10 Things To Know Before Choosing Blogging As Your Career 2025

The world is changing. The internet is changing it even faster. Right at this moment, the entire world wide web (or simply “the web”) is home to millions of websites catering to an ever-increasing number of people surfing the net every day. What are these sites? 

They’re called blogs, or more precisely – blog websites.

And blogging as a hobby or profession has become incredibly popular over the last few years with hundreds (and thousands) of bloggers sprouting up each month across all countries and continents in this modern age where information travels much faster than before thanks to the connectivity provided by the Internet.

Things To Know Before Choosing Blogging As Your Career

10 Things to Know Before Choosing Blogging As Your Career- 2025

Here are 10 things you must know before taking blogging seriously as your career:

10 Things To Know Before Choosing Blogging As Your Career

1. Blogs are not merely online diaries.

Yes, when you first start out in blogging you’ll be writing about your personal life and thoughts. But there’s so much more to it than that. Blogging is not just limited to posting random entries on the web about yourself – it’s about sharing knowledge & information with others too!

You can write anything that interests you (as long as it falls within the boundaries of good taste) but in most cases, bloggers do what they enjoy doing in real life for a living – which makes blogging an incredibly rewarding experience.

2. The competition is tough.

The Internet has become saturated with millions upon millions of blogs over the past few years. If Google wasn’t able to find them all through its search engine, chances are your blog may never be seen by others.

So the next time you’re thinking of starting a blog, ask yourself: do I really want to compete with millions of other bloggers for readership and viewership? Blogging isn’t just about sharing your thoughts or opinions – it’s also about having an attractive design that is easy to read, understand and navigate through.

3. You’ll have to work hard to get noticed.

Blogging takes tremendous effort, persistence, and patience. In order for you to become successful in this field, you’ll need to put in long hours every day working on your website before it starts getting any hits from search engines or visitors.

And if your design sucks or there are a million grammatical errors on your site, then it doesn’t matter if you get 5 hits a month – you will still suck at blogging.


4. It’s about the community, not just yourself.

Blogging as a career

Blogging is not merely setting up a website and putting in your thoughts and day-to-day activities; it’s about interacting with other bloggers and site owners by leaving comments and participating in forums and social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

You can’t expect to create an online diary all by yourself – you need outside help from others in order for your blog to be successful.

5. Nobody gets rich overnight; there’s no such thing as fast money when it comes to blogging.

One of the most popular misconceptions surrounding blogging is that earning millions of dollars overnight is possible. You’ll never read about bloggers who got rich overnight (or even in a year or two); the truth is that it takes years of hard work, dedication, and patience to get anywhere near making money from blogging.

There’s no such thing as easy money; you should only create a blog if you’re ready to hustle for years before you start seeing any ROI.

6. If your passion sucks, so will your blog.

Do you have an obsession with x-raying random objects? Do you constantly write about yourself in the third person? Do people read everything that comes out of your mind without questioning anything?

If these are true about how you behave in real life then please stay away from creating blogs – nobody wants to hear about your random thoughts and day-to-day activities.

7. You’re in charge of your emotions.

As a blogger, you’re the author and editor of your own blog – it’s no longer someone else telling you what to do or what not to do. If you feel like criticizing that politician who just made a huge mistake then go ahead and say it! If that person gets angry at you, so be it: it’s their problem, not yours.

And if you get attacked by another blogger for speaking your mind, don’t worry about saying something nasty in return because we all know how much we enjoy reading mudslinging among other bloggers!

8. The blogging community is an accepting one; there are no cliques when it comes to sharing ideas and thoughts.

Blogging is seen as a very inclusive field: we’re all the same regardless of the number of hits we receive or how much money we make from blogging.

If you take part in forums and social media networks, you’ll see that everyone shares their knowledge, experience, and opinions with each other without asking for anything in return. It’s truly an amazing community to be a part of!

9. You will be able to contribute something important Online.

You will be able to contribute something important Online

The Internet becomes richer for every single blog out there trying to share its point-of-view (and even those blogs that don’t succeed) – and you could become one of them by adding your own voice to this huge conversation between millions upon millions of people.

If there’s one thing that we all need to learn from each other then it would be how to effectively communicate our thoughts and what we know with everyone else because you never know when your knowledge can save someone else’s life!

10. It’s not as easy as 1-2-3 or 4-5-6.

Once you get the hang of blogging and start to make a name for yourself, it’s easy to get excited and think that your blog is going to be famous immediately; but even though we all love instant gratification, the truth is that starting a successful blog takes years.

You’ll get frustrated at times when certain posts don’t go viral or when comments aren’t as plentiful as you’d like, but just remember that this process can be quite destructive if you’re not mentally prepared – so try your best not to jump into anything too quickly!

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Conclusion- Things To Know Before Choosing Blogging As Your Career In 2025

I hope these 10 things will help anyone looking into creating their own blogs in the future! By knowing these 10 things work you’ll be able to create your own personal guide on how to navigate the world of blogging so it won’t be as rocky of a road ahead.

If you still have doubts, you can reach back to me in the comments section below, I will surely get back to you.

Note- All Image credits to pixabay.com

Kashish Babber
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

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