24+ Best Google Adsense Alternatives 🌟 For Publishers 2024

In the ever-evolving world of online publishing, Google AdSense has been a beacon for countless publishers seeking to monetize their content.

However, as the digital landscape continues to change, it’s essential to have a backup plan and explore new income opportunities.

In this guide, we’ll unveil the best Google AdSense alternatives like Medavine and Infolinks for publishers in 2024.

Best Google Adsense Alternatives For Publishers

Whether you’re looking to diversify your revenue streams or have experienced challenges with AdSense, we’ve got you covered.

Get ready to unlock a world of possibilities and elevate your earnings by exploring these 24+ top alternatives.

What is Google Adsense? 😍

Google adsense data

It’s lightweight, reliable, and offers publishers a fair share of revenue generated from clicks. But it’s not the only option out there. You might want to consider an AdSense alternative.

Google AdSense has long since been the leader in web based marketing.

These programs are run by different webmasters who can easily place their JavaScript codes on their websites, which will allow different Google servers to show various kinds of context sensitive advertisements (Google Adwords).

AdSense is not ideal for every website. It is best for smaller websites or blogs. If you are trying to grow or expand rapidly, then Adsense might not be the best option for you.

In order to get approval to set up a Google AdSense account, the process can be difficult.

You need to meet certain criteria and there are limited ad types and customization options available.

24+ Best Google Adsense Alternatives For Publishers 2024

Best Google Adsense Alternatives

Here is a list of Best Paying Best Google Adsense Alternatives for Bloggers.

1) Mediavine: Best for Lifestyle Bloggers

Mediavine best adsense alternative

Mediavine is a good ad network to work with. You only need 50,000 monthly page views to be accepted into the program. They also have a lot of lifestyle advertisers, so their service is good for lifestyle bloggers.

The people who started Mediavine are bloggers themselves and understand the importance of ads that load quickly and are high quality.

Mediavine has a minimum payout of $25 for PayPal and direct deposit (or $200 for international direct deposit). This company is best for lifestyle bloggers with high monthly traffic.

2) Infolinks Best for Intext Advertising


In order to get the best out of Infolinks, you will need to make sure that your blog or website is getting most of the traffic. This ads4ense alternative provides four different types of ad posting like intext, inframe, infold and intag.

Now all these types have their own way of serving ads.

  • Intext: This will double underline the keywords in your website content so whenever the mouse cursor reaches on the keyword, the ad will be shown.
  • Inframe: This helps your website by showing sliding ads on the website’s sidebars.
  • Infold: This type of ad gives the user relevant ads as per the keywords they have searched before they visit your website.
  • Intag: This actually adds a double-underlined keyword below your content, which shows the relevant ad every time the cursor reaches there.

Now, the fact remains that website owners will only sign up for AdSense alternatives when they find something that is similar to Google Adsense. In the case of Infolinks, the approval process is very fast, just like Google Adsense.

Even websites with very little content and visitors can easily get approval for posting the ads. As mentioned earlier, if your website has decent traffic, then you will have a strong revenue generation from this adsense alternative.

3) AdPushup Best for Pay-Per-Action Campaigns


For publishers looking to grow their ad revenue, AdPushup is an ad network with advanced revenue optimization features such as ad layout optimization, automated A/B testing, header bidding implementation, AMP converter, and AdBlock recovery.

It’s a managed service, i.e., publishers don’t have to do the heavy lifting of managing their ad operations—the ad ops team at AdPushup will take care of that.

In addition, they have demand partnerships with top-tier ad networks and exchanges such as Google AdX, AppNexus, Rubicon, and Criteo, among others.

Their ad optimization tools, coupled with premium demand, help publishers deliver better user experience and achieve higher CTRs and CPMs, with an average of 33% revenue uplift for their publishing partners.

AdPushup is easy to get started with and is constantly evolving as a tech platform to drive ad revenue growth.

The platform is one of the most comprehensive suites, and their USPs include quick setup and easy onboarding with easy approval process and a dedicated account manager for after-sales support.

4) Media.net : Best for Established Bloggers

Media.Net Google Adsense Alternatives for Bloggers

When web-based marketing firms look for different platforms of marketing other than Google Adsense, they need something which is quite similar to it.

Therefore, Media.net has become so popular in the market. This adsense alternative is quite similar to Google Adsense as it provides relevant ads as per web content presented by you.

Let’s suppose that your blogpost is all about different types of smartphones and their related applications, Media.net will only show ads related to smartphones and related applications.

This actually helps in increasing the chances of clicks in your website.

Media.net is also known for supporting different types of ad formats like video, images, text and rich media.

Now, this ensures that you have the choice of opting for any of these formats as per your content and budget.

This feature has given many web based marketers the flexibility of choosing their own design along with color scheme and size. One of the best features in Media.net is dynamic optimization.

This feature actually helps the user to optimize between text and display for each and every expression without running separate tags for both.


5) AdMaven

admaven review

AdMaven has established itself as a reliable source of income for online publishers by providing +5 billion daily impressions across multiple formats and monetizing over 10k websites worldwide.

The platform also ensures increased performance on media campaigns and increased revenue on your traffic monetization by utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Additionally, AdMaven’s CPMs are quite competitive compared to other ad networks, making it a good choice for those looking to maximize their profits from ad revenue.

One of the most popular types of ads used by AdMaven is Pop-Under ads, which allow visitors to continue browsing your site while still being exposed to the advertisement.

This ad type is non-intrusive and less likely to drive away potential customers than intrusive or disruptive ads such as pop-ups or interstitials.

While there are many advantages to using AdMaven, there are some drawbacks that should be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to use this network.

One downside is that the platform does not provide visual reporting features, and customer support can be somewhat limited at times.

However, overall, these issues do not outweigh the advantages of using AdMaven’s services and it remains a wise choice for online publishers who want to increase their earnings from ad revenue streams.

6) Propeller Ads Best for Popunders

Over the recent few years numerous AdSense Alternatives have turned up which have given the option to people all across the globe to gain the advantages of a more competitive ad market in terms of higher CPC rates, increased networks and better revenue potential.

Many have had their own success stories. I was looking for such alternate networks when I came across Propeller Ads.

propellerads ad network review - better adsense alternative

You can check my honest review for Propeller Ads with Payment proofs.

7) Bidvertiser  Best for Bidding Campaigns

BidVertiser Pay Per Click Advertising On Sites Of Your Choice.

Offering intriguing ad formats, Bidvertiser has helped many web-based marketing firms to ensure the success of their blogs and websites.

The best part about this AdSense alternative is its free design format, which lets the web designer specify the look and text of the ads without any hassle.

You will also find that Bidvertiser also supports XML feeds and Pop-under ads, which creates a beneficial loop for the web based marketing firm.

Now, it is normal that you will pay for CPC to Bidvertiser for every valid click. However, every time a consumer clicks on your ad, the Bidvertiser will track those clicks and turn them into valid leads.

This actually provides considerable revenue earning for the publisher.

Now, suppose you are a regular user of Bidvertiser. In that case, you can easily install the Bidvertiser toolbar, which provides you easy access to useful tools, your own home page, and direct program links.

You can easily recreate this toolbar as your own with your website logo, which ensures that your users only use your customized toolbar when searching on the net.

Every time any of the users search with this toolbar, you will be earning revenue for it.

8) Skimlinks Best for Established Websites

Skimlinks Affiliate marketing made easy

With the tagline “Unlock the cash in your content,” it really works the same way.

This adsense alternative helps in monetizing different phrases in your content, thereby converting them into various types of affiliate links.

Apart from this,  Skimlinks can also take the normal and regular links in your content and redirect them to their affiliate servers.

This process is completely automatic. All you need to do is upload and add the JavaScript code to your content, and you are ready to go.

There is no need for you to sign up for any network links or approvals.

It is a simple and hassle-free registration and sign-up. As it supports all types of blogs and collation sites, Skimlinks has become very popular in the market.

Attention: List Of Best Top Content Locker Ad Networks

9) Clicksor Best for Established Websites

Clicksor Contextual Advertising Behavioral Marketing - Best AdSense Alternative

One of the biggest issues faced by many bloggers and website owners is the strict and non-changeable rules of Google Adsense. Sometimes, this creates a big issue as bloggers are blocked from posting ads.

Clicksor is much more tolerant than Google, which has propelled its demand in the market as an AdSense alternative.

Owing to its high cost-per-click bid values and payouts, it is now being considered one of the leaders in the small publisher Adsense market.

Here, your ads are very content-sensitive; therefore, even after you putting keywords in the content, their software will detect ads that is relevant as per you published content.

This creates a double impact on your viewers as they are not only reading about the products but also getting ad suggestions about the same products.

This technique actually generates more revenue compared to other techniques.

This increases the click ratio ensuring a better and improved revenue generation for the publisher. You can easily keep a track on the clicks and revenue generated by you through your account created at the time of registration.

10) Chitika

Chitika Online Advertising Network - Adsense alternative

Closely associated with Yahoo, this Adsense alternative is one of the best in terms of size of network and revenue generation.

With its “Click Prediction” technology, it is able to inform the bloggers and publishes which ads will generate more revenue and traffic.

In recent times, Chitika has actually proven to be one of the channels for targeting different types of qualified buyers and online consumers.

Bloggers and publishers have chosen this AdSense alternative as this has provided them daily ad revenue, which is not even available on Google Adsense.

11) Paid Review Websites: AdSense alternatives in India

This particular way is considered a good alternative to the AdSense technique of money-making. By it, the users are publishing different types of reviews and charging money for these ones.

These types of users mainly publish these reviews on their blogs. By it, they are able to get successful blogs and earn a huge amount of money.

Similar to it, several companies are paying money to place their plug-ins in the reviews. They pay the money in the form of a commission.

12) BuySellAds: Adsense alternative for high-traffic sites

How To Apply For BuySellAds and Get APPROVED Instantly

If we talk about the best alternatives of Google AdSense, then its name appears at the top. It is a special kind of market where internet users are able to sell and buy the space of advertisements.

These offers are mainly provided by the owners of blogs and websites.

The users who want to access its services need to make sure that their website should be associated with lots of traffic. Low-traffic holding websites are not able to avail of its services.

13) Amazon Affiliates Best for Affiliate Marketing

Amazon Associates

The name of this particular one is always available in the top suggestions of ad alternatives. The use of this particular one is beneficial in increasing overall income easily.

The way of Amazon Affiliate program is helpful in making a good amount of money without any type of issue.

For it, the website owners are required to advertise some Amazon product on their website only. The products those are sale by the website source for those the owner will receive a commission.

14) Yllix Media Best for New Publishers

YLLIX ad network

The website or blogs that have lots of traffic can easily consider the way of Yllix Media. This source works on the basis of different types of systems such as – CPM, CPA, CPC and so on.

With it, the main thing that is targeted by it is steroids or supplements.

With it, the websites that are offering adult content should definitely consider it. For them, it is a big opportunity that helps them boost their earnings.

Most of the companies are not comfortable with showing their advertisements on adult websites. It also increases the importance of this particular source for these websites.

15) Beacon Ads

Beacon ad network

The way this particular source works is highly similar to the BuySellAds. It helps you determine some basic things about the website advertisement.

The proper use of the source is beneficial in getting what sizes of advertisements you can place on the website. With it, you can know how much money you can charge for it.

Another thing is that you can control all these types of activities easily.

Consequently, the website owners will receive more clicks on the advertisements, and they can earn a good amount of money.

16) Adversal: Best for Self-Service Advertisers

Adversal Ad network best google adsense alternative

Adversal is a self-serve advertising service. This means that publishers purchase and publish ads without any help from humans. With Adversal and other self-serve platforms, you choose your ad content and placement.

This is great for those who want more control over the advertising on their websites.

Adversal has an easy-to-use interface to make it quick and easy to get started with your ads.

You can control your campaigns with just a few clicks, and Adversal supports display ads, video ads, and native ads, so you can choose the most fitting options for you.

17) SHE Media: Best for Female-Focused Content


SHE Media is a company that creates content for women. It has three famous blogs: SheKnows, Blogher, and StyleCaster. These blogs have millions of views every month.

SHE Media also has a partner network that matches female-focused advertisers with female-focused bloggers and content creators.

If your blog targets an audience primarily of women, you can work with SHE Media to make money from advertisements.

If you are approved, you will share the same advertisers as its acclaimed blog properties and be associated with an organization that seeks to amplify female voices.

In order to qualify, your website must have at least 20,000 views per month. Your traffic must be 80% from the United States and 70% female.

You will need to show this with your metrics.

The SHE Media partner network pays out every month through direct deposit or PayPal for bloggers outside the United States.

18) AdRecover 

AdRecover google adsense alternative

AdRecover is a good source for high-quality ads. It is only limited in scope because it only targets visitors who are using ad blockers.

AdRecover is a platform designed to help publishers recover lost revenue due to ad blockers.

It provides a solution to deliver non-intrusive, targeted messages to users who have ad-blockers enabled.

By facilitating acceptable advertising experiences, AdRecover aims to strike a balance between user preferences and the economic sustainability of digital content creators.

19) Taboola: Best for Enterprises

google adsense alternatives (update)

Taboola is a well-known advertising company that works with large media brands. It is known for the high quality of its advertisements.

Taboola specializes in ads from sponsored websites.

It also has a lot of features that go beyond simple ad placement. For example, you can customize the format of the ads, embed videos, and control how personalized the ads are. You can also filter ads by keyword.

Taboola is a service that is for businesses with a lot of traffic. This could be 500,000 page views each month.

If you have this much traffic, you can use Taboola to show ads to your customers. The minimum payout is $50.

20) Adcash: Best for Pay-Per-Action Campaigns


Adcash is a company that serves more than 200 million people each month. It has 850,000 app installs. It also has many different types of ads, such as standard display ads and video ads.

Adcash also uses the pay-per-action model, which means you get paid based on how well your ad performs.

You can receive payments through PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill, and WebMoney. The minimum payout is only $25.

21) PopCash

Popcash adsense alternative

PopCash is a popular advertising network that shows ads when people close other websites. Popunder ads are more aggressive than some other types of ads.

But if you’re okay with this type of ad, PopCash is one of the best ad platforms for it.

They offer fast approvals and daily payments, and the minimum payment is just $10, so you can start earning money quickly.

22) Criteo

Best adsense alternative for bloggers

Criteo is a technology company that helps publishers advertise their products to people all over the world.

Their Commerce Media Platform is the most trusted and impactful way to reach potential customers.

23) Vidoomy

Vidoomy offers the best way for Publishers to make money by delivering high-impact video advertising campaigns from well-known Brands and agencies globally.

Vidoomy has more than 2000 satisfied Publishers, reaching millions of users all over the world with impactful campaigns.

Vidoomy best adsense alternative

24) Adblade

Adblade has a lot of ways to make money for publishers. This helps them get more money from advertisers and also makes money from any inventory that isn’t currently making any money.

Adblade best adsense alternative online

25) Xandr

Xandr adsense alternative

Xandr is a complex monetization solution that was previously known as AppNexus. It includes inventory management, their own ad server, and data-driven yield management for better decision processes and forecasting.

The platform provides publishers with the means to manage demand and includes header bidding technology and the ability to conduct direct deals with advertisers.

26) Monumetric: Another AdSense Alternative

Monumetric focuses on providing ad optimization. It pays out based on how many people see the ads on your website. This is called an impression-based model.

An impression-based model usually pays less than a click-based model.

There are four programs for monetizing websites with Monumetric.

The programs are based on how many monthly pageviews a website has. Monumetric prioritizes mid-sized blogs that have at least 10,000 monthly pageviews.

This number is lower than many other leading ad networks. Another thing that makes Monumetric different is that it has a minimum payout of $10

Monumetric Another Adesnse Alternative

27) RevenueHits Best for Pay-Per-Action Campaigns

 RevenueHits ad network Google Adsense Alternatives for Bloggers

Some people swear by blogging and earn more than any corporate job.

The only way they earn more than any person working for a corporate firm is with the help of ads.

One of the best AdSense alternatives available in the market is Revenuehits, which has actually helped many bloggers earn more than they ever thought.

Unlike any advertising network, RevenueHits is actually a performance-based advertising network. Being a CPA-based advertising network, it pays for every eCPM, which has helped many bloggers earn money only by blogging.

This adsense alternative provides ads depending on the traffic generated by the publishing content rather than the advertising need.

Therefore, it is considered a contextual and geo-targeted ad network that initiates traffic-oriented ads. One of the main concerns expressed by any blogger is the time it takes to register and get approval for posting ads.

Read: RevenueHits Review: Best Ad Network for Publishers & Advertisers

However, it is really very easy to register for Revenuehits. You can register for free and start making money there and then. Any website can register for Revenuehits without any hassle.

The navigation is also very easy to manipulate owing to the excellent design and interface of Revenuehits.

Why Use an AdSense Alternative? 🙄

There are a few reasons why you might not want to use Google’s ad network for your blog.

Some common reasons are that it doesn’t work well with certain types of websites or that there are better options available.

1. Eligibility Requirements

Google AdSense requires specific metrics on your website for approval. If your blog isn’t approved, consider other networks with more relaxed requirements.

2. Revenue Share

While AdSense pays 68% of ad revenue, other networks might offer higher rates. However, you need substantial traffic to qualify for AdSense’s program.

3. Ad Customization

Some networks allow more customization of ad appearance to match your website’s look. AdSense has limited customization options in comparison.

4. Minimum Payout

AdSense has a $100 minimum payout, which could be high for small or new websites. Consider alternatives with lower minimum payouts for quicker earnings.

5. Additional Revenue Sources

Supplementing AdSense with another network for extra revenue is allowed as long as it complies with AdSense terms of service.

6. Unsupported Languages

AdSense supports specific languages, excluding some less common ones. If your website uses an unsupported language, explore alternatives.

If you know any other good adsense alternative 2024, then please share it with us in the comment section below.

Ezoic As Special Adsense Alternative:

Ezoic Adsense alternative

As someone who owns and operates a website, you’re likely always looking for ways to increase your ad revenue.

And if you’re using Google AdSense, you may have heard of Ezoic – a company that uses artificial intelligence to test display ads on your website.

But what does that mean for you? Well, basically, Ezoic uses whatever ads AdSense is already serving on your site and tests different locations.

As users visit your website, Ezoic’s machine learning learns how different types of users react to ad locations on your site.

It begins to treat each user uniquely by serving the most optimal number and placement of ads for that user, preserving user experience while increasing revenue.

But it’s not just about making more money – it’s also about preserving the user experience. If users have a better experience and are served ads they will likely click on, those click-through rates will increase, and so will the value of those ad locations.

Also, because user experience is preserved (and even improved), visitors are more likely to visit again in the future.

So, if you’re looking for a way to increase your ad revenue without sacrificing the user experience, Ezoic may be a great option for you.

Which is the best AdSense alternative for you? 💥

There are many different ways to make money from your website. You can be aggressive and use a lot of the methods, or you can just use one or two. It all depends on what you want.

Recommended Alternatives Reason
Monumetric More control over displayed ads, allowing for curation.
Amazon Associates Wide product selection for promotion, offering flexibility.
AdRecover Effective, but limited to visitors using ad blockers.
Sovrn Commerce and Skimlinks Unobtrusive ways to generate income without additional sign-ups.
BuySellAds Unique marketplace approach for direct ad sales to companies.
Aggressive Options Explore platforms like Bidvertiser for a more aggressive approach. Consider potential risks associated with unknown advertisers.

FAQs on Best Google Adsense Alternatives

✨Is Google AdSense the best ad network?

Google AdSense has rules that must be followed in order to make money from the ads. However, if you break a rule or make a mistake, you might get banned from the program. If this happens, your website will not be able to use Google AdSense anymore, and you might not be able to use it either.

👉 How can I earn money in ways other than AdSense?

Publishers work with a variety of ad networks. These ad networks have different features, including how many website views they allow before approving a publisher and the minimum payout amount. They also support different ad formats.

💪How do I earn money from Infolinks?

Infolinks works in a way so that views and clicks count towards your earnings. When visitors engage with your Infolinks ads, you earn.

👀What languages does Infolinks support?

Infolinks supports websites in English and Spanish. We are working on making Infolinks available for websites in more languages in the future.

Create Your Own Bidding Solution

If you want to make money from your website or blog, this might not be the best way to do it, but it is a way that many companies use. You create header spaces on your website where you show the ads of the highest bidder.

You also need to make sure that your website and data storage are safe.

The problems here are finding bidders and organizing all the costs and contracts and payment services, but if you have time or want to work on a special advertising project, then this might be a good idea for you.

What is the best alternative to AdSense?

  • Media.net: Best for Established Bloggers.
  • PropellerAds: Best for Popunders.
  • Monumetric: Best for Mid-Sized Blogs.
  • Revcontent: Best for High-Traffic Media Sites.
  • Adversal: Best for Self-Service Advertisers.
  • AdThrive: Best for Large Blogs.
  • Mediavine: Best for Lifestyle Bloggers.

Sidenote: YouTube monetization Alternatives ⚡️

Don’t overlook YouTube monetization if you plan on using video.

Typically, those who want to monetize their YouTube channel do so by connecting it to Google AdSense.

Nonetheless, you can also take advantage of the Adsense replacements for YouTube, which I will discuss below.

Using these other networks to distribute your videos is a great method to make money.

With AdRev, you can market your YouTube channel while keeping your videos private. The minimum payment through PayPal is just $10, and your profits are easy to track.

Freedom – This connects you with other creators and combines with numerous platforms to help you grow your YouTube channel.

Payments may be made using PayPal with no minimum amount required, and there are no commitments to sign.

Another option is Maker Studio, a digital network that works in tandem with the Disney network to promote your channel.

There is no joining fee, and all transactions are handled via PayPal for your convenience.

Machinima seeks to provide your content to a specific audience while also leveraging brands for widespread distribution. PayPal is accepted for payments. However, members are required to sign a 3-year commitment before they can begin using the service.

Some Helpful Google Adsense Videos :

Can Google AdSense make you rich?

When it comes to choosing an advertising network, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

You might find that one network performs better for your blog than another. However, if you’re looking for a reliable and reputable network, Google AdSense is a good place to start.

Since its inception in 2003, AdSense has paid out over $10 billion to publishers. And it offers publishers a variety of ad formats and features that can be customized to match the look and feel of their website.

AdSense is also known for its high-quality ads. This means that users are more likely to click on them, resulting in higher earnings for publishers.

In fact, the average click-through rate (CTR) for AdSense is about 0.5%, which is significantly higher than the CTRs of many other advertising networks.

But, while AdSense is a great option, it’s not perfect. One downside is that its approval process can be lengthy and complicated.

In addition, its minimum payout threshold ($100) is relatively high compared to other networks.

Overall, Google AdSense is a well-known and respected advertising network that can be a good fit for many website publishers. If you’re looking for a reliable and high-performing network, it’s worth considering.

Over To You: Which Adsense Alternative is Best? 🔥

As we wrap up our journey through ad monetization, it’s evident that there are numerous opportunities beyond Google AdSense.

In 2024, the digital world continues to expand, offering publishers a vast array of alternatives to explore.

By diversifying your income sources and trying out the best Google AdSense alternatives, you’re not only future-proofing your earnings but also tapping into a variety of options to maximize your revenue potential.

So, embrace this newfound knowledge, implement the strategies that suit your content and audience, and watch your publishing venture flourish with new opportunities and profitability.

Your journey to financial success continues with these dynamic alternatives.

Jitendra Vaswani
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded Digiexe.com, a digital marketing agency, and Bytegain.com, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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