NetSuite vs Acumatica 2024: Is Acumatica Any Good? In Depth Comparison (Pros & Cons)



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It is a cloud-based computing company that was established in 1998. Its main objectives are to manage ERP systems of companies, maintain the data that

It is a provider of technology that provides and creates all cloud-based ERP services and software for small-scale and medium-scale businesses

  • Financial Management
  • Reporting
  • It has the most demanding CRM system
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Reporting on Acumatica is supported by ERP systems.
  • Dashboards that Acumatica has are flexible
  • Friendly for users
  • You will probably find that the brand supports integrations regarding the applications.
  • Customer support you get here is free of cost
  • Options are flexible
  • User Interface is easily done
  • Growing with Expansion of Business
  • It is the ideal option for a couple of industries and companies, so be mindful to see if it fits your needs
  • Uncertainty about prices:
Ease of Use

Friendly for users, the execution made easy

User Interface is easily done: Work at your comfort you can do on the laptop as well as in computers. It is easy to use.

Value For Money

NetSuite Is affordable in comparison to Acumatica

Acumatica is having more expensive rates

Customer Support

There is 24/7 mobile phone support.

Acumatica supports its vendors 100%. They provide support 24/7 and consistently.

In this post, we have featured NetSuite vs Acumatica comparison which includes detailed insights into these Online Business providers.

Remember, we humans used to manage accounting and finances manually some years ago with the help of excel, spreadsheets, etc on a computer, that too was not available everywhere.  

But today I am going to tell you about NetSuite vs Acumatica. You may be wondering what it is. I feel that this era we are living in is a modernized phase with most of the functions of a human being replaced by robots or automatic software, machines, services made by humans themselves.

So why not replace manual efforts in financing and business with some software or similar services?

You guessed it right. Here, I have compared two such software that manages the whole track of records of your online businesses from the beginning of sales to every count, from the initial level to the final level of your business project, and much more.

I have just objected to a sorted view of comparison among the two so that you can choose the best according to your criteria, needs, and budget.

Bottom Line Upfront: Netsuite is an online service that provides you all the required processes for your business within a single system and most of the companies use NetSuite for enterprise resource planning (ERP) and to manage inventory, track their financials, host e-commerce stores, and maintain customer relationship management (CRM) systems. You can get started with Netsuite now.

This will help you picturise a view of your business with such amazing platforms, amazing features, decreased time, and with the least manual efforts and that too with efficiency and accuracy.

NetSuite vs Acumatica: Overview

Let us have an outlook on what exactly NetSuite and Acumatica are. 

Netsuite Overview:

It is a cloud-based computing company that was established in 1998. Its main objectives are to manage ERP systems of companies, maintain the data that is related to finance, and also to manage customer relations that is CRM. It is a platform that is flexible for no business operations.

NetSuite vs Acumatica NetSuite - Overview

It has its leads in California. It is easy to run the service. This service involves the complete use of the software. It does not even need any mandatory license or any extra setup fees.

Most companies use this software or service to maintain and manage their e-commerce stores. It has low costs with a good no of advantages.

Acumatica Overview:

It is a provider of technology that provides and creates all cloud-based ERP  services and software for small-scale and medium-scale businesses. It has its leads in Maryland in the USA. It has an amazing UX with UI.

It runs on some famous databases that include Amazon and Aurora. Also, it runs on databases such as Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL. It has different dashboards according to functions and needs.

NetSuite vs Acumatica Acumatica - Overview

It is an open data protocol compliant system. Some recent modules or features that have been added are the commerce engine integrating with BigCommerce, Acumatica Payroll, and CRM. Also, It is web-based.

Features Comparison: NetSuite vs Acumatica 

When it comes to quality, all we check is whether the benefits, uniqueness, features are available under our suitable budget or not. We probably have an already made checklist in our hands that needs to be verified too. Also, sometimes, we are surprised by much more than just expected outcomes or features available.

So come on, let’s have a check on the features and make sure that they fit into your checklist. 

1. Financial Management

Here is the comparison of financial management of Netsuite & Acumatica:


Netsuite being a reputable vendor serving 1000s of companies and individuals around the world ensures the financial compliance of both parties as it works to accelerate the process.

But what I found made this a great option was that their single platform structure allowed me and my team to get a bird’s eye view of all our businesses’ financial transactions.

Netsuite Financial Management

But the thing that made us appreciate Netsuite was the seamless and often streamlined integration of order management, and inventory as a part of its financial management system.


Acumatica is also a well-known software that empowered my business to work both within the local and international markets. It gave us a real-time solution that allowed us to manage multiple entities.

Acumatica -Financial-Management

This similar to NetSuite enabled me to get a full outlook on my business and helped me make key decisions related to my business, its development, and further growth. 

2. Financial Planning:

Here is the comparison of Financial Planning of Netsuite & Acumatica:


It has an app for financial planning that automates making budgets, forecasting, analyzing data, and making accurate reports. It is combined with an engine of financial modeling with powerful features and an interface that is easy to use with drag and drop functions.

Also, the reports that are built on a prior basis and templates set out a budget on the right path.

NetSuite vs Acumatica NetSuite - Planning


It adds a number of features and keeps them updated from time to time. It also accepts different currencies.  It has a fixed set of currencies that helps in reducing efforts of exchange rates.

Recognition of revenue takes place. Project budget forecasts help to compare data of prices of actual projects and their estimated incomes.

3. Supply Chain Management:

Here is the comparison of  Supply Chain Management of Acumatica:


The supply chain management process follows procedures required to build products through the purchase that takes place by shipping or back-ordering and to make a place for them if needed in the inventory. Its functions are spread across various modules. This feature is also found in material requirements planning that is MRP. This MRP maintains sales, schedules, and their generation of Productions specifically.  

4. Reporting

Here is the comparison of  Reporting of Netsuite & Acumatica:


It has a library of content that is built on a prior basis which makes reporting tasks easier than expected with fewer efforts. It produces timely reports as per requirements and creates reports with much accuracy.  All data is stored and found in a single place. Summaries, data insights, financial data are all maintained in one place.

Acumatica :

Reporting on Acumatica is supported by ERP systems. It tracks all-important elements such as transactions of the company, sales, assets, and stocks. It scans the raw information from the ERP database and converts it into reports for the management of decisions.


The functions that can be performed in reporting of Acumatica are running scheduled reports as per requirements, customizing reports, creating reports, and even filtering to get the only information we need. The options that we have in reporting on Acumatica are search, standard reports, and report designer.

5. CRM

Here is the comparison of CRM of Netsuite & Acumatica:


It has the most demanding CRM system. It gives us an honest review of customers from all sides.

NetSuite - CRM


This is another core function of ERP.  It is found in the Financial Management system. As the name suggests, customer relationship management, it is maintained very well and an overview of customers is kept and observed.

Acumatica -CRM

6. Dashboards

Here is the comparison of Dashboards of Netsuite & Acumatica:


A dashboard in NetSuite can be called as a summary of pages that are tabbed in its user interface. It consists of home pages and pages according to the needs of users and roles. You can even create a dashboard here according to your need and your convenience. 

NetSuite vs Acumatica Netsuite Dashboard

Here the dashboard is available on every page except documents, setups, and customization pages. For your different roles, there is a default dashboard that can be used by you to make changes as per your requirements.


It has ERP dashboards. With the dashboards it provides, You can maintain and monitor organizational and financial information and analyze ongoing trends that relate to your job. The dashboards that Acumatica has are flexible and can be tailored according to users’ needs.

Acumatica - Dashboard

They often provide ways to visualize data in the form of charts, data, data tables,  KPIs, KRIs, and much more. It can be operated on mobile mobiles and any web-enabled service.

7. Customer Service:

Here is the comparison of customer service:


The main objective of NetSuite is to make your business a top business. So they ensure that 100% support is provided. But as the profits excel and business grows, we may need more support for which it provides basic to premium to advanced support. There is 24/7 mobile phone support.


Acumatica supports its vendors 100%. They provide support 24/7 and consistently. They avail support that is divided into two categories. The first is support through a local partner. It includes training that is personal as well as professional industry-based training. 

The other is customer direct support services. In this, the standard support that engages through online communication, The premier support is for customers that need phone support and the third is technical support.

Verdict: Who Wins

On a satisfactory level, I feel that both are amazing ERP-based software. I also found Acumatica with some extra features which make it more highlighted. But all I would suggest is to have a complete look at my analysis, compare and then decide the one that suits you.

Also in this competitive and busy world, You need to choose services that are automated, to save time and efforts that can be further utilized in other tasks. These were the two software’s that are the most user friendly among a long list which helped me grow my business in no time like a real friend. 

NetSuite vs Acumatica Pros & Cons

There are advantages and disadvantages of any application or site you look for. Similarly, once we keep in mind the liking and disliking features, the image of our future choice becomes more clear.

Here I am going to state some pros and cons, so check the things as per your need. The more beneficial is always considered the best to take. 

Acumatica Pros:

  • Options are flexible: It is more helpful to users as they have the power of managing things as they want. They can just have the things in position also SaaS subscription can be made to enhance the software in a greater way.
  • User Interface is easily done: Work at your comfort you can do on the laptop as well as in computers. It is easy to use.
  • Growing with Expansion of Business: Acumatica has a provision for you, firstly you startup at a lesser rate but when you think it is expanding widely this software has great features that you can add up and have a larger audience that way.
  • Tools are customized and standardized: This software helps you ease with the common development tools like C# and .NET and not the proprietary development tools. 
  • Gaining new features: The schedule is about to update yet if you don’t want to with the latest features you can continue like that only.
  • Give amount as per usage: The pricing varies for each user as the benefits you take depend on.

Acumatica Cons:

  • About the past perspective: History about Acumatica is just from a decade established. It doesn’t have many contacts with the higher-profile businesses as yet the things are rolling up. The rule book on perspectives of ERP systems is not quite done.
  • Uncertainty about prices: By comparing the ERP products in the past this is quite different, it depends on what you want, there would be someone who will guide you to make the correct decision. Yet it’s confusing at times.
  • Benefits and customized things are sometimes discouraging- it’s always good to ask people who used this software as they will say you honest views and help you go things as per need. By individually doing it will be difficult.

NetSuite Pros:

  • Friendly for users, the execution made easy- The software has an uncomplicated process and it runs smoothly. It offers you a substantial depth and breadth to work with. Although, you may like to make a couple of changes to the way things work there. 

No problem! Because you can. All of this can be customized according to your convenience. 

  • You will probably find that the brand supports integrations regarding the applications.
  • Connectors found on NetSuite- when it comes to super common problems, connectors are the way to go to! They are the productized integrations. This integration usually is sold as a subscription and thoroughly tested before being released. 
  • The pricing module- whether you’re someone with a large company or a small one, it won’t matter because the charges are set according to your business size and budget! 
  • The company is capable of competing and leading the SMB and enterprise space among many kinds of companies and industries. 
  • The customer support you get here is free of cost! 

NetSuite Cons:

  • It is the ideal option for a couple of industries and companies, so be mindful to see if it fits your needs. 
  • You have to pay extra for premium customer support, that is, the availability of a customer support system at all times. 
  • There is a good chance that the cost of the plans offered here may increase over time. 

Pricing Comparison: NetSuite vs Acumatica

The most important question that arises in my mind about any service is, of course, it is pricing, I am sure, that you also must have thought about it.

Pocket-friendly or not? Does it suit my budget? So let us have a look at the most important aspect that is pricing: 

Netsuite Pricing:

  • It has no specific pricing or subscription plans.
  • The cost will depend on certain factors such as total user count, duration of the project, selected project, features to be made available. 
  • All you can do as a beginner is purchase a base account with one user login. 
  • Its base license costs Rs. 73,700 per month to access costs of Rs.7,500 per month.
  • It depends on whether your business is small scale, large scale, or medium scale.

NetSuite vs Acumatica Netsuite Discout Pricing

Acumatica Pricing:

  • It does not have a fixed price plan. 
  • Depending on your requirements, It can go up to Rs 73,800.
  • You get a free demo account.
  • The cost required will completely depend on the size of your business, whether it is a small enterprise or a medium enterprise. 

NetSuite vs Acumatica Acumatica-Pricing-

Verdict: Who Wins

Looking at both the pricing rates, Acumatica is having more expensive rates than NetSuite. Yet the decision remains on your end looking at the features, pros, and cons. The Acumatica provides various extra options too as per your need and you can check up on things accordingly.

The wiser the decision, you will experience that thing more helpfully. It completely depends on what you are seeking for so choosing the best service according to your perspective as perspectives differ too. What are you still waiting for just to take one and kick start your business or maybe a vendor shop with cool and helpful trendy software? 

NetSuite vs Acumatica Testimonials:

NetSuite vs Acumatica Acumatica - Testimonials

Quick Links:

FAQs On NetSuite vs Acumatica:

👉Which brand should you go for?

This is a question that only you can answer. That is because only you are aware of the things you need from such companies and I can only guess! But if you are a little unsure about it, I would suggest you do some extra research on both the companies to get the best output!

👉What should you keep in mind while choosing a brand?

Remember to be mindful of all factors here, although, the main ones are the pros and cons, features, and cost. Compare these properly and then, add a point for every extra benefit each company gives you.

👉What category do these brands come under?

If you think about this, the two brands fall into the category of ERP software. They are used to manage the tedious tasks that have to be completed daily, like, reporting, managing accounts, etc.

Conclusion: NetSuite vs Acumatica 2024 

Here, you have seen the interesting competition between NetSuite and Acumatica. I have discussed many of the benefits you are sure to obtain when using either of the brands. But one thing you should keep in mind is that when comparing, be sure to consider the cons as well. 

This is because you may find a good set of pros that you can use but at the same time, you may not realize the cons that may cause serious trouble later on. So, let’s just say that when comparing, looking at the cons is just as important as noticing the pros. 

Also, I’ve mentioned the features that I found the most helpful and think that you would do as well. So, just check out which brand suits your needs and you are good to go! 

Although, if you ask me, I am leaning a little to NetSuite’s side in favor because I found that it was much easier to use. Plus, I was rid of the boring tasks that involve long hours of sitting and trying to get my brain to work, like, reporting and managing accounts. 

Kashish Babber
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Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

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