Marketplace SuperHeroes Review 2024 Best Affordable Amazon FBA Training Course?

MPSH Ignite Programme

Overall Verdict

The MPSH Ignite programme is bang on one of the best learning programmes for Amazon sellers. They will teach you everything right from getting started to collecting the revenue.  The programme is easy to follow and the content is up to date. 

Out of 10


  • Access To Facebook Mastermind Group
  • Wednesday Live Sessions
  • MPSH Partnership Bonus
  • Strong Guarantees
  • Easy To Learn Modules
  • 100 Product Ideas In 7 Days


  • Upfront Product Investment 
  • High Product Storage Fee


Price: $ 997

Looking for Marketplace SuperHeroes Review? This post will help you to decide to buy or not.

I’ll go over everything we know about co-founders Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey in this review. I will start with Stephen and Robert’s background from the time they get to where they are now with their Amazon business.

And, based on the facts we’ve researched online, we’ll reveal the specifics about Marketplace SuperHeroes and their Ignite Programme.

Bottom Line Upfront :

Marketplace SuperHeroes is a training and services business designed to provide you with everything you need to successfully build and scale a global Amazon business. Their Ignite Programme is designed to get you from Zero to One. In other words, it has everything you need to start your business, even if you have no prior experience. They have their own global freight company (SuperHero Freight) an in-house legal team (SuperHero Legal) an in-house accounting firm (SuperHero Office) a Design Team, and an entire Software Suite. In other words- EVERYTHING under one roof.

If you’ve come this far, then you are probably curious to know what this whole Marketplace SuperHeroes thing is all about. In the following analysis, you will get a comprehensive answer to that question.

You will find all the necessary information you should know about this Amazon FBA training program here, including its background information, the price of subscribing, a summary of what you’ll get to learn, and more.

By the time you’re finished, you will know whether Marketplace SuperHeroes’ Ignite Programme is for you or not…So, let’s dive right in!

Marketplace SuperHeroes Review

Who are Marketplace SuperHeroes? MarketPlace SuperHeroes Review Summary :

Superheroes marketplace- MPSH Ignite programme

Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey are the co-founders of Marketplace SuperHeroes.

They are an 8 figure multi-award-winning business that helps people build their own business selling simple branded products globally on Amazon.

They have served close to 10,000 students and have built a global freight company, (SuperHero Freight) a software suite and other services to help their members build and scale their businesses.

They have a Youtube Channel where they publish new informational videos twice a week and currently have 19.4K subscribers. They have also published hundreds of case studies from their members on this channel.

Stephen worked as a data processor in a Government Department in Dublin, Ireland after quitting college to become a musician. He was obsessed with business and personal development but was lost & directionless until he met Robert Rickey. (His business partner to this day)

Robert has been in the E-Commerce space since 1997. When he met Stephen, Robert was selling physical products on multiple marketplaces and running a warehouse and staff from his hometown in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Within several weeks of meeting Robert, Stephen took his own very minimal savings, quit his job, packed his bags, and went to work in Robert’s ‘freezing cold warehouse’ to learn the ropes!
Together they went to work on growing and streamlining Robert’s business.

They decided to start from scratch, avail of Amazon FBA, and within less than 12 months they built a hyper profitable 7-figure company.

Having discovered a way to become more effective and efficient sellers, they decided to set out a framework, to help others achieve the same.

In 2014, Marketplace SuperHeroes was born.

Ignite Programme Review- Overview

In this review, I’ll summarize their Ignite Programme and the bonus’ they currently offer. The Ignite course is a brand new course that launched in 2021. It replaces their Core 2.0 course and is ‘their best course yet.

Whether you discovered Marketplace SuperHeroes through their free training, YouTube channel, podcast or online advertising; I wanted to create a comprehensive guide where you can find everything you need to know about Marketplace SuperHeroes and its founders Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey.

Marketplace Stephen Somers and Robert

This way, you’ll have everything there is to know about Ignite and these two Irish entrepreneurs from one, evidence-based resource on the internet. Check out my interview with Stephen Somers here.

What will I cover in this review? (The world’s leading Amazon FBA Course) Best Affordable Amazon FBA Training Course?

Ignite programme- Stephen Somers

I will do an in-depth review of Marketplace SuperHeroes. I’ll break down all of the various services they offer and provide a detailed analysis of their flagship course Ignite.

If you want to hear from real-life students who have taken it, I suggest visiting their Youtube Channel. As you will see, their interview-style case study videos are informative.

Let’s start the Marketplace SuperHeroes, Ignite Review

Let’s start the Marketplace SuperHeroes, Ignite Review

Marketplace SuperHeroes’ Ignite Programme is a modular course designed in three phases. It teaches you, step by step, how to build your Private Label Amazon business from complete scratch.

Each module is integrated with assessment, building blocks, quizzes, and ‘over-the shoulder’ videos to maximize the learning process. It is self-paced, so you can go through the course on your own time.

Integrated with Assignments- Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey

When you join, you get lifetime access to the course. You’ll also get lifetime access to their Facebook Mastermind Group as well as their EcoSystem Research Tool Suite.

Marketplace Super Hero- support Community

Superhero Ecosystem - Ignite Programme

The Ignite course offers you full access to their software ecosystem. This includes their research tool, profit calculators, and integration with all of their services.

As part of Ignite, you get full access to SuperHero Legal. This is a separate modulated video course created by Robert Wright, Marketplace SuperHeroes’ in-house Attorney.

Like Ignite, it is created in a step-by-step way and teaches you how to legally protect your brand as an Amazon seller.

The course also goes into depth on copyright enforcement, trademarking and all legal aspects required to build a ‘future proof’ Amazon business.

Superhero Legal - Ignite Programme

Protecting Your personal Assets- Ignite Programme

They did say that this is ‘their best course yet’ and as you can see these bonus’ alone are showing the depth that they cover in Ignite. And I still haven’t mentioned all of them…

What else is included?

The ‘PPC Bundle’ training. This is a complete end-to-end training on how to run PPC for your product.

BBC Bundle training - Ignite Programme

A Business Setup Call. Setting up your legal entity correctly is an important part of becoming a successful Amazon seller. (If you don’t set up the correctly from the start- you can run into major issues down the line) They offer a call to ensure you have done this correctly.

Business Setup Call- Ignite Programme

Monthly Origin Experience Calls. These are monthly calls where coaches go live in the Facebook community to answer all of your questions LIVE.

Gurantees - Ignite Programme

The Guarantees:

Satisfaction Gurantee- Ignite programme

A 30 day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee that comes with Ignite.

If you have gone through the course, taken all the action steps and don’t find a product idea after 60 days, they will get a coach to work with you until you find one.

And last but not least, Ignite comes with what they call the Ultimate No Brainer Guarantee;

If the program is followed to the letter, and a product has been purchased and after 6 months of being in stock it’s still not making sales, they’ll work with the student to get that product selling.

And if it STILL doesn’t perform to anything less than awesome ‘MPSH standards’ after they’ve worked on it, they’ll BUY the product back from the student!

The idea behind Marketplace SuperHeroes Review

The idea behind Ignite is simple. They have a proven process. The goal is to get you set up and selling products globally on Amazon as quickly as possible.

The idea behind Marketplace SuperHeroes’ Ignite Programme

Why do they care so much?

Well, as Robert explains it:

Our student’s success is our success. We want to partner with our clients for the long term. When they succeed in finding products, they use our freight service and all of our other services. If they don’t succeed- our business fails. It’s a win-win scenario.

Reviews- Ignite Programme

Testimony- Ignite Programme

What you will learn from Marketplace SuperHeroes’ ?

Everything you need to get started selling your own branded products globally Amazon.

You’ll learn how to set up your business entity. Find, source, validate, brand, label, and ship your product. Create your Amazon listing, run PPC and scale globally.

What you will learn from Marketplace SuperHeroes’ Ignite Programme

Customer Review- Ignite Programme

How does Marketplace SuperHeroes’ (MPSH) Ignite Programme work?

You work through the modules at your own pace. Each module has an action step that moves you logically towards what you need to do next.

The training includes how to use the Software Suite, and successfully use its SuperHero Freight integration.

There is 24 -7 support available from both a designated support team and the Mastermind Facebook Group where questions are answered almost instantly.

Can you still make money selling on Amazon in 2024? Yes you can. Amazon will keep growing and demand for products will increase. Selling on Amazon is one of the best opportunities because there are so many people who buy from them.

Marketplace SuperHeroes Ignite Program Course Breakdown:

The course is broken down into three phases.

Marketplace SuperHeroes Ignite Program Course Breakdown

Phase 1 -Embark

Embark takes you from zero to ordering your product samples.

You will learn how to find your first product, communicate with suppliers, calculate your profit, craft your offer and order samples.

Phase 2- Evolve

Evolve guides you through the next stages from setting up your business entity to shipping your trial order.

You will learn how to create your own brand, business entity, negotiate with suppliers,
Package and label correctly, how to use the software suite to create purchase orders, and create your listing.

Phase 3 – Expand

Expand, guides you through launching your business to scaling it globally to 7 figures.

You’ll learn how to sell globally in the UK, US, CA, AUS and Europe. You’ll learn how to properly report on your business and essentially the steps you’ll need to follow to scale.

How much is the Marketplace Superheroes Course?

Ignite costs $997.

Is there a payment plan?

There is a payment plan option of 12 payments of $97

Who is Marketplace SuperHeroes Ignite Programme for?

Ignite is for anyone serious about adding 5-7 figures to their income.
If you want to escape your 9-5, add to your nest egg, travel the world or diversify your income stream – then this is for you.

Amazon seller-Ignite ProgrammeWho is Marketplace SuperHeroes Ignite Programme for

MT. Kilmanjaru - Ignite Programme

Does the Ignite course work for everybody?

Like anything, the more you put into it the more you get out of it. Building a real business takes time and money. You’ve got to be prepared to invest in yourself and your business.

Check out some of their student case studies.

Are there better alternatives to the Marketplace SuperHeroes Ignite Programme?

There is no other programme that offers all of their services under one roof. Although there are alternative like Amazing Selling Machine which is quite expensive
MPSH offer a ‘plugin partnership’. This, in other words, means that you get to use all of their services effortlessly through their software system.

Are there better alternatives to the Marketplace SuperHeroes Ignite Programme

Are Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey Legit?. (A review of the facts)

Yes, Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey are Legit.

Let’s review the facts:

They have close to 10,000 members in their Facebook Mastermind Members-Only Community.

Are Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey Legit

Their Youtube Channel has hundreds of student case studies. 19.5K Subscribers and they upload new videos uploaded 2x per week.


Last year they shipped 2 million products for their members with their freight company.

Monthly Individual Product plan

Marketplace SuperHeroes Reviews and Client Testimonials

There are thousands of client testimonials and hundreds of independent reviews of Marketplace SuperHeroes. Here are just a few of them…

Client testimonials

Client Review

Customer Review

Client Review Testimonials

Client Testimonial Reviews

Marketplace Superheroes vs Amazing Selling Machine

Amazing Selling Machine is the best Amazon training, but it costs $4997. It is only available for a few months each year.

If you can afford ASM then I would recommend that you look at it and we have a full review here.

However, Marketplace Superheroes is much cheaper than Amazing Selling Machine at just $997 and so will give you more money to invest in products and marketing.

Is Marketplace Superheroes Worth Purchasing?

Marketplace Superheroes is a course for people who want to make money selling things online, but who do not know how. If you want to try to build an empire, this might not be the right course for you. If you are really looking for a way to make some quick money with little investment and time, Marketplace Superheroes is good because it does not cost much.

Pros & Cons of Marketplace Superheroes Review:


Lifetime Facebook Mastermind Group

A thriving group of over 8,000 Heroes on their business-building journey. Members can ask their questions and get near-instant help from the MPSH coaching team.

Monthly Origin Experience Calls

A completely free, monthly group coaching call where students can join a mastermind style session, ask their Amazon-related questions and get direct feedback from their team of coaches.

Complete Ecosystem Research Tool Suite

A premium suite of software applications that Stephen & Robert have invested multiple 6-figures into to simplify the whole process of starting and growing a successful Amazon business.

100 Product Ideas In 7 Days

You get to watch Robert Rickey, MPSH’s co-founder find product idea after product idea and follow along to get almost instant results. This will help you find your first 100 product ideas in well under 7 days.

Win Your Wednesday LIVE

Every Wednesday, you get to join a highly focused members-only session to gain traction, drive, and clarity on everything related to running, managing, and growing a successful Amazon FBA business.

MPSH Partnership

Stephen and Robert will show you how to make your enrollment fee back in less than 30 days.

SuperHero Legal

A bonus step-by-step program that walks through how Amazon sellers can protect their personal assets, bulletproof their brand, and safeguard future sales. An extremely beneficial program for any Amazon business owner – no matter their level.

PPC Bundle

Complete end-to-end training that walks through how to create ultra-profitable advertising campaigns on Amazon from the ground up. This is deep, detailed, every-step-covered training.

Business Setup Call

An initial call with one of MPSH’s consultants to make sure students get set up for success the right way. During the call, they’ll help get a business started quickly and give the student a roadmap for success on Amazon.

Extremely Strong Guarantees

Guarantee #1 Love At First Sight

If the program is joined and the student doesn’t believe that it’s the absolute best investment they’ve made in themselves and their business, simply email their team within your first 30 days and they’ll provide a full, no-questions-asked refund.

Guarantee #2 The Winner

If the program is followed, and the exercises have been completed as they have been set out, and after 60 days somehow haven’t been able to find a product idea, get in touch with their support team and they’ll have one of their coaches work with the student until they find one!

Guarantee #3 The ULTIMATE No Brainer

If the program is followed to the letter, and a product has been purchased and after 6 months of being in stock it’s still not making sales, they’ll work with the student to get that product selling.

And if it STILL doesn’t perform to anything less than awesome ‘MPSH standards’ after they’ve worked on it, they’ll BUY the product back from the student!


  • Upfront Product Investment 

A recommended guideline for an initial ‘test order’ of a product is roughly between $1500 – $3000. Considerably more than some other side hustle-style business models.

  • Can Take Time to Get Approved By Amazon

In a few cases, it can take Amazon a number of weeks to verify and confirm your business and Seller Central Account.

  • You Can’t Externally Market to Amazon’s Customers

You can sell on Amazon’s marketplaces to their customers, but you can’t capture their customers’ data and externally market your products/services to them. This is against Amazon’s terms of service.

  • Potentially High Product Storage Fees

If a product is stored at one of Amazon’s Fulfillment Centres, the fees can be quite high, compared to if you used a third party fulfilment/storage service. This is exactly why SuperHero Freight was launched – to help sellers import, store, and manage their product stock.

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Marketplace SuperHeroes Alternatives 2024 Affordable Options

1) Freedom Ticket

The ‘Freedom Ticket’ course is for people who want to carve out a life for themselves by finding a market niche. The ability to think outside the box, away from a 9-to-5 job, can be used by those who want to become entrepreneurs instead of employees who work every day to raise their income. Selling on Amazon doesn’t have to be a mystery anymore thanks to Freedom Ticket, which shows you exactly what you need to do to be successful. In order to properly run your Amazon FBA business, you may benefit from Freedom Ticket’s thorough training.

In August of this year alone, Kevin King launched five private label brands on the e-commerce market. As an Amazon FBA trainer, he’s sharing his expertise to pupils who want to succeed in this competitive marketplace.

If you want to learn everything you need to know about the Amazon business, the Freedom Ticket course is a great place to start. It covers everything from Amazon business fundamentals to how to create your own brand, how to find high-quality products suppliers, how to process orders and ship them and how to create high-conversion listings, how to compete with rivals and come out on top and much more.

Freedom Ticket Review

Freedom Ticket Amazon FBA Course

One of the users said, “I have learned the ‘Freedom Ticket‘ course by Kevin King which gave me the liberty to work whenever and whichever way I have to wish to do. I make money using the services of hired people who work on my behalf for the portion of my business in which I don’t feel like indulging. Check Freedom Ticket Review here.

2) Amazon FBA Course – How to Sell on Amazon MASTERY Course by Jose M. on Udemy 

Amazon FBA Course - How to Sell on Amazon MASTERY Course

Throughout this course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about selling on Amazon! We’ll show you how to profit from Amazon as a private label seller (via merchant and pro Amazon FBA accounts)

Increased sales and lower advertising expenses can be achieved by optimising your Amazon listings. You’ll be able to locate hot sellers and resell them on Amazon by locating the manufacturers and distributors who make them. It is up to you to make more than the $236k I made in my first year by learning from my mistakes. Amazon’s massive traffic will allow you to expand your present brand or create a new private label brand!

Start earning a second income right away by enrolling in this course and learning how to sell on Amazon!

What you’ll learn

  • Make a passive income with their Amazon FBA business!
  • Work from home as an entrepreneur!
  • Analyze a product and product category on Amazon in minutes and decide what to sell on Amazon!
  • Source products from around the world!
  • Negotiate the best price for various manufactured goods!
  • Minimally be able to find a product that will sell 10 units or net profit $100/day!

3) Amazon FBA as a Private Label Business Launching Platform by Damir Šerbečić on Udemy

Amazon FBA as a Private Label Business Launching Platform

Entrepreneurs who are looking for a way to create a stable online eCommerce business selling real physical products under own brand name. Beginner or advanced Amazon sellers who want to expand their current business to private label product. Bloggers, vloggers and other influencers who want to monetize current audience and followers with a private label brand. International entrepreneurs who want to sell in the United States and Canada from anywhere in the world.  Manufacturers who want to cut out the middle-man and sell their products directly on Amazon.
Anyone who wants to start an online business from home.

What you’ll learn

  • Proven and tested ways to launch, sell and expand private label products
  • Spot a profitable product opportunity in growing market with strong demand
  • Sell in the United Stated and Canada no matter where you live in the world
  • Open a US checking account without travelling to the US or having a US company
  • Get paid by Amazon no matter where you live in the world
  • Find reliable suppliers overseas
  • Import products cost effectively to the United States
  • Best way to import products if you are not from the United States
  • CHECKLIST: What to ask suppliers
  • CHECKLIST: Due diligence – how to spot fraud suppliers
  • How to properly label your products and send to Amazon FBA warehouses
  • How to optimize Amazon product listings like big brands
  • Strategy for launching and continually marketing your brand, on and off Amazon
  • Increase social proof of your product listing and get 100% legitimate verified reviews
  • How to drive external sales and ultimately increase keyword rankings on Amazon
  • How to deal with negative reviews and unhappy customers
  • How to avoid getting your seller account suspended

PERSONAL SUPPORT: He will answer every question that you might have along the way and review your product listing with improvement suggestions.

FAQs For Marketplace SuperHeroes Review:

1. How much will I make selling on Amazon?

Depending on how much you invest into your business you can build a 5-7 figure business using their model. Here are some of the amazing case studies to find out how much you can make selling on Amazon:

2. How much will I need to get started?

Ans: Watch this video to know better:

3. How much time is required to start?

Ans: It depends on how much time you dedicate to it and what you’re doing within the course. On average between 1-4 hours a day, depending on whether they’re working at other jobs or not.

At the start, you may put in more time to figure out the entire process and focus on research. This usually decreases over time as you find your feet.

4. Do they offer good customer support?

Ans: Marketplace SuperHeroes have a dedicated support team that answers all your questions within 24 hours.

Their support community also offers support where questions are answered near instantly.

5. Do they have a refund policy?

Ans: Yes, they have a 30-day ‘no questions asked refund policy.

6. Is $997 the ideal price for the Ignite Programme?

Ans: Yes, for what they offer. They could charge a lot more.

7. Is Marketplace SuperHeroes legit or a scam?

Ans: Marketplace SuperHeroes is legit.

Conclusion: Should You Trust Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey? Marketplace SuperHeroes Review 2024

The MPSH Ignite course is bang on one of the best learning courses for Amazon sellers. They will teach you everything right from getting started to collecting the revenue.

The course is easy to follow and the content is up to date.

Plus, the MPSH course has a rock-solid strategy.

In the end, they will also teach you what products to sell, how to find and filter them, and how to use MPSH software to sell better.

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Kashish Babber
This author is verified on

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

Comments (2)

  1. Hi! I’ve been listening & I like what you have to say. Very straight forward. Question- is it possible to sell my own products? I have a wood shop & have been told they are beautiful. ??

  2. I just want to thank you for sharing your information and your blog this is a simple but nice article I have ever seen I like it I learn something today.

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