5 MemberPress Examples Sites with Real Membership Sites

There are a lot of membership websites out there, and a lot of them are built on the WordPress platform. To fully convert WordPress into a membership site, you’ll need to do a lot of code or use a membership plugin.

MemberPress is now available. One of the most popular WordPress membership plugin.

Take a look at these 5 MemberPress examples, which are actual, live, and famous membership sites that use the plugin, before you buy it for your website. You’ll see how MemberPress works in action and determine whether it’s the correct membership plugin for you.

I tried to include a variety of sites to show how MemberPress can be used for everything from music courses to medical journals.

Let’s get started.

What is MemberPress, exactly?

MemberPress examples

MemberPress is a premium WordPress membership plugin that allows you to create members-only content, receive payments, create member profiles, hide content behind a login and/or barrier, offer digital downloads, and more.

Over 17,000 live WordPress websites presently use MemberPress.

A single-site license for MemberPress costs $249 with one year of upgrades, but it is usually discounted to $149.

5 MemberPress Examples

1) IdeaPod

Ideapod-Memberpress examples sites

  • Bimer theme
  • Plugins included are MemberPress, WP Rocket, and WooCommerce
  • Estimated monthly pageviews are 530,000.
  • They are using Cloudflare Hosting

IdeaPod.com is a well-known online learning platform that offers a variety of masterclasses and courses on creativity and personal development. Over 10,000 people have attended IdeaPod masterclasses, according to the website.

In terms of functionality, IdeaPod sells and manages courses using a combination of MemberPress and WooCommerce. WebinarJam is also used to deliver webinars.

2) SkillCrush

Skillcrush-Memberpress examples sites

  • Custom Theme
  • Plugins Included are MemberPress, WP Courseware, and PopupAlley Pro
  • Estimated monthly pageviews are 680,000
  • They are using GoDaddy Hosting

SkillCrush.com is an online learning platform for coding, design, UX, and marketing. Over 19,000 students have enrolled in SkillCrush classes, according to the company’s website.

For its course subdomain learn.skillcrush.com, SkillCrush uses MemberPress. Take a free SkillCrush course to learn how to sign up for and utilize the MemberPress plugin from the front end.

3) See Jackson Hole

See-Jackson-Hole-Memberpress examples sites

  • Enfold Theme
  • Plugins Included are ElasticPress, MemberPress, and WP Rocket
  • Estimated monthly pageviews are 100,000
  • They are using Cloudflare Hosting

SeeJH.com is a Jackson Hole, Wyoming-focused vacation website. As part of its membership offerings, SeeJH provides ad-free and high-resolution webcam streaming. Annual members receive additional benefits, such as discounts on goods and events.

SeeJH is an excellent example of a website with a highly targeted niche audience that earns revenue and offers premium membership benefits to its subscribers.

4) Salesforce Ben

Salesforce-Memberpress examples sites

  • GoMedia Theme
  • Plugins Included are The MemberPress, The Events Calendar
  • Estimated monthly pageviews are180,000.
  • They are using Cloudflare Hosting

SalesforceBen.com is a Salesforce blog that educates people on how to use Salesforce, a prominent CRM platform.

Salesforce Ben has over 5,000 members and manages them with MemberPress. A $ 20-lifetime subscription includes Salesforce training and practice examinations. PayPal, which is linked to MemberPress, handles payments.

Salesforce Ben’s membership fees are simple and straightforward, making it easy for potential members to see the benefit of joining.

5) SmartRapper

Smart-Rapper-Memberpress examples sites

  • Astra Theme
  • Plugins Included are MemberPress and Elementor Plugins
  • Estimated monthly pageviews are 71,000.
  • They are using BlueHost Hosting.

MemberPress is used by SmartRapper to handle their Rapper’s Shortcut members-only community. Members have access to training on how to rap and write rap tracks on the inside.

SmartRapper, unlike some other subscription services, only offers membership at certain times of the year.

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Kashish Babber
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

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