KBB Method Review 2024: Is It Really Worth it? My Opinions

Today I will do the detailed The Knowledge Broker Blueprint Method Review 2024 and why Should you invest in Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi Course & Software.

As od 2024 KBB is closed so better look at the alternative below. 

KBB Method Alternatives (#1 Best)

1) Affiliate Lab : Best Affiliate Marketing Course

Affiliate lab

Matt Diggity established Affiliate Lab, a comprehensive affiliate marketing school. The curriculum of the course is mostly focused on specialised site creation, ranking, and monetization. Over 24 hours of video lessons cover everything from niche selection to traffic production in this course.

Matt Diggity’s Bio

I like to know who designed a course before I even consider purchasing it. Marketers that make more money selling education than they do from actual marketing are aplenty. So, who is Matt Diggity, and should you pay attention to him?

Matt Diggity is a search engine optimization expert and affiliate marketer. Diggity got his start in affiliate marketing, like many of the most successful search engine marketers. By creating successful affiliate websites, he was able to study and test SEO tactics (which he still does today).

Diggity’s business grew over time, and he is now well-known for a few ventures.

Matt’s own blog, DiggityMarketing.com, has SEO advice and marketing articles.
Authority Builders is a marketplace for guest posts.

The Search Initiative is a search engine optimization (SEO) agency and affiliate partnership scheme.

Matt Diggity is totally authentic, to answer the question stated earlier. I’ve been working in digital marketing for almost a decade and only recently learned about Matt Diggity. I wish I had known about him earlier.

A friend recommended Matt Diggity’s site to me, and I was immediately hooked. Because there was so much useful information, I found myself reading article after article. Matt’s content is both actionable and one-of-a-kind (both of which seem to be a rarity in the world of digital marketing).

The Affiliate Lab course sells for $997. If you prefer to break that up, you can pay two payments of $597 ($1,194 total).

Affiliate lab matt diggitty reviews courses Affiliate Lab Facebook group

The Affiliate Lab course is laid out in a logical order. This affiliate course will walk students through the entire process of developing a specialised site, from beginning to end.

The course is divided into a few modules, each of which focuses on a distinct topic and includes unique videos that teach various approaches and strategies. The following are the primary modules:


  • Selection of a certain niche
  • Offsite SEO vs. Onsite SEO
  • Sites of the Kitchen Sink Authority

The flow is intuitive, making it simple to follow for newcomers. If you’re an experienced marketer, you can skip around if you like, but I recommend watching the entire course.

Affiliate Lab is ideal for anyone who is willing to put in the effort to establish a niche/authority site. Here are some particular suggestions based on your current level of expertise:

If you’re new to affiliate SEO, start by doing some study. Make sure you’re ready to put your heart and soul into the game. Watch some YouTube videos and read some free blog posts. If you feel you’re ready to commit to establishing a specialised site, Matt Diggity’s course is a great place to start. This course will guide you through the process of starting a niche site empire the right way.

If you’ve worked with affiliate SEO before, you should absolutely take this course. Maybe you’ve been looking into affiliate SEO, or maybe you’ve already built your first site and made some money. This training will assist you in advancing your present efforts. Unlike many other affiliate marketing courses, which spend too much time on “theory” and broad business models, Matt Diggity’s course gives you actionable insights that you can put to use right immediately.

Even if you’re a seasoned affiliate marketer, you can benefit from this training. I’ve taken hundreds of courses and established dozens of specialised websites, and I’m still learning. There will be some repetition of content, but I believe you will find it worthwhile if you can justify the $997 investment. You’ll also have access to a private Facebook group where you can network with other affiliate marketers and find ideas and information to help you grow your affiliate marketing career.

“I ran into an old friend a few days ago and well, he seems to have failed in his business.”,

“I’m on the verge of starting my own business, with tonnes of ideas, profits and losses running all over my mind.”,

“I’m going to earn and become a millionaire in the least possible time because I have the best business plan! But what if it doesn’t work?”

Are these the same things that keep running in your mind too? Well, no business has reached its peak point just when it starts. It takes effort and most importantly smart efforts.

One of the smartest ways to take your business on the pathway to success is the KNOWLEDGE BROKER BLUEPRINT, “THE KBB METHOD”.

Mind you, this method isn’t just like any other method, but it carves out a niche in your business statistics. And well, we all know, Knowledge is power and so is the KBB method too.

The Knowledge Broker Blueprint Method Review 2024🔥Start With KBB Methods For $597 Now [/button-red]

Here are a few things you add onto after signing up for this specific course –

  1. New knowledge

The Knowledge Broker Blueprint (KBB method) is one of a kind, here you will be able to understand how to leverage knowledge and expertise to make a lasting legacy on the people you meet while earning a tidy sum.

  1. Exchange of ideas

There is a range of ideas and topics to be exchanged in the period of learning in the mastermind’s formula. The depth of this subject opens up different spheres and introduces you to new ways of finding solutions, and you start seeing new possibilities.

  1. Resources

There are a wide range of resources available which would have been out of reach for you or expensive to acquire.

  1. Advice from reputable experts

Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi have over 60 years of experience. All three of them are better placed to offer you guidance in a different sphere of your life. It is an opportunity that is worth the investment.

  1. Proven formula

The methods and principles have been proven time and again, which yield successful results all the time.

 What is inside this program/module?

This course has six modules, each of which different important lessons. It is quite necessary to remember that it is detailed, yet simplified to make it easier for you to digest the knowledge which is being shared.

Course Outline KBB

Below is a brief insight into what each module and lesson contains –

# Module 1- Mindset Mastery

This module consists of the secrets and strategies used by Tony and Dean to create successful mastermind groups. It has a lot of informative videos which will teach you the steps involved in creating and running mastermind groups from the scratch.


Some of the things which you are going to learn here include:

* Key note takeaways from Tony Robbins success stories which will inspire you a lot.

* An insight as to how are you going to select a niche to target based on your skills.

* How to select your ideal target audience that will benefit from your knowledge-based strategies.

* How to run a successful mastermind using the triangle model used by our very own Dean and Tony.

* The tools which you need to run for a successful event. These are the same tools which Dean and Tony use.

* How to make the best out of the MindMint software to organize your agenda in the best way possible.

Here are some of the key lessons which you will find in # Module number 1 :

Lesson 1- 5 Keys to Progress and how to Avoid Failure :

In this lesson, you will learn how to feed your mind and body with positive thoughts. You will also get real-life lessons from role models like the maker Tony Robbins.

Lesson 2- Transformational Vocabulary

Here, you will learn what it takes to succeed, including how to get an elite thought process that leads to success, and much more.

Lesson 3- Million Successful Habits

Successful people have certain traits which eventually make them successful. You will learn these habits and traits that will help you unleash your inner power and kill the inner lethargies and villain. Success begins with a mindset, and this what you learn in this lesson.

Lesson 4- How to Design a Course or Talk in the public.

Here, you will learn how to turn your thoughts and ideas into a course or a sensible talk that will influence people.

In this module, you will also get called to actions that aim to evaluate if you have understood the important things discussed in this guide. So, it’s not just theory, but practicality involved too.

# Module 2- Extraction and Discovery.

In this module, you will learn how to come up with your unique propositions.

Here are the four lessons that are covered;

Lesson 1- Your Ideal Client

Here, you will learn how to spot your ideal client and also been given a niche tool you can use to further narrow down your target audience.

Lesson 2- Story-Teach-Tool

This lesson stresses more about the art of storytelling so that you don’t sound monotonous and stand out. People like stories and also touches on how to extract knowledge from your skills and expertise so that you can teach your group members.

Lesson 3- Your Tool Box part 1

You get to learn how to use the Clarity Tool and the pointers that show that you are becoming successful. You will also be told about the things you shouldn’t do.

Lesson 4- Your Toolbox- Part 2

This lesson emphasizes more on the Spotlight Tool as well as Wrap Up Tool and Connection Tool.

# Module 3- Marketing Mastery

As the title suggests, you get to learn about marketing your mastermind group to the right audience and your courses through various platforms as well.

Here are some of the lessons you will find in this module:

Lesson 1- Becoming a Marketing expert

Tony and Dean redefine the rules of sales and marketing for you and also for mastermind marketing philosophy.

Lesson 2- Mastermind Funnel Blueprint

In this, you will know when to use a website and when to use sales funnels.

Lesson 3- The Different Pages

In this lesson, you are taught about the pages not to lack when marketing your mastermind group.

Lesson 4- The Launch Secrets

You get to learn the tricks about launching your event.


# Module 4- Generating the Right Leads

In this, you get the secrets of the platform to target and how to do it in the right way.

Lesson 1- The Wagon Wheel of Marketing

Herewith, you are taught about the components of a marketing wagon wheel and also copy-writing tips for further use.

Lesson 2- How to get 100 perfect fans

This lesson covers more on how to set a foundation and how to gain momentum.

Lesson 3- Social Media and Free Traffic

Social media is a powerful platform to use in your marketing and can be a great source of free traffic. You will learn how to get free traffic on social media as well.

Lesson 4- Spending Money on Ads

Paid traffic is helpful when you are launching an event or starting out. You will also be taught how to kill it on Facebook and YouTube. Yaaayy!!

Lesson 5- What’s Next to Scale

Email marketing is one of the best ways too once you’ve exhausted your marketing options. This really helps a lot. Hence, you will learn the basics of email marketing here.

# Module 5- Running Your Event

This is where things begin to get actually practical.

Lesson 1- The perfect Mastermind Formula wherein you learn the psychology of running a successful mastermind.
Lesson 2- Virtual Event Checklists. This lesson reveals the secrets of running a virtual event and also set up events with Zoom and other apps.

Lesson 3- In-Person Event

All that you need to organize in-person events, including choosing the ideal location, room preparation, event logistics, your personality, etc.

Lesson 4- Lastly, this lesson covers how to sign out from your events in style and how to thank your members the right way so that they can feel appreciated.

# Module 6- Knowledge Consultant and Reporter

This is the last and final module. It covers things like how to be a knowledge consultant and how to create a winning strategy. It also focuses on how to get a YES from your targeted clients.

All of these modules and lessons is in a proper step-by-step fashion and divided into lessons to make it easier for you to understand its content.

Knowledge Broker Blueprint (KBB) is a course that we can strongly recommend to anyone who possesses knowledge or skill that can help someone else to flourish in their business or be an entrepreneur. It will teach you how to sell your own knowledge in the best way possible.

The KBB Method Students Certifications, Reviews & Testimonials

KBB method reviews online KBB method reviews online KBB method reviews online

The_Knowledge_Broker_Blueprint — Reviews

Finally, it’s not like this is a 100% complete program with only pros and no cons – here I am listing final Pros and Cons of the same for you to get a brief understanding of the above said-


Getting detailed training and resources.

Low learning curve and better understanding.

Coaching with Tony and Dean.

Along with a Community of 20k members.


It takes Long but worth it.

You need to do the work, which eventually helps you.

No SEO mini-course is available.

Quick Links:

Conclusion : KBB Method Review 2024 You Must Go For It

I hope this KBB Method Review helps you get better insights into this Knowledge Broker Blueprint program. When I started back with KBB Method, I was a bit worried, but then I found its backed 30 days money-back guarantee. If you somehow don’t find the Knowledge Broker Blueprint useful, you can request for your money back.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Kashish Babber
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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