Generation Z Statistics, Facts, and Trends Of 2025 📈

Generation Z, or Gen Z, consists of young people born from the mid-1990s to the early 2010s, growing up with technology and the internet.

This report explores their tech-savvy lifestyle, social media habits, education, and societal impact, highlighting their unique characteristics and how they influence trends in various areas.

Let’s delve into Gen Z’s world to understand their values and impact on today’s society.

Aspect Statistic
Trust in Military/Government 58% in the U.S.
Work-Life Balance Focus 60%
Daily Online Usage Over 8 hours
Wealth & Career Aspiration 70%
Travel Desire 37%
Post-Grad Employment in Healthcare 37%
Daily Smartphone Usage 55% for 5+ hours
Future Workforce Contribution 1/3 in 10 years
Smartphone Ownership 98%
Job Priority (Security, Pay, Benefits) 70%
Top Political Concern Healthcare (72%)
Focus on Work-Life Balance 77%
Pay Importance for Next Job 70%
Young Consumer Representation in U.S. 40%
Global Population Representation 30%
Future Workforce Percentage (2025) 27%
Video Watching on Phones 73%
Social Media Usage (Daily) Over 50% for 4+ hours
Gender-based Platform Preference Males: YouTube, Twitter, etc. Females: Instagram, TikTok, etc.
Sleeping with Phones 91%
Instagram Usage 76%
TikTok and Snapchat Usage 68% TikTok, 67% Snapchat
YouTube Usage 88%

This table provides a snapshot of the current trends and preferences among

Generation Z Marketing Data, Trends, & Facts 

Generation Z Statistics

Image credits: Pexels

  • In the United States, 58 percent of Zoomers have faith in the local military and government.
  • A work-life balance is a goal for 60% of the generation’s representatives.
  • On a daily basis, the average Gen Z user spends over 8 hours online.
  • 70% of this age group aspires to be wealthy & have a solid career.
  • Only 37% of them, on the other hand, wish to travel.
  • After graduation, 37% of Generation Z graduates are anticipated to get employed in the healthcare industry.
  • For at least 5 hours a day, 55 percent of Zoomers operate their smartphones.
  • In ten years, Gen Z will make up 1/3 of the worldwide workforce.
  • A smartphone is used by 98 percent of Generation Z members.
  • 70 percent of Gen Z job candidates in the United States prioritize security, pay & healthcare benefits.
  • For 72 percent of the cohort, health care is the most important political concern.
  • The silent generation, those born between 1928 and 1945, on the other hand, saw economic stability as the most pressing political issue.
  • 77% of Gen Z really focus on work-life balance (McKinsey).
  • 70% of them think pay is really important for their next job (The Forage).

Generation Z Statistics Demographics

  • White people make up 51% of this age group.
  • Hispanics make up a fourth of Generation Z.
  • Approximately a third of Gen Z children are immigrants or have immigrant parents.
  • Every 3rd buyer belongs to Gen Z, which accounts for 33% of the global population.
  • The younger generation accounts for 40% of all young customers in the United States.
  • 30% of the world is Gen Z, and they’ll be 27% of the workforce by 2025.

Facts & Figures about Generation Z & Technology

  • Seventy-four percent of youngsters prefer to spend their free time online.
  • In the UK, a Gen Z’er spends an average of 10.5 hours every day online.
  • The internet is used by 28% of youngsters to learn new skills.
  • As per influencer marketing statistics, the typical Gen Z Internet user spends 23 hours each week watching videos.
  • According to marketing statistics, 69 percent of youth find online advertisements unpleasant.
  • 98% of Gen Z have smartphones (GWI, 2023).
  • 73% watch videos on their phones.

Adoption of Technology by Generation Z

Generation Z

Image credits: Pexels

  • Smart home technologies are crucial for houses these days, according to 43% of the cohort.
  • 32 percent of Gen Z buyers use their smartphones to make purchases. According to marketing experts, 52 percent of Zoomers desire to use virtual reality (VR) for leisure.
  • 31 percent of young online consumers are not frightened to disclose personal information on the internet.
  • Thirty percent of teens consider that technology can assist in addressing the world’s most pressing issues.
  • WordPress was used by 66% of Zoomers to build their websites. Voice assistants are expected to be used by 22% of Gen Z consumers.
  •  Around 1 to 5 emails per day are received by 37% of Zoomers.
  • 5 percent of Gen Z Web users receive more than 100 emails per day in their inboxes.
  • Over half spend 4+ hours daily on social media (2023).
  • Guys and girls use different platforms: guys prefer YouTube, Twitter, Discord, Reddit, and Twitch; girls like Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Facebook.

Device Ownership by Generation Z

  • Three-quarters of youngsters between the ages of 13 and 16 received their first smartphone.
  • According to Generation Z statistics, half of Zoomers look at camera features while purchasing a new smartphone.
  • With the Gen Z audience, smartphones are the most popular gaming device.
  • As per recent marketing statistics, 95 percent of members of Generation Z are devoted to Apple.
  • Surprisingly, the average baby boomer prefers Apple’s products as well.
  • The top 3 smartphone manufacturers among Generation Z are Apple, Samsung, and Huawei.
  • iPhones are owned by 66% of Zoomers.
  • Furthermore, 81 percent of those who responded to the survey said they do not own an iPhone but would like one.
  • A laptop is used by 83 percent of Gen Z users.
  • A gaming console is owned by 25% of Generation Z’s representatives. According to marketing statistics, 57 percent of youngsters use a computer.
  • In the United States, about 15 million youngsters own smart wearables.
  • Year after year, the percentage of Generation Z consumers who purchase smartwatches rises considerably.
  • Almost all Gen Zers, 98%, own a smartphone (GWI, 2023).

Use of Technology by Generation Z

  • Sixty-six percent of Zoomers utilize multiple devices at the same time.
  • 91 percent of Gen Z members believe that a company’s technology influences their employment decisions.
  • According to the latest Gen Z figures, 75% of youngsters prefer to use smartphones over desktop computers.
  • Mobile devices are used by 51% of Gen Z consumers to access social media.
  • 71 percent of those in this age bracket watch videos on their smartphones.
  • According to Generation Z statistics, one out of every five teenagers recycles electronics.
  • 91 percent of Gen Z consumers sleep with their phones in their hands.
  • 76% use Instagram a lot.
  • 68% use TikTok and 67% Snapchat.

Digital Habits of Generation Z

  • 41 percent of Generation Z social media consumers are worried about squandering their time online.
  • 73 percent of this age group communicates with friends and family using text and messaging apps.
  • According to recent marketing statistics, 60 percent of teenagers abandon websites that take longer than five seconds to load.
  • A typical Zoomer evaluates stuff for 8 seconds.
  • That’s four seconds faster than a millennial.
  • As per Gen Z data, 45 percent of teenagers say they spend practically all of their time online.
  • Generation Z is concerned about online privacy 52 percent of the time.
  • 31 percent of Zoomers have a digital addiction of some kind.
  • Only 25% of millennials, on the other hand, are glued to digital devices.
  • If they are unable to access the Internet for more than one hour, 24% of teenagers report feeling uneasy.
  • Only 8 percent of Gen Z consumers are able to go longer than a day without feeling stressed.
  • 54% are on social media for 4+ hours daily.
  • 88% hang out on YouTube.

Facts and figures about Generation Z & Social Media

  • For 52 percent of the group, social media is their primary method of brand discovery. 
  • Zoomers utilize Facebook as their fourth most popular social platform. 
  • To stay current with their favorite celebs, over a third of Gen Z individuals use social media.
  • Zoomers utilize social applications to share their talents online in 56 percent of cases.
  • 55 percent of respondents said they feel more creative when they are online than offline.
  • A Gen Z user spends an average of 2 hrs & 55 mins every day on social media.
  • Instagram and YouTube are used on a daily basis by 61% of users in this age range.
  • Snapchat attracts a large number of Gen Z users.
  • Approximately 90% of teenagers have utilized the app at least once.
  • According to 81 percent of Generation Z members, social media helps them stay in touch with their peers.
  • 3 out of 4 teens claim they observe at least one social media influencer.
  • Zoomers account for 60% of TikTok’s user base.
  • According to marketing statistics for Generation Z, the number of people who use Facebook each year declines marginally.
  • According to 41% of teenagers, Instagram is the most popular tool for following social media influencers.
  • Only 16 percent of Zoomers utilize Facebook to stay in touch with bloggers.
  • 49% use Facebook, and 47% use Twitter.

Media Consumption Statistics for Generation Z

Generation Alpha

Image credits: Pexels

  • 61 percent of Zoomers utilize social media to get news on a daily basis.
  • Gen Z is the generation with the most Netflix subscribers.
  • According to marketing statistics for Generation Z, 71 percent of youngsters have subscribed to Netflix.
  • Only 45 percent of Generation Z participants watch cable television.
  • Cable television, on the other hand, is popular with 68 percent of Gen Xers.
  • On Twitch, 41 percent of Gen Z men watch video games being streamed by bloggers. 
  • The Internet is used for amusement by 65 percent of Generation Z respondents.
  • 88% are on YouTube; over half spend lots of time on social media.

Statistics on the Consumer Behavior of Generation Z

  • When shopping online, 65 percent of Gen Z customers don’t want to view products that are out of stock.
  • When it comes to picking a brand, 66% of teen consumers consider product quality.
  • A reward program or vouchers provide a considerable value for 65 percent of Gen Z customers.
  • When making a purchase, 82 percent of teenagers rely on the advice of their friends and parents.
  • When choosing a product to buy, 52 percent of Zoomers seek help from an influencer online.
  • 60 percent of this age group wants to communicate with a brand via text messaging.
  • 43 percent of young adults regularly write product reviews.
  • 72% might quit a job without flexible work options.
  • 61% feel anxious; only 45% say their mental health is great.

Stats on Generation Z’s Buying Habits

  • Parents are active in the purchasing procedures of 72 percent of this generation’s buyers.
  • Despite becoming digital natives, zoomers prefer to purchase in physical stores, with 67 percent preferring to do so.
  • As per Generation Z marketing statistics, the average teen reads three internet reviews before making a purchase.
  • Half of the teenagers use price comparison applications before purchasing goods. 
  • 70 percent of Gen Z buyers utilize store-provided applications to earn points or bonuses.
  • When purchasing from a physical store, 47 percent of Zoomers utilize their smartphones to find the greatest discounts.
  • Only 41% think they’ll own a home one day.

Statistics on Generation Z’s Shopping Preferences

  • Over 55 percent of younger consumers prefer brands that are environmentally and socially responsible.
  • According to marketing experts, 61 percent of teens would be prepared to spend more on products made sustainably.
  • On average, over a third of Gen Z shoppers are influenced by delivery options while making purchases.
  • According to Generation Z marketing statistics, 68 percent of Zoomers want every brand to make a positive contribution to society.
  • 61 percent of respondents would prefer to do business with a company that respects their privacy.
  • When it comes to online shopping, 75% of Gen Z buyers choose Amazon over eBay and Walmart.
  • Nike is the preferred brand of 20 percent of young customers.

Statistics About Generation Z’s Spending

  • Customers in Generation Z have $144 billion in spending power.
  • Teenagers persuade their parents to spend more than $600 billion every year on average all over the world.
  • According to Gen Z marketing statistics, 73 percent of Gen Z representatives prefer to make purchases without using cash.
  • In the United States, the average Gen Z person will spend $1,100 on holidays. In comparison to millennials, Zoomers spend 6 percent more on alcoholic beverages.
  • Last year, recreational marijuana purchases increased by 126 percent among Generation Z members.

Marketing Statistics for Generation Z

  • 59% of Zoomers are affected by social commerce.
  • This indicates that if a blogger promotes a product, they are more inclined to buy it.
  • A firm that supports gender equality in its advertisements has a 77 percent higher chance of attracting Gen Z customers.
  • Influencer marketing, according to 54 percent of the age group, is the most efficient strategy.
  • As per Generational Kinetics research, 52 percent of Generation Z members regard ratings to be the most essential element influencing their purchasing decisions.
  • Only 64% of teenagers expect a personalized experience from stores, whereas 74 percent of older millennials believe the same.
  • To acquire Gen Z clients, 65 percent of digital marketing experts expect to raise spending.
  • According to 31% of young internet users, an email promotion campaign has no impact on their purchasing decisions.
  • Authentic pictures are valued by 52 percent of the target audience more than professionally manipulated product photos.
  • Sixty percent of Generation Z customers value excellent customer service.
  • Nearly 64% of Zoomers are members of at least 1 loyalty program.
  • They are also unlikely to pass up the chance to use promotional vouchers.
  • About half of young clients are interested in discounts and cash back.
  • 76% are active on Instagram.


🧑‍💻 Who are Generation Z?

Generation Z, often referred to as Gen Z, is the demographic group born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s. They are the youngest generation, growing up in a digital age characterized by technology, social media, and instant access to information.

📱 How tech-savvy is Generation Z?

Generation Z is extremely tech-savvy, as they have grown up with smartphones, the internet, and social media. They are known for their digital fluency, adaptability to new technologies, and reliance on digital communication.

📚 How does Generation Z approach education?

Gen Z is characterized by its preference for online learning, diverse educational resources, and the use of technology for educational purposes. They value practical skills and often seek alternative paths to traditional higher education.

🌐 What are Gen Z's favorite social media platforms?

Gen Z is known for its presence on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and YouTube. They are highly engaged with visual content and short-form videos.

💡 What trends are being influenced by Generation Z?

Gen Z influences trends in fashion, entertainment, and marketing. They prefer authenticity, diversity, and inclusivity in advertising and media.

🤝 How can businesses engage with Generation Z effectively?

To engage effectively with Gen Z, businesses should prioritize social responsibility, authenticity, and transparency. They should also leverage digital marketing strategies and engage with Gen Z on social media platforms.

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Conclusion: Generation Z Statistics 2025

Generation Z, born in the mid-1990s to early 2010s, is a tech-savvy and socially conscious generation that values authenticity, prefers online communication, and is highly active on social media.

They are passionate about social issues, influence trends, and seek meaningful careers. To connect with this unique generation effectively, businesses need to be transparent and digitally engaged.

According to marketing data for Generation Z, the quality of a product is more important to them than its price or the views of influencers.

They are shaping the world with their values and preferences and are frequently seen holding a smartphone.

Sources: Insense, Statista, Hubspot, Forbes, 99firms, Truelist, Review42, McKinsey, Exploding Topics, LinkedIn survey, Morning Consult, 

Alisia Emerson
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With over 15 years of expertise in personal branding, self-development, and financial literacy under her belt, Alisa has earned a reputation as an accomplished keynote speaker. She is also an expert on topics ranging from self-development, Business News to investment and gladly shares this knowledge with audiences through keynote speaking engagements as well as writing craft workshops for local writers' groups and book conferences. Out of her deep knowledge of writing craftsmanship, Alisa also offers online fiction courses to guide aspiring authors to reach success through story composition excellence.

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