Discover eye-opening statistics and receive easy-to-understand tips to improve your video’s visibility on YouTube.
Whether you’re a content creator, business owner, or simply looking to gain more views on your videos, you’ve come to the right place!
Video has risen to prominence as one of the most effective means of marketing, with an increasing number of companies utilizing it.
With so much video being produced, businesses are understandably becoming more concerned with making certain that their videos are noticed.
Three worlds have merged as a result of this fusion:
List Element
Video Marketing
List Element
I’ve put up a collection of some Video SEO stats that go across the many aspects of video & YouTube SEO.
General Video SEO
Video results are 50 times more likely to rank organically in Google than text-based results.
A video has an 11,000:1 chance of appearing on Google’s first page.
The click-through rate (CTR) for video search results is 41% greater than for text-based results.
Blog posts featuring videos receive a 157% boost in search traffic.
YouTube SEO
YouTube’s recommendation algorithm determines 70% of all videos watched.
The average length of a video on YouTube’s first page is 14 mins & 50 secs.
68.2% of videos on Google’s first page are in HD.
90% of top-ranked YouTube videos include at least a portion of a target keyword in the title.
YouTube Facts and Figures
For 18-34-year-olds, YouTube is the second most prominent platform for viewing video on TV screens.
Viewers spend an average of 11 mins & 24 secs daily on YouTube.
YouTube accounts for 37% of all global mobile traffic.
YouTube has a monthly user base of two billion people.
Every minute, 500 hrs of video are uploaded to YouTube.
Google Video Stats
Video appears in 62% of Google worldwide searches.
YouTube accounts for eight out of ten videos that surface in Google searches.
80% of individuals claim they use both online search and video when researching products to buy.
What Is Video Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
Video SEO is a type of search engine optimization that concentrates on maximizing the traffic and exposure of videos.
Video SEO can be optimized for a variety of mediums, including conventional Google searches, where video results are increasingly appearing in organic search results. Furthermore, Video SEO entails attempting to rank videos in Google Video Search.
When most individuals talk about video SEO, they usually refer to YouTube. YouTube is the world’s most popular search engine, which means it’s also the most popular video search engine.
In a nutshell, video SEO is optimizing your video for various search engines such as standard Google Video Search, Google searches, YouTube, and so on.
What Is SEO on YouTube?
YouTube SEO is a type of search engine optimization that concentrates on the video search engine YouTube. The purpose of YouTube SEO is for your videos to show up not only in YouTube searches but also in related videos.
Here is where YouTube SEO differs from traditional SEO. You want your films to show up in YouTube searches, but more crucially, you want them to show up in related videos that consumers see while viewing videos.
The exact ranking factors are provided by YouTube.
“We look at which videos have succeeded in getting the most engagement for a search & ensure they’re easily accessible for visitors to determine how accurately the title, synopsis, and video content fit the consumer’s question.”
Video SEO Statistics 2025
Video results are fifty times more likely than text-based results to rank organically in Google.
A video has an 11,000:1 chance of appearing on Google’s first page. Text-based results have a 500,000:1 chance of appearing on the first page. Less than 1% of searchers click on the second page of Google results.
The click-through rate (CTR) for video search results is 41% greater than for text-based results.
The typical time a person stays on your site is increased by two minutes when you use videos.
Video in blog posts has a 53x higher likelihood of ranking on Google’s first page.
When compared to simply text-based blog posts, blog posts featuring videos receive a 157 percent boost in search traffic.
In 2017, the number of videos shown in search engine results climbed by 75.75 percent.
Video-based blog posts receive 3x higher inbound links than text-based blog posts.
For the same search, 88 percent of videos that rank on Google also rank in the top ten on YouTube.
For the same search, 55.2 percent of Google searches that rank #1 in Google need not rank #1 on YouTube.
When you make an identical search on YouTube, you’ll see that 56.8% of Google results that yield numerous video results have a changed sequence of videos versus when you do a comparable search on Google.
Google holds over 90% of the worldwide search engine market share.
Organic web listings get 73% of clicks.
In 2020, 64.82% of Google mobile and desktop searches were zero-click searches.
The “Computer and Video Games” category grew web traffic by 183% in 2022.
Some 88% of marketers who invest in SEO plan to allocate more or maintain the same amount in 2023.
Organic search and referral traffic are the largest and most effective sources of marketing ROI for brands.
Pages with the highest number of total backlinks usually rank best in Google.
The top result in Google has an average of 3.8x more backlinks than those in second to tenth place.
Approximately 94% of all blog posts have zero external links.
Source: Backlinko
Keyword Statistics
Long-tail keywords make up the vast majority of all Google searches.
Keywords that are roughly 10-15 words long get 1.76x more clicks than single-word terms.
Source: Backlinko, Semrush
Statistics on YouTube’s SEO
Videos with long consumer retention & view time on YouTube have a better chance of appearing in Search & Suggested Video.
YouTube’s recommendation algorithm determines 70 percent of all videos watched.
The average length of a video on YouTube’s first page is 14 mins & 50 secs.
The number of comments, views, and shares has a substantial association with higher YouTube rankings, according to a study of 1.3 million YouTube videos.
On Google’s first page, 68.2 percent of videos are in HD.
79 percent of YouTube views are drawn from 10 percent of the most prominent videos.
90 percent of top-ranked YouTube videos include at least a portion of a target keyword in the title.
In the description language of their video, 75 percent of the Top twenty YouTube results employed some broad match version.
Even with keyword-optimized descriptions, there are no relationships between YouTube ranks and YouTube Video Descriptions.
Adding a thumbnail to your YouTube clip can double the number of users and traffic.
Your YouTube video’s initial ten to fifteen seconds is crucial to its success.
The top traffic source for all websites is organic search.
Ranking in the top position on Google’s first page correlates to a 39.8% organic click-through rate.
Over two-thirds (68.7%) of all clicks go to the top three organic search results.
YouTube Facts and Figures
For 18-34-year-olds, YouTube is the second most prominent platform for viewing video on TV screens, with Netflix coming in first.
On YouTube, viewers spend typically 11 mins & 24 secs daily.
A typical YouTube visit generates 6.5 page views.
YouTube accounts for 37 percent of all global mobile traffic, as measured in gigabytes.
YouTube is used by 79 percent of internet users.
60 percent of consumers favor virtual video over live television.
The most common motivations for viewing YouTube videos are relaxation and entertainment.
A smartphone accounts for 70 percent of YouTube views.
Every minute, 500 hours of video are posted to YouTube, with many of them removed due to YouTube policy breaches.
90 percent of individuals think YouTube helps them find new businesses or goods.
Between 2017 and 2018, the number of people watching YouTube videos about “which product to buy” more than doubled.
YouTube has a monthly user base of two billion people.
Users on YouTube are three times more inclined to watch a video than to read instructions.
YouTube is used by 62 percent of businesses to publish video content.
The amount of small companies advertising on YouTube has increased since 2016.
In the United States alone, YouTube will earn 5.5 billion dollars in advertising income.
Only 33 percent of YouTube’s most popular videos are in English.
Only 15.8 percent of YouTube visitors are from the United States. India, Japan, Russia, China, and the United States are the top YouTube visitors.
YouTube is present in over 91 different countries and 80 different languages.
Video Stats From Google
The video appears in 62 percent of Google worldwide searches.
YouTube accounts for eight out of ten videos that surface in Google searches.
50 percent of customers think online video has aided them in deciding which product or brand to purchase.
While buying in-store, 55 percent of buyers claim they use internet video.
When researching things to buy, 80 percent of individuals claim they use both online search and video.
In 2018, video searches for “which [product] should I buy” more than doubled.
Some 91% of companies now use video as a marketing tool.
YouTube is the most popular video marketing platform, used by 90% of video marketers.
Ranking in the top position on Google’s first page correlates to a 39.8% organic click-through rate.
Over two-thirds (68.7%) of all clicks go to the top three organic search results.
Video SEO Statistics reveal the power and popularity of video content online. To succeed, optimize your videos for search engines like YouTube by focusing on keywords, titles, descriptions, and engagement.
This will help you stand out and reach a broader audience in the competitive world of online video.
Do you use video marketing to market your brand, and how often do you post in a week? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
With over 15 years of expertise in personal branding, self-development, and financial literacy under her belt, Alisa has earned a reputation as an accomplished keynote speaker. She is also an expert on topics ranging from self-development, Business News to investment and gladly shares this knowledge with audiences through keynote speaking engagements as well as writing craft workshops for local writers' groups and book conferences. Out of her deep knowledge of writing craftsmanship, Alisa also offers online fiction courses to guide aspiring authors to reach success through story composition excellence.
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