How To Setup Tracker For Facebook Ad Campaigns 2025

Affiliate Marketing it’s not the place where everyone is printing money.

It’s the way to earn fast and then invest in a different area.

Also, it’s tough and hard work. It requires a lot of nerve and a creative approach. You have to develop your skills constantly, learn traffic insights and know-how to use tools well.

If you choose to walk down this path you need a clear plan and a strict schedule.

Try to do your job as clearly as possible.

I don’t mean you to go whitehat, I mean getting less trouble with FB accounts. Less trouble with testing. In fact, most affiliates do not even get to tests, they are stuck at using good tools, proxy, services, and trackers.

Don’t look towards affiliate marketing if you have only $150 in your pocket and you hope to earn fast and easy.

Tests will put everything in its place.

A few months ago I was looking for a solution to the problem I had with Brute-Force accounts.

I’ve made a promise to write an article if I find one.

BruteForce Accounts

From: Brute-force attack

The information on how to work with Brute-Force accounts is available on some web-portals, so I will not stop here to explain that in detail.

The first and most important thing to remember is that the Brute-Force accounts would never be yours.

It’s dangerous to submit your personal card working with these accounts.

Avoid contact with anybody from this account’s friend list.

The worst thing about them:

  • you might not even be able to log in to some Brute-Force accounts
  • you will spend time keeping on farming
  • unexpected bans
  • price and quality vary a lot
  • low spending limits of $50
  • no warranty
  • in some cases, no replacement at all
  • and the worst, you always start from the scratch

Avery affiliate has faced Brute-force’s problem

Honestly, that is total BULL SHIT.

I’ve been struggling with them as long as I’ve been using them.

In November 2019 I ran Nutra “Keto Diet” offers using brut accounts when my campaigns started to receive bans

That was a nightmare. As soon as I register an account it’s got blocked. Next two of them and then three. All ad accounts got a warning – Access is Restricted.

Soon I’ve got all my 25 accounts banned and all BM’s I was working with.

I came up with an idea to rent accounts.

I created a fan page and a landing page about renting. But it’s a hackneyed thing and it’s never worked for me well.

I went another way.

I decided to buy accounts from first-year students.

I met a friend of mine who is a university teacher and I explained my problem to him. We came up with a plan of buying accounts from students.

Student Profile picture.

All students must be on social scholarship, they need to need money. They have to live in a student dormitory. And here we are giving them an opportunity to make some money as long as they use their accounts.

My friend offered to his students a way to earn money and a few days later I’ve had my first account.


Students trust their teacher, they don’t think he is advertising anything, they think he is willing to help. The teacher can provide information to students.


University Students

There are a lot of problems with schoolboys (+ if they Signed-in on their name they will not be allowed to advertise because of age restriction)

I set the price at $50 for the first month

The trail – all my requirements should be carried out for a month.

I should have

  • All SMS and codes
  • All email confirmations

Provided that everything works, I will pay them $20 more every two weeks.

So I bought 2 accounts.

A month later I was introduced to a person, who was ready to look for students for me.

One more important thing.

Pay to students exact price you promised

Do not cheat.

They can save you at any moment just forwarding code to you.

What is the advantage of that type accounts

Accounts are being farmed daily by the owner itself.

They are clean accounts.

They are easy to connect to any Business Manager.

You receive an SMS-code at any moment.

After I got my accounts, warmed them up

I started choosing a tracker.

There were a few trackers.

I split them into groups




  • Useless

You don’t want to spend money on them. You can use them for free.

Result. You never know if traffic is redirected or where it’s gone at all.

  • Useful

You can spend money on them and save some. $50 while losing half of your traffic. And if it stops working you just reinstall it.

Big deal, 50% into nothing.

  • Top

Pricing starts from $70 and goes beyond. Some of the trackers’ functionality is even hard to understand. But they provide you with everything you might need. You can analyze the traffic in a way you need. You see everything: even 1-3% of organic traffic you got coming from other GEOs. Everything is clear, every click is visible.

I did some research looking for the best tracker. I needed one with low pricing and free trial and I came across this ad:

Clicking the link we can see

It’s clear, you need to pay. Going to the website and we see a $100 fee. And there are no warranties.

I didn’t dare to send money without having proof.

I had a lot of questions

For instance, who I should contact in case:

  • A version is blocked
  • The tracker is not able to process the traffic
  • There’s no reverse function

Hosting is also on you.

A friend of mine recommended the Binom tracker.

He explained that good guys are working there and the tracker itself is fine. During the first two weeks of trial, you can test any funnel. Then you can pay for a subscription. If you are a bit late with a payment they always make concessions. They can even extend the subscription for a day or two.

And I dared to test one of the Top.

I registered, downloaded the installation file for 14-days free trial.

The support team set everything up online.

Thanks to the guys for patience and real support.

I just paid for a service with the functions I need.

I selected the right language.

Within two minutes after the registration, support got in touch, asking: “How can I help you?”

I replied that I need help with installation and navigation.

The support answered they need only a clean server, login, and password. They will install everything themselves. I won’t be needed at all.

The work with the student’s account from the university has begun.

I set up the target audience:

Locations: UK

Age: 25-55,

Gender: Female

Target audience: broad

Offer page was clocked

On the first day I went red with this creo:

As CTR was high I let it run for a few more days.

I tested 5 pre-landers and 5 offers at the same time.

One pre-lender which I copied from a spy-service worked.

For replacement and uploading several pre-lands, I used a reverse function in Binom tracker.

The first profit showed up:

After 2 days of running, things went better.

Revenue began to rise every day.

On the 7th of January I knew, I earned enough for one month of Binom subscription.

binom tracker discounts

Quick Links:


High-quality tools it’s a solid plus for fast and reliable click processing

Fast export statistics at the right time.

If an affiliate network has doubts about the traffic, it’s always possible to confirm traffic quality.

All updates are in real-time.

My conclusion is:

let it be a bit more pricey.

$50-70 to a student.

$90 for the Tracker.

$3 for a Proxy server.

$30 for a Hosting platform.

Only properly investment pays off.

So, I made myself a Christmas present.

All Screenshots are real.

The link to the tracker is here.

Cloaking is self-written.

Server Requirements are here.

I don’t provide links to a bunch of stuff. You know, if you place money into the pot… everyone will take a bit and nobody gets any in the end.

Use your head.

Kashish Babber
This author is verified on

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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