SEO vs. Local SEO: What’s the Difference & Which Do You Need?

Small businesses looking to boost their online presence are often advised to focus on local search engine optimization (SEO) to appear in search results specific to their area.

But how does this affect their regular SEO efforts? Let’s explore the differences between local and national SEO strategies.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is crucial for any online marketing plan. But are you using it effectively to target customers who might be right nearby?

Local SEO is all about getting noticed online in the area where your business operates. It’s a powerful way to turn online searches into real-life customers. Yet, many digital marketers don’t give it the attention it deserves when talking about search engines.

Here’s what makes local SEO unique and how businesses can use it to reach local customers.

Quick Definitions: SEO & Local SEO

Source: Pixabay

What Does SEO Mean?

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves tweaking your website and online marketing to improve your position on search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract more visitors from organic searches.

The better your rank on a SERP, the more likely people will visit your site when they search for keywords related to your business.

SEO is typically thought of as a worldwide effort since search engines aim to provide relevant results to users everywhere.

That’s why you might hear terms like national SEO or organic SEO, which refer to broader optimization strategies, unlike campaigns targeting specific locations.

What Does Local SEO Mean?

Local SEO involves tweaking a website to show up in search results for people in a specific area.

Search engines often customize results based on a user’s location and if they include local terms in their searches, like “near me” or a city name.

For businesses serving a specific area, local SEO is crucial. In the next part, I’ll talk about key tactics that effective campaigns use to connect with nearby customers, like Google Business Profiles and local keywords.

SEO vs. Local SEO: What’s the Difference?

“Regular” SEO tries to attract users no matter where they are. However, local SEO targets users in a particular area.

While many SEO tactics apply to both, focusing locally lets you customize campaigns in unique ways. Let’s check out what makes local SEO different from national strategies.

SEO vs. Local SEO
Source: Pixabay

1. Google Business Profiles

Every company should have a Google Business Profile. It’s a free tool that gives customers quick access to important details about your business, like your phone number, address, website, and hours.

They can also leave reviews and share photos. Often, this is the first thing people see when they search for your business, even before your website.

Having a Business Profile is crucial for local SEO campaigns because it shows credibility as an official source of information about your business.

Google uses this info for Google Maps and search results, which can boost your rankings for local keywords if your profile is complete.

2. Local Keywords

Local keywords are words or phrases related to a specific area, like a city or state. They’re used in online searches by people looking for products or services in that place.

For instance, phrases like “restaurants near me” or “plumbers in New York” are examples of local keywords. These keywords show that someone is looking for something nearby.

Even though Google can often figure out local searches without these specific words, it’s still smart to use them. They help make sure your content shows up when people are searching for local stuff.

3. Citations & Reviews

Citations are basically mentions of your business on other websites, not your own. This could be a listing in a directory, a review, or even just someone talking about your business on a blog or forum.

They’re super important because they boost how credible and visible your business looks to search engines.

You can think of them as endorsements. When other sites talk about your business, it tells search engines that you’re legit. It can also bring in more customers who might not have found you otherwise.

There are services like Yext that help businesses get listed in lots of places online quickly.

4. Local Packs

The Google Local Pack is like a special club for local businesses. When someone searches for something local, like a nearby coffee shop, Google shows this pack at the top of the search results.

It includes a map and three businesses that match the search.

To get your business in this pack, make sure your Google Business Profile is all setup and accurate. Also, try to get good reviews and mentions on other websites.

That way, Google knows you’re a legit local business worth showing to people.

Local SEO vs. National SEO: Deciding Which to Focus On?

Now that you have a grasp of the basics, you might be wondering: should I focus on regular national SEO or a local-specific campaign? Well, it depends on how and where you do business.

If your customers come to your physical office or store, then a local SEO campaign is your go-to.

This is for businesses like shops, restaurants, salons, gyms, and more, where people can walk in and buy stuff or get services.

Or maybe you go to your customers instead of them coming to you. If you’re a plumber, electrician, or food truck owner, for example, and you serve people in specific areas, then local SEO is your best bet.

But if your business is all online, serving clients over the web, then national SEO is the way to go. This is for remote agencies, software companies, freelancers, and others who don’t need a physical location to do business.

And if your shop is purely online, like an ecommerce website, then national SEO is definitely the one for you. You don’t have a physical store for people to visit, so you want to reach customers everywhere, not just in one area.

But here’s the thing: you can actually do both local and national SEO at the same time. For example, even though we’re running a national SEO campaign, we’re also highlighting the cities where we have a presence outside of our main headquarters. This helps us rank better in those areas, even if someone isn’t specifically searching for something nearby.

SEO strategies, whether local or national, are crucial for businesses today. When deciding which strategy to use, think about your industry, what your local customers like, and the potential in the market.

It’s not always easy to choose between local and national strategies, and many companies actually use both at the same time, adjusting them to fit their goals and situation.


👀 Does My Regular SEO Strategy Affect My Local SEO Strategy?

Yes, regular SEO and local SEO aren’t entirely separate. How they influence each other depends on how you use them. A strong national SEO strategy can often have a positive impact on local SEO because they overlap. For instance, if your national strategy involves optimizing keywords relevant to your market, it can help you rank better locally for those keywords. Similarly, if your national strategy involves getting backlinks from high-quality websites, it can also boost your local search rankings.

🧐 Will My Local SEO Strategy Affect My National SEO Strategy?

There’s no simple yes or no answer to this. Depending on how you focus your optimization efforts, your local strategy might have a small impact on national rankings. Google aims to show searchers the most relevant results. If your Google Business Profile and website mention a specific location, like New York City, your site may be less likely to appear to searchers in other places like Los Angeles. However, if you target popular keywords nationwide, Google might show your site to users across the country, regardless of your service area.

😅 Is It Difficult To Manage Multiple SEO Strategies Simultaneously?

Depending on the company’s size and objectives, it can be challenging. Running both strategies effectively requires time and resources, but it’s entirely achievable. Partnering with an SEO agency can streamline the process. For example, at Victorious, we offer services for both local and national SEO, helping companies enhance their online presence and target specific geographic areas effectively.

🤔 How Can You Tell If Your Local SEO Strategy is Working?

You can use tools like Google Analytics and Google Business Profile. Google Analytics lets you see where your website visitors are coming from, and Google Business Profile gives you info on views and clicks from nearby users. Key things to track include clicks and views from people in your target area, leads from calls and contact forms, rankings for local keywords, backlinks from trusted sites, and customer reviews on platforms like Google and Yelp.


Keep in mind that improving and optimizing your SEO is an ongoing process.

You’ll need to look at your results, change your keywords, create helpful content, and build partnerships with local businesses.

These are all things that can help you succeed in both local and national SEO. For a lot of businesses, using both strategies together is the best way to reach as many customers as possible, no matter how big or small they are.

Remember, being able to change and adapt is just as important as knowing what to do in the first place.

With the right SEO strategy, you can stay ahead of the competition and do well in your business.

Aishwar Babber
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Aishwar Babber is a passionate blogger and a digital marketer. He loves to talk and blog about latest tech and gadgets, which motivates him to run GizmoBase. He is currently practicing his digital marketing, SEO, and SMO expertise as a full time marketer on various projects. He is an active investor in Megablogging and ImageStation.

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