Grant Cardone Courses Review 2024: #1 Best Business Training Platform ?

Looking for Grant Cardone Courses Review 2024, which is basically subjected to Grant Cardone University. Cardone University is the #1 Business Training Platform in the world. 

Learning how to sell is one of the most important skills you can have in business, but it’s not always easy to know where to start or find the right resources.

Most people never learn how to sell properly and as a result they struggle in their businesses. Even if you’ve taken a few sales courses, it’s likely that you’re still not getting the results you want.

Grant Cardone Sales Training University is the answer. Their platform offers over 1500 interactive video segments on everything from cold calling to closing deals, taught by Grant Cardone himself. Plus, they offer 24/7 personal support from our team of experts so you can always get help when you need it.

But first, let’s know who is Grant Cardone.

Grant Cardone Courses Review

Grant Cardone Courses Review 2024: Best Business Training Platform

Who is Grant Cardone?

Grant Cardone is a famous entrepreneur, salesman, and 8-figure earner. He has a god-gifted ability to turn words into money.

Cardone found himself in rehab in his early 20s. After that, years of hard work he became a successful entrepreneur.

He worked at McDonald’s, offshore boating, a country club, and a furniture store. He failed badly and got fired from every single one of them until he found himself in drug rehab.


Because of this failure, he found himself lost and confused.

At the age of 23, Grant became a car salesman and started learning everything about selling cars.

He was so aggressive that he was in the top 1% of the car salesman in the country in just 2 years.

He decided to start his own business after being fired from there because of some issues.

He bought his first property in Houston, Texas at the age of 29. He bought a single family residence. His property was running low because of tenants left after a little while.

At the age of 34, Grant comes to real estate and bought a 38-unit apartment complex in San Diego with the money he earned as a car salesman. Check out some of his upcoming events:

Grant Cardone Facebook Page Updates:

Grant Cardone Courses Review- Seminars Updates

You are going to take interest in Grant Cardone University if you want to make more money.

His real estate company, Cardone Acquisitions, holds over $566 million of multifamily properties throughout the country. Grant Cardone’s net worth is about to $300 million.

Grant Cardone’s 10X Planner is probably one of the most effective ways to tap into Cardone’s wealth building methods. If you want to be a successful salesman, just organize your day with 10X Planner. You can check out the 10X Planner Review here. 

Grant Cardone University Review- 10X Planner Review

Grant Cardone Courses

Grant Cardone Sales Training University is the best business training platform in the world. Today it offers Grant Cardone’s most extensive sales training curriculum on the web. It has over 1500 Segments of fully interactive video content to find exactly what you want. You can reach your potential with the full support of Grant Cardone’s personal sales coach and Cardone team 24/7.

Grant Cardone University Review- University Review

This platform provides you world class technology. This virtual stage ensures you retain what is viewed with concise videos and quick questions to test what you learn.

You can watch content from computer, tablet, or mobile. Just switch between them as you like with one account.

Check out the courses that Grant Cardone University provides.

Available Grant Cardone Courses

1) Selling Basics

  • 28 Courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $695

Companies make one of the most common mistakes when developing their sales teams is they focus very soon on training sales staff on how to sell a specific product or service. In this case, this approach bypasses an organization’s responsibility to validate it. In fact, a new hire has the correct basis if the understanding of fundamentals of sales, and in fact, those align with company values, beliefs, culture, and sales methodology.

Grant Cardone Courses Review- Selling Basics Course


Selling Basics is designed to help sales leaders install a consistent foundation of how to be successful in sales, to then build on with a company-specific product and sales process training. This course is to develop the ability to become a top producer in sales, be it long sales cycles, short sales cycles, transactional selling, social selling, consultative selling, and more. First, you have to become a master in the basics principles required for sales success. In fact, this course delivers the information needed on how to build a strong platform for sales leaders to build from.

What will you get from it:

  1. You can learn about the most important sale you will ever make.
  2. You can develop the mindset needed to dominate in sales.
  3. You can become a master of time management.
  4. You can learn here how to increase daily activity.

GC University provides 28 courses related to Selling Basics which includes certification.

2) Understanding The Buyer

  • 28 courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $695

Understanding the buyer is one of the most requested online training courses from Grant Cardone. Understanding your customer better and how to effectively guide them through the sales process can be one of the hardest tasks in selling. Every customer is different, how can you confirm that you are successfully dealing with the customer. This is not an easy job handling a difficult customer.

Grant Cardone Courses Review- Understanding The Buyer Course


These are the main topics of this course. The material of this course covers the most important rules in selling and also covers the one thing that every customer will pay more money for in a deal, and it is not what you think. Understanding the buyer is vital to your success in selling because handling a customer and their concerns with money to understanding the real reason people actually buy anything.

What you will get from it:

  1. Learn the rule #1 in selling here
  2. Never lose a deal just because of price
  3. How to build credibility instantly
  4. Develop the power to Predict

3) The Sales Process

  • 73 courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $995

Throughout the sales process, increasing and closing requires more than just following a handful of sales tips. Negotiation strategy, balance, and forward thinking must be utilized by salespeople. It leads a client towards an agreement to close a sale. It can be a challenging task for designing the perfect sales process for your business. It motivates your sales team to adopt a sales process.

The Sales Process course will show you how to get motivated to create the perfect sales process for both you and your customers.

 Grand Cardone Course- The Sales Process Course

This course offers a blended learning approach, which includes consultation from your in-house training facility to help design your maintained sales process, and then follow up with a plan to implement it.

The lesson within the course include negotiating, sales presentation tips and how to close the sale with a winning proposal that gets the deal done.

What will you get from it:

  1. You can learn how to increase sales with a customized Sales Process.
  2. You can learn sales presentation tips for using your sales process as an asset that will increase sales.
  3. Practices for Fact Finding and Negotiation
  4. Learn Sales Strategies and Sales Advice

4) Theory of Closing

  • 42 courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $1095

Closing is the most important of the sales transaction. Without close, there is no exchange or transfer of goods, services, or money. Most of the salespeople struggle with this step of the transaction for a number of reasons. They often struggle with close because they do not fully understand what the close is. You will get more success when you fully understand the close strategy.

 Grand Cardone Course- Theory of Closing Course

This course will establish a deeper awareness of what is really happening in the close of the deal. There some queries like “How can we close more deals?”,will all be answered. A misunderstanding of the close will prevent salespeople from persisting in the close. Even to the point where asking some difficult question is required will all be covered. A Master Closer first requires the mastering of the theory of what the close really is, why people fail in the close and some of the most important tips needed for anyone looking to become lethal in this step towards the deal.

What will you get from it:

  1. The 3 things that will make you or break you in the closing process
  2. Advanced Closing strategies
  3. Mistakes Salespeople Make in close
  4. Never use price to negotiate repeatedly
  5. Discover how to reduce the sales cycle by 50%

5 ) Closing Strategies

  • 106 courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $1095

Most salespeople fail to close because they simply do not have the words to say to handle buyer objections. The lack of understanding in this field will inevitably cause an untrained salesperson to lose a customer. Only 10-20% of the time you are in a transaction is exhausted in the close, yet it is where the whole amount of your salary as a salesperson comes from. If you want to discover how to increase your salary as a salesperson, you must study to master the close.

Grant Cardone Courses Review- Closing Strategies


This course gives you exact word tracks on how to handle sales objections. Nothing will cause a salesperson to lose their confidence than not being able to handle the same problems over and over again. The closing strategy will help you equip your team with a confidence-boosting rebuttals guarantees to increase production.

What will you get from it:

  1. Situations Breakdown of negotiations
  2. Over 120 Rebuttals
  3. 17 Stall Killers
  4. Advance Closes

6) Incoming Calls

  • 22 courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $695

The Internet has been a true game changer in the way that people get pieces of information. This plenty of information has allowed the consumer to create more distance between themselves and companies with which they choose to do business with. Most of every sales transaction takes spot over the phone yet 85% of clients report that they are not fully satisfied with their encounter with a salesperson on the phone. This is a Huge problem but also a Massive opportunity.

Grant Cardone Courses Review- Incoming Calls Training

This course was designed to make your team true pros on the phone. The course goes over the design and pattern of an incoming call. It digs down to uncover the most crucial parts in the call that must be hit in order to secure an appointment or a sale on an incoming phone call. This course will ensure that you are never on the losing side of an incoming call.

What will you get from it:

  1. How to fix an appointment that displays every time
  2. The 1- Call close
  3. How to control the call, not the caller
  4. The marvelous incoming script

7) Prospecting

  • 30 courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $695

Sales prospecting is one of the hardest and afterward most valuable skills salespeople can contain. A person who has mastered prospecting can pull business out of obscurity and begin to increase sales single-handedly.

Grant Cardone Courses Review- Sales Prospecting for increased sales


This course will help you clarify and cultivate their most sales-ready chances which will result in lower customers acquisitions cost

and higher sales profits. If you have the ability to create and increase sales opportunities without the help of advertising and marketing then this is the most impactful cost-saving activity you can have within your business.

What will you get from it:

  1. Mastering sales prospecting on the phone with one technique
  2. Discover the simplest sales call you will ever make
  3. Scripts on making the outbound sales call
  4. The 9 hottest sales lead you are overlooking

Quick Links:

8) Follow Up

  • 132 courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $1095

You can say that Follow-Up is responsible for the majority of the success. over 48%of salespeople never follow-up with an expectation and 80% of transactions are made on the fifth to twelfth contact. So how can you be successful with follow-up?

Grant Cardone Courses Review- Follow Up

In this course, you will be served up to 2 years of exact follow-up strategies for both sold and unsold customers. This will lay out a follow-up plan guaranteed to increase your paycheck.

What will you get from it:

  1. How to remembered
  2. Stand out from the crowd
  3. You will always get a way to follow up with a prospect

9) 100 Ways to Stay Motivated

  • 101 courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $1995

The separated workers cost the US economy over $500 BILLION per year. What is this costing your company? Motivation is the secret that can drive the company through the roof. One of the hardest challenges that leaders face is how they can get their team motivated and then keep them there. Motivation is a muscle that must be built and develop because it can come and go. So what is the effect of a motivated and engaged staff on your customers?

 Grand Cardone Course- 100 Ways to Stay Motivated

This course was built to be a step by step checklist of things you and your team can do to be more motivated on a daily basis. The levels of motivation that you and your team operate with are not determined solely by what happens from 9 to 5 in the office. Actually, much of what contributes to team motivation is the result of what happens away from the office.

What will you get from it:

  1. Tips to motivating a team
  2. How to find your personal “switch”
  3. 3 ways to sustain levels of motivation
  4. Mastering Goal Setting

10) Top Traits of Great Salespeople

  • 65 courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $795

How could you define the difference between average and great? Top salespeople produce 2 times more than average producers and 5 times more than lower producers. Most business submits to the fact that 20% of their team will produce 80% of the results, but what if that wasn’t the case.

Grant Cardone Courses Review- Top Traits of Great Salespeople

What if you could actually begin shifting more of your bottom producers to the middle and to the top? Success does not lie solely in natural ability, they are the cause of advanced ability, followed up with daily drills that all of the great exercise.

The top qualities of great salespeople the mystery of the traits and habits of the most successful people are uncovered and mapped out for a copy. Ask any top performer and you will find that their success does not just show up on the game day or in the boardroom, it is the result of the rigid refinement of their craft, the network of the people they keep the closest, the continuous investment they make in education and numberless of other things. The Top Traits of Great Salespeople lays out the road map for a professional at any stage of their career to increase their game to a whole new level.

What will you get from it:

  1. Top secrets that only the successful know
  2. The Cardone path of success
  3. How to surround yourself with the successful
  4. How the Greats handle failure and rejection

11) Internet Lead Response

  • 23 courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $495

The digital customer shopping online used to be classified within businesses as the worst probability lead within a small likelihood of converting. Today we know that customers spend more time shopping and researching online than ever before making a major purchase. This means the farming of a sales opportunity coming through a website is more essential now than ever. But how does this customer want to be treated? What needs to come from this survey and what can a salesperson do to spectacularly increase conversion rates to appointments that convert to deal?

 Grand Cardone Course- Internet Lead Response Course

This course will help your team understand the online customer, how they are not similar, and what must happen in order to modify this opportunity to a sale. Your team must know what mistakes to avoid on this lead that will instantly turn off the customer and actually move you forward from the sale.

What will you get from it:

  1. How to increase contacts by 900%
  2. The one thing that will kill your chances of closing
  3. The Cardone interest lead response process
  4. 10 mistakes almost every company makes with the internet leads

12) Personal Finances

  • 21 courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $695

Everyone makes mistakes with money. To avoid these financial blunders at every stage of life by learning some of the most common money mistakes. This course will help you to avoid these kinds of mistakes.

Grant Cardone Courses Review- Personal Finance Course

What will you get from it:

  1. Pursue freedom by abandoning your comfort zone
  2. Create dependable income streams over long periods of time
  3. Recognize pretenders and how they waste their money

13) Handling Objections

  • 322 courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $995

Handling objections are the one the hardest jobs in this business and preparation is the key to handling objections before they occur. How you handle the simplest to the hardest objections will make or break the sale. This course is all about to handle all of these.

What will you get from it:

  1. Real-time solutions
  2. Every objection handled
  3. Instant correction

14) Grant Cardone Live Event

  • 58 courses available
  • Pricing- $995

Sales meetings: You can watch Grant Cardone interact 1 on 1 with real salespeople.

Seminars: Just missed Grant Cardone’s live speech in your city? Watch him here OnDemand. Grant Cardone live when you want him.

Keynotes: From small in-depth discussions to intimate roundtable sessions, Grant provides sales training solutions, sales tips, and business expansion ideas.

What will you get from it:

  1. Tap into the power of networking
  2. Stay motivated no matter where you are in your career
  3. Dominate in times of contraction

15) Cold Calling

  • 59 courses available
  • Includes Certification
  • Pricing- $995

The cold call is one of the most powerful and effective ways a salesperson can increase their sales and exceed their quota. This course can help a startup grow with low cost, the entrepreneur shares their idea without any advertisement, and the salesperson to be at the cause of their production, not the effect of a companies leads.

Grant Cardone Courses Review- Master the Cold Call Course


This course is guaranteed to be one of the most valuable employees a sales organization can employ. However, most of the salespeople, despite making them, and in most cases do everything in their power to avoid making them. So how can this be fixed? So, how can you build the confidence and motivation to cold call?

In this Master of the Cold Call Course, the answer lies in. This course lays out the answers to every question you ever heard about being successful on a cold call. Inside you will learn the one secret question that will allow you to win more calls than you ever thought possible.

What will you get from it:

  1. How to build the perfect script of Cold Call
  2. How to get past the gatekeeper
  3. The best questions to qualify your prospect fast
  4. How to handle every cold call objection

Case Studies At Grant Cardone University:

Let’s check one of them in details

Grant Cardone Courses Review- CU Case Study Azon Medical pdf

Grant Cardone Courses Review- Case Study

Experts At Grant Cardone University

  • Daymond John (Daymond On Demand)
  • Victor Antonio (Sales Mastery Academy)

Grand Cardone Course- Our Expert

  • David Jensen (Hiring Academy)
  • Dr. Tony Alessandra (Personality Assessment Academy)
  • Jamie Shanks (Social Selling)

Grand Cardone Course- Our Expert

  • Dave Anderson (Leadership Academy)
  • Coach Michael Burt (Monster Producer Academy)
  • Hank Norman (Star Power Academy)

What Other Customer Say About Grant Cardone Courses?

Let’s check out what others got to say about Grand Cardone Courses. Let’s check real customer reviews here..

Grant Cardone University Review- Testimonials

“This week we sold more advertising than in the last 8 months of 2015!!!! We 10X our monthly sales in just one week! 2 Days this week we made more sales in a day than what we used to do in previous months!”

– William and Astrid Ashurst

“I heard of Grant about 6 months ago. I wanted everyone to know your stuff can help in any industry. I have tripled my contract value, booking more appointments than ever and crushing bids at a rapid pace! It is paying off huge!”

– Travis Brading

“I’ve been in business for 20 months now. 2015 was my first full calendar year in business and thanks to you I did just over a half a million in sales. Thank you for ALL you’re doing.  I will 10x the $500,000+ I did in 2015 with Cardone U!”

– Darius Vega

“I recently enrolled in the Cardone University and as it paid for itself in just a few days in commission checks.  I’m looking forward to training with you all year long in the University!”

– Austin McGee

“I must say that even paying thousands per month for sales training may seem steep for my small sewing machine and vacuum stores, but just using the follow-up methods that I have been studying in the online chapters I sold just over $17,000 in equipment yesterday alone. Not to mention that some of my people have never been in professional sales before and now some of them sell at least $30k a month in the shop. I think we are just starting to really turn up the volume.”

– Chris Blakeman

“I am doing every segment in Cardone University for the 2nd year in a row. In 2014 my company did 1.6 million.  Last year we did 2.4 million.  This year we will do around 3.5 million and I will be taxed on about 500K. You have been the single most influential factor in my companies and my personal growth. While only speaking to you directly briefly your accessibility is unbound and I am so proud to be associated with you. Thank you so much for all that you do.”

– David Supple
Grant Cardone Courses Review- Companies They Have Worked For


Quick Links:

Grant Cardone Courses Alternatives :

1) Udemy

Umdey sales courses link

When it comes to online learning platforms, Udemy is one of the most well-known and popular options available. With over 30 million students and 190 million enrolments, it’s safe to say that Udemy is a powerhouse in the e-learning world. And there are good reasons for its success.

Udemy offers an impressive range of courses, from business and marketing to programming and IT. You can find courses on just about any topic you can think of, and there are plenty of courses taught in multiple languages. Instructors can also publish their own courses on Udemy, making it a great platform for anyone looking to share their knowledge and skills with the world.

One of the best things about Udemy is its affordability. Most courses are priced at under $200, making it an affordable option for anyone looking to learn new skills or expand their knowledge. And if you’re not happy with a course you’ve enrolled in, Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can get your money back if you don’t find the course helpful.

Overall, Udemy is a great platform for anyone looking to learn new skills or expand their knowledge. With tens of thousands of courses available on a range of topics, Udemy is a great option for anyone who wants to learn something new. And with affordable prices and a 30-day money-back guarantee, there’s no reason not to check out what Udemy has to offer.

Udemy : How To Be The Greatest Salesman: Learn Sales & Selling Skill

Learn the art of sales, & the skill of selling your ideas through universally constant sales principles & strategies.

Udemy : How To Increase Your Sales: Top Practical Selling Technique

Sell more products. Increase your sales in the shortest possible time by using this simple actionable selling strategy!.

2) Coursera

Coursera Sales skill courses

Coursera offers 984 Sales courses from top universities and organizations to help you gain or enhance your Sales skills Start learning Sales online for free today!

Coursera has become a synonym for MOOC. The company has 146 training partners in 28 countries and 2000 courses available. This provider has a South African office, which is an advantage for potential and new African students who have detailed questions and expect a quick response.

It is much easier to contact a company with a local presence in Africa to answer questions and provide support. This means there’s no need to contact a remote office in the U.S., with its different time zones and possible extra cost of international phone calls to other continents.

Can I learn about sales through Coursera’s online offerings?

Yes, Coursera has online courses and Specializations to meet your needs, regardless of whether you want to learn traditional sales techniques, the newest digital marketing methodologies, or the management skills you need for a promotion.

And because you can take sales courses from highly regarded universities such as Northwestern University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, you can study online without sacrificing the quality of your education.

These courses can also be completed on a flexible schedule, allowing you to acquire the necessary skills while continuing to work at your current job.

Fees, certificates, cover costs

Coursera is an online education company. It operates professionally and has partnered with top universities and leading organisations worldwide to offer online courses to any motivated student with Internet access. Any business will want to recoup costs, so Coursera raises venture capital.
Accordingly, not all courses are free, but potential students may apply for financial aid for those that do. Some course completion certificates have a fee.

On course completion, students receive a free Coursera statement of achievement. This needs no ID. If qualification or attendance certificates are needed, there is a fee. This paid service gives successful students ID-verified certificates; the cost varies by course title. Financial aid is available for students who can’t pay the fee. Excelling students receive a certificate with a distinction.

Coursera says verified certificates ensure academic integrity. Courses from this provider are regarded as high-quality and official education by companies and potential employers.

Conclusion: Grant Cardone Courses Review July 2024

With so many courses and training online, it’s often challenging to know what is real and what is a waste of time.

You could just stick to free training on forums and Youtube, but the problem is that YouTube courses aren’t organized properly that’s why you should opt for paid courses in order to get better results.

But that is not the case with Grant Cardone University, this course is legit. Grant Cardone University offers legitimate courses that anyone can easily get started with right away. 

With Grant Cardone, you have someone who is successful and worthy. He also shows you exactly what he does to make sales.

Let’s check out some of the reviews of Grant Cardone University.

Grant Cardone University Review- University Review

He teaches you in-depth exactly what he does to earn his money and how you can do exactly. This course is about teaching you how to hunt and become a hunter.

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Kashish Babber
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Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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