Just had an great business meeting with India leading ad network Vcommission founders Tarang BhargavalParul Tarang Bhargava showed them my product SCHEMANINJA.com, they loved the product idea and they have shown lot of interest in promoting the product.
They are seeing how much I am hustling to make this product user friendly and making this product evergreen in wordpress blogging. I have shown how newbies can also make money if they have review based sites like amazon niche and other product sites.
This product is just like my baby I have learned lot of things in product launching stuff, this product will change my life for sure. Whatever the results I will get, I will keep working like this and will never give up on my dreams.
Also I am getting lot of supports from big Jv”s too. They have seen my idea which looks very powerful. Thanks you for your live guys ❤
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