Inflact Review 2024: Is Inflact Instagram Legit?


Overall Verdict

One of the most used Instagram bots is called Inflact. They offer a variety of marketing tools, such as building a target audience, interacting with clients, and planning content.

Out of 10


  • User-friendly
  • Pricing that is affordable
  • Packages that can be adjusted
  • The ability to schedule stories and carousels


  • There are risks associated with overbetting your account


Price: $

In this Inflact Review, I put one of the best-known Instagram tools available to the test. Is it right for your business, or should you consider a different product? Let’s find out.

Do you want to use Inflact, which used to be called Ingramer, to automate Instagram? Then read our review of Inflact to find out what some of the best alternatives to Inflact are.

You may have seen Inflact around, but you might not know if it’s safe or not.

Instagram is a visual social media platform that almost every business and influential person loves.

Inflact Review

That’s because, as long as you follow the rules of the network, it’s pretty easy to promote your business or brand there.

Instagram has rules that everyone needs to know in order to stay on the social network and not get kicked off.

One of these rules is that you can’t interact on Instagram with bots.

You also can’t have fake followers or any kind of automated interaction.

What Is Inflact?

Inflact Review

One of the most used Instagram bots is called Inflact. They offer a variety of marketing tools, such as building a target audience, interacting with clients, and planning content.

If you want to grow your Instagram account, you really only have two options: pay Instagram for advertising, which can be expensive if you’re a small business and don’t have an extra $1000 to spend on ads every month, or use influencer marketing, which costs a lot more than $1000.

That leaves you with underground marketing tools like this one, where you can use automation to grow the account around the clock. In this review of Inflact, we look at what makes it so popular and whether or not you should use it.

Inflact Features & Functionality

Inflact Features

Follow & Unfollow

One of the most popular ways to use this tool is to follow and unfollow people. If you’ve ever used Instagram, you’ve probably seen accounts that follow you and then stop the next day.

This might seem strange to you, but it’s one of the best ways to get your account in front of the people you want to follow you. You can set the bot to follow and unfollow people who follow accounts that are similar to yours, people who have liked a photo with a certain hashtag, or even people in a certain location.

Direct Messaging

With this feature, you can set up your Instagram account to send direct messages automatically. You can set the feature to automatically DM people who just started following your account, or you can DM all of your followers at once. You can even direct message people who don’t follow you, but it’s not a good idea because your message will end up in their spam folder.

Some people might think this is spammy, but there is a classy way to do this and a spammy way. If someone just started following your account and you message them right away to buy your products, that might be a bit much, but you can always set the message to ask them if they need help, etc., as a way to sell your products without being too pushy.

Scheduled Stories & Gallery Posting

This feature is actually very useful, but you don’t see it very often. There are a lot of tools for scheduling Instagram posts, but not all of them can schedule posts from stores or carousels. Inflact can do all of these things and has them all in one place.

Hashtag Generation

Have you ever seen that long list of hashtags that people use to get more people to see their posts? But when you go to post it, you can only think of the first three? With the hashtag generator on Inflact, you can make a list of hashtags in no time.

Auto Reactions

Want to interact with other accounts but don’t want to keep following and unfollowing them? Auto Reactions can help you automate your account to interact with specific posts. You can set the bot to like or comment on posts around the clock.

Ease of Use

The well-designed UX is one of the reasons why Inflact is one of the most popular Instagram bots out there. It’s very easy to get started. To get started, just put in your account information. It will take you to the sign-up page, where you can see the options and prices for each package.

Once you’ve picked the right package, the software will tell you how to add the accounts you want the bot to interact with. You have someone on staff who works on your Instagram account all the time.

Inflact Plans & Pricing

Inflact Plans & Pricing

You don’t have to pay for things you don’t need, which is another reason to get Inflact. So often, I see software companies make huge bundles of tools and charge customers a lot of money for them, but the customers only use a small portion of the tools they were given.

You can make your own plan on Inflact and choose the features you need, such as the ability to follow or unfollow accounts or send direct messages. You only pay for the features you choose and use.

Inflact: Pros & Cons


  • User-friendly
  • Pricing that is affordable  
  • Packages that can be adjusted
  • The ability to schedule stories and carousels 


  • There are risks associated with overbetting your account 
  • A newly opened account without any content is not recommended

Is Inflact safe? 

The truth is that there is no bot software that is 100% safe. Even though Inflact tells you not to use the automation features too much and not to use a bot on a new account, there are still risks.

But if you need to grow an account and don’t have enough money to pay for influencer marketing or paid ads, you can use bots instead.

When should you use an Instagram bot? 

If you want to grow your own account, you should only use an Instagram bot. Stay away from bots if you’re a freelancer or a marketing agency with a client account.

No amount of growth is worth putting your client’s account at risk of being flagged or, in the worst case, banned. Sign up for Inflact if you want to grow your own page to the point where it becomes an influencer account.

Why is follow and unfollow a good strategy? 

Follow-and-unfollow is one of the best ways to grow an Instagram account because it’s so cheap compared to most of the other ways, like getting influencers to post or running paid ads, which can cost thousands of dollars a month.

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Final Thoughts: Inflact Review 2024

To sum up, if you want to get a bot for your Instagram, I strongly suggest you use Inflact. It’s easy to use, cheap and has extra features that make it better than many other bots on the market.

Sign up today for Inflact.

Kashish Babber
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Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

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