List of 40+ Quality Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Guest blogging has increased in significance since Google expanded the estimation of unique content after some time. Copy content went down in quality, article catalogs went down, backlinks for the purpose of backlinks went down. Valuable, unique substance went up, and with it, the estimation of a guest blog entry.

It’s a win-win-win circumstance: The website holder wins on the grounds that it helps accumulate crisp new substance. The blogger wins in light of the fact that its a quality backlink and also presentation to another group of onlookers. The group of onlookers wins by getting an alternate point of view on a most loved theme.

Quality Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

In the event that you’d like to utilize guest presenting on grow your message and reach new gatherings of people, there are a couple of regular best-practices to remember.

  • Compose for the blog’s audience.
  • Send a unique post that shows up no place else on the web (unless the blog holder particularly lets you know distinctive).
  • Link to your own particular site in the asset box, and don’t utilize subsidiary connections anyplace as a part of the article. Most bloggers acknowledge educational connections in the assemblage of the article, yet clear it with the blog holder.
  • Try your hardest work and right sentence structure and spelling lapses before you send it off.

That is practically it. Diverse bloggers will have distinctive directions about how to contact them, how to get your blog entry to them, the length etc. These standards are all to help you compose a post that fits their web journals, thus take them as amicable guidance from somebody who truly needs to have the capacity to distribute your post.

Here are 41 awesome blogs on various points that accept guest posts. They’re not by any methods the main guest blogging open doors around, yet in the event that you need to begin in guest blogging, you can likely discover a couple of hopefuls here that are searching for the sort of composing you do.

ATTENTION: List of 20 Jaw Dropping Blogging Tips you Have Never Heard off

About the guest blog list:

Each of the things in the list incorporates the name of the blog and a connection to the page specifying guest post accommodation rules. And after that there is a short portrayal of the themes secured in the website.

List of Quality Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

So here is a List of 40+ Quality Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Blogger Forums:

  • Blog Engage PR 4, Alexa 8,675
  • My Blog Guest PR 5, Alexa 4,977


  • Copyblogger PR 6; Alexa 2,972
  • Successful and Outstanding Bloggers PR 5; Alexa 86,828
  • Phil Simon Systems PR 5; 680,495
  • Bigger Pockets PR 4; Alexa 14,428
  • MT Herald PR 3; Alexa 221,969
  • One Woman Marketing PR 4; Alexa 292,792
  • Everyday EMS Tips PR 4; Alexa 1,923,074
  • Geek Business PR 5; Alexa 1,496,065
  • Career Alley PR 4; Alexa 702,109
  • Small Business Trends PR 6; Alexa 9,250
  • Fresh Energy PR 5; Alexa 2,514,626

Blogs about Blogging:

  • Blog Godown PR 4; Alexa 44,183
  • Problogger PR 6; Alexa 2,022
  • Men with Pens PR 5; Alexa 74,125
  • Quick Online Tips PR 5; Alexa 5345
  • Daily Blog Tips PR 5; Alexa 4,458
  • JayPee Online PR 4; Alexa 81,822
  • iBlogZone PR 3; Alexa 16
  • Famous Bloggers PR 4; Alexa 8,257
  • Kikolani PR 4; Alexa 14,792

Home, Family and Lifestyle:

  • Money Saving Mom PR 5; Alexa 5,127
  • Summer Tomato PR 5; Alexa 88,389
  • e-Patients PR 5; Alexa 457,411
  • “Cents”able Momma PR 2, Alexa 61,010
  • Twenty-Something Travel PR 4; Alexa 58,788
  • Simple Productivity Blog PR 5; Alexa 53, 6518
  • Frugal Living NW PR 4; Alexa 60,284
  • End the Neglect PR 5; Alexa 2,719,232

Personal Growth and Productivity

  • Life Optimizer PR 5; Alexa 71,372
  • Procrastinating Writers Blog PR 4; Alexa 1,021,462
  • Head Heart Health PR 2; Alexa 635,037
  • Real Men Real Style PR 4, Alexa 234,681
  • Productive Flourishing PR 5; Alexa 77,105


  • Right Now in Tech PR 4; Alexa 593,325
  • 40tech PR 2; Alexa 135,010
  • Regular Geek PR 4; Alexa 269,988
  • TechSling PR 3; Alexa 69,913
  • Tech PR3; Alexa 51860

Placing Your Guest Post

These are 41 sites that present great chances to expand your movement, get great backlinks and spread your message. It’s in no way, shape or form all the open doors you could discover. For more locales, you can google the expression “guest post* guidelines” + “YOUR KEYWORD”.

On the other hand, in the event that you know of a website you’d like to compose for, the manager may acknowledge your post regardless of the fact that there is no “rules” page. Basically layout a post that eventual a solid match for the online journal and email the website holder, utilizing the contact page data.

Disclose why you need to compose for the online journal and the thought you have for an article. In the event that the site manager sees it as a solid match, you may discover a home for your post. The most noticeably bad that can happen is that you look to place it some place else.

Guest posting has turned into an interesting issue, and the practice is not going endlessly. Put it to great utilization to construct a greater group of onlookers for your website.

Do you want to share sites which accepts guest posts. Please do share in the comments below. 

Image Credits: Flickr 

Jitendra Vaswani
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Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded, a digital marketing agency, and, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

Comments (2)

  1. This is an awesome list and very useful for me as I was just about to start my outreach campaign to grow my blog.
    Keep up the good work Jitendra. You are providing great content!!

  2. Hello! THanks for sharing.

    I am accepting Guest Post. I am an experienced SEO specialist and a blogger/ owner of I would like to express my interest to be included on your list here.

    Thank you and hoping for your response.
    =Baloydi [Topics on: WordPress and SEO]

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