Mindvalley 10x Fitness Review 2024: Is It Worth It ? What Is 10x Exercise Program?

10x Fitness Review

Overall Verdict

10x Fitness focuses on customized, highly optimized exercise routines based on human adaptability, in contrast to most YouTube fitness videos.

Out of 10


  • Focus on Nutrition Aspect
  • Suitable for older people too
  • Strength optimization
  • 2 weeks effective training
  • Guaranteed body transformation
  • Courses are extremely practical


  • Expires after one year Nutrition Aspect


Price: $ 399

What are your thoughts on achieving peak fitness with two 15-minute workouts a week? That’s what Mindvalley 10x Fitness claims, although it seems unlikely. Read our honest 10X Fitness review to know more about this program. 

10x Fitness focuses on customized, highly optimized exercise routines based on human adaptability, in contrast to most YouTube fitness videos.

When cultivating a profound body transformation, you are basically mobilizing your body’s natural capability to become stronger and fitter as a reaction to perceived threats.

The Mindvalley team studied the science behind this for a long period of time, even though it may seem impossible.

Is 10x Fitness really effective?

We’ll find out.

10x fitness review

The Reason I decided to try 10x Fitness

During the holidays, I gained a lot of weight (especially after the last crazy year).

I decided that one of my new year’s resolutions should be to get fit after gaining the extra weight.

It is my goal to get into tip-top shape and make exercise a habit, but I have two problems:

  1. A coronavirus outbreak has closed the gyms in my area, so I’m still at home, isolated.
  2. My schedule is too busy to go to the gym even if they were open. Exercise often slips my mind because I’m always too busy.

Mindvalley’s 10x Fitness program claims to teach how to dramatically reduce your exercise time to just 30 minutes per week, so when I heard about it, I thought it might be the answer I’d been searching for.

A bit of research helped me decide whether to join the program.

My jaw dropped when I realized how much you could accomplish in just two 15-minute sessions a week.

Here is what I learned:

  • Mindvalley has been researching a new fitness process for several years now.
  • They were interested in finding the fastest and most efficient way to increase muscle mass and strength.
  • Furthermore, they wanted to see how training a whole body would compare to one day dedicated to a specific part.

Researchers designed a system called 10x Fitness utilizing these findings to create a system that builds lean muscle mass and also offers benefits such as fat-burning, cardiovascular health, and anti-aging.

While being chased around by predatory animals, our ancestors developed endurance and longevity techniques to survive.

Exercises they devised utilized the body’s ability to adapt continuously to the ever-changing environment.

Additionally, I appreciate the fact that 10x Fitness takes a very holistic approach to teaching.

Nutrition, vitamins, and sleep, all of which have a tremendous impact on your wellbeing, weren’t just emphasized.

It was encouraging to read the reviews of people who took the course because even though they were limited in time, the 10x Fitness course totally changed their appearance.

What Is Mindvalley?

It’s important to explain what Mindvalley is before I proceed to talk about the 10x Fitness course. Mindvalley provides a platform for online learning where you take Quests instead of classes.

You can complete your courses faster and improve by completing quests.

Mindvalley offers fewer courses than other online learning platforms, but each Quest is taught by acclaimed international professionals, so every Mindvalley lesson you take will be of the highest quality.

Would you like to find out quickly which Mindvalley course is best for you? 

How much does Mindvalley cost?

You can get the program on any device for $349 if you want to just try one course, such as 10x Fitness.

However, the All-Access Pass at Mindvalley is $499 per year, making it more cost-effective.

With only a $150 difference, you can access 30+ Mindvalley programs on lifestyle, well-being, and spirituality.

Apart from having access to all Mindvalley programs, you will also have access to exclusive workshops, mentoring sessions, and the Mindvalley community app.

Mindvalley 10x Fitness Review

What 10x Fitness Is All About? Mindvalley 10x Fitness Review

Over the past four years, we have tried to improve the formula for total fitness workouts.

The course covers a variety of topics related to fitness and health, including how the human body can adapt, triggering its evolutionary mechanisms to give you greater strength, durability, and agility.

Among the more popular exercise myths debunked and replaced by 10x Fitness are:

myths about working out

Myth #1: A workout should leave you sweaty and exhausted:

Exercise newbies are sometimes misled into performing exercises that are incompatible with their goals and can be a waste of time and energy.

By activating your body’s natural evolutionary mechanism, you can learn to work out more effectively using the 10x program.

Myth #2: The more you work out, the fitter you get:

The general consensus is that if we want more results from our workout, we need to commit more time to it.

The lack of motivation or time can cause you to work out inconsistently.

Getting in shape in less time is possible with 10x Fitness.

Myth #3: You need to work out daily or at least every other day:

Your muscles will not be able to achieve the right level of intensity in a regular workout and they won’t have time to repair themselves and grow.

You can gain stronger muscles by using the 10x Fitness program and resting for three days.

Myth #4: Any kind of exercise is good:

Though it’s better to have some kind of physical activity than nothing at all, different exercise forms lead to different outcomes.

By building up the muscles, resistance training like 10x improves the vitality and mobility of your entire body.

Myth #5: You can’t get in shape without hitting the gym:

You will not always be able to go to the gym if you rely on gym machines and equipment.

Using only resistance bands, dumbbells, a pull-up bar, and a yoga mat, a part of 10x teaches you how to replicate the results on your own, anytime.

Myth #6: Women should avoid weight training to look bulky:

A woman’s body contains a limited amount of testosterone, so gaining a huge amount of muscle mass isn’t feasible.

Fitness regimens and diets for gymnasts and bodybuilders are specialized.

Who Is 10x Fitness For?

If you are:

  • An individual who has little time for exercise due to their busy schedule
  • Interested in exploring new fitness methods
  • The idea of taking care of one’s body as one age

For those who are looking for a fitness course, 10x Fitness is the right choice.

Only someone who is already happy with who they are and what they do might not gain much from this course. The best students are those who are eager for their own growth.

When we reach the age of 30, our skeletal muscle mass starts to gradually diminish, and our bodies gradually degrade.

Our muscles become weaker over time, which is why many older people do not survive bad falls due to the loss of muscle mass.

As a result of the 10x Fitness program, your muscles will be strengthened as well as your exercise routine, which can translate into a longer life span.

It is great that 10x Fitness is available to almost anyone, regardless of age and fitness level. In MindValley’s case study, an elderly man aged 70 tried 10x Fitness and got in shape.

If you want to do resistance exercises, you’ll need at least moderate health and fitness.

Lastly, 15x Fitness is designed for weight gain rather than weight loss, because it burns fat and builds muscle.

Fitting your body in order to lose stubborn fat is the main goal.

10x Fitness offers the following benefits after completing the course:

  • Having a youthful appearance and feeling less exhausted
  • Muscle mass and strength optimization
  • Developing endurance and athleticism at their peak
  • Developing a greater sense of self-confidence in your body
  • Reversing the aging process and increasing longevity

This workout technique actually saves you a ton of time since you don’t have to do additional exercise.

Exercises such as cardio, aerobics, and resistance training are not included.

There’s nothing stopping you from participating in other sports or activities like swimming and yoga, but it depends on your personal preference.

Who are Lorenzo Delano and Ronan Diego de Oliveira?

minvalley 10x fitness

Two of Mindvalley’s training instructors teach its 10x Fitness course: Lorenzo Delano and Ronan Diege de Olieveira.

Among his specialties are exercise physiology, educational psychology, and moral philosophy.

The entrepreneur also develops mastery learning technologies, enabling organizations to achieve development goals more effectively and in a shorter amount of time.

A fitness instructor, his specialties include strengthening muscles, weight loss, and overall wellness.

He aims to combine the best information and practices from all of his areas of expertise to redefine health.

With the 10x program, Lorenzo Delano creates an optimal approach to fitness by combining everything he knows. In addition to Ronald Oliveira, he is also the head of training at Mindvalley’s Health & Fitness department.

Having worked with leading experts in both personal performance and leadership, he has extensive experience training international professionals.

It’s his fitness journey that’s most inspiring, not his credentials. Previously, Ronan Oliveira was overwhelmed by the amount of work he had to do.

His mental focus was poor, and his moods were unstable. The exercise, sleep, and nutrition he needed weren’t getting to him.

He attempted conventional exercises at the breaking point but failed to achieve any results.

His body transformed after he took a more scientific approach to fitness, and he won several athletic competitions, including the largest obstacle race competition in Asia, Viper Challenge.

These are both experts in the field of how to make personal choices to achieve better health.

In addition to encouragement and motivation, students experience a sense of understanding of where they are coming from and why they want to get fit. Your performance is also motivated by your energy.

How 10X Is Structured?

For a couple of days, I watched the masterclass and went through all 83 days of material in order to decide if I wanted to take 10x. After taking other quests that proved useless by day 14, I learned my lesson. For something this demanding, I want to be sure that I’ll enjoy it the entire time and not waste any time.

We send you videos every week with instructions on how to get the most out of your workouts, exercise routines, nutrition, and sleep.

On Tuesdays, we discuss nutrition, weight loss, and sleep – and these are quite extensive topics. It has been interesting.

As a vegan, I was quite impressed with the program and the theory behind building strength (which is a super motivating reason).

During 10x, you have rest days as well. Although they suggest resting from the 10x program for a day, they also suggest using this time to review any lessons you want to review again or take other actions on 10x, such as filling out your tracking sheets.

Alternatively, you can take the time to research topics discussed that week and figure out how to apply them to your life, especially when it comes to nutrition and sleep – both essential to muscle development. As far as fitness is concerned, I didn’t have any questions.

You’re going to dedicate some time to 10x every day during the 12 weeks, so I didn’t commit to the physical part until I had completed the entire course.

According to people who have gone through 10x, three months is a long time, but the results can be fantastic.

The quest will probably take you a while, so make sure you keep up with it every day so that you don’t miss a day or have to catch up like with some other quests. Throughout the 10x program, both lessons and implementation build upon each other.

A Mindvalley 10x Fitness class has the following benefits:

10x benefits If you choose to enroll in the 10x Fitness class, you will receive a ton of content and support, including:

  • From coaches Lorenzo Delano and Ronan Oliveira, 12 weeks of video content for total body transformation
  • All 10x core exercises are detailed here
  • The Mindvalley Health & Fitness team will conduct four (4) live Group Coaching Calls
  • Course access from any device (desktop, tablet, Apple TV)
  • For on-the-go learning, Mindvalley smartphones (Apple and Android) are available
  • Students in the 10x online community have lifetime access
  • Expires after one year and you will have lifetime access to all bonuses

There are 12 weeks in the 10x Fitness program, as follows:

Week 1: The Warm-Up

For this week’s lesson, Lorenzo and Ronan share the key exercises and concepts that define the 10x program.

The instructors advise you, besides 6 core exercises, on how to properly perform each one while minimizing injuries, including form and breathing.

Additionally, you receive a 10x body assessment to determine where you are so you can transition safely.

Week 2 – 4: Your Transformation Begins

You will apply the 6 core exercises to your biweekly workouts during this phase of 10x.

During your training, Ronan and Lorenzo show you when you should increase the intensity.

In addition to learning how to eat for fitness, you’ll also learn how to increase your weight to achieve rapid muscle development.

As a final takeaway, Lorenzo and Ronan debunk myths about male and female training, so you can get the most out of your workouts.

Week 5 – 9: Sculpting Your Dream Body

By the beginning of the next phase of 10x, you’ll have built a strong foundation.

Nine more exercises will be taught so you can control your muscles according to your preferences and target specific muscle groups.

They demonstrate techniques and concepts to improve intensity and tone for a slim, strong appearance, while at the same time burning fat and gaining muscle.

Week 10 – 12: Living Your 10x Lifestyle

By taking all the concepts you learned about optimal fitness and consistent habits during the previous weeks, you will map out your perfect workout in the final phase of 10x.

The workout and nutrition plans created by Lorenzo and Ronan are specific to your lifestyle, schedule, and fitness goals.

The final tool for improving muscle mass development is to optimize your recovery window with sleep.

Other Mindvalley Fitness Classes 

There are plenty of options for Body Quests at Mindvalley if 10x Fitness is not your style or you would prefer something different.

Why not try:

  • The Longevity Blueprint: An easy-to-follow guide to helping you look and feel younger by combining the latest scientific breakthroughs with the oldest practices from the world’s oldest cultures. 
  • The Mastery of Sleep: Improve your sleep habits, reduce insomnia, or rely on sleep medications by learning to sleep better every night.
  • The Next Evolution of Health and Fitness: The Mindvalley Wildfit brand’s unique quest to change how you perceive and approach nutrition

The MindValley All-Access Pass gives you access to these courses (as well as all of the courses available on the MindValley platform).

I personally believe that the All-Access Pass is worth the money because all Mindvalley courses and 10x Fitness are only $399.

The quests on the platform are all at least slightly transformative for me. I’ve done over 15 already.

The company is not stingy when it comes to investment and production. The company will never take advantage of you.

Nutrition Aspect at 10x Fitness

I Was Surprised That The Nutrition Aspect Was So Detailed Yet Varied

There are workout programs that emphasize particular diets. As a vegan who needs to lose some weight, I was surprised to find that 10x helped me understand what I should eat.

In my mind, 10x was about building muscle, so the nutrition aspect made it extra fun for me. The free masterclass might mention nutrition, but because I am a Mindvalley member who has instant access to 10x, I did not take the masterclass. To determine if I wanted to take the quest, I browsed through all the material.

Since becoming a vegan, I have never encountered something like this.

You may eat a little differently if you do not need to lose weight. Animals are different from plants in many ways, including taste. Each step is explained and broken down, making it easy to see how to develop a nutrition plan for fitness and health goals.

The 10x program may require some extra research – depending on your diet – but for most people, it’s going to help them create a nutrition plan that’s based on what they teach in the program.

Overall, 10x ensures that your diet is optimized to help you reach your fitness goals.

10X Will Help You Understand Fitness And Nutrition For Better Health

It accomplishes that. It goes beyond just exercising. Fitness and nutrition theory (as well as a bedtime plan) combine to help you achieve your muscle and toning goals.

A guy I dated when I was young lived with a man like Ronan. Besides training extensively, he was knowledgeable about nutrition and how to optimize it to improve his results. I never saw him consume anything other than fuel as food.

There were no nachos for him either. He did not drink. He did not bake. His muscles will grow and he will feel good with just the right balance of nutrients.

I think of Ronan in this regard. When I was dating my boyfriend’s roommate, I had no interest in his health strategy in the slightest. With a growing interest in my health, what Ronan and 10x teach is very intriguing to me now.

A new program will begin sometime soon for me. There is no other way to take this program, so I will take it day by day. I have access to the whole program as I said, but I am going to go day by day.

On this page, you can find a list of the upcoming start dates of the free masterclass for 10x. In order to be able to partake in the community 10 times more, I plan to start with a new cohort. My experience with the program will be shared once I have completed it.

10x Fitness User Reviews

customer review

10x user review

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Conclusion: 10x Fitness Review

By focusing on achieving results in the shortest amount of time, I found that the 10x Fitness Mindvalley course definitely stood out as a refreshing experience.

Having eliminated the unnecessary (and sometimes dangerous) elements of resistance training, each video teaches you something you can try right away, regardless of your current state of health.

It is important to practice slow movements in order to ensure you are breathing and performing correctly, which helps to minimize injuries.

Because Lorenzo and Ronan drafted the exercises, the course is well explained and shown well.

Your body is not going through the same amount of wear and tear you would experience at a gym when you workout twice per week for 15 minutes.

All of the courses are extremely practical, and allow you to live your life to the fullest without having to sacrifice too much time and money.

I strongly recommend Mindvalley’s 10x Fitness course to anyone looking to build a peak body.

Kashish Babber
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

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