OpenVPN Technologies CEO Has to Say Something About Internet Privacy

So today I have someone who will talk about internet privacy, yes why internet privacy is important, so I have Francis Dinha CEO of OpenVPN Technologies and Private Tunnel is product of OpenVPN.  Francis Dinha has been key in orchestrating growth at OpenVPN Technologies, by building a viable business model to assure the Company’s continued success. Before he founded OpenVPN Technologies, Inc.

He was the CEO at Iraq Development and Investment projects where he played a principal role in architecting a joint venture to win the mobile communication license in Iraq and syndicated $50 million in equity and debt financing from various entities. He was also the founder and CTO of PacketStream, Inc. where he secured more than $5 million in equity financing. Francis Dinha has a master of science in computer engineering from the University of Linkoping in Sweden.

OpenVPN Technologies CEO Has to Say Something About Internet Privacy

So lets start with the interview.


Q1: Please introduce yourself of my readers and share your journey of developing private tunnel platform?

A1: My name is Francis Dinha and I’m the founder & CEO of OpenVPN Technologies. Private Tunnel is a Cloud VPN (Virtual Private Network) product developed and powered by OpenVPN. The mission of Private Tunnel is to provide a Cloud based VPN that enables full control of secure communications, privacy, and protection against cyber threats.

Q2: What is private tunnel and how it can help internet users ?


A2: Private Tunnel is a transport layer that secures and protects users’ communications across the Internet. It protects Internet users from malicious cyber threats.

Q3: How Safe is Public Wi-Fi?

A3: Public Wi-Fi is not safe because data traversing on WiFi is not encrypted and subject to man in the middle attacks and spoofing.

Q4: Why not all VPN’s are Created Equal?

A4: All VPNs are not created equal because different VPNs might be supporting various and unsecure protocols. OpenVPN is the most secure VPN protocol supported by most VPN providers. Also, not all VPN providers support or integrate Intrusion Prevention software or DDOS protection to protect against malicious cyber threats.

Q5: How private tunnel is able to survive against the huge competition in VPN domain ?

A5: Private Tunnel is developed and operated by the same team that developed the de-facto and most secure VPN protocol & software (i.e., OpeNVPN) and is widely deployed and trusted by thousands of business and enterprise companies.

Q6: Why users should opt for private tunnel instead of other VPN in the market, what so special about it?

A6: You can be certain that Private Tunnel is based on the most secure VPN protocol & software (OpenVPN) and trusted and used by thousands of business and enterprise companies for mission critical applications.

Q7: Why is online privacy is important ? Does VPN really help ?

A7: Online privacy is important to protect users privacy when surfing the Internet and protects the user from cyber attacks.

Q8: How the Internet of Things will affect security & privacy ?

A8: Internet of Things are used by hackers to launch DDOS attacks against public web servers. Internet of Things need to integrate and deploy secure VPN solutions in order to secure and protect their devices from hackers.

Q9: What are Privacy and Data Security Legislation and Internet Privacy Laws ?

A9: You can find this information on web at – we discuss that in great detail there.

Q10: Cookies on the Internet have Privacy Issues ? true or false ?

A10: Enabling cookies and popups might contribute to some security and privacy issues.

Q11: What are some Internet privacy ethical issues?

A11: The big ethical issue with the Internet Privacy might be and is used by cyber criminals to hide their identities and conduct various illegal activities such as content piracy, accessing illegal content, and unwanted hacking.

Q12: Can you name some of your favourite entrepreneurs and explain why they are your favourites?

A12: Elan Musk is my favorite entrepreneur because he is a visionary, innovator, and disruptive in the marketplace.

Q13: What inspired you to start your own business Private Tunnel ?

A13: I knew Internet security was a big challenge our industry and a big problem our society is facing. I’m inspired to build  Private Tunnel to serve as a secure transport platform across the unsecure and widely deployed Internet across the globe.

Q14: How do you motivate yourself to keep the Private Tunnel up and running?

A15: I’m motivated to improve the Private Tunnel when I see the number of users growing every day. It serves a real value and purpose for real people and businesses.

I hope from this interview you learned a lot about internet privacy. Do you have any questions please ask us in the comments below.

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Jitendra Vaswani
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Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded, a digital marketing agency, and, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

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