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Epc Affiliate Marketing: What Is It? And How It’s A Key Factor For You

Today We’ll Learn Everything About Epc Affiliate Marketing

To all affiliate marketers, Earnings Per Click (EPC) is the be-all and end-all indicator for campaign success. The average income you produce for each click you send to a merchant is referred to as EPC. The higher your EPC, the greater your earning potential.

The EPC would be $500/100 = $5.00 if you earned a $500 affiliate commission by driving 100 clicks to a merchant’s website.

EPC is one of the most often used affiliate marketing terminologies among all the wacky acronyms. Why is EPC such a popular acronym? Watch John Crestani, one of YouTube’s top affiliate marketing experts, explain why EPC is critical for determining the success of your campaign:

Is EPC being overlooked? EPC Affiliate Marketing

Is EPC being overlooked? EPC Affiliate Marketing

If you’re involved in affiliate marketing and haven’t taken EPC seriously yet, you’re squandering your money.

Calculating how much you may earn every click you send to a merchant’s website is crucial when calculating your affiliate profits. Knowing the EPC can help you figure out how much money you can make, which links and sites are the most successful, and which ones require improvement.

Before signing up for any of the affiliate networks, successful affiliate marketers use a heuristic technique to assess EPCs. This enables them to determine how much per click they should pay in order to generate significant earnings for their campaign.

You can figure out how much money you’ll make with each click.

However, you must also determine your cost per click in order to do so.

Why should you keep track of your click costs?

As an affiliate marketer, you may be spending a lot of money on Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, and other social media platforms. You have already spent money for each click you make to a merchant’s website.

Well, not for every click, but if you break down an entire campaign into individual clicks, you should be able to figure out precisely how much money you spent on each one, right?

What you receive is a measure that you have complete control over. You choose the amount of money you want to pay per click. You have complete control over how much money you spend on Facebook advertising and how much money you spend on the pre-sale or landing page.

So, if you know the EPC for a certain affiliate program and compare it to your click expenditure, you can calculate your expected profit per click – that is, how much you are netting each click after deducting your campaign expenses.

This may assist you in identifying affiliate programs with high EPCs, such as the Sandals Affiliate Program or the Weebly Affiliate Program, and opting out of programs with lower EPCs. To put it another way, before joining any of the hundreds of affiliate networks, you may fine-tune your efforts and act wisely.

EPC Doesn’t Mean “Affiliate Commission”

EPC Doesn't Mean "Affiliate Commission"

An associate commission is not the same as an EPC. It’s a formula for calculating the overall worth of your click-throughs. While it’s most often associated with CPC or PPC (Pay-Per-Click) affiliate programs, in which affiliates are paid only when a visitor clicks on an affiliate link on their website, you may determine the value of your clicks with any affiliate payment model, not only PPC or CPC.

EPC is a formula that may be used to calculate the average value of each click you make, rather than merely the worth of a single click.

You may use it to evaluate data from several clicks and determine your total revenue for each 100 clicks.

It’s more than just a payout structure in CPC affiliate programs; it’s also an important analytics tool for affiliate marketers since it gives them insight into their campaigns.

Of course, not every visitor who clicks on an affiliate link on your website ends up purchasing anything, signing up for a webinar, or filling out an email capture form. A large percentage of clicks would not result in sign-ups or revenues. Furthermore, various types of transactions or sign-ups might result in varying amounts of affiliate commissions, but if you can figure out the average income per click, you’ll have a good idea of where your campaign is headed.

To put it another way, EPC offers you a wider picture of your marketing and promotion efforts.

EPC (Effective Cost Per Click) in Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing, EPC helps you to keep track of your profits simply scanning the whole board rather than sifting through figures in a large table and adding them all together to get the final total.

Top merchants disclose EPC statistics upfront and on their affiliate page so that marketers may get a sense of how much money they can make per click after becoming a partner.

Affiliate marketers that bring large quantities of traffic to merchant websites, as well as marketers who utilize a variety of platforms to advertise various goods and services, should pay extra attention to EPC. This is because EPC enables them to quickly and easily compare profits from social media advertising, promotional emails, and pre-sale sites.

To Boost Your Campaign, Use EPC Strategically

To Boost Your Campaign, Use EPC Strategically

Calculating the EPC for each of your affiliate links and campaigns allows you to see how your efforts are producing concrete results. You may utilize EPC to promote your campaign in a number of ways. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Calculate your EPC to see which advertising networks and websites are yielding the best results.
  • Compare and contrast the performance of various connections.
  • To determine if your campaigns are improving or not, compare past data with current data.
  • Find out if lower-cost purchases or sign-ups make you more money than higher-cost purchases or sign-ups that are often difficult to acquire.
  • Find out how much you made per click against how much you spent each click to see whether sponsored advertising is worth your money.
  • Fix issues include broken or invalid links, high bounce rates, and bad content.
  • To determine which version of your affiliate website is more lucrative, do A/B testing on two versions.

Last Thoughts

Operating an affiliate company requires the expenditure of money, time, and effort in the search for and comparison of affiliate offers. As a result, you must choose where you should invest your money and time. It’s easy to become buried in measurements and statistics, and if you’re not studying the proper data, you’re likely losing money. Focusing on EPC in affiliate marketing may seem to be a fast fix, but it’s a proven technique to ensure that you’re not wasting money.

Note: All Image credits to

Aman Jha
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Aman Jha is a digital marketing author, passionate writer, and consultant. He is a sucker for fine words and blogs about digital marketing and startups at

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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