SE Ranking CEO Valery Kurilov Interview : Discussing The Best Marketing Strategies


SE Ranking CEO Interview

Please introduce yourself to our readers. Can you tell us something about your blogging journey. How and when did you enter into blogging?

SE Ranking CEO Valery Kurilov Interview

I have been working in the IT industry for 15 years and I have a degree in computer science. I am married and have two incredible daughters. We like traveling together, watch movies, and do sports. I read a lot of business-related books. A lot of my friends are passionate bloggers and I help them with the texts and topics for their posts. As a CEO I am also heavily involved into our marketing operations including content marketing strategy and ideas for various publications.

Does SE Ranking have an affiliate program and how bloggers can make money with SE Ranking?

Yes, we have an excellent affiliate program that offers 30% commissions on every sale you make, including rebills. All our customers are eligible to participate in the affiliate program with no additional registration needed. Most importantly, you will receive the commissions regardless of whether you’ve sold our subscription to your colleague or purchased it for your own need for an additional project of yours. .

Why Content Marketing is playing keen role in SEO 2018. Do you think that only content marketing is king, other seo techniques are dead?

With every passing year it gets harder and harder to get to Google’s top search results. . It’s not enough anymore to create the best content possible. Now it also has to be appealing and engaging to the extent that your audience would want to widely share it.

It is also a good idea  to pay attention on how you are promoting your content via social media as search engines count link juice from this kind of traffic as well.

It’s important to create content relevant for your readers, enrich it with  video clips. Other ideas on how to enhance your SEO efforts is to actively participate in the discussions on QA portals, work on creating your personal brand, and the brand of your company. All of this is influencing the results of your SEO promotion as well as your content marketing efforts.

Where did the idea of creating SE Ranking come from? Can you share brief about it?

At my previous company, we faced the problem that none of the software could check ranking in search engines with 100% accuracy for a particular location. We fixed this problem using unique tricks. This was the very beginning. Then we’ve got requests to check rankings from other companies and we realized that our tool is needed and there is a lot of potential in developing this tool. Year after year the functionality grew and  and now SE Ranking  is one of the most advanced and powerful SEO platform on the market.

What is your marketing strategy for SE Ranking and how you plan to fight against tough competition in SEO tools?

We achieved excellent results in the past 3 years. We have more than 10000 paying customers. Our product attracts more and more people for its simplicity, and the presence of such vital features as keywords rankings, website audit among others. Each tool in our system has unique capabilities that allow to convince the user to choose our SEO platform. We develop our strategy based on the idea of giving our customers all the tools they need within the same  user-friendly interface which makes us to stand out from our competitors.

What are the features in SE Ranking which you think are the most significant? Any special features you want to mention?

SE Ranking checks the ranking in all location with  100% accuracy. The ranking check section is definitely the most robust on the market. We are constantly monitoring our competitors and none of them offer as comprehensive set of features as we do. On top of all the standard SEO features we have target links, YouTube, cached copies, traffic forecast and SEO potential calculator based on your keywords, convenient keyword grouping in a compact and intuitive interface.

I would also like to tell about a comprehensive website audit and a separate tool called On page SEO audit. The tool analyzes how a particular page is optimized for a particular keyword as well as discovers all the errors that have to be fixed to improve the ranking.

A year ago we launched an SEO/PPC research tool and now it works in beta version. Even though it’s still in beta, it’s already one of the most powerful and complete on the market. I also highly recommend to check our Page Changes Monitoring feature. Agencies can track undesirable changes on the website that may affect rankings in the search results. The rest of the users can track landing pages of their competitors, as well as changes made to their own websites due to the lack of communication among SEO, PPC and marketing departments or in case the website has been hacked.

Recently, one of our customers with 5 million unique visitors a month prevented moving robots.txt from the dev version of the website to the live version using the page changes monitoring tool.


What is your biggest achievement so far and how your family reacted to your success?

My biggest achievement is my two wonderful daughters. I am very proud of them and they support me in everything. In terms of the business success, this year we had a goal to acquire  t10000 paying customers and and we’ve successfully achieved it.

What should we expect from SE Ranking? What are your plans? Is there any discount offer for BloggersIdeas readers?

We want to make our software even simpler to use so anyone can use it – especially small business owners who want to do SEO on their own.  So on top of the already existing features like Marketing plan and website audit we are planning to develop easy to use solutions that would help businesses to implement their SEO strategies with no outside consulting.

And we have a special offer for your readers –   20% off on any subscription plan on the first payment. The code to use when submitting a payment is BloggersIdeas2017

How you are building relationships with your Readers? How you make them stick on your blog?

We are always honest with our readers and write relevant content for the diverse audiences including both newbies and experts.

What are your predictions for SEO next year 2018. Do you think SEO is dead in 2018?

They have been constantly saying SEO is about to die:) In fact, this will never happen. Each year SEO market shows 5% growth, and the number of search engine users constantly increases. The better your website is optimized and the less errors it holds the better results you’ll achieve in SEO. However,, SEO will continue evolving just like everything else in the   world.

How big is SE Ranking team and how many office SE Ranking have till now ?

We have 40 people on our team at the moment. We have offices in London, development office in Minsk, and marketing and support team in Kiev. We also have representative offices in the USA, UK and Russia.

Do you have plans to attend events in 2018 which are related to digital marketing & SEO?

Sure! Recently, we’ve participated in Web Summit and learned there a lot. We are planning to attend conferences in 2018 and share our interesting cases and experience with our readers.

Jitendra Vaswani
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Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded, a digital marketing agency, and, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

Comments (4)

  1. I come at bloggersideas just for reading CEO interviews. These interviews are highly motivated for me.

    Great stuff and Valery Kurilov has a niceh personalty.

    Regards: Nekraj

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