for realtors, with the objective of making their jobs easier. 


Features of Liondesk CRM

  • Automated video emails and texts: The unique characteristic of Liondesk is that it not only has an automated email and texts but it also has video email options. This specific feature alone distinguishes profusely from other CRM platforms. 
  • Call dialer: If you do not like the lion desk dialer offered on its own. You could always go for your customized choice of power dialer integration like RedX or Mojo dialer according to your convenience. Since making phone calls and closing a deal is the most important process for a realtor, you could choose lion desk for its flexibility. 
  • Integration tools: Liondesk offers a little bit of everything in terms of integration tools. First and foremost, it relies heavily on Zapier for its integration. Other social media integrations work much better than Zoho CRM.

Pros & Cons of Liondesk CRM 

Pros :     

  • Liondesk’s user interface could be a tad difficult to get used to for some, yet once you know your way around it, it is a very engaging platform. 
  • Although the company started growing recently, it has given greater customer satisfaction, customer retention, less manpower and saves time for any seller. 
  • They provide an automated chatbot to save you time when replying to many clients asking for basic information. 

Cons :

  • The integration of Liondesk doesn’t give a distinguished choice like in Hubspot. They have integrated many tools from different platforms, including structure, Zapier, MLS integration, etc., 
  • It provides a mobile app facility and a free 30-day trial for those who are sceptical about its functionality and usability. If they are content with the UI, they can try the free trial and switch to the paid version.

5. Realvolve


We have been discussing a list of CRM that is best for real estate, but the last few CRM platforms on the list are mainly popular for their real estate business integration.

One such CRM is Realvolve. They provide automated workflows which help you keep your clients’ data organized in the same place where you can also store the conversation alongside, you need not rummage through another place for procuring the data.

Let’s see what features offered by Realvolve make it unique from other CRMs. 


Features of Realvolve CRM

  • Automated workflows and chatbots: It provides an automated workflow to help you organize your data about clients and buyers separately accordingly. It also features a chatbot to help you get the information of a visitor which you can get in touch with later to pitch in your sales idea. 
  • Sizable and scalable: The Realvolve provides a highly scalable platform so you need not be concerned about losing data or not finding enough space to squeeze in more information into your profile.
  • Automated process and integrated tools: Just like Liondesk, Realvolve depends on Zapier to create automated processes. It extracts the information from other CRM platforms for your next deal. It keeps all your calendar schedules and contacts synced. 
  • Advanced Dashboard and activity tracker: This will give you the details of the current project, clients interested in buying the property, important event dates, and the net commission obtained so far. This is useful for a realtor to do the follow-up and a self-analysis. 

Pros & Cons of Realvolve CRM 

Pros :     

  • The calls are recorded, and you can send customized automated emails and texts. You have the liberty to choose what information your team members can see, which provides privacy.
  • You can categorize and organize however you want, search for anything, and get any data you need from different CRM platforms. 
  • You can easily send messages and mail from the mobile app and track your next potential lead. 

Cons :

  • The customization option could render a user doing a lot of work organizing the way they want it to be. It would be a meandering and overwhelming process to do all of it at once. 
  • The Realvolve CRM offers a 14-day free trial. Some users find it very difficult until they get used to it, but you can always give it a try and see if it works for you.

6. Freshworks


 Freshworks offers a dashboard that shows you the finished deals, trending properties, and interested leads like how YouTube suggests many options which are trending around the world.

Thus, it lets you organize all your work in one single place reducing your pain to surf through many contacts to finally get to those who are prime prospects. Freshworks provides the following features. 


Features of Freshworks CRM

  • Excellent workflows and communication: Freshworks provides a seller with an excellent integrated system that has excellent communication and has proven it could reel in more interested buyers. The workflow they offer is the one-place destination for all your needs.
  • Powerful automated marketing system: With the help of automated builders, you could focus on those who are interested in buying or a potential lead. You could strengthen the relationship with those leads and close the deal instead of wasting a lot of time on trial and error. 

Pros & Cons of Freshworks CRM 

Pros :     

  • Freshworks provides top-class communication, live chat software, high-end integrated tools, calendar schedules, and activity management. 
  • It calculates prospective leads based on Artificial intelligence-powered assistance. Hence, the accurate data will fetch you the required details to focus on more leads and close the deal.
  • It allows you to categorize your emails according to your clients and send out customized emails regarding the value of their current property and other potential competent properties that are trending. 

Cons :

  • Although Freshworks provides a bunch of features for realtors, it doesn’t provide the features that are provided by big CRM platforms. Well, there you have an AI-powered algorithm to track your leads, yet that alone isn’t enough.

Frequently Asked Questions:

💥 Does using a CRM platform for real estate really help to track your leads and to convert them into clients?

Yes, it's proved that using a CRM platform helps you boost your selling properties and finding prospects by almost around 200%.

👓 Does the CRM offer any free trial before I actually settle down and pay for any particular CRM platform?

Yes, they do provide a free trial to realtors and agents. It varies from one CRM to another. It's always better to choose a free trial first to see if you are comfortable with the workflow and the user interface (UI) before buying it. Since most of the platforms provide free trials.

✔ How secure is my data and what happens if there is a security breach?

Worry not, your data is 100% secure and stored in a different database in different locations around the country. In case of a security breach, there's always backed-up data that comes into play and gives you a smooth transition without any delay or loss of data.

Also Read:

Conclusion: Best CRM For Real Estate 2024

The real estate business is a wide network that has customer data on a central database. Using a proper CRM boosts the realtor’s selling rate and net commission and saves more time.

However, all these CRM platforms come with a price and a set of features. If you are working for a small firm, I recommend you go with Engagebay CRM. When you slowly branch out, you can go for a higher-paid plan.

If you are working for a big firm, you can choose from any given firm according to your convenience using the user interface provided by the individual CRM.

You could mostly go for Hubspot, which gives you over 700 integrated tool options, so there would be absolutely no necessity for an additional third-party plug-in or extra customization.


You can choose the CRM according to the budget, cost, better deal closing management, powerful analytics, streamlined payment processes, highly secure CRMs, and highly efficient CRMs. 

Kashish Babber
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

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