Mindvalley’s The Immunity Blueprint Review 2024– Boost Your Life With This 29-day Program

The Immunity Blueprint Review

Overall Verdict

Eric Edmeades, a world-class expert, has designed an excellent online health program, The Immunity Blueprint. It is a 29-day program which helps to boost your immunity powerfully.

Out of 10


  • Improves Peacefulness
  • Helps You Sleep Better
  • Helps You Live a Long Life
  • Helps You Age Backwards
  • Helps You Heal Faster
  • Stronger Defense Mechanism


  • Pricing is bit high


Price: $ 349

In this blog, I am going to share Mindvalley’s The Immunity Blueprint Review.

You seem to be losing control over your health lately, hasn’t it?

The answer is no.

You should pay full attention to your immune system at this point.

It protects you from illness, but it also heals you faster when you become ill because of this incredible mechanism in your body. At any age, even looks, feels, and performs well.

We are sickened and weakened by so many aspects of modern life, such as our diet, our work culture, as well as the advice we receive from the media and in clinics.

Therefore, many people think falling ill regularly is normal.

Our immunity is weakened silently by many of the habits and practices we unknowingly engage in.

Often, medical professionals are more interested in curing and treating illness rather than preventing it before it manifests.

In an era when a stronger immune system is more important than ever, the Immunity Blueprint is the answer to this challenge.

WILDFIT creator Eric Edmeades designed this system to bolster your immune system dramatically and permanently in just 29 days. This blend of science and nutrition is based upon the latest research in biology, nutrition, and exercise.

Almost all of these practices can be applied with minimal effort and expense using daily habits and lifestyle shifts.

mindvalley's immunity blueprint review

What is Immunity Blueprint?

Eric Edmeades, a world-class expert, has designed an excellent online health program, The Immunity Blueprint. He also developed another WILDFIT program that has been a boon to the company.

You will be guided by Eric to become the healthiest person through a 29-day online program. In this program, you are trained to become immune to all diseases.

During this time of global crisis, you may be shocked to learn that our immune system has been compromised. We do not find it easy to live in a world full of pollution, junk food, and stressors.

However, managing stress, avoiding pollution, and understanding nutrition and food are definitely easy skills to learn. In this master course, Eric discusses many more topics. No matter how old you are, he gives you the blueprint for being healthy and fit.

If you spend twenty minutes a day practicing breathing or dealing with stress, avoiding or eating some ingredients, avoiding or performing some movements, and so on, you will learn the basics within hours. Mastering these will enable you to be healthier and more fit forever.

Mindvalley’s The Immunity Blueprint Review

The Immunity Blueprint: Curriculum

Training runs for four weeks during this 29-day program.

29 days immunity blueprint program

schedule of immunity blueprint

Week 1: The Silent Enemies of Immunity:

You will be introduced to a variety of triggers that will affect and weaken your immunity in the first week. By doing this, you will be able to determine which habits, food items, or lifestyle choices are healthy.

  • By learning the correct way to breathe, your immunity will be strengthened.
  • In this article, we discuss some foods that are randomly included in your meals and how they undermine your immune system.
  • This course will teach you how to handle stress even when it can’t be avoided.
  • It will be explained how certain environments can have a negative or positive effect on your immune system.

Week 2: Strengthening Immunity with Water, Sun & Sleep:

As a result of the second week of class, you will learn about how everything around you can have an impact on your health, from the type of water you drink to the way you drink it, to how you start and end your day and how you sleep.

  • There is more to drinking water than just consumption.
  • We will teach you what disrupts the quality of your sleep, how to avoid them, and how to get deep, good sleep.
  • You’ll find out about how the sun can boost your immune system, and you’ll discover how to absorb the sun’s rays.

Week 3: Moving and connecting to strengthen immunity:

We will discuss how to increase your physical activity and movement for a healthy body and how to build a strong immune system by improving your relationships with others.

  • You’ll learn simple but effective exercises that you can do at home.
  • The importance of maintaining relationships will be discussed and how they can have an impact on your health.
  • Find out how to maintain immunity in introverts and extroverts.

Week 4: Strengthening Immunity Through Nutrition:

In the final week of the program, you’ll learn about ingredients, calories, nutrition, and health.

  • You will learn why food companies are concealing so many things. Realizing the truth will point you in the right direction.
  • You’ll find out how to boost your immunity without too much effort and where to buy all the items you need at the grocery store.
  • During our workshop, you will learn how to subdue unhealthy cravings so you won’t have problems deciding whether to eat or avoid junk food.

The Immunity Blueprint: Joining Criteria

all access pass

The criteria do not exist. The program can be joined by anyone who wants to be healthy no matter what the case may be. Being healthy doesn’t mean gaining or losing weight; it means never getting sick, being obese, or needing to go on a diet.

The number of doctors we need is very large. How can people have such a weak immune system? There may be several reasons for this.

Pharma companies, food companies, laziness, or poor food choices could all contribute to these reasons. Any reason you have, Eric’s program is designed for everyone and will offer excellent results if followed for a minimum of 28 days.

The Immunity Blueprint: A Science-backed Program

A high-impact digital program, the Immunity Blueprint. Because Eric is aware of this, the program works.

  • Stress, poor nutrition, smoking, consuming alcohol, adding sugar to the diet, and chronic diseases primarily suppress the immune system.
  • The change in temperature, obesity, and a lack of or excessive exercise can be detrimental to our immunity.
  • To boost immunity, breathe deeply, eat correctly, have a good night’s sleep, take enough vitamins, and exercise scientifically.

Eric’s program is a big success due to the well-analyzed cause and effect! Through education, you will become aware of various scientific methods that will help you increase your immunity naturally.

Two kinds of immunity are present: Innate and Acquired. By strengthening the innate immunity levels, we improve your external sources of nutrition and exercise for a more powerful immune system.

The Immunity Blueprint: Prevents Illnesses

This program is actually aimed at keeping you healthy by preventing illnesses. A good immunity system can protect you from all cruel diseases, according to Mindvalley. As they explain on their official page, you can prevent Covid-19 by strengthening your immune system.

As a result of the program, you will prevent diseases, heal faster, and experience fewer symptoms that interfere with your daily life. Weakened immunity is the most common reason people get sick.

Your immunity will be strengthened with Mindvalley’s Immunity Blueprint Program. As a means of defending yourself from diseases, the program is not an alternative to medicine.

The Immunity Blueprint Reviews: Health Benefits

  • Stronger Defense Mechanism: 

As a result of the program, your body’s natural defenses will be strengthened. As a result, your body will keep fighting illnesses regardless of age or condition.

  • Improves Overall Health & Well-Being:

 This program focuses on building a healthy body and mind by focusing on nutrition, health, and sleep.

  • Helps You Heal Faster

The importance of healing cannot be overstated. While it is not uncommon for people to fall ill sometimes, healing is important. In general, your health improves as you heal.

  • Fights Fatigue: 

Following a vigorous workout session, most people feel really tired. Do you feel the same way? It is true that we all get tired, but can we recover as fast as possible? You can get back on track with the program if you’re tired or fatigued.

  • Improves Peacefulness: 

Eating a balanced meal is just as important as having a good sense of peace. Having more happy hormones in your body will make you feel better.

  • Helps You Sleep Better:

 Getting enough sleep is vital to staying healthy and preventing aging symptoms. Sleep is improved and deep sleep is reached every night if the program is used.

  • Helps You Live a Long Life: 

Your body starts taking care of you as soon as you take care of it. Using The Immunity Blueprint will help you live a healthier and longer life.

  • Helps You Age Backwards: 

By gaining accurate nutrition knowledge, you can age less, feel better, and look better.

The Immunity Blueprint Reviews: Cost & Discount

mindvalley pricing

Rather than paying $1049, you can join Eric’s Immunity Blueprint program at Mindvalley for only $349.

Even better, you have the option of paying just $499 per year instead of $15,000.

By paying this amount, you will receive access to all of the program materials, online coaching for 29 days, desktop and iPad applications, and Apple TV applications. You also gain access to The Immunity Blueprint’s Lifetime community.

At Mindvalley, nothing is at risk. From the moment of purchase, you can use the program risk-free for 15 days.

Go to the refund page if you are not satisfied with the material and you will receive a full refund. Your decision will not be questioned. The community at Mindvalley fosters learning, growth, and development because of this.

immunity blueprint review

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Conclusion- The Immunity Blueprint Review 2024

Then this program is right for you! If you care about your health and every detail, even immunity, then this program is just for you! Health is essential.

I think you should definitely check out this online course since it is available in only 29 days, and you will learn a lot.

Eric’s treatments have been a total success with the students who have already tried them. They explain how they went from novices to experts at treating themselves and improving themselves.

This isn’t rocket science, it’s something anyone can do. Mindvalley is the only online service that offers it. Enroll now to learn more about The Immunity Blueprint.

Kashish Babber
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

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