CXL Review 2024 😍 My Experience After 2 Years


Overall Verdict

After successfully completing CXL's minidegree program, it has been an incredible journey for me over the past 24 months. The knowledge and skills I gained have opened doors to collaborate with some of the brightest minds in the industry. CXL has established itself as a renowned institution, well-known for its exceptional standards and expertise

Out of 10


  • All the courses are professionally presented. 
  • The tutors are highly knowledgeable. 
  • The quality of video and audio is excellent. 
  • There are so many cool tools you can use when you use this platform. 
  • CXL Courses are designed to advance your marketing skills
  • Access to 60+ courses for $1


  • The statistics part poses a difficult lesson to learn.
  • Better pricing options needed as newbies might find expensive


Price: $ 1

Welcome to my CXL Review.

Hello, my name is Andy Thompson. I work as an SEO growth marketer for SaaS and e-commerce startups. In 2017, I discovered my passion for growth marketing.

Since then, I’ve taken over 40 online courses through Coursera, Edx, DataCamp, Hubspot, Facebook Blueprint, Google Academy, Copyhackers, Chase Dimond, Foxwell, CTC, and other platforms.

It’s been more than 20 months since I finished CXL’s minidegree, and I’ve had the opportunity to work with some of the brightest minds on the planet. People are aware of what CXL is and what it stands for.

Do you want to take your company’s growth plan to the next level using an iterative approach? CXL Institute may be the best fit for you.

CXL’s digital marketing video courses and mini-degrees are organized by subject area for maximum efficiency. You can successfully perform growth experiments, optimize your best channels, and expand your growth program with the support of this upskilling platform’s extensive training library.

The educators at CXL Institute are supposedly in the top 1% in their fields worldwide, making it the sole platform of its kind (which I find it true). I just finished their Growth Marketing mini-degree course and thought I’d write this CXL review to tell you about what I learned.

🚀 Bottom Line Upront:

CXL offers some of the best online marketing courses and industry-recognized certifications for those seeking to learn new technical marketing skills and tools highly useful to growth professionals, product managers, UX/UI experts, and any other marketing profile looking to become more customer-centric.

I completed their Growth Marketing mini-degree course, and I can say without a doubt that it was an excellent experience. The instructors are among the world’s top 1% practitioners, so you can be sure that you’re learning from the best of the best.

The course content is extremely comprehensive, and it covers everything from digital marketing basics to more advanced topics like growth hacking. I learned a lot during my time on the course, and I’m confident that anyone who completes it will be well-equipped to succeed in the field of digital marketing.

Overall, I highly recommend the CXL Institute for anyone looking to learn more about digital marketing. The courses are top-notch, and the instructors are knowledgeable and experienced.

If you’re looking to make a career change into digital marketing or want to accelerate your current learning process, then CXL is definitely the place for you.

I love CXL courses. Try the CXL Institute courses for $1 here

CXL Courses online Digital marketing

CXL Review

In A Nutshell CXL Review 😍

CXL is an online platform that provides a variety of video courses and mini-degrees that address specific topics in Internet marketing. This upskilling platform provides a large training library that will assist you in doing growth experiments, optimizing your best channels, and efficiently scaling your development program.

CXL is a wonderful resource for people interested in internet marketing. The courses are well-organized and straightforward to understand, and the lecturers are competent and experienced. The content is also continuously updated, so you can be sure you’re getting the most up-to-date information.

CXL is an excellent place to start if you want to enhance your internet marketing abilities. The courses are thorough and cover everything you need to know to expand your business. The instructors are excellent, and the curriculum is consistently current. If you’re serious about studying, CXL is well worth a look.

CXL Courses access review

Whoever said that there is no place better than home was not lying. Because that is the place we look for when we need ultimate comfort. Similarly, it gets pretty annoying when your home and school are two different places. 

That is why homeschooling looks really good, or just learning from the comfort of your couch looks super tempting. Luckily, this institute teaches online; you can attend classes from any place you want, whenever you wish. 

CXL also provides certifications that you can add to your portfolio to show off your newly learned skills. These certificates of completion make things super interesting for the person looking at your resume. 

CXL - Overview

The CXL institute has about 48 courses divided into Analytics, CRO, UX, and Marketing. Plus, the professionals teaching you marketing are some of the lead industry leaders and the best from the list of top marketers. 

Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted;
the trouble is I don’t know which half.”

John Wanamaker, marketing pioneer and father of modern advertising

Who Is Peep Laja? CEO of CXL 😍

Peep Laja is a Forbes Council member & Peep has built one of the most respected brands in conversion optimization by staying true to what he knows, and not publishing garbage. As Peep says, he cuts through the bullshit.

Peep Laja didn’t have a secret sauce or special ingredient. He took what he understood, was good at, and focused on it. He delivered high-value content that he knew his audience wanted and needed. Taking care of the audience or customer’s needs first is a model you can replicate and build your success on. Via

Don’t Have Time, Check Out My Video Review For CXL

Courses Offered By CXL Institute 

CXL reviews online

There are many courses offered by CXL Institue but here, I will be talking about the most common ones. To make it simple for you to search for your desired course or find the one you are looking for, the entire collection of courses has been set in alphabetical order. 


So far, there are courses available in every letter except “Z”. Not only are these courses super helpful but they also help in making your life better in little ways. They look like excellent material to add to your resume to impress your reader. 

But let us move on and check out a couple of courses offered at CXL. 

Take this advice from Peep:

Identify the criteria involved in decision-making for the products on the category page. For clothing, some criteria typically include price, size, colour and so on. If it’s computers, it could be price plus technical specs like RAM, HDD size, CPU and so on. Some shoppers are savvier than others, so provide filters for all knowledge-levels (e.g. colour and CPU speed)

Conversion Optimization Foundation  (CRO Course by

conversion-funnel CRO course by CXL

Image Credit: Funnelenvy

This section will discuss my first and only week at the Conversion Optimization Minidegree. I planned to do it for a week only when I started with it, but I eventually got too interested in it to quit. 

CXL CRO course

The reason I am posting my first week here is that I have got the necessary notes that will help me write this in detail and give you a rough idea of things here.

Also, let me assure you that things continue in this manner and I hope to see you in my class! Now, getting back to the topic, you and I, both know that people like us, that is, people who do not get bored after reading articles about SEO and technical stuff, like to experiment and implement tips they learned from useful blogs in real life. 

CXL - Conversion Optimization

But it does not always turn out that way. I will admit that I have tried that so many times and failed miserably. So, how is this connected to the Conversion Optimization Foundation? Well, for starters, this says that each solution is unique and that is something you will definitely learn here. 

CXL Course CRO

Sure, many frameworks of different kinds can give you a single, unique solution to a problem or similar problems but not every solution is fit for every situation. Or at least, that is not the case in the conversion world. 

What I’m talking about are Best Practices. It has been heard and searched by many on websites that create content. What Best Practices mean is the solution a person has to his/her problems. 

The application of those Best Practices to problems we have would be fruitless since our problems may not even be similar to those problems that person had. Sure, this does not mean that all the Best Practices have turned out to be ineffective; it just says that not all Best practices are the best. 

A much better solution would be to consider the likings of your audience while resonating with them. This way, you connect with your customers and they get a sense of satisfaction because you give them what they want. 

Believe it or not, but this is precisely what this mini-degree is about. It teaches you better marketing strategies that keep you and your customers happy. And that is what I learned in the week I attended this course. 

65% of retailers cite conversion optimization as the #1 e-commerce challenge according to Realwire 🥇

Realwire news CXL reviews

Account-Based Marketing  🥇

ABM is one of the most common types of marketing in today’s world. When you work at a B2B company, it is essential to know how to measure, plan, optimize, build, and, lastly, test scaled-account-based marketing. 

This course surely will accelerate your career and life by a significant amount. It is the most spoken topic in B2B due to its ability to work effectively. This is also why there is a demand for people with these skills. 

A couple of companies, small or big, don’t matter, can close deals a lot bigger than usual. Ever wondered why is that? To give a simple answer, I would say that that is a result of different mindsets with unique ideas.

CXL - Our Team 

The other companies that are facing problems with ABM are due to their inability to understand how exactly unique is this form of marketing from the traditional inbound and the outbound. 

This is why ABM has been mistaken as an unworthy form of marketing but requires the right person to work on it to achieve successful results. Now, you will have total knowledge of a couple of things after completing this course. 

The Things Are

  • You will be capable of explaining what exactly Account-Based Marketing means, what things are not ABM, how many people in 2B2 organizations take the beliefs, metrics, and practices for granted, and how exactly ABM challenges them properly. 
  • You will have hands-on information about the types of ABMs that there are and how exactly to evaluate them to determine which of those types for best for your company. You will be surprised by this, but most of the time, a blend of two types gives the best results for your company. But sometimes, the perfect blend of all three types makes the ideal combo. 
  • You will understand the ABM technology and the tools that can be used, particularly for the challenges you might face and the right moment to introduce them. I would suggest you do not fall into the trap of purchasing a new technology too soon. 
  • Executive alignment with cross-function and co-ownership will be gained. Most of the marketers who choose to do such a task individually end up failing. 
  • You will be capable of planning the correct multi-channel, multi-thread, and multi-touch campaigns and to cut through the annoying noise, you can cadence and become a priority for the prospects you value the most. 
  • You are now capable of developing an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), a strategy for the cluster, a strategy for tier, and a plan for the identification of contacts that go beyond technographics and demographics. 

A few skills anyone who wants to join this course should have

When I tell you that this course is not for everyone, I mean it. It is an appropriate course for those people who either fall in the novice, intermediate level ABM leaders, beginners, and practitioners category or the ABM seniors who wish to build sales that are more collaborative and strategic, and aligned for marketing. 

It’s just that the foundational topics are given less time to get accustomed to than the advanced topics. So, it would be helpful for you if you acquire basic foundation knowledge about B2B sales and the strategies that can be used in marketing, metrics, and processes. 

Digital Psychology and Persuasion 

This course is perfect for those who always do something about what they are determined about. If you are willing to build your psychological skills and complete an entire mini-degree, just go for it, girl! 

What you will be doing here is using neuromarketing, methods of persuasion, and behavioral psychology that will effectively increase the levels of sales. The teachers you will have are handpicked from top academic schools and industry practitioners. 

This course will aid you in persuading your clients to purchase your services in a way that they would not even realize it. It will give a boost to your copy and design of persuasion. 

Your tutor will also help you understand the mindset your customers have and the needs of that they are looking to fulfill. Your efforts of conversion optimization and psychological tactics will make the perfect combination of convincing. 

To bring changes to the way your customer behaves, you need to get a total understanding of why they act the way they do. How? Well, This is revealed in this course and that is another way to get the best results. 

This course will also aid you in building useful habits for your customers, ways to increase the rate of loyalty displayed by them and elicit the emotional responses you receive. 

You will also learn the steps for directing attention with visual cues and the reasons behind our behavior regarding decision-making, which are cognitive biases. You will also learn some persuasion processes you can use across any web page. 

Facebook Advertisements 

Grab this opportunity to rethink your newer customers’ journey along with Facebook Ads. if you are involved with spending money on advertisements on Facebook, you literally are leaving too much money behind. 

This could be something you did not know of before or just something you did not know you could do something about. But whatever the case, it is absolutely unnecessary, and now, you have a way out of it. 

A B.E.L.T method will be presented to you in this course, where you will learn how to align the messages you choose along with the objectives you want to get involved in all along the journey of your new customers. 

Not only is it helpful in this way, but you also save up about 80% of the money you would have to spend on acquisition. Along with that, you will learn and get a total understanding of the journey new customers to take, which will help you build better-selling FB Ad campaigns. 

Also, the B.E.L.T method can be used to increase the rate of awareness your brand has and authority. By the end of the course, you will also be able to indoctrinate your spectators into the issues you have worked hard to solve. This will get people to invest in you pretty easily. 

A couple of other things you will learn here are

  • Get your market retargeting warmed up because you will need it. Also, you will learn how to put ad creatives to the test and evaluate the results along with audiences without spending all that much. 
  • You will get a total understanding of building Facebook ad campaigns with success. 
  • You will also learn the uses of Facebook Lives and the utilization of the videos there to identify your perfect customers and also to bring an improvement in your rates of conversions. 

This course is the perfect match for you if-

  • You have been involved with advertisements on Facebook before. 
  • You wish to optimize the current campaigns you are running and get a better understanding of why certain things are not working according to what you planned. 
  • You are looking for a way to decrease the acquisition rate in your ad campaigns. 
  • You are in between starting and stopping the advertisements. 
  • You are working with an agency or an entrepreneur looking for ways to build a strategy regarding sustainable full-funnel ads on Facebook. 

This course is not the best for you at the moment if- 

  • You have never run any Facebook ads online before. 
  • Retargeting is something that you have no basic understanding of. 


When it comes to dominating your marketing, it becomes super easy when you are the only one who exists in it. But what about when it is not that way? Well, the best thing to do in that scenario is to become a market of a kind. 

When the market is flooded, companies that stick to floating are the ones that have got their position to be right. Without the right position, you will face many difficulties. A couple of them are listed below- 

  • Competitors who do anything to push you down in the water. 
  • You catch the risk of being excluded since the market leader might lead you out of the arena. 
  • The sales cycles run way too long, and customers become price-resistant where they do not realize your total value. 

These are things that you will be able to do when you use this course, but a couple of them are

  • You will know the things essential to make a product stand out. 
  • Get a total understanding of what exactly the positioning of companies is and how it can be used in the modern marketing landscape. 
  • You would learn how to avoid the common pitfalls by using the method of clarification of your worth. 

Ease Of Use

CXL Courses Online

This platform is pretty easy to use. It has straightforward navigation with a login and logout system to safeguard your privacy. Other than that, you get a small preview of each course so that you can read it out and check if it is what interests you. 

However, if you know what you are looking for, there is no need to do that. You can directly click on the course you want to learn and follow the tutorials. Lucky for us, the teachers have been chosen for their ability to be the best at doing what they are doing. 

They are highly trained and knowledgeable and are friendly but professional, too. The platform also clearly mentions that they focus mainly on improving your quality and performance on the job you choose to do. 

CXL Customer support 

CXL - Conversion Optimization, Analytics & Growth
CXL – Conversion Optimization, Analytics & Growth

Imagine you are on a vacation on a beautiful island. You go there prepared, with maps, compasses, water, food, clothes, and anything else you think could be crucial. If midway, you get lost on the huge island and have no one to help you. 

In situations like these, we regret not bringing a tour guide or a friend along with us because they would know the area better and also the kind of fruits that are not poisonous. Similarly, a person needs to be able to get help, especially when they are getting themselves into something they do not have total knowledge about. 

CXL- Supporting Staff

Exactly like that, customer support is something every user tries to notice before buying a product. This is because when facing a problem, a friendly face to turn to is pretty helpful. 

Luckily, CXL Institute has many ways to help its customers out of their misery. They have used social media platforms, like Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin, where they converse with their customers and audience. 

They answer common and interesting questions and ask a couple to get to know their spectators and their choices closely. There is also a number available that you can give a call if you feel comfortable with it. 

CXL fb group

But if you are into the old-fashioned way of formal talks, go ahead and type down an email to send to their mail, and they will reach out to you pretty soon.  Their customer support system is active enough to quickly get you out of trouble. 

CXL Pricing | How Much Does CXL Cost?

There are a total of two pricing plans offered by the CXL Institution. These plans are

CXL Team plan :

  • $224/user (monthly),
  • $413/user (quarterly),
  • $1,169/user (annual)

CXL Individual Plans

  • $249/month,
  • $459/quarter,
  • $1,299/year

The Individual Plan- 

  • This plan has different pricing according to your chosen time limit, so it is $249 per month.
  • When you choose to get access to it for about a quarter, you will be charged around $459 each quarter. 
  • And if you choose to get access to it for about a year, you would be charged about $1,299 per year. 
  • If you choose any of these plans under the individual category, you will get access to every mini-degree and course made available on the platform. 
  • You can earn various certificates for each course you complete and give your resume a boost of improvement. 
  • There is a roadmap tool you can use that will guide you to the goal you have set for yourself. 
  • If you would like to monitor your rate of progress, you can put this learning analytic for personal use. 

The Team Plan- 

  • This plan has different pricing according to your chosen time limit, so it is $224 per month.
  • When you choose to get access to it for about a quarter, you will be charged around $413 each quarter. 
  • And if you choose to get access to it for about a year, you would be charged about $1,169 annually. 
  • You can also use a roadmap for your team to ensure they have a goal to achieve. 
  • If you choose any of these plans under the individual category, you will get access to every mini-degree and course made available on the platform. 
  • Keep an eye on the progress achieved by your team using the team learning analytics tool. 
  • You can also switch team members, and remove or add one at your convenience. 
  • You can earn various certificates for each course you complete and give your resume a boost of improvement. 
  • There is a roadmap tool you can use that will guide you to the goal you have set for yourself. 
  • If you would like to monitor your rate of progress, you can put this learning analytic for personal use. 

Does CXL Institute offer any Coupon Codes? 

Currently, there are no coupon codes for CXL Institute and has only a 7-day free trial at $1.

Unlimited CXL Access for a Lifetime

The cost of Lifetime Access to mini-degrees varies according to how extensive the mini-degree is. Each mini-degree costs between $699 and $899. Once you attend one of these, you’ll see digital marketing in a new light. You’ll be able to use what you’ve learned right away, leading to better outcomes.

The fee of a course’s Lifetime Access is always the same. Each course costs $499. However, they’re not as thorough as mini degrees, but they still provide quite a bit of value for the money. You can talk to the instructors and ask them questions if you’d like.

A monthly or annual subscription option is available for you or your entire marketing team.

It’s a steal at just $1 to try out all 50 courses for a week — click here.

CXL Pros & Cons


  • All the courses are professionally presented. 
  • The tutors are highly knowledgeable. 
  • The quality of the video and audio is excellent. 
  • The courses here help you with optimization regarding landing pages and more. 
  • There are so many cool tools you can use on this platform. 
  • Use it from anywhere. 


  • The statistics part poses a difficult lesson to learn. The tutors start teaching with a little more advanced content, making it harder for beginners to understand. 
  • The course about technical development is pretty bland to keep customers engaged. 
  • The prices fixed to allow you access to this tool are too high, making it an expensive choice for a beginner with unsure thoughts. 

Customer Testimonials & Reviews Of CXL

Some Customers Reviews for CXL :

Kurt S.
Web Conversion Manager @ Pipedrive,


Having completed the Conversion Optimization mini degree, this has given me a perfect overall base for my current role in marketing where I’m trying to always improve the web experience.

CXL is constantly putting out new material and also updating existing material to be up to date with the current best practises.

CXL - Testimonials

Best CXL Alternatives & Competitors 2024

1) Udacity

Udacity Reviews Pricing

With its Nanodegrees, Udacity aims to prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s workforce (the name it gives to its Learning Programs). This well-liked site collaborates with industry heavyweights like Google and Microsoft to provide courses teaching in-demand technical skills.

Udacity has been around for a while, and in that time, it has earned a solid reputation for its high-quality technical education offerings. Udacity is highly recommended as a resource for learning by many of the site’s users.

Udacity differentiates itself from other similar services by offering more. They go above and beyond what course providers typically offer by providing services such as mentoring, advice, and assistance with projects.

But if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, Udacity rewards you with high-quality courses, helpful customer service, and widespread exposure of your brand. You will be hard-pressed to find a greater opportunity than investing two to three months in acquiring and applying a new talent to a professional path you are committed to.

2) Coursera

Udemy or Coursera - Coursera

Coursera is an excellent option for anyone needing extensive formal educational materials or wanting to enroll in an online degree course. Courses on Coursera are taught by professors and lecturers from universities like Pennsylvania State University and Vanderbilt who have joined the online learning platform.

An individual interested in online education can take a single course, enroll in a concentration, or pursue a whole degree online using this platform. Less is covered in these classes than in typical college and community college curricula.

Coursera is a massive online learning community where anybody may take classes taught by some of the top educators in the world.

All of those teachers are either alumni of the top school in the field or active professionals. Students who cannot pay the full tuition for a course on Coursera may apply for “financial help.”

Coursera’s primary selling point is its relationships with elite educational institutions, allowing you to take their best classes online. Because to their close relationships with several prestigious institutions, you may get credentials in a variety of disciplines and even a master’s degree.

Due to its subscription model, Coursera is rather pricey.

Coursera is a lifesaver of sorts for students who don’t have a lot of money or other means to pay for their education. To get started, all you really need is a computer and access to the internet.

FAQs On CXL Reviews

Are CXL courses worth it?

Yes CXL Courses are totally worth it, their top practitioners are leading experts in their respective fields, and many users who have opted for CXL courses have given 90% positive feedback. I highly recommend you to check out CXL for advanced marketing training courses.

How I can learn Digital Marketing & CRO courses with CXL ?

You can opt for their digital marketing & CRO training on their official website, they have top marketing experts to share their knowledge with real live case studies. It’s where people transform their careers. Their programs go deep, and completing them requires a lot of effort.

What are the courses offered by CXL ?

CXL offers many courses like Conversion Rate Optimization, User Experience, Training Programs, Conversion Optimization, Business Growth, Online Courses, Digital Analytics, Digital Marketing, google analytics, Growth Marketing, eLearning, Data-driven Marketing, Online Training, UX, landing page optimization, product messaging, sales page copywriting, saas growth, and SEO.

👉 Can a beginner use CXL Institute?

Sure, a beginner can use this platform without much trouble. Only it would be a little easier for the individual to understand the courses taught if they have a little idea about the topic they chose to learn. This is due to the courses being slightly advanced but they surely are very informative.

Quick Links:


CXL Institute is the best option if you want to improve your marketing skills and focus more on your customers. Their curriculum is carefully crafted to offer students engaging and relevant lessons. CXL provides something for everyone, whether you’re a specialist in growth, product management, or user experience and interface design.

If you’re in marketing, I strongly suggest you check out CXL Institute. The standard of their classes and the expertise of their teachers are unparalleled. By enrolling in their courses, you may be confident you’re making a long-term investment in your career.

I hope you like this detailed CXL review; share your thoughts in the comments below.

Kashish Babber
This author is verified on

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

56 User Reviews on CXL

  1. CXL institute is the best because they give you all the tools you need to get started with marketing. I’ve learned so many new skills, gained a ton of knowledge, and interacted with people who are passionate about what they do. CXL has allowed me to grow as a person while being surrounded by phenomenal humans wanting to learn more too!

    CXL is an amazing place that speaks up for me when my thoughts can’t find their own words. The teachers are truly invested in our success at certain challenges or tasks, motivating us to press through if something comes across as difficult at first glance.

  2. Hands-down, CXL is the best learning platform I’ve come across.
    As a digital marketer working in a SaaS company focused on analytics, I’m always on the lookout for up-to-date industry knowledge that’s applicable and gets straight to the point.
    CXL managed to do that and more. They’re gathered the best in the industry to share their knowledge in a format that’s easily digestible and engaging. No fancy buzzwords, no outdated information, no academic slang. Just pure knowledge, sliced and diced to fit everyone’s needs.

  3. The comprehensive lists of courses to take, so many different topics to choose from. From UX to CRO. Running a (remote) Marketing Team to the future of SEO. It has it all, I know how I am going to level up my squad. They need this.

    I never really liked schools and courses that take on too broad of a topic. CXL is capable of taking on such a broad topic and also knows to deliver on that promise. Saying “become part of the top 1%” is no lie when EVERY course is run by people who are regarded as top players in their field.

  4. Recently completed my CXL mini degree! Loved the course, the content and the best were the instructors. All of the instructors are industry professionals and are brilliant teachers.

    This is hands down the best online course I have taken up till now! And I highly recommend it to those who are looking forward to learning Conversion Optimization. This will be your best investment!

  5. CXL provides the most in-depth and holistic training on specific marketing topics that are absolutely essential to becoming a T-shaped marketer. The marketing professionals that train bring the very best insights to make you a winner in the topic you choose to learn! CXL rocks hands-down!

  6. Pure marketing and CRO knowledge.
    Look before CXL I was pretty lost, trying to read everything on the internet (and there is a lot out there) but it didn’t do me any good. With CXL I started to focus, especially after the growth marketing mini-degree, all the syllabus is organized so you can follow a process, now I have a more precise perspective where I should focus and continue to improve.
    The best thing about CXL so far? I have read some books that I couldn’t understand like: hooked, fast and slow and influence – now? I went to re-read them and they seem much clear now, their digital psychology and persuasion mini degree is simply awesome.

  7. The way the information is structured helps you understand concepts that you are hearing of for the first time.
    The effort put into making sure you have all the information available in different formats -audio, video, text – shows how much emphasis is put on customer experience.
    Having exams at the end of almost every course is a great way to go over what you have learned.
    All in all, it was a great experience and I feel that I have gained so much from the two months of going through the CXL Minidegree.

  8. CXL’s curriculum is very well-structured. The instructors are also experts at what they taught and you can tell just by how easily digestible the lessons are. The support team is also top-notch, with a quick response time, as well as a supportive community to help you answer any questions you might have while going through the course.

  9. I loved the depth that was explored in each of the Digital Analytical tools. The GTM Advanced course with Simo Ahava was the epitome of Advanced. Also, the models which they provided to approach various digital tools have proven wildly helpful in my everyday job.

  10. CXL is a top-notch online learning institution offering industry-recognized certification courses in marketing for professionals looking to learn the latest technical marketing skills and tools. I am hugely impressed with CXL’s courses and was happy to have access to their all courses. They are top-notch and worth trying, especially if you are a professional customer of theirs like myself.

  11. I loved the variety of tutors who brought their real-world experience to class. I also appreciated that CXL is taking feedback from students and is consistently improving the experience. From updating the curriculum to improving the testing experience I found the program to be very fulfilling and practical.

  12. What you get through CXL Institue are not just theoretical courses, they come with templates and additional resources to help you implement what you learned from the professionals who are already applying what they teach. I loved the Growth Specialist curriculum because it teaches you the fundamentals of every area involved, from customer insights to project management, testing, data analytics, and advertising channels.

  13. When you take a course at CXL, you are not getting rudiments (unless the course is intended to be at the beginner level). And that is important if you have been around a while. You know how things work in the various online ad channels and supporting 3rd party software. What you are looking for is advanced insight and ideas. You are looking for strategies that are not widely published; that isn’t going to be found in forums.
    So, that is the difference – you get access to the really good stuff. There is also an ongoing effort to update content. And it is pretty obvious they are well managed. Peep Laja has a good reputation. It is not unusual to get him when you click on Chat help. That should tell you a lot.

  14. I’ve found that all of the latest content is easily accessible on CXL. Trust this site when it comes time for advanced marketing tasks like A/B testing: they have so much great content. The design of courses offered at CXL are top notch with their well-articulated course descriptions making it easy for anyone who wants to know more about topical marketing topics.

  15. What I like most about CXL is its expertise in digital marketing and everything related to conversion rate optimization. They not only offer great content with their courses that allow you to become a top marketer, but they also show their professionalism in the community, and they are always ready to give you the advice to solve your problems.

  16. CXL Institue is my go-to platform if I want to learn anything about marketing. Purely because the content is so good. Taught by leading practitioners in their field. The content is updated regularly so always feel slightly ahead of the curve when it comes to digital marketing. The courses are fast-paced and challenging, however, what you learn you can immediately apply. There is always something you can take away and action.

  17. Doing the CXL Growth Marketing mini degree was a game-changer for me, I come from the entrepreneurial, economics side and the number of lessons that I could immediately translate into progress within my own company and projects was unbelievable.

    Really really happy I took the time and completed this mini degree and I’m sure coming back for more courses or mini degrees.

  18. It’s very comprehensive. The mini-degree covers everything you could imagine. The courses are taught by different instructors, from different companies and specializations. The content varies but this is actually a positive. There’s a great diversity of opinion, which is important in this field. And the content is almost uniformly excellent. (The teachers vary a little bit more but the best teachers are really, really good.)

  19. The curriculum was extremely diverse and comprehensive. It covered all aspects of Conversion Optimization from analytics, to behaviour research, psychology, test setup, statistics, etc etc. You can dive deep into areas you are not an expert in, and bolster other areas you are already strong in.

  20. CXL is one of the best online courses in marketing and branding. I always knew that digital marketing was my thing, but this course helped me to take it to the next level. It’s perfect for people who don’t want to start from scratch when learning about advanced trends like A/B testing. Plus, I love how comprehensive their content feels with such thorough course descriptions and well attempted exercises. The design styles are also creative and modern; it seems fresh which keeps us interested even if we think we know what they’re talking about thanks to previous experience in the field!

  21. CXL courses are a great place to get started if you’re looking to build up your resume and learn about marketing as a whole. The classes that I got access to were all structured uniquely, teaching me skills in areas outside of my personal expertise. It was worth the investment of time, too–I felt like there wasn’t an unchecked pastime during my sessions. Plus, their certifications open doors for many different fields where this knowledge can be applied, such as UX/UI design or product development.

  22. The course is well structured and takes you on a journey from knowing very little to feel accomplished in the subject matter. I found it reassuring to hear certain things repeated further on in the course, often by other teachers, which helps embed certain key principles. The mini degrees are long but go further than most other courses and really help you understand the advanced subject matter from leading industry experts.

  23. I loved the fact that they are paths already determined in the course catalogue. It was easy for me to know which class to take next. Overall the content was up-to-date and for some of the concepts taught, it was the first time I encountered them in my career. It was very refreshing in terms of knowledge. Also the format of the courses varies, some are videos of a speaker during an event, others are slides with a speaker. It felt good to change the format from course to course.

  24. The courses and exams were very uneven in terms of content structure and difficulty. For example, many exams were very trivial and asked random questions to make sure you were paying attention, rather than asking questions that applied to the concepts covered. Also, some courses were just a long video presentation and not broken down into digestible content sections like others were.

  25. CXL is one of the leading conversion optimization institutes. I am really happy with my course and skills that they taught me. Now, all websites I work on or consult for see great improvements and thankfully new customers always come in without worries about them not completing their registration forms etc. CXL makes Conversion Optimization courses long enough to be prestigious but short enough to fit around a busy schedule – if you can’t dedicate six months or more of your life to this then I would recommend taking it as an online course so you still get access to the same resources as those attending face-to-face courses.”

  26. CXL courses are a great place to get started if you’re looking to build up your resume and learn about marketing as a whole. The classes that I got access to were all structured uniquely, teaching me skills in areas outside of my personal expertise. It was worth the investment of time, to felt like there wasn’t an unchecked pastime during my sessions. Plus, their certifications open doors for many different fields where this knowledge can be applied, such as UX/UI design or product development.

  27. CXL has helped me to learn the latest marketing skills in an exciting and engaging way. They never use outdated information, which is great because I was able to study marketing courses online without having to make time for them in my busy work schedule. The course descriptions are articulate and easy-to-read, even if you don’t know about our amazing topics like PPC ads or A/B testing before visiting CXL, so you can get everything you need at once – whether that’s how many cups of coffee are needed each day if your goal is weight loss or how logo design affects brand recognition rates. My knowledge of marketing increased tremendously with CXL!

  28. CXL is the best place for learning marketing skills. Even if you have no marketing experience, they can help you learn what you need to know so that you can be successful right out of the gate. The courses offered here are easy to read and understand which makes it perfect for newbies in the industry or people who are switching careers. I highly recommend CXL when it’s time for things like A/B testing because they have all sorts of helpful information about this difficult topic that anyone could benefit from.

  29. The one class that truly required course files was missing up-to-date course files. I contacted both CXL and the instructor and got nowhere. This didn’t affect me much because it was the course I was least likely to use in my professional life but I could see how it could be a problem for other people.

    I should point out, as well, that I have started another of the mini-degrees because my subscription is still valid, and those courses aren’t divided as well. So it seems that it depends on who curates and creates the course as to how well it is presented, which is a drawback.

  30. When I was looking for more advanced marketing skills, CXL popped up in the top of my search. A friend mentioned that they use it and how much she enjoys learning from their courses. The great thing about CXL is the breadth of marketing-related topics on offer: everything from web design to customer experience planning is covered. Not only does this make this a site with a lot of content but also a repository for a a whole range different approaches with all things related to marketing management which you can find via gradients or specific tags – fantastic!

  31. CXL means Conversion Optimization. It’s not just for conversion optimization professionals any more – they are taught by professors from MIT and Columbia Business School in a 9-month long program that is way more advanced than kindergarten, CXL gives you the perfect foundation to take on your marketing role where you’re always looking to improve the user experience.

  32. CXL is the most comprehensive program for conversion optimization available today. Not only does it provide lessons on SEO, PPC, CRO, email marketing updates and more – often published by industry leaders in the field of conversion optimization – but it’s regularly keeping up with new trends to stay ahead of other educational programs. CXL know their stuff so you should too!

  33. Training at CXL Institute is of very high quality with resources to support multiple learning styles. Each course includes videos, related downloads like templates, framework examples, etc. Plus they have full transcripts of each video so you can read along if you learn best that way, rather than through auditory methods. In most cases, the slides are also available for each video as well.

  34. From the start, I knew that CXL had a different approach. There’s no time wasted with their informative course descriptions and content packed right in to ensure you don’t spend hours searching for something tangible. The design is modern and sleek, as well as easy to follow. And the best part: if you have any questions about how something works or what you just learned on one of your courses, they are always there to answer them– honestly fast! Trust me when I say this is an honest company that offers great service!

  35. With CXL, I was able to find the information that suited me best. Unlike other places that offer courses without a clear way of knowing what you’ll get out them or how they align with your needs, CXL does a great job of communicating their process and course descriptions in ways that make it easy for everyone to understand whether they’re new to marketing or have years of experience doing it. Their content is top-notch and well-designed which makes learning fun and engaging rather than something boring like education should be!

  36. I really think that I became a better marketer because of this site. With CXL, you can quickly learn the latest information and skills no matter what your past experience level is. It’s perfect for newbies, industry experts, or people just trying to change careers. Trust this site when it comes time for advanced marketing tasks like A/B testing: they have so much great content. The design of courses offered at CXL are top notch with their well-articulated course descriptions making it easy for anyone who wants to know more about topical marketing topics totally outshining others in the field given everything you need to know has been broken down into lessons that last 15 minutes each.

  37. I don’t know if I’ll ever thank CXL Institute for this enough. After finishing up with them, they sent me on my way armed with all new techniques to never miss anything again. It was the most empowering thing-each new module added expanded knowledge of what you can do on your own and how it truly makes a difference. I’m thrilled!

  38. Finally a conversion mania that makes sense. If you’re reading this article then chances are that experimentation is one of many things you’ve done in a failed attempt to convert visitors into customers. I was frustrated with incompetence from previous jobs and no results from them because the bulk of focus has been on what we should be doing, not why we weren’t getting there. Seriously, if anyone’s come across something moderately successful but decided it wasn’t worth the risk or cost? You get where I’m going with this right?

    Anyway, while researching whether an MBA might be for me, I stumbled upon CXL . They have all these best practices created by others who have succeeded in business while not being stiff about it – everything

  39. The platform is good but there are certain elements missing in the UX/UI which would help with the journey. Such as a button to go to the next course or an overall progress bar as you go through. I found myself going to the dashboard to see how much of a mini degree I had completed

  40. CXL is a great product for marketers who want to understand how to really improve conversion rates. I wanted something that would give me a comprehensive course in the best practices, and this is what CXL does. It gives you everything from a basic overview of digital marketing basics all the way up through advanced content strategy – with examples from your favorite companies like Uber, Slack, Lyft etc. The sheer amount of information offered doesn’t have any filler material either – it’s just direct advice on what the best ways are to go about improving your conversion rate maximization skills!

  41. The CXL Institute Digital Analytics Program is an amazing course of over 130 hours of instruction by very knowledgeable and sharing experts in our field. I especially enjoyed the advanced classes with Yehoshua Coren and Simo Ahava. The courses seemed geared more for marketing, but I very much enjoyed trudging off into the developer weeds with Simo, a lot.
    I was not able to take the Live Course but was happy to learn I could take the self-paced course anytime. I was able to do all the ancillary reading, exercises, and studies and complete the course. Many of the videos have been transcribed and the classes also come with a copy of the Chat transcript. All of this was very helpful to consume the information.

  42. CXL is the best place to master marketing with courses that are up-to-date, creative, and interactive. You can learn what you need in this modern world at your own pace without the stress of deadlines – just focus on mastering skills with easy payment options.

  43. With CXL, I was able to master the skills that I needed in order to make a difference. This is a great place where you can quickly learn the latest information and skills no matter what your past experience level is. It’s perfect for newbies, industry experts, or people just trying to change careers. Trust this site when it comes time for advanced marketing tasks like A/B testing: they have so much great content. The design of courses offered at CXL are top notch with their well-articulated course descriptions making it easy for anyone who wants to know more about topical marketing topics total market saturation experienced professionals interested in transitioning into marketing or UX would love too!

  44. With CXL, I was able to master the skills that I needed in order to make a difference. This is a great place where you can quickly learn the latest information and skills no matter what your past experience level is. It’s perfect for newbies, industry experts, or people just trying to change careers. Trust this site when it comes time for advanced marketing tasks like A/B testing: they have so much great content. The design of courses offered at CXL are top notch with their well-articulated course descriptions making it easy for anyone who wants to know more about topical marketing topics total market saturation experienced professionals interested in transitioning into marketing or UX would love too!

  45. I found the course very easy to follow because the audio and visual is simultaneously available – even highlighting the sentences currently spoken.
    The focus is better when you can follow the script and helped me tremendously, leaving nothing unclear.
    The insights from a professional were great, giving examples and using the business terminology related to the subject.

  46. I have never seen a course that can turn your company around so quickly.

    After attending the conversion optimization mini degree, CXL was able to offer me one of its most extensive courses on how to grow your company using conversions. I’ve struggled for years with creating an effective growth team but after only 4 weeks i’ve already achieved over 1 million in revenue growth by implementing some simple design tactics.

  47. My team at work always praises the CXL Institute because it’s given them so much valuable knowledge for their business. The staff are so knowledgeable and they provide advice on what content should be created, how to increase traffic, etc. I’m glad my company has been able to take advantage of this service.

  48. I’m a tech industry professional and I was looking for a Conversion Optimisation course to round off my skills. CXL seemed the best one, because it included content from Artificial Intelligence to Technical SEO. Courses are well priced, all materials are up-to-date and easy to relate with what we have been working on at work lately. The whole month of studying has been very enjoyable, there is information both from theory to actionable takeaways that you can use in your everyday tasks too!

  49. When it comes to Conversion Optimization, time is money. That’s why the last thing you want to do is waste either your or your client’s on outdated material that doesn’t even work anymore. CXL gives you access to all this content and not only are they always adding new material, but they’re constantly updating existing lectures!

  50. Learning about CXL has helped me become a better person. It’s given me the chance to learn skills that I can use throughout my entire life no matter what path I follow, and it gave me the confidence to try something new. The site offers courses that are engaging and informative while also being interactive with helpful forums for answering questions along the way. The design of CXL also leaves nothing to be desired with well-articulated course descriptions and expert teachers who really want you to succeed in your endeavors.

  51. The wide variety of courses, taught by many different experts, makes ConversionXL Insitute highly recommended for every team who takes (online) growth seriously. There are many courses related to Conversion Optimization and UX, Analytics and Marketing. Regularly new courses are available making the platform better and better each time. CXL Institute is a great platform for learning and growing businesses.

  52. I completed the Digital Psychology Minidegree and have to say that the content and structure of the course was put together with a lot of thought. Every topic in succession was a build to the previous one. The trainers are real experts who are thought leaders and are hands-on experts in their respective areas of expertise. The short length of each video within modules make the material easy to retain. I’m working through the other courses and even as an experienced digital marketer I pick up some new insights along the way.

  53. Amazing. I was a beginner with conversion optimization but now I feel like a professional after finishing the Conversion Optimization Mini Course from CXL Institute!

  54. One of the best things about CXL is that they’ve sourced their experts for the training from a range of backgrounds. So while you get great speakers like CXL’s core people, you also get some great “visiting” trainers who deliver wonderful sessions. There’s also some great curated material added to training, from conferences, books, articles and whatnot, which make the training even more comprehensive. I also appreciate the elevated nature of the content — it’s not surface level, but packed with high-level material.

  55. I came to the CXL Institute with some familiarity in many parts of CRO. However, their course rapidly expanded my knowledge in all areas. After completing the CRO mini-degree it is very clear it would take years of learning on my own to even approach the understanding of the subject I have now.

  56. The only thing I find annoying is the duration of the courses are not accurate. If you take any notes, even basic ones without stopping videos it’s still impossible to finish a course in the time they say. It’s not a big deal but just know upfront it will take longer than you expect.

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