Kaplan GMAT Review 2024: Is It Worth Your Money? (TRUTH)

You must’ve surely dreamt of studying in one of the best colleges right? Getting a management degree from a reputed college is one of the best things ever! But, preparing for management exams can be really daunting sometimes! To get into a good business school or a college, one has to have a good GMAT score. For that, extensive practice and good coaching are extremely vital. Well, nobody wants to settle with an ordinary set of books while practicing for such exams. 

Everyone wants to make sure that they have the best study guide and study material. And to provide you with the best- Kaplan GMAT Review. To give you insights into what Kaplan is and how it is undoubtedly the best aid for you, I am here! From its technical details to how it shall benefit you the most, I am here to cover everything. So, without further ado let’s begin.

Kaplan GMAT Review 2024: Should You Go For IT??

What is Kalpan GMAT Guide?

Kaplan quotes “your edge in a competitive world.” This implies that Kaplan wants to provide its best to each student and for this, it has been taking all the extra efforts. From helping students apply to different universities to actually helping them to achieve it, Kaplan has it all. It also understands that in today’s times where the world is so competitive, one must learn out of the box and become innovative.

Kaplan GMAT Review- OverviewKaplan has surely justified the statement “Encourage Innovation.” By learning various languages through its language learning courses, Kaplan wishes to make every student bilingual in nature. “Invest in your ambition”-and this is what makes Kaplan stand out from the rest. It has also made sure that it has changed the very traditional dimensions of Kaplan and through it has transformed the lives of students.

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Features Offered by Kaplan

In this Kaplan GMAT Review, below mentioned are the features being offered by Kaplan for the students-

  • Kaplan Self-Test:

Being one of the best offerings by Kaplan, self-test allows students to take up tests for themselves and also have a proper analysis of it. This aids the students in alleviating their scores and has a solid result in the actual exam. 

  • The most interactive classes

Kaplan ensures you classes that are absolutely free of boredom. It brings to you classes in the most alluring and fun way! Interaction through chat boxes and live sessions keeps the user interested and plugged into it making sure that more work is done without really getting bugged. These interactive sessions make sure that the user’s productivity is enhanced. The interaction also makes sure that doubts are cleared while the session is going on. And who doesn’t like to interact while learning? 

Kaplan GMAT Interactive lessons

  • Specially designed language classes

Kaplan has literally gone out of its way to provide the best of services to its users. They have special language learning courses in English, Spanish, and German to make sure that their language skills are toned enough. This not only adds up to the personality of a person but also enhances their communication skills. Also, this is a really liked feature because a lot of people enjoy learning new languages.

  • Worldwide

By worldwide, I mean Kaplan sells its courses to all the places around the world. It has classrooms across the globe that is in North America, Mexico, Europe, and Asia.

  • Has the most strategized plan ever!

With the best teachers, the most progressive technology, and the most efficiently formulated test plans, Kaplan makes sure that they put in their best to let the students stay determined and focused.

  • Effective strategy and content

Kaplan is said to have a very effective strategy for its students which is made in accordance with the content. Both the content and the strategy have to keep up with each other. Both have to go hand in hand to get the most optimum results. 

  • Additional features

Kaplan also sells other additional Online courses in Insurance, Finance, Securities Licensing, Architecture, and Wealth Management. These add up in the resume of the student making them more competent by, you know, developing their skills and making them more versatile. 

  • Distance learning

There’s another cool feature that Kaplan serves you and that is Distance Learning. If a student can’t take physical lectures, but still wants a degree, there’s this option of Distance Learning where one can take a degree from a distance too! 

What modules does Kaplan offer?

Kaplan has a myriad of modules to offer for the students to choose from. These modules not only focus on the academic aspect but also pay huge attention to the overall development of a student. I will give you a small briefing on some modules that you might find constructive and advantageous.

  • Kaplan Leadership and Professional Development

This is a module where a student is trained in order to achieve a versatile and multi-faceted personality. Their soft skills, communication skills, and qualities of leadership are developed so that it becomes easy for them to face personal interviews and group discussions in their future. Through this, Kaplan makes sure that they have been meeting the specified needs of the users.

  • Kaplan Financial Education

Kaplan’s financial education is literally a savior! Even in times of a pandemic, Kaplan has been providing all the aid that is possible. It has courses available for workers and the furloughed that have been suffering due to COVID-19. It has also been offering employee training programs that have been severely hit and affected due to the pandemic.

Kaplan Pricing Review

Coming down to the most crucial parameters-PRICING! Well, if you compare Kaplan and its pricing strategies to the other competitors, you might find it a little heavy. But if you actually weigh it out with the features and the benefits it has been providing, you’ll know it is worth it! So, Kaplan’s “self-paced” package comes for somewhere around $699 with an average of 180 hours of teaching and is inclusive of all the other material! If you’re looking for a self-paced class with online lectures it takes an additional charge of $200. The live session which is 3 hours long with one-on-one teaching is $300. So this is all about its pricing structure!

Kaplan GMAT Pricing Review

Why choose Kaplan over the rest?- Kaplan Edge Over other Platforms

Below mentioned are some of the Pros of the Kaplan that make it best from the rest-

  • Live online!

I doubt whether any other online platform than Kaplan provides students with Live Online lectures. Classes with 100% live facilities, an interactive chat box making it easy for the students and the tutor to interact, an option to record the whole video so it is easy to playback later, or good for anyone who misses it out too. These features make online life one of the best parts of Kaplan. You can also check the best competitor of Kaplan, is Magoosh, and if you want a discount then check out Magoosh coupon codes.

Kaplan GMAT live clasess

  • A super cool online interface

Kaplan has a very user-friendly interface where its users don’t have to spend a whole lot of time navigating for things. It makes sure that all the tabs and their functions are easy to look for. All of this results in less time being wasted on finding out or “correctly” using the website or the app.

  • A large variety of questions

Kaplan provides a very comprehensive range of questions for practice. It offers more than 1000 questions for practice whereas the other competitors just tend to provide around 800 questions. This makes more room for extra practice and being safe, just in case! Kaplan has also been making sure that the students have plenty of questions to work on.

  • Helps you prepare for a whole range of exams

Kaplan helps students not only prepare for GMAT but also a big array of exams that include GRE, IELTS, SAT, PSAT, TOEFL, etc.

  • Proper access to six full-length tests

Kaplan has it sorted for your students. It grants full-time access to six tests that have questions similar to the original GMAT exams so that students have a basic and a generalized idea as to how the exams really function. Kaplan is prepping you already!

  • Variety of course formats to choose from

Kaplan serves a range of various formats to choose from. These formats are designed to suit the different yet specific needs of the customers. The three formats that Kaplan provides are:

    • Self-paced 
    • Live Online
    • In-Person

These formats allow users to learn at their own pace and in their comfort zones. A lot of users have highly complimented these features too!

  • Physical textbooks

Another great feature of Kaplan is that it provides physical study material too. Not only two extensive, comprehensive, and full of knowledge textbooks but also an extremely resourceful GMAT prep guide is provided. These guides or textbooks come along with all the important details one must know about the whole process of an MBA. Users have also commented on how this guide actually comes in handy when going through the admission procedures too.

  • Flexibility and Guidance

Kaplan is pretty much very high on flexibility and guidance. This is because they work 24*7 and have experts working with the students all the time. This makes the working hours very flexible for students and attracts more such students. The guidance provided by Kaplan is the best without the shadow of a doubt. They have the most prepped teachers to serve the students. This makes sure that students are guided in the best way possible for their exams as well as their future. 

  • Score boosting strategies

To have a score that leads students to good MBA colleges it is vital to have a properly planned and formulated strategy for boosting the score. An average score would lie between 300-600, but to get into a good graded college, the score must be above 700. And for this, constant and rigorous practice with the most optimum utilization of time is necessary. This all can only be put into practice when a proper strategy is put into place. And guess what? Kaplan does this all for its users. From having a proper strategy to actually helping students with good scores, Kaplan does it ALL! 

  • Experience

Experience matters a lot! Kaplan has been serving in this field of education for more than 82 years now and has been serving with the utmost quality. Along these years, Kaplan has known what exactly the exams demand. This does really benefit the students in umpteen ways. Kaplan as a platform now knows what kind of questions are exactly asked in the exams, what do the examiners really want the students to know. This also helps Kaplan to strategize effectively and make the practice questions accordingly. It has now trained more than one million students worldwide. So now you know you’re on the right track.

  • Material advantage

With a total of more than 5000 questions, test papers, live sessions, CDs, textbooks and an overall preparation guide Kaplan has the best study material. Its students have always had great reviews about how accurate the material has been. This is a great advantage to Kaplan as most of its students trust the material. This material advantage also gives you access to the six full-length GMAT tests which are computer adaptive and makes sure the student is prepared for the actual test. Why are you waiting, go take the material advantage for yourself!

  • Free classes for trial

There can be times when students are unsure of which online platform to actually trust and invest in. This notion of students is completely understood by Kaplan, and so it provides free lessons. These lessons help students to decide whether or not they find these courses beneficial or not. You can too, go and try them for yourselves!  

Kaplan GMAT Free trial clasess

  • Has a great logical reasoning section

To anyone who wants to achieve a great sectional score in Logical Reasoning or Data Interpretation, Kaplan has your back! They have a great range of questions for LR. A properly well-formulated sheet with questions of all the difficulty levels is created. So, anyone looking for masters in logical reasoning here’s your savior!

  • Allows you to register and buy books

Kaplan provides you with a variety of books online. These books help in a more in-depth preparation for the exam. Registration of these books can be done online through their official website or on Amazon. Kaplan has surely taken care that its students get all the benefits. Go grab your book now!

  • K+ learning system

K+ learning system is a specially designed learning system for learning English on Kaplan. This is like an additional course that makes value addition. English is termed to be a global language. It is necessary to know English in order to be able to communicate efficiently. This depicts that Kaplan does not only want to give students the knowledge regarding the exam but also improve their personality and soft skills. Being able to communicate well in English also helps the students do well in their personal interviews and group discussions. So, I hope now you know why Kaplan is the market leader indeed!

  • A refund is available too

If any of Kaplan’s users find issues after subscribing and paying for the course, Kaplan allows refunds. This allows the user to demand a refund within a stipulated period of time if the requirements are not met. If the user believes that his/her needs are not being met the refund option helps them. 

  • Some free resources too!

Kaplan does not charge you for everything and I mean it. Kaplan does give out free resources and you just have to make sure that you’re signed up for it!

Why choose Kaplan GMAT

What Improvements does Kaplan need?

Nothing is perfect so does the Kaplan. Below mentioned are some of the improvements that I consider to be needed by Kaplan.

  • Customer Service

Here comes a problem, Kaplan does not give a comprehensive overview of the questions that it provides the students with. When students send in questions or complaints regarding any kind of issues they face, the customer service at Kaplan does not reply! Even if they reply, it comes in very late. The customer service at Kaplan can be briefed as very ineffective. This becomes a major drawback and discourages the students because their questions go unanswered. It can also be described that the online responsiveness is too shallow and takes an average of three to seven business days to hear back from them.

  • Quality might become an issue

A lot of student reviews and feedback show that the questions that Kaplan screens become very repetitive at times. This repetition of questions becomes annoying for students and makes them feel less competent. Some students also complain as to how this reduces their efficiency as well. Uh oh, a bad quality created a bad impression!

  • Training sessions are the bare minimum

In terms of provision of quality and time, Kaplan has been falling short. They do not really provide enough time for the users for training. The live sessions or even the self-paced sessions are too short of duration. The time limit does not really help the students to comprehend the whole concept clearly, implying that the durations must go on for longer so as to help the students do more. Users have also complained as to how the “180” hours of teaching is not sufficient and this time span needs to increase. However, one can communicate this issue to the Kaplan customer service and get it fixed!

  • No explanation of the answers given

This becomes a huge loophole. A lot of answers that are provided by Kaplan have no explanations given which make it very strenuous for students to actually apprehend the various concepts for better learning. No explanations also leave the students unattended with doubts in their minds. Leaving them like this can become very dangerous for their understanding. 

  • The prep material is a little shallow

Here, little shallows imply the material not really being up to date and a little ineffective. Some users have complained that the questions are not very brain pondering and are pretty easy too. It can be good for beginners but not for the ones who are already done with their basics and want a set of challenging questions.

  • The online content tends to expire!

Even though the biggest advantage of Kaplan is its online content, we must not forget that it expires within a certain period of time. It has to be renewed after its expiry meaning that it can add strain to our pockets. If the content were free for a lifetime with only payment it would’ve been better!

  • It has typos and errors!

What major fallout! Typos mean that Kaplan has typing errors where users have noticed incorrect spellings or grammar sometimes! This brings down the standards of such market leaders and makes the students doubt their authenticity and reliability.

Kaplan GMAT Review- My Honest Review- Should you Buy It or Not?

It’s now time for me to give out an honest verdict in regards to Kaplan and I feel it is an exceptional platform. In my notion, anyone from a beginner to a pro-level student everyone can use Kaplan. It’s an easy user interface and a commendable range of questions is undoubtedly unbeatable. They also have extra facilities depending upon the regions and in India, they provide its students with “Kaplan International Pathways”, “Kaplan Schweser”, and “Kaplan Test Prep”. These are like the extra benefits a user did not expect. Analyzing its pricing scheme and weighing out its pros and cons, I would surely recommend Kaplan!

Quick Links

Kaplan GMAT FAQs

👉How to pay for a course?

One can pay for an online course on Kaplan through a major credit card.

👉I might miss the next online lecture, can Kaplan help me compensate with this?

Kaplan advises students to attend the online lectures in order to get maximum benefit but if due to some unavoidable reasons you tend to miss out on the session, the online live classes can be recorded and there is a playback option for such instances.

👉When can I expect my resource material to arrive?

The textbooks, MBA guide, and all the other resource material that a student is entitled to after subscribing with Kaplan reach the student in an average span of five to seven business days.

👉How can I provide feedback to Kaplan?

Feedback can be provided to Kaplan through their official website [email protected]

Conclusion-Kaplan GMAT Review 2024– Is it Really Worth Your Money?

Without a doubt, Kaplan is a solid option that a student must choose. However, one can use other guides in conjunction so as to have a better score. Using other guides with Kaplan will make sure everything goes hand in hand and gives better results. Other supplements like official practice tests and other in-depth guides will make the whole learning process more effective.

Therefore, in conclusion, it is suggested that other supplements are used with Kaplan to achieve better results and have a solid score in GMAT. Kaplan Online course for GMAT is surely a great platform, however like every digital platform it has its own set of advantages and shortcomings which can be ignored with some meticulous practices. Abiding by all the ethical practices, and dedicating all the efforts for the success of the students, Kaplan provides all the necessary tools. 

Hopefully, this Kaplan GMAT Review will help in guiding the right GMAT course for you.

Kashish Babber
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

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