WildFit Review 2024: My Personal Experience


Overall Verdict

The Wildfit plan costs around $899 for the 90-day program and it includes lifetime access. The content is updated on their portal each year and you can always stay up to date with all the new revelations and studies. I can understand that the course is expensive but this is more of a commitment. As per Mindvalley, this is their most famous food plan available on their portal.

Out of 10


  • Easy process for anyone to master
  • High success rate
  • Highly active community
  • HD Video lessons
  • Fun Joint Group Sessions
  • Small Coutrses & Lessons


  • Program might be pricey for some.
  • Not conducted regularly


Price: $ 699

Looking For Unbiased Wildfit Review? I’ve Got You Covered.

I was looking for a weight loss program for myself as due to the Covid Pandemic I had really put on a lot of weight. My work and personal life both were getting affected and I seemed to be getting depressed now and again.

A lot of my friends suggested to me a couple of options. Some told me to get a Gastric Bypass surgery done, after I read about the process it did not appeal to me as it just did not seem natural.

I was not going to invest my time and money in things that were not the right and normal way of losing weight. Without further asking for people’s advice I started to do some research online and found out about WildFit.

I was quite intrigued by this out-of-the-box way of changing your lifestyle and getting into good eating habits. Let me tell you more about what WildFit Review by Eric Edmeades is. 

Bottom Line Upfront:

In my personal perspective, Eric Edmeads stands out as an exceptional nutritionist and dietitian who possesses extensive knowledge in the field of fitness. Intrigued by the numerous positive reviews, I decided to give the WildFit program a chance, and it truly captivated my interest. The program offers remarkable modules and concise lessons, each with a clearly defined agenda. One noteworthy aspect is that WildFit emphasizes achieving fitness goals without relying on supplements, with Eric serving as an excellent mentor. Taking a completely impartial stance, I wholeheartedly recommend the WildFit Program to anyone embarking on their fitness journey.

WildFit Review

Who Is Eric Edmeades

Eric Edmeades is renowned in Evolutionary Biology and Nutritional Anthropology. Eric, himself was a victim of excess weight, acne, chronic fatigue, throat infections, and chronic sinus. 

He started his journey by experimenting with the ways of Wildfit on himself and within 30 days there was such a drastic change that his doctors advised him to not undergo surgery for his Sinus treatment.

WildFit review- Eric edmeades wildfit founder

Eric had a revelation and decided to study further conscious eating and the right way to live. He studied the role of food in human life and dedicated his life to the study.

Wildfit is a collection of Eric’s work over the years and he has been working hard ever since to help people live a quality life. 

Wildfit is a program that lasts for 90 days that helps you become the best version of yourself. It is called a paleo-influenced health methodology.

Wildfit program is part of the Mindvalley Quest learning platform allowing its followers to improve their lives. The main reason for this program is for a full body and mind transformation that is not a task but easy to follow and implement even in the long run. 

Why I Decided To Do Wildfit: My Personal Experience

I want to share my experience and why I decided to start the WildFit program. I was drawn to WildFit because of its unique approach to health and wellness. As someone who had previously struggled to live a healthy lifestyle, I felt it was time for a change.

I selected WildFit because I was tired of trying to stick to fad diets and restrictive food regimens that never seemed to work in the long run. I desired a long-term solution that would not only assist me in losing weight but would also modify my relationship with food and improve my general well-being.

One of the components of WildFit that drew me in was the emphasis on understanding the effects of different diets on our bodies. The curriculum taught me how to make responsible dietary choices, concentrating on full, nutrient-dense foods rather than processed alternatives. This understanding enabled me to regain control of my eating habits and make healthier choices that were in line with my objectives.

Another factor that influenced my decision to join WildFit was the strong sense of community and support it provided.

I met like-minded people who were on the same path to better health through group coaching sessions and online forums. Throughout the program, this support system was critical in keeping me engaged and accountable.

Why I Decided To Do Wildfit

During my time at WildFit, I had major physical and mental transformations. My energy levels, sleep quality, and overall happiness all improved. The program assisted me in breaking away from harmful cravings and adopting a more balanced eating approach. It wasn’t just about losing weight; it was about developing habits that would benefit me for years to come.

Finally, my decision to pursue WildFit was motivated by my desire for long-term transformation and a healthy lifestyle. The program gave me the knowledge, resources, and encouragement I needed to make significant changes in my life. I highly recommend giving WildFit a try if you’re looking for a holistic approach to well-being and are willing to commit to a transforming journey.

Why Do I Recommend Wildfit?

Introducing WILDFIT- Wildfit by Eric Edmeades

A challenge of 30 days where you need to remove 10 minutes of your day every day for yourself. A game-changer if you ask me as only in such a short time I had started getting control over my mind and my habits.

The main motive of the program was to ensure that I focused on the right diet and exercise plans. If you were to plan on getting into workouts and a healthy lifestyle then the first thing your trainer is going to ask you to do is to get rid of everything that you love eating and is harmful to you.

They focus on creating diet plans that consist of foods and recipes that you would not love to consume and focus a lot more on your exercises. Once you enroll in the Wildfit program, they do not ask you to stay hungry or exercise.

Initially, I was quite skeptical about the fact that how could 10 minutes of your day bring such a drastic change in one’s life, and then after I started, I saw what this meant.

Wildfit program review-Eric edmeades sucesss stories

Every 10 minutes they make you condition your brain in splits to understand the importance of a good life. You are put in a group that works together to achieve goals and support one another in this process.

The group helps each other in creating a mind-frame for success and helps in working together. Their diet plan works on 6 cores of human hunger patterns.

You get to understand what diet your body really needs and how you have been hurting your entire system by not being in harmony with yourself. 

In this diet routine, they did ask me to eat something special or complex like the kind of dishes other health gurus make you eat. They focus on giving you hygienic, organic, and safe-to-consume food that works wonders in a couple of days. 

My Experiences and Learnings after the Wildfit Program 

program curriculum

  • The will to not do anything and be unproductive went away. I got more connected with my work and also with my old interests that were hidden in a closet like my Ukulele. 
  • Your mind will start getting clearer and making decisions becomes easy. I have started seeing a clear path ahead on my goals and future plans. 
  • Their plan greatly promoted my wellness and health. It was so shocking to see that eating the right things could clear so many issues for me. You indeed are what you eat. 
  • I would always be up late at night, and being alone and in the dark would usually make me do things that were not helping me. For example, I would get on my console each night to play video games and kill time. Now I know the importance of good rest and sleep and always ensure that I get my proper sleep at night. 
  • Since I have been sleeping well at night, my days have gone really well. I do not feel lazy or sleepy and the diet plan helps a lot as heavy food slows me down mentally so I have started avoiding some food products on my own. 
  • They conduct a 14-day reset program, the program is focused on resetting your mind and body slowly by teaching you what your body needs and what is of no use to the body and the mind. 
  • I had set my ideal weight with a lot of stress as I was doubtful as to whether I would be able to meet my goal or not. The process was so simple and easy-paced that I have kicked off my access weight and am still doing great in maintaining my weight. 
  • Walks have become longer and more fun and I see myself getting stronger each day. Never thought that diet was so important. 

While I was part of the program, there were a lot of myths that they debunked and I thought everyone should know about them. 

WILDFIT by Eric Edmeades

  • Exercise is a must to stay fit: Exercise is great for keeping your heart pumping and stay active for the day. It also helps in losing calories but science also shows that 95% of the reason for weight gain or an unshaped body is the diet of the person.

If you see how big and powerful the food industry is you will start to understand how they have been manipulating you into eating “sugar-free” and drinking “diet colas”.

Consuming products from such corporate giants and working out will never help you in achieving the right weight goal and the desired body shape. Only when you get as organic as possible by adding the right foods to your diet will you see results?

  • Unique diet for each Individual: When you get to a nutritionist, they start talking about the water content. In the body and how some bodies need high-carb diets and some high protein. The thing is that the human body has not really evolved to such an extent that each person would have different dietary requirements. The idea is very simple, food is for us to survive and have the energy to do our daily chores. It should not have been made so complicated. The right diet with good ingredients and healthy options is all anybody needs.
  • The Food Industry Makes Health Conscious Products: Believe me, if this were true then the situation would never have gotten this worse where people in their mid-years get heart diseases and children get diabetes. The Food Industry is one of the most misleading industries, controlling billions of dollars worldwide. The last thing you should do is trust them. Almost all products you go for have been stuffed with either sugar, sodium, or unhealthy fats that ensure that you keep getting cravings in a couple of hours for your next fix.
  • Calorie In = Calorie out: This statement now, seems like one of the most absurd statements to me after my program. Becoming calorie-conscious and tracking how much you eat so that the next day you can start burning the calories. If this is how you see your body and lifestyle then things are always going to be on the edge for you. It is important to understand that you need to reverse this saying. Focusing on having a more productive day and then eating once your body is in need of energy is how it should have been taken in the first place.

How Does Wildfit Work?

How does it work?

  • The Principles to Lasting Health

Wildfit focuses on Paleo-influenced health methodology, which draws majorly from the history of evolution and the modern hunter-gatherer clans. Its principles are very simple, all that lives has a diet and the degree to which a species can consume the said diet to live a healthy life and increase their longevity.

The principles of Wildfit have been crafted over the last 5 million years.

  •  Powerful Behavioral Psychology

Eric Edmeades, a professional speaker and a renowned business mentor studied and understands human behavior and how he can create a long-lasting change in you.

His program is developed on the basic principle of behavioral psychology, helping implement the right changes that the human body needs. The practices are a quick and easy solution to a healthy lifestyle.

  • Microlearning For Even Your Busiest Days

The microlearning programs have been designed for the busy day-to-day schedule of all individuals. This program runs on the Mindvalley quest platform, allowing you to work on the program with multiple other members and get real-time assistance and guidance from the program’s founder.

For 90 days all you need to do is take 10 minutes of your time and see how your life changes.

  • No Starvation And No Exercise

The Wildfit program has been carefully created so the person going for this plan does not go Hungry. You need to find time to exercise is also not all that important for pursuing this. The plan is based on following a good balanced nutritional diet and increasing your energy levels and good sleep.

Once you see the changes coming in your life, you will automatically feel like taking that walk or run that you always wanted to. Your focus will move to becoming a lot more active and happy.

  • Designed For Results In 90 Days

Knowing what are the right things to eat is no rocket science. We try to avoid following the right way because of how our habits and likings have become.

If you were to write down a diet plan for yourself while planning your weight goal then you would definitely jot down the right foods for yourself. Following the diet is what is tough. It becomes very easy to break good habits and revert to a destructive lifestyle.

Keeping this in mind Wildfit was designed as a 90-day program to condition the human mind to gain a lasting change and lead a good life.

  • Group Coaching and Team

It is so important to be a part of the group when it comes to you trying to achieve something. History shows that great civilizations were created together. This is why the Wildfit program places you in groups so that you may have a common goal and move towards it together.

Your group becomes your building bricks and you too can become someone’s support when needed. The more you stick together with your group the more you will be able to see better results.

  • The WILDFIRE Program Requires No Special Foods

It is true that organic and healthy food costs more than fast and frozen foods but they will never ask you to pay a huge amount for special medicines and health powders. You will never be asked to take subscriptions on supplements and shakes.

customer sucesss stories

Wildfit believes these things work against the human body and make the human body rely on such supplements to function. Wildfit does not want you to get addicted to such things and then keep paying hefty amounts to keep yourself going.

The only thing needed is to know what food works for you and how you should consume it. Wildfit shows you how to understand your body and how food should be chosen correctly. 

Pros & Cons: Wildfit Review


  • It is an easy process for anyone to master.
  • A very high success rate due to the applications used.
  • A highly active community of followers that grow together.
  • HD Video lessons.
  • Start bringing change into your life with this course made using behavioral psychology.
  • You start living free of restrictions and stress by eating what you love.
  • A step-by-step process designed to take things slowly and effectively.
  • A program that helps you determine if some foods are causing allergic reactions.
  • A vast majority of people have succeeded after Wildfit.
  • See your sleep cycle and daily efficiency increase.
  • Enhanced mental performance.


  • The program costs a lot. But there are no hidden costs and add-on purchases.
  • The program is conducted only on selective dates, and there is usually a long cue for joining groups.

Wildfit Pricing

Pricing plan 

Wildfit is active on the MindValley platform online. Mindvalley is known to offer many plans that help people in their lives. They have worked hard to create a constructive platform where people can bring positive changes in their lives.

Wildfit is a partner program as in a third-party program that has found a platform to push its course. If you are a member of the Mindvalley All Access plan then this course will not be included. You will have to pay extra for Wildfit.

If you would like to know about the membership plan of Mindvalley, then it costs around $500 annually. The plan offers 30-plus quests for you to complete.

Join the Program-Wildfit by Eric Edmeades

The Wildfit plan costs around $899 for the 90-day program and includes lifetime access. The content is updated on their portal each year; you can always stay updated with all the new revelations and studies.

I can understand that the course is expensive, but this is more of a commitment. Mindvalley says this is their most famous food plan on their portal.

Mindvalley WildFit Customer Reviews & Testimonials: 

Here is what customers say about the Wildfit program:

WildFit program reviews- Wildfit by erid edmeades

Wildfit program review-Dean casss facebook testimonial

Wildfit by eric edmeades review-WildFit program testimonials by customers

FAQs On Wildfit Review

Is Wildfit a diet?

No, Wildfit is not a diet. It's a program designed to help individuals develop healthy eating habits and a sustainable relationship with food. Unlike traditional diets, Wildfit is focused on making long-term, lifestyle changes that lead to improved health and well-being.

What does Wildfit involve?

Wildfit involves a 90-day program that includes nutritional coaching, weekly group coaching sessions, and a comprehensive curriculum that covers topics such as the psychology of eating, nutritional science, and healthy cooking. Participants are also provided with a detailed food guide and meal plans to help them make healthy food choices.

Does Wildfit work?

Many people have reported positive results from completing the Wildfit program. However, the program's effectiveness can vary depending on individual circumstances and commitment to making lifestyle changes. It's important to remember that Wildfit is not a quick-fix solution, but rather a long-term approach to achieving optimal health and wellness.

What are the benefits of Wildfit?

The benefits of Wildfit include improved energy levels, weight loss, improved sleep, reduced cravings, better digestion, and overall improved health and wellbeing.

Is Wildfit expensive?

The cost of Wildfit can vary depending on the program package selected. However, many people have found that the investment in their health and well-being is well worth the program's cost. Additionally, Wildfit offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for those who are not satisfied with the program.

Quick Links:

Conclusion: Wildfit Review 2024

Not really! In fact, this is an amazing program.

If you are serious about shifting your habit of food to good, then this program is a great fit for you.

WildFit by Eric exposes various illusions and loopholes in the food industry that must be addressed. It even empowers you to make intuitive, educated decisions and reprograms your thinking about what you eat.

In fact, the price tag might be high, and I agree with this. But once you step into it, there’s no turning back!

Jitendra Vaswani
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded Digiexe.com, a digital marketing agency, and Bytegain.com, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

51 User Reviews on WildFit

  1. I’m Alexandra. I used to be heartbroken about my weight, but with WildFit’s help I have finally dropped 10 pounds of fat — which means 6 bags of clothes are now in the back of my closet! -The WILDFIT Food Freedom Experience is totally worth it. What you get out of this is so much more than what you put into it.

  2. I don’t want to get all sentimental, but this program made me feel like I had my life back.

    I was so done with weight struggles and feeling fat after eating one crappy meal, and knew there wasn’t much more I could do on my own. That’s where Wildfit came in! It seemed too simple at first: just a few weeks of your diet – how hard is that? But the truth is you can manipulate people to do anything if they really want it enough. And if they aren’t sure what else to do yet, then that’s exactly what the Wildfit Food Freedom Experience should be: a time commitment without any dieting restrictions (showtime). The point is not about losing weight; it’s about gaining

  3. I tried Wildfit and it changed my life. I lost 35 pounds in a few weeks, was given the freedom to eat whatever food I wanted as long as it matched up with their nutrition plan, felt better than ever before, and became healthier than ever before.

  4. After struggling with my weight for years, it seems like I finally found something that has seemed to make a difference. I go to Wildfit three times per week and really focus on eating more vegetables. It’s important if you want the full effect of the program, but I think they are completely delicious! After just two weeks, I could start seeing the changes in my appearance when dressing up for big occasions. The collective wisdom of professional chefs and behavioral psychologists has really made this one of the most effective programs out there!

  5. Wildfit is the most interesting time I have had in a long time. It has made my path to getting fit an adventure, not just another obnoxious detail on my to do list. After changing what types of foods I was eating for just 5 days, it’s clear that Wildfit really works!

  6. The Wildfit food freedom experience turned my life upside down. Now I’m taller, healthier and happier than ever before!

  7. I have never been happier with my life. I’ve lost weight, seen less chronic illnesses, and finally feel the freedom to eat what I want without worry.
    This program is amazing! The WILDFIT Food Freedom Experience is the only program that has ever worked for me. They took into account everything about who I am when making this plan for each participant – it’s truly personalized because it takes into account your favorite foods, your favorite activity- anything you can find out about how you live just so they know how to help fill in the gaps on food restrictions like gluten intolerance or GERD. It was such a relief to finally get some advice on healthy snacks and eaters tips that actually work that made me feel more confident around family and

  8. Wildfit is the best diet I’ve ever tried! It only took me two weeks and I’d already lost 5kg.

    It’s like any other weight loss program, just without all that unnecessary deprivation that makes you feel so deprived backfires in the end. No counting calories or points, no ridiculously long lists of what to avoid eating, just a few simple food swaps and a whole lot of self-love.

  9. I’m writing this review on behalf of my sister, who badgered me to take her stubborn butt there. “It’s like Weight Watchers for marketing junkies!” she said with disgust. So I went to Wild Fit and loved it! The food was delicious, the waiting staff were attentive – they really know what they’re doing. It was quiet around lunch time which made our three-hour rush feel worthwhile (sorry mom!) And of course, I loved telling people about my riaaandeelsaaa thing. If you’ve tried every diet under the sun but want something different – come here!
    ’til next time

  10. I love how Wildfit is not just about food, but taking control of my life.

    It doesn’t involve calorie counting or feeling miserable. I leave the meal plans alone and instead concentrate on all the great foods they teach me to try! The first time I really felt satisfied after a meal was devastating because it had been so long since I actually enjoyed eating. Best of all? My friend noticed that even without any weight loss yet, my clothes were looser! So this week, when you’re struggling with your New Year’s Resolution to lose some weight, change your relationship with food for good by signing up for WILDFIT today!

  11. I’ve been following the Wildfit plan and so far I’m down 17 pound in 4 weeks. The food is delicious and easy to prepare, it’s just what you need when you’re tired of sacrificing your happiness for fat loss #goals

  12. Wildfit is a sustainable lifestyle program that offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for people to experience food freedom. They teach you how to take back control over your life and your relationship with food so you will feel confident, have more energy, have improved digestion, be slimmer and have improved skin conditions. In just few weeks, they completely flipped the script on me by eliminating my health problems all while I’ve had way more energy. This program helped me create new habits around vegetables & salads which has been working well for me because of their expertise in behaviour change psychology.

    Wildfit teaches you how to eat consciously without feeling deprived or hungry ever again!

  13. I’ve been working out and eating healthy for 2 years, but I still couldn’t get the weight off because my body was holding onto everything. Then I heard about Wildfit and went to their website. It asks you what your goals are and how much weight you want to lose-I wanted at least 3 kg off (about 7 pounds). After a few weeks following the plan, doing all of those ‘healthy’ foods like protein shakes and lean protein with absolutely no sugar, it worked! All the cravings went away after awhile too. The program is really easy-even if you need some extra coaching they give as many as 3 phone calls throughout the day as well as email support every time you log in.

  14. I stumbled across this program while I was trying to find a quick fix for weight loss. Not only did I discover probably the best diet around, but it’s also surprisingly easy. We all know diets should not be difficult; if they were we wouldn’t stay on them. More importantly, Wildfit is sustainable and has given me my life back with food freedom. The atmosphere in the sessions are fantastic too!

  15. I’d been tired and bloated for years. I didn’t think I had a problem with my diet, but when I met with Dr. Grosso and did an intro WILDFIT session, he asked me to step on the scale and it said  187 pounds! Whoa. Right then, in that moment when he told me how much I weighed?  I knew something was really wrong. And that’s when Dr. Grosso introduced me to the wonders of Wildfit Food Freedom Experience – changing my relationship with food for good just in a few weeks so now not only do my clothes fit better around the stomach area…all right have any back pain gone away too!

  16. If you’re looking for the person who says “why,” when it comes to food and weight, I’m your girl. Eight years in and it’s finally sinking in: this is a journey with no destination. This isn’t some fun uphill roller coaster where we giggle our way back down—this is an endless mountain we have to climb on with bare feet, tap dance shoes full of blistering liquid nails barely holding on until they disintegrate into nothingness.

    I can tell by the look of terror strewn across your face that you’ve been at the bottom before too many times to keep count—that even just reading about my story has stirred up memories that are still raw without warning. Know this though, every time I found

  17. They promise they’re not trying to sell you snake oil with the WILDFIT Food Freedom Experience. In just a few weeks, you will lose weight and solve your health issues from overeating– without dieting. It’s easy! All it takes is a reset of your habits so that they actually match how you feel about food. You’ll eat more when you’re hungry, stop when feeling satisfied, and even manage cravings in a healthier way! They’ve seen amazing results in the clients who were stuck in their high-stress jobs desk all day or have been struggling with overweight for years – but then they found this program that made them look at food differently

  18. I just finished the Wildfit program and I wanted to share my experience with you so you can know if it’s right for you.

    -Wildfit is a life changing diet. You will go from feeling disrespected by food, to finally getting the respect and love we all deserve. I feel amazing!

    -I’m glad I made such a big change, because now I take care of me! This has given me more energy than ever before and changed how my body reacts to sugar cravings. My weight loss journey was easy after this process because it removed old habits that were holding me back; like not having self control over what goes into your mouth and getting discouraged easily when progress slows down or seems too difficult (that’s

  19. Can’t stay away from the doughnuts or pizza? Love cake? Want to drop some pounds like, like, like NOW!? Then you’ll be glad to know there’s this one little trick that will get your mind out of your mouth.

    Wildfit isn’t just about ‘setting yourself free’ physically; it allows you to change your relationship with food for good. You can finally choose what you really want rather than what society tells us we should want. It only takes 20 minutes a day and in a few short weeks you’ll have a healthy positive new habit that lasts a lifetime!

  20. The Wildfit program is so much more than just a weight loss diet, it’s about changing your entire mindset and outlook on food. I’ve been struggling with my own body image for years. When I came to the realization that I didn’t have any control over what had happened before but that did NOT mean that this was how I would live out my future, or how other people will remember me, or who am I if not just the sum of all these superficial traits we’re taught matter in beauty and social acceptance. The best part? It feels like electricity sparking through your veins when you think “Yes! This IS possible” – feeling unstoppable. (I lost 10 pounds total on the 12 week+ plan)

  21. After years of trying every other solution out there, I finally discovered WildFit online. The food freedom experience was just what I needed to break free from my unhealthy routines which were dragging me down both mentally and physically. With an easily digestible 12-week plan that gave me all the support I needed since day one, WILDFIT has given me that boost of motivation that say ‘you CAN do this’. If you’re looking for a straightforward program with actionable advice delivered by experts who really know their stuff, don’t waste any more time scrolling.

  22. Wildfit is hands-down the most complete, holistic weight loss program on the market today. From food addiction to eating disorders, their no-nonsense approach tackles all aspects of dieting and nutrition in one easy package. I personally recommend the challenge package—a three step plan that tackles your cravings with support from a nutritionist who specializes in emotional eating patterns. Three weeks later you’ll be more focused on activities other than food, have lost inches around your waist, and will finally control what you eat for once!

    You won’t regret it.

  23. My WILDFIT Food Freedom Experience was so transformational, I’m here to give you the inside story.

    I know it’s hard to believe that 12 weeks can really change your life. But it did for me, and now not only do I have control over my food intake but also how I look and feel! My journey with WILDFIT changed everything about how I think of food—goodbye deprivation dieting, hello intuitive eating. It feels like a new world opening up with endless possibilities! We say goodbye to bingeing on processed foods because healthy whole foods are the only thing our stomachs want or need now. And who would’ve guessed that veggies are actually pretty darn delicious? The more we listen to our bodies

  24. “I just got my WildFit experience! I have to admit, it’s not always easy being a busy mom with 2 kids and work. It does make me feel better knowing that the prep was done for me which makes this program so amazing.”

    “I can’t tell you how pleased my husband is with the food. He said the meals are delicious, no mystery ingredients or crazy chemicals that he has had to deal over his life.”

  25. Amazing course, i really loved it. Thanks for sharing such an insightful article.

  26. “Wildfit is life-changing. They’re like the health coaches that my haters say don’t exist. It might sound strange, but WildFit makes counting calories so much easier! I remembered to drink 16oz of water today without even trying!”

  27. I’ve been on Wildfit for 19 days now, and I know this might sound crazy to say already… But it’s changed my life in ways no diet has before! Not in the sense that it made me feel deprived of anything I wanted, but because in those 19 short days, my cravings have shifted. Nowadays, when a craving comes up I don’t go straight for sugar or cheese. Nope. Instead of indulging like some weak-willed food addict would (gasp!), I think: “why am I having this craving?” and 90% of the time am reminded that what my body is really wanting isn’t carbs or pasta; it’s something even more important than all of that stuffed into one sugary brownie

  28. WildFit is a nutritional program run by psychologists and nutritionists. They’re able to give you the results that regular dieting doesn’t seem to be providing, all in just few weeks. Their programs are sure to work well for you because they understand what causes health issues – bad diets and habits that we’ve built over our lifetimes. You’ll start feeling better physically right away with weight loss, elimination of fibromyalgia, heart disease and hypertension… But it’s not an overnight miracle: after doing the program long enough (probably about 10 weeks), your taste buds will change; foods will taste sweeter; cravings lessened; hormones stabilizing; inflammation reduced; joint pain vanished

  29. If you want to be a healthy eater without giving up everything, this is the book for you. I thought it would be a huge challenge to eat right 10% of the time and still have a social life – but then I found WildFit Food Freedom Program! They teach that all food can fit into your lifestyle an help your body thrive if you know what to do with it. Now, I feel like eating good prepped ingredients at home sounds like such an easy way to feel amazing (and skip common diet pitfalls).

  30. The Wildfit Food Freedom Diet is a revolutionary approach to diet and nutrition that has been proven to facilitate weight loss and wellness. It combines nutritional science and behavioural psychology for incredible results, eliminating one’s unhealthy habits whilst achieving lasting changes relatively quickly. One of the greatest features of this plan is its adaptability, meaning it can be tailored for any demographic – gender; age; ethnicity; culture; disability; medical condition (with supervision); pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, celiac disease or hypertension (in conjunction with your physician). This means you can enjoy life without worrying about side effects associated with traditional diets! If you’re ready for total food freedom within just few weeks, try out the WILDFIT Diet today.

  31. Wildfit is an experience that gives you the rest of your life back. A new, better life where food doesn’t control what you do anymore. It’s not a diet or some ‘magical pill’ – it’s about following the science and learning how to feed your body for lifelong health and weight loss. Achieving food freedom with Wildfit is so worth it – one person who did this said: “I was skeptical at first but I am down 35 pounds and my blood sugar has never been lower! No more diabetes meds!”

  32. WILDFIT is a program I would recommend to anyone struggling with their weight and health. There’s no effort required on the dieter’s part – simply follow what comes in your packaged box.

    The heavy food lays me down, but each day we devise; outsmarting our hunger

  33. I never thought I would get this far with my weight loss journey. But the Wildfit Food Freedom Experience helped me so much. I lost 22 pounds in two weeks and also learned new ways to live healthy. It felt like an investment, not a diet.

  34. After years of failed diets, I was so frustrated with my body. It seemed like it would take a miracle to finally get me the results that I wanted. That’s when I learned about WildFit Food Freedom Experience.

    Wildfit changed everything for me by integrating two disciplines- nutritional science and behavioural psychology- in one program which is why this system only takes 12 weeks! At the end, there were no more food battles between what I wanted vs. what my coach wanted; they saw how much progress I made over time, which motivated me even more to see amazing weight loss rates happen quickly (I lost an entire dress size in one month)! Plus now all of these health benefits are cropping up too: decreased risk of diabetes & metabolic

  35. WildFit is a new program that I participated in and loved. Their regimented approach to changing my eating habits was really successful for me because it’s based on feeding your body what you need, not denying yourself tasty treats.

  36. This is the most logical weight loss program I have ever seen! It actually makes sense. Plus, it’s better than anyone else because they provide more information about what exactly happens when your brain hijacks your self-esteem. *Wipes away tear* This year, I was one of the many who signed up for this amazing conversion therapy to get my mind back on track with healthy eating habits and not feeling bad about weighing myself every day. Now I’m happy again, don’t feel embarrassed around food anymore, and can finally stop contemplating suicide because of my completely lacking love life…oh wait that’s a different product 🙂

  37. Wildfit was the best decision I’ve ever made. You learn how to make your meals and you can eat whatever you want as long as it is healthy. By doing this, I lost over 30 pounds and gained some confidence back in my life.

  38. I used to be one of those people who was overweight, felt sluggish all the time, and generally felt like I should give up on life. But then I found WildFit. When I started this program, carbs no longer make me feel like putting my head in a bucket of ice water after eating them; it has been great for getting rid of food cravings; and now every morning I wake up feeling energized instead of hating myself for skipping another workout again the day before. And just think about what amazing things this will do for your cardiovascular health– talk about significant improvement!

  39. “If you’re tired of failing and starving for weight loss, it’s time to try WildFit. If I could go back in time and change my life for the better, I would. Wildfit changed me and all the lives I reached.”

  40. When I first started, but it has become one of the most rewarding and challenging things I’ve had to do- not just for myself, but on behalf of my family. The WILDFIT community is what keep me going during the difficult moments: we share recipes and daily motivational messages with one another. It’s so fulfilling and special to be surrounded by people who get you and your goals! This program isn’t some quick fix product- it made me more knowledgeable about food than ever before while letting go of unhealthy eating patterns for good.

  41. “I was a total stress eating junkie. On days when I wasn’t sleeping well, or feeling too great about myself, the only outlet I had to make myself feel better was food. Then my best friend’s girlfriend recommended this program and now…

    Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to report that I have been able to go 12 hours without even thinking of snacking on chocolate!”

  42. I know how hard it is to live a life full of emotional eating, food cravings, and constant urges. I was tired of living the lifestyle that usually consisted of going for quick fixes with carbs and sugar because those were my go-to favorites when I felt down. But after taking the Wildfit Food Freedom course at Cornell University’s residential weight loss program, everything changed for me! This whole process isn’t about deprivation or “skinny PR”—it’s really helping you be your best self by chipping away at old habits and focusing on what matters most: health. And it all starts with this program taking one day at a time, where every single decision counts. Whether you have six months or six years ahead of you

  43. I was skeptical at first, but now I feel better-than-ever. I know what ‘bad’ food is and what makes up a healthy diet. Plus it’s great for breaking unhealthy habits and changing my relationship with food! I’ve been on the WILDFIT Food Freedom Experience for eight weeks now, and it has changed my life in such incredible ways. My skin looks amazing, I’m sleeping soundly through the night

  44. At Wildfit they prioritize results first, with a healthy approach that’s enjoyable for the people to follow and optimizes weight loss. They offer eight customized sessions including 24/7 coaching support post program completion, which has aided 94% of individuals who attend the full 8 week experience lose an average of 20lbs or more – all while following their individualized diet plan without feeling restricted on food choices or excessive exercise

  45. My life was a mess and I had no idea what to do about it. Then, by chance, I stumbled across Wildfit while watching TV late one night and everything changed. Once the weight started coming off, the other benefits followed: my skin cleared up; my stomach issues went away; PMS came less often (if at all!). And for the first time ever, KNOWING mattered more than eating. It’s been 5 years since I’ve given in to temptation because there is simply nothing I want that sugar or wheat wouldn’t make worse!

    Would you like your most upset darkest secrets finally discovered? Of course not?! You would rather use stealth mode so nobody else notices them–not friends or family members but YOURSELF!

  46. I tried WildFit in college and loved it. I was working out five days a week, but wasn’t seeing any results with my weight-loss goals. Wildfit helped me lose 10lbs in only two weeks because the program’s combined knowledge of nutrition and psychology allowed for sensible decision-making when choosing what to eat or not eat. It doesn’t eliminate cravings by gimmicks like dieting – it tackles your unhealthy habits head on!

  47. “I never thought I would be able to say this, but I finally feel like me again.”

    Wildfit is the most innovative lifestyle change program on the market that targets all aspects of your life in order to make you not only look good, but feel amazing inside and out. With all of these incredible changes happening, it wasn’t hard for me to shed twenty pounds by the three month mark! There’s no way I could’ve accomplished this without Wildfit—so grateful for all they have done.

  48. Wildfit has completely turned my life around. Before, I was looking for quick fixes that just got me through the week without being hungry or craving bad food. Once I started Wildfit, not only did it make it so easy to break old habits but also gave me an overall feeling of happiness knowing what I’m doing is actually working in ways other diets never have! After this experience, you’ll change your relationship with food for good take back control of your life and love the way you feel.

  49. WildFit is by far my favorite eatery in L.A., and not just because you can get a side of kale with your burger and fries (which, let’s be real, might as well be called an apple pie these days). No, the thing that makes WildFit stand out is it’s food freedom program. Don’t get me wrong – I think most diets work for some people some of the time. But at the end of the day what matters most isn’t “how” we eat but “why.” The WILDFIT Food Freedom Experience was designed so each meal satisfies your cravings while promoting healthy long-term habits.

  50. I got a new exercise routine and did calorie counting for a whole week. I was hoping to lose 5 pounds, but instead I lost 10 pounds in a single day! All the emotional eating about made up for my good ol’ days of binging during college finals.

    I found this thing called Wildfit that combines food freedom with behavioural psychology and it’s helped me change my habits completely. In just seven short weeks, I’ve been able to reverse all the negative habits that have been plaguing me since childhood. It may sound too good to be true, but from where I’m standing not only is it possible…It’s really happening!

  51. I wanted to cry when I could finally get up out of my chair without fearing that I would heave.

    Wildfit is like having your own personal therapist in your pocket (or office or purse depending on where you are). It never feels preachy, only supportive and kind. Not because it’s not trying to tell us what we’re doing wrong- it doesn’t have any problems with reminding us why salt is so bad, but instead points out how good it felt when we woke up craving an apple rather than a bagel for breakfast after following its lead for just four days .

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