Speak And Inspire Review 2024: Lisa Nichols’ And Mindvalley’s Powerful Course

Speak And Inspire

Overall Verdict

Take a look at Lisa Nichols' Masterclass here if you are interested in learning more about her ability to inspire and speak. Here you can learn more about the quest, as well as when the next starting date is.

Out of 10


  • Dynamic Curriculum
  • Daily Learning
  • Easy weekly lessons & mentorship
  • Q&A Sessions
  • Daily Action On The Lesson
  • Lifetime Access to the Entire Program and all Bonuses


  • No PDF materials


Price: $

Would you like an independent review of Lisa Nichols’ Speak and Inspire? There’s no need to worry, I’ve got you covered. I will analyze Speak and Inspire in this review and tell you whether this program is worth it and if it is worth trying.

There is an art to speaking, and many of us are looking to improve our skills. Nevertheless, most people aren’t great public speakers.
Some of the world’s best speakers have also been few of the world’s most famous orators. The likelihood is that you don’t have their skillset if you don’t qualify as a professional speaker.

How can we help? Are they worth studying if we don’t spend years studying them?

The answer resides in Lisa Nichols and her latest book Speak & Inspire. With the help of these great masters (and this book), you can improve your speaking skills!

I reviewed Lisa Nichols’ book Speak and Inspire and included the following:

  • Why should you train with Lisa Nichols?
  • What will you be able to learn?
  • Is this course worth enrolling in?
  • Before you enroll, here are some things to know
  • There’s a lot more…

Bottom Line Upfront:

Are you seeking a new method of communication?

A popular orator throughout history, Lisa Nichols stands out. Being an excellent speaker is due to her mastery of motivation and communication. The powerful messages in her speeches will leave you feeling empowered. World-famous Lisa Nichols can help you develop great speaking skills.

It is possible for you to succeed too! Become an amazing speaker by enrolling today!

When it’s your turn to speak on stage, you’ll learn everything Lisa knows about public speaking, so people will pay attention to you. YOU have the chance to shine bright and inspire others through your words.

Unleash the best in You

Speak And Inspire Review

What is MindValley Quest?

MindValley Review- Overview

The MindValley quest utilizes the revolutionary MindValley platform to create a next-level online learning model that makes learning fun.

Every day you will need to complete one video lesson and practice one task, each of which will take around 20 minutes. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

What is this quest all about? The details of the pursuit can be found by reading on.

Here is a full review of Lisa Nichols course before we get into more details about the quests.

Lisa Nichols Review: Why Lisa Nichols Is Worthy To Train You?

Lisa Nicolas

Speaking coach Lisa Nichols is known throughout the world for her expertise. As one of history’s most well-known orators, she shares common ground with icons such as John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and others.

Oprah Winfrey’s show demonstrated its great skill of communication thanks to her ability to communicate. She received numerous invitations to media appearances worldwide after appearing on the show and connecting with the audience there.

Her book, Chicken Soup for the African American Soul, discusses both the joys and struggles of being an African American.

Lisa Nichols review on the Speaking and Inspiring Quest

Meet your trainer

In addition, she appeared in many other shows. It is one of the many shows she appeared on. As a result, the snippets of her talk went viral on the internet and she was able to reach more than 100M views. Lisa’s communication skills are the reason for all of these things.
A life filled with struggles and hardships brought her to the heights of success and recognition, but it was not easy for her. At the time, Lisa lived in South Central, Los Angeles, as a single mother.

Government assistance was all she needed to survive. Her baby’s diapers were beyond her means as she only had $11.42. Giving up had never occurred to Lisa because she was a fighter.

Her situation was improved with everything she had. Through her pain, she has helped others live better lives. Her company is valued at over $5 million today.

Her influence on so many teens around the world makes Nichols famous.

In the past five years, her non-profit organization and foundation have helped more than 2,70,000 teens reunite with their families, helped around 2,500 dropouts return to school, stopped about 3,800 teenagers from taking their lives, and helped many others to get back to school.

Lisa made her first TV appearance in 2000 in a documentary called The Secret. After this, Lisa began to hear from people interested in learning how she communicates.

All her life, she taught public speaking and communication skills. Within a decade, she became the world’s top coach in the field of public speaking. Over 80M people reach out to Lisa each year.

Lisa Nichols Testimonials


Stories on Speak and Inspire

Lisa has written 6 best-sellers, one of which is “No Matter What”, a New York Times bestseller.

In recognition of her remarkable work, she has received awards such as The Ambassador Award, The Heart Of Learning Award (LEGO Foundation), and The Humanitarian Award (South Africa).

Let us now explore the details of the Speak And Inspire task, knowing now how amazing the trainer is.

Who Speak And Inspire Is For
Who speak and inspire

If you want to:

  • Make yourself a better speaker…
  • Become a voice master…
  • Talk while people are paying attention…
  • Understand your style of speaking…
  • Tips on how you can use your voice wherever you are…
  • Keep people returning to you for your messages…
  • Share your knowledge with others…
  • Be impactful when you speak…
  • Without yelling, keep other people’s attention…
  • Improve your communication skills
  • To make a subject more understandable…
  • Be appreciative of your own voice instead of comparing it to others’…
  • Relationships can be improved…
  • Improve other people’s lives, motivate them to do great things, and motivate them to be happier…
  • Your message and story can inspire others…
  • You must understand what your story is…
  • Talk with others in a powerful way…
  • Make a difference in people’s lives…
  • Improve your communication skills…
  • Transparency is key…

You should attend Speak and Inspire.
In Speak and Inspire, Lisa Nichols teaches a lot of speaking techniques that she hasn’t learned until she has spoken for 7-9 years. In this way, you are getting an inside look at becoming an amazing speaker and influencer.

I Would Recommend Speak And Inspire To Several Types Of People

The course would be beneficial to podcasters or YouTubers who want to create some sort of impact – inspirational, motivational, transformational – and want to make their impact stronger. Furthermore, Speak and Inspire will help them gain more subscribers and loyal viewers or listeners.

Those who need to interact and interact positively with an audience should also seek this out. Lisa Nichols will also become a loyal speaker who keeps people coming back again and again.

Additionally, this course will be beneficial if someone is looking to better communicate with their family or friends. It teaches you how to improve your relationships by communicating effectively.

This course is also recommended as a writing course. It will help you craft a powerful message and engage with your audience in a more powerful manner in order to better connect with them.

5 Things Inside Speak And Inspire To Be Ready For

How does it works

1. Daily Learning

Learning something new every day is part of the new way of learning in Mindvalley quests. You don’t want to be distracted while watching these videos, which range from 11 to 25 minutes in length.

It gets pretty intense when you’re dealing with Lisa Nichols. Her passion for this subject is evident. Observing how she speaks so well will make you appreciate her ability. You will discover something new every day. That’s how it seemed to me!

2. Daily Action On The Lesson

You are probably hesitant to take Speak and Inspire because of this. I’ve taken Mindvalley quests that have private daily actions. Don’t do things on Facebook live, instead write about them in your journal!

You can do some things in private on some days in Speak and Inspire. The Speak and Inspire Facebook group contains many days where you must make a live video.

The average video should only last about two minutes, but if you aren’t used to speaking in front of people, that can feel very long!

3. Daily Mirror Work

You must tell yourself a few things each day while you are on the quest. The first day Lisa explains this, but let me tell you, this is no easy task. For a while, I was uncomfortable while doing it. When I first did it… and then the second time, and then the third time… I broke down in tears.

The purpose of this exercise is to help you learn more about yourself and to develop your story so that else can benefit from it.

4. Q&A Sessions

Two Q&As will be held on Day 8 and each will be over an hour long. A second Q&A takes about an hour on day 20. The 3 hours of extras are filled with aha moments.

I assume everyone who is taking Speak and Inspire will be able to attend Lisa Nichols’ Q&A sessions with Mindvalley.

5. Crying Or Feeling Deeply

Listening to Lisa Nichols and doing the work may make you cry if you are like me who cries when I feel deeply.
You will be touched by the stories and insights! She has taught me how to connect with her audience more than any other course I’ve taken, so that’s a good testament to the fact that she really knows how to connect with her audience and can teach you too.

You Must Want To Touch Other People’s Lives

Lisa Nicolas- Mindvalley Public speaking

To make a big and positive difference in other people’s lives, you need a strong desire. It’s all about inspiring people. Throughout the course, you are taught how to use your voice to make an impact on others.

I applied the quest to writing, even though the quest is about speaking. It’s not my style to speak in public. Through my words, I am more capable of inspiring others than I am through my voice. Having said that, I am not saying I won’t be an inspirational or motivational speaker in the future. But for now, I prefer to be a motivational and inspirational writer.

You Need To Be Willing To Do A Few Things

The course demands a lot of personalization. Your task is to be honest with yourself, open up to your tribe on Facebook, as well as give a sneak preview of your personal life to several close friends. Furthermore, you need to be open to acknowledging both your negative sides (failures and struggles) as well as your positive sides (accomplishments and knowledge), and then discussing both aspects together.

Also, you need to speak out and reach out. Your challenge will be delivering inspirational messages in different ways and reaching out to people.

If you want to do all the work at the end of the course, you can go through it once, prepare for what you have to do, and then do it a second or third time.

If You Want To Speak And Inspire, This Course Is For You

Anybody who wants to inspire and speak can benefit from this course, I am certain.
It makes you think so deeply about how you use your voice, how you can better use it, that you finish it with a strong desire to get out there and use your voice to inspire others.

Throughout my life, my goal has been to motivate and inspire others. That is why I started the course. My preferred form of communication is written, not spoken, and I have yet to decide whether I would like to communicate verbally. However, this course did give me greater insight into how to better communicate my ideas through my writing as well as inspire people I speak to orally.

Take a look at Lisa Nichols’ Masterclass here if you are interested in learning more about her ability to inspire and speak. Here you can learn more about the quest, as well as when the next starting date is. You are assigned a certain date so that you can start together, interact, and complete the program together.

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Kashish Babber
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Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

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