The Ultimate Guide To Google Answer Box (2025) (Simple Steps)

Whether you are a user in search of some desired information instantly or a webmaster looking to get your website in the forefront, Google answer box is a blessing for you.

You need to have thorough detailed knowledge about what are answer boxes and how to get your website featured into one. Here is a step-by-step guide to increasing the chances of getting your website featured in a Google answer-box.

Important Updates

Google is regularly updating its search results, answer boxes, and algorithms. The recent update on Google answer-box is double Google answer-boxes. These show two answers instead of the usual one in the answer-box. These answers are from two distinct sites.

As evident in the following screenshot, the search resulted in a featured snippet covering almost the entire first page.

Google Answer Box updates

Now, it has become more significant to not only feature in top rankings but also in the Google answer box. This will massively increase your click-through rates. This will increase your site’s coverage by several folds. Even if your site has top ranking, there is a little room left for it as double answer boxes form massive parts of the search engine results pages.

Google Answer Box update

There are some cons and pros to this update. But you want to focus on featuring your site in the answer box.

Earlier in 2020, it was announced that the pages included in the answer boxes won’t appear again on the first page. The benefit of your website appearing twice on a page is no longer allowed.

These updates can get in the way of your SEO strategy. This article will help you to understand all the details to dominate the search engine result pages.

Google Answer Box  (How To Get A Google Answer Box In Simple Steps)

You might have observed that while searching Google for an answer, more than often you will get a box displaying the top answers.

Google Answer Box is a search engine result pages feature that displays most appropriate answers to your query. There are some other terms for Google answer box which include: position zero, quick or instant answers, featured snippets or direct answers.

For example, your barber has done a blunder to your hair and you want to know how soon your hair will grow back. You would search for “how fast does hair grow”, its result would include a genuine answer to your question in a box referred to as the Google Answer Box.

An answer box can contain images, text, maps, videos or even graphs.

how fast does hair grow answer box

For a searcher, this answer box has a separate status than the usual results. Being featured in this answer box will get you a good SERP “landscape”, particularly if you have an important keyword included.

The Google Hummingbird algorithm and the Google BERT update have made Google efficient to interpret your search in context. Even if it doesn’t get a clear image of what are you looking for, it will show the most probable result, and the answer box would include images and text along with an option to give feedback of what you actually had in mind.

What is so important about Google Answer Boxes?

Being featured in a Google Answer box means you get a good amount of search engine result pages “landscape”. To dominate your entire business field, you need to own the Google answer box.

The first result in searches no longer remains the greatest position for your website, you want to get your website featured in the Google Answer Box. There is a strong connection between SEO and Google Answer Box.

To sum it up: the search engine result page landscape is changing and to divert a significant traffic to your website you need to get listen within the Google Answer


answer box SERP coverage


·         The top result at a search engine result page, usually an answer to your query is referred as Google Answer Box.

·         You don’t necessarily be in top results to get featured in the answer box, but your website needs to include the best possible answer to the query.

·         Google answer box contains a rich answer.

·         To secure the rank 0, and to optimize Google Answer Box, you need to follow these three tactics: recognize keywords for the query, divide keywords on basis of relevancy and provide optimized content in your website.

·         Answer boxes serve the purpose of providing information and to get featured in one, you need to prevent from any advertising.

·         Any site is fit to feature in Google answer box if it provides the best answer to the query.

·         The algorithm is still not 100% reliable.

Working of Google Answer Box

The website featured in the answer box need not to be included in the first result page, but the answer needs to be the best fit for the query as per Google’s algorithms.

What is the process followed by Google to determine which sites provide the best answers to a query?

This part is quite technical: one element from the searched query is assumed as an entity, while the other is assumed to be the entity’s certain attribute.

For example, if I search for “Ukraine’s GDP”, “Ukraine” is assumed to be an entity, similarly “GDP” is assumed to be its attribute. The algorithm identifies this as “E’s A” query, this is quite similar to “the A of E”.

The Google database includes entities and their potential searched for attributes. This provides answers to not all but the queries which are most popular.

Extracting Entities from Queryies Google

There are similar patents to many popular searches. These might come as quite hard to understand to a lot of you, but I have simplified the explanation process.

The key here is to determine whether a search can be considered a fact query. The potential results are then identified and ranked as per some unknown algorithm. This features the result with highest score in the Google Answer Box.

Google Patent Why is the Sky Blue - Answer Box Extraction

When I searched for “why is the sky blue”, the answer box had the result of Department of Mathematics, University of California.

why is the sky blue

The website got featured in the top rank position as the question was included in the title of the page itself also the fittest answer to the query was included in the initial paragraph of the article.

I interestingly noted that certain attributes of a query were extracted based on the user location. In the following screenshot, I searched for “how much does a passport cost”, I observed that the result page using a UK IP varied from that using a US IP. The user location is often considered by Google to show the results.

I found another fascinating example on this matter. When I searched for “conversion Colombian pesos into dollars”, the results again were deduced considering our IP addresses. The result was optimized to such an extent that it didn’t answer our query.

It is important to note that Google is always updating its algorithm.

Two important factors to note are:

1.       The page featured in the answer box includes the query in exact or similar form and a fit answer to this query.

2.       The page featured as the answer should belong to a dependable website. The site selected for the answer should be a non biased reliable source which normally includes a “.edu” website or some news organization.

This is not the case if you are searching for particular brand information, in such scenarios the most reliable information may come from the brand itself.

 Different Google Answer boxes

Different types of answers appear in search engine result pages based on a query.  The following chart is representation of a research conducted on 10,000 queries and the various types of common Google answer boxes.

It was observed that the majority of the instant answers included descriptions or definitions extracted from various websites.

This chart shows stats in favor of SEO. This implies that a relevant and well structured answer has quite some chances of getting featured in an answer box.

Below I  highlight some interesting and common answer boxes.

Google Dictionary Definition

One of Google’s Translate services, Google Dictionary was a dictionary service. Although this service was terminated, its functionality is integrated in Google search.

No URL is visible when the instant answer is from this dictionary.

No Source Google Answer Boxes

A lot of widgets are included in Google answers including weather, currency converters, translators or driving directions. These widgets make the user experience better, sparing them a lot of time.

For example, to find out “how long is 300 meters”, you don’t need to search for what is equivalent to 1meter in kilometers, instead, you get an instant conversion in the answer box.

Video Widget

On searching about a dance move, the Google answer box would feature a direct video result.

Web Extraction

The sites whose answers are included in the answer box have authority and should include the query.

The following expulsion shows a search “how is atom composed” results in an instant answer of a website with a matching title.

Real Time Results

You might want to search for results of scores of an on-going event. Whether it’s a sport match or a concert, Google answer box provides real time results. This may not be necessarily good for your site’s limelight.

Company Information

Now, you don’t need to navigate through a site, searching for the company’s about page to find certain information, you can find almost anything listed or not listed on the company’s site instantly.

Google may find it best to show the company’s website or even any other website with some review or content about that website to include as the instant answer.


As per now, MSN, Google and Yahoo are the authorities responsible for information on Google stocks. The answer widget is a highly complex in-depth solution to your query. This includes quite interactive charts.

Multiple sources

Google might consult more than one source to provide an answer.

The following example is resulted from research from multiple sources. The result shown includes information from two sources.

Google Answer Box optimization

You want to appear on the position zero in the Google answer box. This position refers that your content is up to the Google standards and probably the best fit answer to a query.

There are many factors which affect your ranking and the answer box content (referring domains, social media, backlink profile). But I have got this covered for you to strategize better to get featured in the Google Answer box, I have listed the following steps as your traffic hack.

Below are the fours tactics I recommend you include in your final strategy.

1.       Identify keywords

As mentioned in the different examples previously, your site needs to answer some direct question or an urgent need to get featured in the instant answer.

Answer boxes usually include particular rich answers. These may be in many sizes and shapes. The answer which is selected is the one Google finds most suitable for the query.

Answer boxes usually contain descriptions and definitions extracted from different websites.

The foremost thing you want to do is to identify the particular keywords that potentially can have a committed answer box.

I  suggest using Content Optimizer and Keyword Tool. Let us discuss a particular example to explain this to you in detail.

Let’s assume I own a business in the cooking industry. It may be a restaurant, a blog or a food producing brand. Also I want to consider topics connected to “rice”. If you want to achieve rank zero with the word “rice” in your mind, first thing that comes to our mind is to rank as a result for the word “rice”. This term is quite common and you will be competing with some MNCs and bog authorized companies for such keywords .So instead I search for words connected to “rice”.

I found a lot of keywords and their search volumes. One such example is highlighted in the picture above. The keyword has a voluminous monthly search rate and cost-per-click is quite good too.

You might ponder how this is helpful for your keyword rankings. As I have already discussed in this article several times, content quality is king. So whether you are a restaurant or rice mill operator, you need to answer the user with direct and creative content.

Bringing some value to your website by focusing on helping your user, you can get them to make a purchase.

2.       Segment keywords

Sometimes Google answer boxes may feature incomplete or irrelevant information. Google results are not always perfect. You can use these keywords if they are related to your content to improve search results and to feature in the so desired Google answer box.

As quite clearly shown in the above screenshot, the Gbox got it all wrong. Google provides the users to improve such imperfections by giving feedback.

You can focus on keywords related to your content which result in imperfect and irrelevant results. This might increase your chances of getting featured in the Google answer box.

You can easily identify such inaccurate responses using Keyword Explorer.

You would definitely know everything important and trendy about your concerned niche. You should definitely focus on these. If not, you can get help from monitoring tools.

You need to adapt your strategies as per the popular and frequent queries.

Now you need to focus on customizing your content to get the position zero.

3.       Writing optimized content

Google prefers content arranged and sequenced properly and neatly. You need to remember you are creating your content to answer the users but also to get featured on top of search engine result pages. For SEO, structured content is of utmost importance. Your content needs to be neat, tidy and well-ordered to secure the top rank.

Google prefers answers which include numbers, bullets, straight forward answers and structured data. You need to remember this while optimizing your content. Try to include clear instructions, definitions, steps and ordered lists in your content.

Google wants to give the best experience to its users. Clear and easily understandable content is your way to go.try to respond to queries with steps and numbered lists. Optimize your content to its fullest potential.

If you want to get included in the instant answer as the answer to some query. You need to make your content arranged and structured and you should include the important keywords.

4.           Quick tips

·         You correct markup in your content to get featured in the answer box.

·         Use the keyword query in your meta or title description.

The answer box serves as the shortcut to users for their query. It saves extra clicks and research for the best answer.

5.       Checking rankings

You need to visit Google Search Console to check your ranking in answer boxes. You may consider manually checking on the search engine. This might waste a lot of your energy and time.

To make things easier and faster, here are some steps to check your content’s appearance in the answer boxes:

Step1:  Sort the Required Data

At the beginning of January in the year 2018, Google issued the tool’s beta version to Search Console’s users. Every feature has not been included in Search Console’s beta version as of now, for our present needs, the beta version works great. When you log in your Search Console (beta version was used by us), you will have to filter the given data in order to find the required answer box results Rankings.


Firstly, you’ll have to go to the Performance Section.   A list of queries will be visible to you there, data like Total Impressions, Average Position, Average CTR (click-through rate) and Total Clicks will also be presented there. What should interest you are these two elements:  Average Position and Average CTR. The greater these elements, the greater are the possibility of ranking in the answer box.

If you obtain a CTR (click-through rate) of 60 and your position is one or two, possibilities are that you’re ranked in the answer box for that query.


Step 2. Instant identification of your rank

After filtering, you have to only check the queries, gaze and enjoy the result, exactly like in the screenshots given below.


Indeed, taking into consideration  Google Algorithm , the graph of knowledge , it’s possible that you see variations in boxes results as compared to your neighbor who lives next door, to whom contrasting answer boxes might be displayed . This is the reason we suggest that when you monitor your keywords use a rank tracker.

Although it’s time as well as money consuming, the privatized results that are issued is one more reason I don’t suggest going for a manual search in order to inspect for the ranking of the keywords on zero position. After peeping at the data that is arriving from the Search Console, I can do some keyword research and then see those queries that I know with surety that they possess a good-performing Click Through Rate (CTR) and positions.


The examples are endless but I think you understood the main concept and I don’t want you to get bored with numerous examples from my SEO tips BlogSpot. I suggest you to find on position 0 your own Google rankings and then you can enjoy watching your own content in any kind of answer box.


Statistics and Strategies of Google Answer Box– A Research based on ten thousand Keywords

As stated earlier, in order to know how to place your website on the zero position and carry out a well optimized answer box of Google, I inquired further about the topic, with a much more scientific viewpoint on things.


In a similar manner, some years ago (in the year 2015), I turned up looking at around 10,000 queries. 1 looked particularly for phrases like “who is…” and “what is…”, and by attaching one letter after the expression (for instance “who is a”, “who is b”, like so and up to “who is z”) and then taking into consideration the auto complete recommendations (because those are meant to be most favored searches, thus the ones very certainly to obtain answer boxes).


In order to achieve a standard cutoff point, I only took the initial ten auto complete recommendations into consideration for every keyword that is generated. Making use of this procedure to obtain the keywords, I chose a sample of keywords which are very probable to give back answer boxes. In the lines that follow are written the most fascinating findings of this particular research.


In order to execute a well structured Answer Box strategy of Google, I initially have to understand the communalities joining the answers that are rich. And this all because the zero position in SERP highly enhances the Click through Rate, which allows the traffic to grow to your websites.


Unique Domains

It appears that the wealthy get wealthier in the business of search engines. When I examined the answers obtained from websites, l realized that they came from only 342 websites. Thereby, on average, around 3.6 answers came per website. However averages could be deceiving moreover, in this case they truly are. Out of the 342 websites (including, dictionaries or Glossary, Wikipedia) not all got the larger share.


Top 10 Position Distributions for the Answer Box


Various factors can affect the “distribution”, one that strikes my mind immediately is the SERP ranking. Thus, I divided the websites  as per this basis, and saw, and observed , the websites that were situated  on position zero (or the first position) in the organic results held for a third (that is, 33%) of every answer box particulars. The initial 5 pages held for more than 77% (or three quarters) of the total answers.


Only 1 answer box from 1,236 that came from a page that was not in the top 10 ranking (which, statistically is less than even 0.1%).


Thus, rankings do matter. It would be correct to propose that the relationship suggested by this correlation even be more complex here than from the numbers that I am seeing. However, you would be wanting to bet on the fact that 1 case from the total of 1,236 does not need to be great in the rankings in order to come up in the answer box.



No Title versus Title in Rich Google answer boxes

When you’ll search for various distinct questions on Google, you’ll definitely notice that two kinds of answer boxes are there, if l take into account the title –  answer boxes that possess a title and answer boxes that don’t possess. Just as in any piece of content, the title is capable of making a huge difference. Let’s see the screenshot that is given down below!


I am not only talking about the purpose of the title but also to attract attention and induce people so that they begin reading your piece , but the primary aim of the title remains : functionality.

Moreover, people ought to know the matter of the content. From every inspected answer box, around 30% possess a title, and the rest give the information in the box directly, without giving any introductions. Is it beneficial to have a title? Of course it is, because it greatly enhances the experience of users.

With the majority of answer boxes that do not possess a title, it has been known since then where this matter was being headed by Google. We are all in 2020 and things have drastically changed. Possessing titles or headings in the answers box is like a scarcity now.

Distribution of Trusted Sites in Google answer boxes

I am inclined to say that it’s not important what matters is the SERP rankings. The reason is that the SERP ranking can only be an index of any other measure of the quality of your website – domains are being referred. This is a scenario where more is truly better and really more.

Sites having 10 thousand referring domains are very probable to have their content displaying in answer boxes.

Very interestingly, more answers (two times the number) derive from those domains who have referring domains somewhat from 1 till 5,000 rather than from those domains who have referring domains from 5 till 10,000. That may happen, however, because of the whimsical split or because of a number of values surrounding the cutoff mark.

In spite of this, the 1 thousand mark is somewhat a good predictor: 80% and above of the total answers approach from the ones that possess referring domains of 1,000 or even more. However it means there’s yet a fair chance of showing in answer boxes with even lesser than that.

But, if you come below 100, it appears that you’re by yourself: even a smaller chance than 3% of getting the jackpot. Well, at least things were like this around the year 2015 when this particular research was held.

Website Definition versus Website Extraction in Answer Boxes

I would like you to look at yet another fascinating finding, concerning Website Definitions.

As I examined different answer boxes taken from various different sites, I came to know that many of them appeared to be of poor quality and  even occasionally not related.

Things  changed drastically and Google has made its algorithm fine-tuned and  answers are much more reliable for sure. However, it permits us to share some discoveries from some years ago which brought up two questions:

How can a particular site that Google does not view notable to be mentioned in the initial 10 results to be granted resource in the answer box as a resource?

Should we not be bothered about the standards or quality of information that is present in the answer box, consider this situation?

I found a fascinating example then, the question “what is this 360 link?”. Even though the web definition mentioned by the answer box did come from Wikipedia (from where 51% of total web definition comes), it however, is not included in the top 10 results. Moreover, the content that is provided is not related and it also contains a commercial taste (referring to a ProQuest company’s product).

Nonetheless, Google works in mysterious ways but the people belonging to cognitiveSEO are also equally determined to know the answers. As I went through so many questions and queries alongside answer boxes, I discovered a pattern in extraction of web definitions. It appears as if the major definitions that don’t come from Wikipedia possess an alike URL pattern where the words like “dictionary” or “Glossary” were used (other variations were also used).

Therefore, having problems, answer boxes that are generated by Web Definitions did not appear very authentic. But, in website extraction’s case things were much more structured and I did not have to go through the similar problems. If I judge by the fact that the data are shown distinctly, I presumed that web definitions extraction versus Entity Extraction is made possible with the help of the Knowledge Graph.

Can someone advertise in a Google Answer box?

The simple answer is no according to Google, one cannot simply advertise on Google answer boxes because its aim is pure informational and not at all commercial.

one might think that businesses would want to advertise in answer boxes. Just think of  the new chances  it might bring.

However, it’s very likely that advertisement in answer boxes probably belongs to the future because  there is Google Ads- an advertising portal of Google itself.

Nonetheless, it does not mean that there are absolutely zero debatable situations regarding this matter.

Let’s have a look at an example:for instance if you consider, how much it costs for a dental implant.

I received an answer box that contained a link to some agency that gives brokerage for many things including dental implants. As one can notice, many search engine ranking pages are taken by the Spirit Dental & Vision Company. And though the answer box does not link directly to the dental office’s pricing page, it links to some company that provides dental services to a particular targeted audience, that’s almost the same.

For such business, being visible in the answer box is very likely to be more valuable rather than being visible first in the search results considering the traffic as well as conversion.

However it still needs to be understood that the search engine operates on advanced AI algorithms. Even in this case on the zero position, Google has ranked an article which is a blog post with a lot of information. It gives information to the searchers regarding the cost, it also gives them a lot of extra data regarding the reason it costs are so high, how much they should set their expectations regarding payment, what extra costs are included , etc. The blog certainly is  “answer box friendly” , it contains the information that is well structured, and it gives response to the queries; once the article is being read by you, you’ll have some price set in your head when you have implants in your mind.

Another interesting thing that attracted me when it comes to advertising and answer boxes, is the boxes dedicated for pricing.

If  you want to find out “what is the cost of the passport”, be aware that the details you’ll get in the answer box will be from the United Kingdom government’s website. However, I’m not sure if this is because of the IP, the language settings, the fact that it’s one of the most popular queries, or any other factor,   although the source might differ which depends on the language settings, it’s highly probable to remain governmental.

The landscape for generic products is quite clear : what is the cost of one gallon of milk, what is the cost of gas, etc.,  most probably you’ll get results from news publications, statistics institutes or governmental sites.

What about products that belong to real big brands?

For example, if you’re having the craze of an electric car and you want to know “what is the cost of a Tesla”, you are likely to get the answer at the very beginning, inside a special box. Price will be actually visible to you inside the answer box, and also the information of their stock alongside.

When prices are stated, then that information is given from some magazines, third party sites, news websites but not from the official car selling site.

This thing says much more about Google’s attitude when advertising in answer boxes is concerned.

Whether I look for the price of an iphone 5,garcinia cambogia losing weight pills or a google ad , I can get to somewhat know the price of this item, although not directly in the marketing-selling manner but by some third party officials.

What is Google doing here?

Google provides us with the users who have a good experience by giving an answer to the query, while they are kept away from the advertising sites of products like these.

Not a single site I was sent to is providing the products mentioned in queries, they don’t even have a direct relation to marketing strategy of such items.

When I asked Google what the cost of Google ad was, I was not taken to the AdWords page which I was expecting, rather I was directed to an impartial blog that talked about this matter.  This attitude of Google which is “politically correct” helped me to have a better understanding of this proverb “more catholic than the Pope himself”. Still, Google doesn’t possess any price list for each and every product as it creates confusion when it is asked “what is the cost of a nexus 5” ( Nexus is the product of Google) or “what is the cost of macbook” (it’s a very famous product).


Does any Site emerge in the Direct Answer Box of Google?

Any site could show up in the answer box of Google if it provides a suitable answer for the question and if it’s taken to be a topical authority in that particular field.

Let’s find out some more details about topical versus generic sites to understand this topic much better.

It’s sensible to presume that when Google is unable to find the answers on a site which is already verified and trusted, Google would take extra care by finding authority sites that can be trusted.

Let’s see the examples mentioned below and let’s understand how Google uses topical authority sites and also the Generic ones.

If I try to find out what a back pain or quantum computer is, definitely Google will display an answer from some generic site (for instance Wikipedia), that will give an idea about the back pain or computation device.

But what will happen when I try to get some information about a sciatica pain (it’s a condition related to back pain) or a headache?

This time I’ll be taken to some specialized sites, to pages or sites that Google assumes to be pages of high authority. It is known to all that the goal of Google is to give the best available results that not only matches the exact query but also the intention of the user who is asking the query, Google boosts sites that provide a more deep topic covered than merely simple articles on the issue.

A special note is to be made here, that medical terms appear to be filteredIt is also likely that Google might possess a self-medication system, thereby giving distinct answers in the answer box in accordance with the severity of the condition.

Moreover, questions like a business card’s size or next solar eclipse’s date are taken to be as targeted questions and these are replied by topical sites that have higher authority in that particular area.  With the risk of repetition, I am now going to discuss a fact which is that sites which bring to the web “additional value”  are taken to be as topical authority and are promoted as such, if it comes to answer boxes or SERP.

Thus, it appears that for queries that are more specific, Topical Authority Sites based on the content are quoted much more in answer boxes if I compare to sites that cover the topic precisely (even though the site that is covering the topic precisely has  generic authority).

More and more articles when written on the similar topic enhance the chances for the site to become a “Topical Authority Content Site” in that particular topic and be stated in the answer box. However, what is that Google takes to be as a good-quality content may be a legit query.

Does Google have Answers for all Questions?

The probability of results for searches with the answer boxes from all of the search results is very little.

As per Google results, the answer is no.

There is a featured piece from Quora with exactly this answer.. But, even when I am talking about rich answers on Google, the answer is, no.

In the research I made some time ago, in the above chapter the research mentioned, I came to know that a little proportion of queries possess special allotted answer boxes. It’s the year 2020 and it’s highly possible that those numbers have only increased.

From 10,353 queries, 1,792 gave back answer boxes, which is around 17% out of the total searches.

It can be said that the claim made is true when speaking generally, because our sample size of 10,000 is sufficient to conclude for a population of almost any size with high confidence.

It might sound unbelievable, but that’s the way statistics works. Honestly, I have not really used an ideally random sample, thus let’s say that my claim that l made before stands true of every search that might likely extract an answer box: from all that can, only some actually do.

Quick Links: 

How does one delete an Answer Box?

There is nothing called the “delete answer box” option.

If Google thinks that the content is related to a query, it might show it inside the direct answer box.

Still, you possess the probability to move out of the section of direct answer.

<One can move out of special boxes of Google by averting snippets on one’s page using the <meta name=”googlebot” content=”nosnippet”> tag on one’s page. Doing this would erase all snippets on one’s page, it will even include those which are in constant search results.

Failures of the answer box

Technically it is correct that Google is not wrong. Because Google provides satisfactory answers to all queries which are contemplated as the best one.

However,it has been found that SERP mismatches in the direct answer section may happen.It is better to get an empty answer box instead of getting unfair or wrong data. And it may be possible that you are correct.

Since we all are using search engine optimization blogs. We have overlooked a few instances which are practically related to our own field. Again here we need to understand that search is the fastest-growing industry and below mentioned worthwhile examples are concerned with the same. If suppose one person wants to know information about SEO then he may search like ‘what is an SEO company?’ In that case, he may get general relevant information about the same. It is sufficient enough in the above-mentioned case but not according to his requirement. Things may get worse if he could ask ‘what is an SEO company India?’ well, it doesn’t make proper sense to get the correct answer. So he should promote such a query which will make proper sense. For example ‘what is an SEO keyboard?’ it not only makes proper sense but also provides reasonable results for the same. And in today’s scenario, Google has taken another slew of the junked keyboard from a dubious website, and which makes a big difference in it.

The search box is provided with a feedback button at it’s the right bottom which plays a crucial role in the advancement of the search box in which constituency efforts are considered as the correct way for development. According to many examples and various fields, feedback for the search box is not only considered as a refinement but also a vital tool for enhancement.

The  algorithm of the answer box provides more importance to 5Ws which includes “why”, “what”, “where”, “when” and “who”. Most often it does not give the correct interpretation of a final result. For example, if you want to know about ‘ when the actual iPhone was broadcasted?’ then it shows results like 29 June 2007. Actually, this finding represents the actual commencement date of the iPhone which is actually true. If in case your question turns into about the latest model of iPhone then as well it shows the same result.

However, in case the more practical and future-oriented result, the person may get the same outcomes. Say an example person wants to know ‘ when does iPhone 6 is released? Then he may get the same outcome as June 29, 2007, which is the actual date of iPhone introduction. This answer is not desirable in order to meet the required answer. This happens because Google might don’t know the exact date for the same.

In case of future-oriented results a person may search like ‘ when will the new iPhone be released?’ In this case he may get helpful findings related to the release date of the iPhone 6.  It may be possible that Google is not aware of the new version of the iPhone. However, search engine testing by investigating the new version of iPhone like iPhone 8 or something like iPhone 10 will give incorrect results.

Google answer box API

Formally there is no use of any API by Google but there are some circumventions by which people could gain the ranking and SEO tools could help for that.

“How does Google rank any content and put that in the answer box?” is the debating point from the last so many years. But now it has been deploring by so many digital marketers and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts. Other search engines, such as DUCK-DUCK-GO, BING, YAHOO! Uses API but its reaction is frail in comparison with Google.

The only factor which your website should have to gain ranking is to track the keywords. “Keyword” in simple language is nothing but the words which are mostly used by users to get their answers.

If you want to put your content in the answer box Cognitive SEO API could help you. It is a legal website which helps you to rank your content by suggesting some keywords. It could also help you by cross-checking your content with your challenger’s content and by doing that it could suggest the pace which you should take to gain the ranking on the website. Various SEO professionals are available in the market for helping you. It also helps to predict the weakness of your website.

Conclusion: How To Get A Google Answer Box In Simple Steps

AI and machine learning are the keys to all the work including transition, speech, visual processing, and language. These require good engineering skills.

Google is updating and improving each day to [provide the users with a better experience. Knowledge about Google answer box is a must if you are a SEO content provider.

Search Engine Result pages are ever-changing with the progress in technology. SEO tools that are provided free to users can be of great help to add value to your work.

To conclude, Google answer boxes are a very important factor to divert traffic to your website. You should remember the points mentioned in this guide in your SEO journey.

Kashish Babber
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Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

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