EmailOctopus Review 2024: 🌟 Is It Worth The Hype?


Overall Verdict

EmailOctopus is a fantastic Email Marketing platform that everyone can use. The platform's most reassuring feature is that it includes a customer case study that includes feedback from customers.

Out of 10


  • Easy to set up
  • Cost Effective and efficient
  • Extremely manual mechanism
  • It has a completely automatic setup.
  • Create campaigns quickly and easily
  • Free plan


  • It doesn't have a facility for email segmentation
  • Has few glitches


Price: $ 20

Looking for an unbiased EmailOctopus Review, we got you covered today.

Struggling to keep up with the email marketing that you need to do?

Managing your email marketing is a time-consuming and often frustrating task. Keeping up with new technology can be difficult, and most email marketing services are too expensive for small businesses.

Trying to design and manage an email marketing campaign that will get your customers to buy from you?

Fear not, EmailOctopus has got you covered. With a range of features that is unparalleled in the market, EmailOctopus makes it easy for you to get your message out there.

🚀 Bottom Line Upfront :

EmailOctopus is a good match for people looking to grow their audience with email marketing.

The simplicity and power of EmailOctopus’ email marketing software make it the ideal choice for anyone looking for an email marketing solution.

Becoming an email-smart brand has never been easier or more economical thanks to features such as campaign analytics views and detailed subscriber interactions with Shopify, Gravity Forms, and WordPress integrations.

EmailOctopus Review

About EmailOctopus Review 2024 ⭐️

In this regard, the EmailOctopus email marketing platform is an excellent example. EmailOctopus email marketing software appears to be one of the most widely used email marketing hosts around the world.

This email marketing software is a fantastic option for any size company. On Windows, Mac, and any web-based device, the EmailOctopus email marketing platform is supported.

EmailOctopus Review- Overview

It’s cloud-based, supports the English language, is cost-effective, and is simple to use. It’s appropriate for anyone who has an audience.

As the name says, “Octopus” is a powerful and innovative email marketing platform that provides everything you need to make the most of your email marketing efforts.

Is EmailOctopus good?

It boosts the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. More than 44,000 businesses around the world rely on and adore this 5-star-rated email marketing tool.

This platform has been used to send over 9 billion (and counting) emails. EmailOctopus is used by companies such as Tedium, Popbitch, Dovetale, and Dreamville Records.

A customer case study was conducted, and all of the customers had fantastic things to say about the email marketing platform, and they all had wonderful things to say about it.

They claimed that EmailOctopus gave them all they could have hoped for in an email marketing platform. EmailOctopus was qualified with one word… PROFITABLE.

With the cost-effective emailing platform, EmailOctopus, consumers may save money on email marketing without affecting deliverability.

Send emails with ease with Amazon‘s powerful and economical email service. EmailOctopus is your best chance for effective email marketing.

EmailOctopus Features Features – Emailoctopus Review

EmailOctopus Pro comes with all of the attention-getting features you’ll need to create a top-notch email campaign.

Integration, Easy Automation, Beautiful, Responsive Design, Real-Time Analytics, and Grow Your Inventory With Custom Forms are among the email marketing options available.

The next sections will go over each feature and its sub-features.

Emailoctopus features list

1. Integration

Through Zapier, EmailOctopus integrates with over 400 products and services. By integrating all of their favorite programs into the email marketing platform, users may increase their sales on any platform.

The EmailOctopus email marketing platform allows customers to integrate their social media programs to convert their following into clients.

2. Easy Automation

 Users can send instant or action-formatted campaigns to their target clients using EmailOctopus automation.

This automated function can be utilized to build a client network and raise awareness of your products and services. EmailOctopus’ simple automation makes digital marketing a breeze.

The platform organizes and refreshes consumer records on a regular basis in preparation for possible marketing strategies.

Users can design time-based onboarding and drip sequences with its simple yet powerful automation. It welcomes new subscribers and keeps them coming back by delivering interesting information or special offers.

This feature adds value to email marketing.

3. Beautiful, Responsive Design

For a successful business, the appearance and design of your email marketing are crucial.

The EmailOctopus collection of templates allows users to create a dynamic, burnished campaign in a short amount of time, and your email will look great on all devices.

Users may sync their templates or easily create from scratch using the drag-and-drop editor, sending well-designed emails to their customers. Your customers will be able to simply view their emails thanks to the responsive email.

4. Timely Analytics

This email marketing service allows users to get detailed performance data for any campaigns they’ve sent out. The data on clicks opens, and unsubscribes to their email marketing material are displayed by the email marketing platform.

EmailOctopus analytics- Emailoctopus review

This allows firms to change their advertising strategy, reboot their campaign, or enlarge their target email list based on the characteristics of their target market.

When possible, users can access directly to Amazon SES to check the efficacy of their email marketing.

The EmailOctopus email marketing platform’s built-in analytics give users simple-to-understand data that makes email marketing more effective.

5. Grow Your Clientele

It allows users to simply grow their audience or network by using EmailOctopus hosted forms to collect email addresses without the need for sophisticated integration.

Or by using EmailOctopus embeddable sign-up forms or the WordPress plugin to collect subscribers’ information straight from your website.

To reach out to additional customers, these forms can be linked to your social network profiles and blogs.

Additional Benefits

Emailoctopus features list Reviews

  • Low Cost 

This email marketing platform’s pricing is tailored to the size of your directory, giving consumers the option to pay as they go, which is cost-effective.

EmailOctopus makes email marketing both cost-effective and efficient.

  • Service Support

This platform provides its customers with more than just email marketing solutions. They are a knowledgeable and dedicated crew who are always ready to help their consumers.

Platform service assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Exceptional Deliverability

Your campaign will arrive in your consumers’ inboxes thanks to the EmailOctopus marketing platform.

  • GDPR Compliance

 Your information is protected with this email marketing service. The company is headquartered in the European Union, and it complies with all GDPR requirements.

EmailOctopus understands the value of data in today’s world, and all data is kept safe by the marketing platform.

  • Bounce Handling

 This platform makes it simple to maintain your source profile by removing email bounces, objections, and unsubscribes. All bounce-related difficulties can be handled via the marketing platform.

  • Email API

It allows users to integrate the EmailOctopus email marketing platform into their database. EmailOctopus Email APL enables users to manage their subscriptions from their current network to their EmailOctopus Email platform.

EmailOctopus Connect tool

Ease Of Use ✨

EmailOctopus is a user-friendly email marketing solution with a clean and simple UI that is suitable for beginners.

EmailOctopus makes email marketing simple and cost-effective. It includes all of the email marketing tools you’ll need to create a successful email campaign.

EmailOctopus testimonials and reviews

EmailOctopus is the most popular, according to customer feedback. EmailOctopus has a clean and straightforward interface for its users.

Users can build stunning emails using the platform’s templates or the drag-and-drop editor, which looks great on all devices.

The EmailOctopus software dashboard is visually appealing and simple to use. The list segment aids in the organization of your to-do list.

You can use the campaign tab to create HTML emails and send them out to your customers.

You can create your own HTML email templates or choose from a variety of ready-made options. You can track and analyze the success of the stylish new emails as soon as they are sent out.

You can also send emails to a large group of people. In the dashboard, EmailOctopus tracks every bounce, click, and unsubscribe.

Delivering a detailed analysis of all of your email campaigns, making it simple to see what is and isn’t working.


Users can use the EmailOctopus automation tool to create email sequences and engage their subscribers without having to manually send campaigns. All you have to do now is set it up, sit back,

and unwind. Any firm can utilize an email marketing automation solution to promote its products and services, and it can help them achieve its business goals.

Integration and Add-ons

Users can link gravity forms cleanly and simply trigger email and automation, develop new campaigns, and more with EmailOctopus integration and add-ons.

When a subscriber fills out one of your gravity forms, their information is uploaded to your EmailOctopus inventory automatically.

The EmailOctopus platform allows users to link their social media accounts to marketing campaigns and use them to expand their company’s network.

Creating Popup In EmailOctopus ⚡️

You now have even more options for growing your list with EmailOctopus because pop-up forms are now available in your account.

Emailoctopus popup

Create eye-catching opt-in forms that appear on your website based on:

  • Exit intent – show your opt-in form to visitors when they’re just about to leave your website and convert them into a subscriber before they go
  • Scroll percentage – show your opt-in form to your most engaged visitors and display the form once they’ve reached a certain point on your page
  • Timing – show your opt-in form once visitors have had a chance to look around and familiarise themselves with your offering. Not only can you choose when your pop-up form appears, but you can also choose which devices your forms should display on and how often each website visitor should see the form. To help get you started building your first pop-up form, you’ll find five attractive templates that you can customize to suit your website.

Email Octopus GIF images
How To Create A Pop-up form in EmailOctopus

  • Choose the list you want to create a form for
  • Click on the ‘Landing pages and forms’ tab and select ‘Forms’
  • Click on the ‘Create a form’ button
  • Choose from inline or pop-up and select your preferred template
  • Customize the form to your heart’s content
  • When ready, copy the form’s HTML code to your website

EmailOctopus: Pricing Options

Emailoctopus Pricing

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach out to your target market, and the EmailOctoptus email marketing platform demonstrates that you can advertise and promote your brand without breaking the bank.

Until you opt to upgrade to Pro, the email marketing platform offers free email marketing.

This email marketing tool has a variety of price options to meet your needs. The EmailOctopus platform is less expensive when used in conjunction with another marketing platform.

Its free starting bundle includes campaign-only marketing as well as basic email assistance.

EmailOctopus charges $395.00 per month for a list of 200,000 people, making them the most affordable option among its competitors. You may register for free and still use a lot of the features.

Its free starting plan includes up to 10,000 monthly emails and 2,500 subscribers. Users can also add their HTML (HyperText Markup Language) emails to the free plan, which stores data for 30 days.

EmailOctopus Pro gives you complete control over your email design, allows you to save statistics indefinitely, offers priority assistance, and the best part is that you may quit at any moment.

Pricing Plans

Total subscribers  Emails/month  Monthly cost
2,500 10,000 Free
5,000 50,000 $20
10,000 100,000 $30
15,000 150,000 $45
20,000 200,000 $55
Total subscribers  Emails/month  Monthly cost
25,000 250,000 $65
30,000 300,000 $75
35,000 350,000 $85
40,000 400,000 $95
45,000 450,000 $105
50,000 500,000 $115
55,000 550,000 $125
60,000 600,000 $130

EmailOctopus Alternatives 2024 💥

However, while there are several email marketing platforms available, EmailOctopus is perhaps one of the best. The EmailOctopus web-based program’s ease of use and flexibility is exceptional.

They have an outstanding customer service crew that is both responsive and courteous. The cost for the Email marking tool is quite fair, and profitable, and is always being improved.

The marketing platform EmailOctopus is fantastic. Email marketing is simple to use and has a lot of features that make it a trustworthy way to communicate with your target audience.

The following is a list of email marketing software that can be used as a substitute for EmailOctopus’ email marketing platform. They share some of EmailOctopus’ features.

1) Active Campaign

Active campaign overview--ActiveCampaign vs ENgageBay

ActiveCampaign is an easy-to-use, powerful marketing automation tool for companies of all sizes. Create a welcome series, segment your contacts, tailor your messaging, and automate time-consuming marketing operations.

500+ pre-built automation, a comprehensive email template library, and efficient contact management Businesses can use ActiveCampaign to build meaningful interactions across social media, email, messaging, chat, and SMS.

There are over 300 integrations. The first month’s fee is just $15.

Small and medium-sized businesses that want to improve their consumer interactions will benefit from ActiveCampaign.

2) Sendinblue

SendInBlues- WordPress E

Through marketing automation, email campaigns, transactional emails, SMS messages, chat, CRM, Facebook advertisements, and retargeting advertisements, Sendinblue enables organizations to develop and grow relationships.

What distinguishes us? Sendinblue is backed by a world-class customer satisfaction team, and we have price plans that are sure to make you happy.

Our platform unites a comprehensive set of services into a single, easy-to-use platform. Develop, sell, and engage.

They provide 175,000+ growing businesses around the world with cloud-based email marketing and marketing automation technologies.

Sendinblue’s monthly pricing starts at $25.00 per feature.

3) Mailchimp

Mailchimp Overview- Engagebay vs Mailchimp

Small businesses may use Mailchimp’s all-in-one marketing platform to market smarter and grow quicker.

They serve as the foundation for your customer connections, providing AI-powered, user-friendly tools that anyone can utilize to succeed.

Mailchimp puts your audience first, allowing you to send marketing emails and automated messages, create targeted ad campaigns, build landing pages, send postcards, track and analyze data, and sell online.

Best for a cloud-based email marketing solution that helps businesses of all sizes design, automate, and manage marketing campaigns across various email platforms, ad channels, and more.

The cost of Mailchimp starts at $10.00 per month. 

4) Omnisend

Omnisend Review- Ecommerce Marketing Automation for Smart Marketers

Omnisend is an all-in-one email marketing automation tool designed for eCommerce businesses looking to develop. Create customized emails in minutes and automate your email marketing by converting visitors into buyers.

Make more money by using clever segmentation to create hyper-targeted and relevant email communications.

Make use of Omnisend is compatible with a variety of eCommerce systems, including Shopify, Bigcommerce, Magento, WooCommerce, and others. Earn a 20% revenue share by joining the Omnisend Partner program.

Best for sales-driven eCommerce marketers that have outgrown typical email marketing systems, Omnisend provides advanced marketing automation technologies. Earn a 20% revenue share by joining the Partner program.

Omnisend pricing starts at $16.00 per feature, per month.

5) Mailerlite

MAilerLite review for email

MailerLite is an email marketing service that emphasizes simplicity, outstanding customer care, and attractive email designs.

Forget about complicated settings. MailerLite’s easy-to-use software lets you easily create stunning email campaigns, track their performance, manage subscribers and unsubscribers, create custom popups and landing pages, and much more.

MailerLite has a lot of useful features and integrations, but it still manages to be simple and user-friendly for everyone.

Best for freelancers, writers, small and medium-sized businesses, non-profits, government agencies, and major corporations. Anyone who requires a low-cost, high-value email marketing service.

MailerLite pricing starts at $10.00 per feature, per month.

EmailOctopus vs Mailchimp: Differences

Feature comparison 

To start, let’s look at how these two platforms compare on features.

It’s important to remember that Mailchimp positions itself as an all-in-one marketing solution for small businesses.

This means the features they offer go far beyond the key email marketing tools – for example, you can even send direct mail via Mailchimp.

Whereas at EmailOctopus, we focus on email marketing, pure and simple. No postcards here.

But that’s exactly why Mailchimp customers switch to EmailOctopus – they realize that they’re paying for fancy features that they just don’t use or need.

“MailChimp has grown to be more than I need or can afford.” – Noelle, EmailOctopus user

The PDF below shows a side-by-side comparison of features between EmailOctopus and Mailchimp.

While EmailOctopus offers one paid plan, Mailchimp offers three different paid plans and the features available in each differ – the more expensive the plan, the more features there are available.

Here we’ve compared Mailchimp’s Essentials plan (their cheapest) against EmailOctopus and noted where features are available in Mailchimp on the next plan up – their Standard plan.

EmailOctopus vs Mailchimp Features 1

Mailchimp reviews vs emailoctopus

Emailoctopus reviews vs mailchimp reviews

Emailoctopus vs mailchimp

Simply put, Mailchimp has more features. But those features are only useful if users are going to use them. If you don’t need complex automated workflows then why pay more for them?

And while Mailchimp offers more functionality, EmailOctopus offers more affordable pricing.

Quick Summary Of The Key Differences 🌟

  • Mailchimp is an all-in-one marketing tool that can serve as a CRM, while EmailOctopus is purely an email marketing tool.
    If you compare Mailchimp and EmailOctopus on their email marketing capabilities only, the main difference is the level of automation and segmentation.
  • EmailOctopus is much cheaper and could save customers an average of 60% on their email marketing costs, with one pricing plan that scales as a customer’s list grows. Mailchimp, on the other hand, is 3x the price with three different pricing plans.
  • EmailOctopus offers a more generous free plan for up to 2,500 subscribers with access to the same features as the paid plan, while Mailchimp caps its free plan at 2,000 subscribers and restricts access to certain features.
  • Mailchimp charges users for unsubscribed contacts but with EmailOctopus, you can keep unsubscribed contacts in your list free of charge. Another reason why EmailOctopus works out to be so much cheaper.

Price comparison – EmailOctopus vs Mailchimp 💰

Email octopus vs Mailchimp in detail

So now that we’ve seen how the two platforms compare on features, let’s take a look at how they compare on price:

This table compares Mailchimp’s Essentials plan to EmailOctopus’ one Pro plan. However, Mailchimp caps its Essentials plan at 50k subscribers, so prices for the larger list sizes shown here are based on their Standard plan.

And as you can see, EmailOctopus is far cheaper than Mailchimp with monthly savings of up to 67%.

So when pitching EmailOctopus against Mailchimp, you can absolutely focus on price and highlight how much money customers could save by switching.

EmailOctopus vs Mailchimp in Detailed


MailChimp is an email marketing service that has over 7 million subscribers globally and sends over 10 billion emails every month.

With a variety of layouts and drag-and-drop features, MailChimp allows users to create professional-looking email newsletters.

MailChimp allows customers to deliver newsletters, manage subscriber lists, and track campaign performance after they’ve been prepared and filled with content.

MailChimp has a number of plug-ins for various applications and interfaces with a number of different platforms, including PayPal, Shopify, Google Analytics, Salesforce, and others.


EmailOctopus is a low-cost email marketing platform offering high deliverability, customized reports, and the ability to drip email sequences, import contacts, and integrate with forms.

With segmentation, users can create highly targeted email campaigns based on the customer data that matters most to their business.

Our suite of responsive templates allows you to create a powerful, polished campaign in minutes or you can use the drag-and-drop editor to build beautiful emails that look great across all devices.

For Amazon SES users, we also offer a Connect plan with unlimited emails per month and prices that scale with your business, without sacrificing deliverability or essential features.

Key Benefits 🙄


Email-Marketing- -Mailchimp alternatives

  • Automation: While removing manual duties from your to-do list, maintain a human touch. Marketing automation that has been pre-programmed frees up time to focus on strategy.
    People that matter to you should be welcomed, re-engaged, and followed up with.
  • Lists: MailChimp allows users to modify signup forms to match their brand, allowing them to publish them on their websites and incorporate them into their social network profiles.
    You can also import an existing list or collect signups from a number of mobile devices. Existing connectors can also be used to assist users to maintain their data up to current across platforms.
  • Templates: MailChimp has a number of responsive, predesigned templates. Users can also start from scratch and customize their designs using the template builder.
    With our flexible template language, you can create your own if you’re an HTML expert.
  • Campaigns: MailChimp makes email segmentation simple. Send an email to your entire list, or target users based on list data like geolocation or open/click history.
    You can use RSS-to-Email with Automatic Workflows to develop automated campaigns that will begin emailing based on user-defined triggers.
  • Ads: Create integrated Facebook and Instagram ads to find new customers and reconnect with existing ones through another channel.
  • Reports: The reporting options in MailChimp help users identify who is opening, clicking, and returning for more. The reports are mobile-friendly and may be shared with coworkers or clients by exporting them.
    Our Google Analytics interface gives you extensive analytics on how your campaigns affect traffic to your website, and Tweet Trends offers you insight into your subscribers’ Twitter behavior.
    Our reports can help users see how their email marketing is directly affecting sales on their website if they sell online.


  • Organizations may utilize EmailOctopus’ strong automation to develop time-based onboarding and drip sequences to automate campaigns.
  • In order to enhance marketing efforts, EmailOctopus delivers comprehensive metrics on campaign effectiveness, allowing users to trace every open, click, bounce, and unsubscribe.
  • Send campaigns with the help of EmailOctopus’ library of pre-designed, configurable templates, which allow users to produce responsive emails that look great on all devices.
  • EmailOctopus can integrate with over 2,000 platforms and services using Zapier, including Salesforce, Shopify, Eventbrite, and SurveyMonkey.

Top Features


  •  A/B Testing
  •  API
  •  Activity Dashboard
  •  Activity Tracking
  •  Alerts/Notifications
  •  Analytics/ROI Tracking
  •  Archiving & Retention
  •  Assessment Management
  •  Audience Targeting
  •  Auto-Responders
  •  Automated Publishing
  •  Automated Scheduling
  •  Behavior Analytics
  •  Behavioural Targeting
  •  CAN SPAM Compliance
  •  Campaign Analytics
  •  Campaign Management
  •  Campaign Segmentation
  •  Channel Management
  •  Click Tracking
  •  Collaboration Tools
  •  Contact Database
  •  Contact Management
  •  Content Management
  •  Conversion Tracking
  •  Customer Accounts
  •  Customer Activity Tracking
  •  Customer Database
  •  Customer Journey Mapping
  •  Customer Profiles
  •  Customer Segmentation
  •  Customer Surveys
  •  Customizable CTAs
  •  Customizable Forms
  •  Customizable Templates
  •  Customizable Fields
  •  Data Analysis Tools
  •  Data Import/Export
  •  Data Synchronisation
  •  Delivery Tracking
  •  Demographic Data
  •  Design Management
  •  Drag & Drop
  •  Drip Campaigns
  •  Dynamic Content
  •  Email Campaign Management
  •  Email Distribution
  •  Email Management
  •  Email Marketing
  •  Email Templates
  •  Email Tracking
  •  Engagement Analytics
  •  Event-Triggered Actions
  •  Form Builder
  •  Geolocation
  •  Geotargeting
  •  Image Library
  •  Interaction Tracking
  •  Knowledge Base Management
  •  Landing Pages/Web Forms
  •  Lead Capture
  •  Lead Generation
  •  Lead Management
  •  Lead Nurturing
  •  List Management
  •  Live Chat
  •  Location Tracking
  •  Loyalty Program
  •  Mail Merge
  •  Mailing List Management
  •  Marketing Automation
  •  Marketing Calendar
  •  Mass Texting
  •  Mobile Access
  •  Mobile Optimised Emails
  •  Mobile Retargeting
  •  Mobile Survey
  •  Monitoring
  •  Multi-Account Management
  •  Multi-Campaign
  •  Multi-Channel Communication
  •  Multi-Channel Distribution
  •  Multi-Channel Management
  •  Multi-Channel Marketing
  •  Multiple Projects
  •  Multiple User Accounts
  •  Multivariate Testing
  •  Offline Response Collection
  •  Order Management
  •  Order Processing
  •  Personalization
  •  Post Scheduling
  •  Preview Functionality
  •  Question Branching
  •  Question Library
  •  Question Piping
  •  Randomization
  •  Real-Time Analytics
  •  Real-Time Data
  •  Real-Time Editing
  •  Real-Time Monitoring
  •  Real-Time Reporting
  •  Recommendations
  •  Referral Tracking
  •  Registration Management
  •  Reporting & Statistics
  •  Reporting/Analytics
  •  Response Quotas
  •  Response Validation
  •  Responsive
  •  Rich Text Editor
  •  Search Marketing


  •  API
  •  Activity Tracking
  •  Auto-Responders
  •  CAN SPAM Compliance
  •  Campaign Analytics
  •  Campaign Management
  •  Contact Management
  •  Customer Segmentation
  •  Customizable Branding
  •  Customizable Forms
  •  Customizable Fields
  •  Drip Campaigns
  •  Dynamic Content
  •  Email Campaign Management
  •  Email Marketing
  •  Email Templates
  •  Email Tracking
  •  Engagement Analytics
  •  Image Library
  •  Landing Pages/Web Forms
  •  List Management
  •  Mobile Optimised Emails
  •  Performance Management
  •  Performance Metrics
  •  Real-Time Analytics
  •  Reporting/Analytics
  •  Subscriber Management
  •  Subscription Management
  •  Template Management
  •  Third-Party Integrations
  •  WYSIWYG Editor
  •  Website Integration

EmailOctopus Review: Pros and Cons ✅

The advantages and disadvantages of EmailOctopus’ email marketing service are listed below. Before using the EmailOctopus marketing platform, consider the following information.

Pros Cons
Cost-effective and efficient, promoting profitable email marketing strategies Lack of email segmentation feature
Easy to set up and use, enabling quick campaign organization and sending Limited integration capabilities
Free for first 2,500 contacts, making it an unmatched deal in the market Geared towards non-technical users
Offers both automatic and manual setup with responsive email marketing templates
Excellent customer support for problem-solving and guidance during setup

Overall, EmailOctopus has received 90% of good feedback, and existing customers are confident in recommending the email marketing platform to others.

EmailOctopus Customer Reviews & Testimonials

Email Octopus Reviews and features

Emailoctopus reviews

“Used to have Mailchimp for everything but the UX became so complicated and had so many features that sending an email became stressful!” –

Tierra Narrative team, EmailOctopus user

“I chose EmailOctopus because there aren’t many companies just simply doing email. So many others have website builders, social marketing, integration, and other things like that. I prefer things to be simple and uncluttered, which is the biggest thing that attracted me”. –

Quincy Zikmund, EmailOctopus user

“I was looking for a simple email marketing tool for just sending occasional email to my database without having to pay a fortune. I don’t need all the bells and whistles that Mailchimp was offering and hence didn’t see why I should pay for it. EmailOctopus is perfect for a business like me that sends one or two emails to clients per month”. –

Ellie from Pitter Patter Portraits, EmailOctopus user

Customers – Emailoctopus Reviews

FAQs On EmailOctopus Review

👉 Who are the most common EmailOctopus users?

Customers who use EmailOctopus are typical: Startups, SMEs, and Enterprises

👉 EmailOctopus is compatible with which OS systems?

EmailOctopus is compatible with the following operating systems: Windows, Mac, and Linux.

👉 What methods of payment does EmailOctopus accept?

The following payment methods are accepted by EmailOctopus: Monthly, Yearly

👉 What kind of deployment is it?

EmailOctopus is hosted on the cloud.

👉 Is there an API for EmailOctopus?

All plans come with access to our powerful API, which you can use to manage your contacts, lists, and reports.

👉 Does EmailOctopus support multiple users?

Although EmailOctopus only allows you to log in once, you can send from an unlimited number of email addresses.

👉 Is EmailOctopus compatible with other apps?

Subscribe, WordPress, and Zapier are all integrated with EmailOctopus. You may integrate with over 2,000 apps with our Zapier connection.

👉 What are some of the most common applications that EmailOctopus is used with?

Zapier for linking your email marketing with over 2,000 internet apps and Card for one-page websites.

👉 Does EmailOctopus offer guides, tutorials and or customer support?

Customer service and access to your self-service helpdesk are included in all plans.

Our Verdict: EmailOctopus Review 2024 😍

In conclusion, our exploration of EmailOctopus in this EmailOctopus Review has shed light on its strengths and areas for improvement.

With its user-friendly interface, cost-effectiveness, and array of features, it presents a strong option for many email marketers. The ability to create, send, and track email campaigns efficiently makes it a valuable tool.

However, like any platform, it may not be a perfect fit for everyone, and careful consideration of its limitations is essential.

Ultimately, EmailOctopus has the potential to significantly enhance your email marketing endeavors, providing an efficient and budget-friendly solution for your business.

Kashish Babber
This author is verified on

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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