Most Suitable Word Press Themes for College Students

It is time for redefining education techniques when tech developments are making their influence on most of available fields. In this internet era the first step of powering your educational institute with technology is about having one full fledged website by which you can offer information to pupils of your school or college or to any other institution in a simple but effective way.

These days building a website is like a piece of cake when considering the availability of content management systems such as WordPress which is popular everywhere. The only requirement is that the basic theme of Word Press should satisfy the needs of the website of your institution.

1. Education Academy

Education Academy is one of the best WordPress themes students use to power their website + blog prototype for their educational institution. It is a 100% responsive WordPress theme which has further impressive techniques for implementing various elements.

The theme has different post templates such as Course List, About Us, Contact Us etc. Slider included in this theme can also give students an effective way for conveying urgent details such as commencement of examinations or convocation events.

Career Education Responsive PrestaShop Theme

2. Grand College:

If students want a WordPress-powered website for a college, school or some other educational institutions Grand College is one of the best options for them.

This theme also consists of pre-defined elements for different requirements including some useful widgets like featured faculties of some institution, course finder etc. Theme builders have incorporated many short codes in the theme using which one can insert these widgets in one’s blog posts or pages. In addition, templates for pages like Contact Us, About Us etc are also noticeable in Grand College.


3. Science Press:

SciencePress should be your choice when you want a free, ultra-simple but functional WordPress theme for your website or blog. Just like all other themes in this category, SciencePress can also do the job well, as the theme consists of various features such as Custom sidebars, custom-made widgets, integration with Google Maps, pre-defined SEO Optimizing features etc.

Altogether, it is one of the best WordPress theme you can get for your college, university, school or any other educational website.


4. Academica Pro:

Academica Pro is one of the simple-looking WordPress themes, one can find under the category of education. Even without making use of high-end graphics or scripts, the theme is quite simple but effective for conveying details about your educational institution, probably an institution dealing with corporate based education like business management. At the same time, you can use this theme also when you want simplicity about your education-based venture. Suiting various needs, the theme also consists of pre-defined page templates and shortcodes.


5. WP Education:

This is a superb WordPress theme, made for education-based purpose, which makes use of grid-like and tight but beautiful layout in it. Mentioned grid like layout is much useful as you can spread different kinds of information without clashing each other. In addition, WP Education also has support of short codes and custom-made pages.


Did you like these themes, want to recommend more themes, do share it in comments.

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Jitendra Vaswani
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Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded, a digital marketing agency, and, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

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