CPV Lab Review 2024 Best Tracking Platform For Your Campaigns?


Overall Verdict

I can highly recommend CPV Lab is user-friendly and self-hosted with no click limit. In addition, you can simply monitor the conversion of any traffic source or affiliate network using a detailed report. The tool's user-friendly visual interface is packed with continually evolving features that generate exhaustive statistics and reviews.

Out of 10


  • Unlimited events tracked
  • Lifetime license available
  • API integrations
  • Cookie-less tracking
  • Accurate attribution across channels
  • Self-hosted / or cloud (CPV One)


  • A Little Bit Expensive
  • Server: You need to pay a little extra for the server


Price: $ 38

In this CPV Lab Review, I look at one of the most popular ad tracking software available and provide a complete overview of its key pros and cons. Is it right for your business?

In order to build successful marketing campaigns, we need to track, test, and optimize all of our marketing campaigns. But the question arises here “How We Can Do It?”

That’s the actual problem as tracking and optimizing marketing campaigns is not that easy. We need to take the help of several tools in order to track all the aspects effectively. But what if I tell you, there is an all-in-one tool that can help you in tracking, testing, and optimizing your marketing campaigns without putting that much effort.

CPV Lab Review

🔥 Bottom Line Upfront :

In recent years I have personally witnessed the evolution of CPV Lab, and I must say that it has grown in correlation with the affiliate marketing industry. As an affiliate marketing tracker, CPV Lab provides a comprehensive set of features that enable marketers to monitor, test, optimize, and manage their marketing campaigns across multiple traffic sources without restriction.

In my opinion, CPV Lab Pro’s adaptability is one of its best qualities. As an affiliate marketer, it has been an incredible help. In addition to saving time, the heightened security and control provided by CPV Lab Pro have provided me with much-needed relief. The checkboxes and simple drag-and-drop interface have made it a snap to keep track of everything in my database.

As promised, CPV Lab Pro allows me to monitor, analyze, and enhance all of my advertising initiatives. It has become an essential part of my toolkit, helping me to make educated judgments, boost campaign efficiency, and accomplish outstanding results.

If you want to take your affiliate marketing to the next level, CPV Lab Pro is the way to go.

I am confident that the effectiveness of this tool will surpass your expectations, just as it has mine.

Get Exclusive Discount On CPV Lab NOW

CPV Lab Review 2024

What is  CPV Lab?


CPV Lab -home image

CPV Lab Pro is a performance marketing tracker used by ten of hundreds of affiliates out there to improve the performance of their campaigns and increase profits.

You can track PPC ads, Video Ads, Native Ads, Organic, Mobile Ads, CPV, CPM… you understand. All kind of ads!

CPV Lab is a powerful and affordable self-hosted ad tracker and recently it has a new cloud version, CPV One.

It is the only tracker with both self-hosted and cloud solutions with unlimited tracking events.


CPV Lab features

CPV Lab marketing tracker comes with many useful and easy-to-use features. I will list here just a few of the most important ones in your affiliate marketing activity.

Unlimited events tracked

No need to mention that most trackers these days are cloud-based and they have limit for number of events used.

With CPV Lab you can track as many events, campaigns, landing pages or offers you want.

It is hosted on your server (and here is some useful article about hosting —> link to article) so you can have 100% security and privacy.


Plus you can keep your data history forever!

Cookie-less tracking

As 3rd party cookies will soon be gone, having a tracker that can use first party cookies and can track your campaigns accurately, it is very important.


Bot filtering and blocking

Bots are the pain of our traffic and having a tool like CPVLab that is able to block them, it is very important to not waste money on bots.

Remove known bots from your reports by setting custom filtering rules based on IP addresses or ranges and user agent values.

Detailed “Buyer” stats

CPV Lab affiliate marketing tracker offers complete visibility into your conversion data, providing you with all the information you need to optimize your campaigns.

With this tool, you’ll be able to see each conversion in detail, including the date and time it occurred, the IP address of the user, geographical location, revenue generated, SubID, referrer, and user agent.

This level of detail allows you to identify patterns and trends, enabling you to make informed decisions and improve your ROI. Additionally, CPV Lab marketing tracker allows you to segment your data, track multiple campaigns, and export reports for further analysis. You’ll be able to gain a deeper understanding of your audience and create more effective marketing strategies.

Mobile tracking

CPV Lab has an up to date database used for mobile identification and tracking.

Mobile tracking is a vital aspect of affiliate marketing as it can provide valuable insights into how your campaigns are performing on mobile devices.

By tracking mobile visits, you can optimize your campaigns to better target and convert mobile users.

Some ways to improve your affiliate marketing campaigns by tracking mobile visits include analyzing mobile-specific data such as click-through rates and conversion rates, adjusting your ad placement and messaging to better suit mobile users, and identifying and addressing any technical issues that may be impacting mobile performance.

By utilizing mobile tracking, you can improve the ROI of your affiliate marketing campaigns and reach more potential customers.

CPVLab-mobile audience

Real time reports and stats

You will be get real-time reports and stats for all campaigns including Ads, Keywords, Pages and offers right with the detailed revenue data so that you can easily optimize profits and ROI.

Real time reports and stats

API integrations

CPVlab features

CPV Lab has API integrations with some traffic sources like Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads, Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Clickbank, CJ… and the list continues to grow.

You can send information about conversions and costs back to your traffic source and improve the attribution of your ads.

With API integrations the attribution algorithms from your traffic source will be improved and you will get a lower cost for your traffic and better audience.

So, CPV Lab is a great in conversion attribution platform that you can use to combat the issues with attribution after the iOS 14 updates.

MV Lab integrated

CPVlab features

CPV Lab can help you with A/B testing so you can see which landers or offers are best performing.

But, more than that, they have an extra tool integrated: MV Lab!

MV Lab is a multivariate testing tool designed by CPV Lab.

  • It is integrated into CPV Lab and it helps in testing multiple variations of a landing page by using: one landing page
  • some piece of code
  • CPV Lab for tracking results.

In this way you can test your pages and see which one is the best performing.

For example, this means that from ONE landing page you can test: 3 colors for button, 4 hooks, 2 backgrounds, 3 different texts. This is 3x4x2x3 = 72 versions of your landing page from a single page.

And you can track these changes and optimize your landing page based on your results (CTR, engagement, conversions, etc).

Who Can Get Benefit Form CPV Lab?


Ecommerce: It doesn’t matter whether you sell the physical or digital product, a single product or a full catalog. Here with CPV Lab, everything can be easily tracked.

Affiliates: With CPV Lab any affiliate can easily set up campaigns and also validate new campaigns right for the new traffic sources. Just increase sales and commissions by improving the targeting.

Advertisers: We all know that lead generation and direct response always offers a perfect fit. You can easily set campaigns right with a few clicks and then you can also optimize full conversion paths easily. Marketing Agencies: Any agency and networks can easily integrate the tracking platform right into their business and they also receive discounts right on the bulk license as well. CPV Lab has whitelabel, multi user, API integration with all the main traffic sources (Facebook, Google, Microsoft Ads, TikTok) for a better conversion attribution.

Self-hosted vs cloud solution

This is a question you need to answer before getting a marketing tracker: self hosted or cloud?

A self-hosted affiliate marketing tracker can provide several benefits, including:

  • Greater control and flexibility: A self-hosted solution allows you to customize tracking parameters and metrics to better align with your specific business goals.
  • Data security and privacy: By hosting the tracking software on your own servers, you can ensure that your data is more secure and protected from potential breaches.
  • Reduced costs: Self-hosted solutions do not require big or even ongoing subscription fees , which can save you money over time. (CPV Lab offers a lifetime license – you pay once and use it for as long as you need)
  • Access to raw data: A self-hosted solution gives you access to raw data, which can be useful for troubleshooting and analyzing.

CPV Lab is a self-hosted affiliate marketing tracker. And, together with CPV One, the cloud based click tracker powered by CPV Lab, they will win both worlds: self-hosted and cloud!


A cloud based tracker has other advantages:

  • Scalability: Cloud-based solutions are designed to handle large amounts of data and traffic, which means that as your business grows, your marketing tracker can grow with it.
  • Automated updates and backups: Cloud-based solutions usually include automated updates and backups, so you don’t have to worry about maintaining the software or losing your data.

Comparison Voluum vs CPV Lab

Voluum and CPVLab are two of the most popular affiliate tracking platforms in use.

One is in cloud (Voluum) the other is self-hosted (CPVLab).

They both have high demand, which is great for pushing your business up front as it will be easier than ever before to optimize campaigns with these tools!

For example if you’re launching a Facebook Ad campaign for your newest product release then using a tracking system such as Voluum or CPV Lab can help provide detailed information on who clicked or converted from each one of those ads- along with their personal information like gender, location, mobile information, etc.

Is Voluum better than CPVLab?

CPVLab is a solid tracking system, and it has great support and a lot of experience in the industry.

They did a great job with innovation and product development in the last 2 years, meaning that the gap on UX between them and Voluum is smaller and smaller.

With the new CPV One cloud based marketing tracker, CPV Lab will get a bite out of the market for cloud based trackers.

Voluum instead has experience as a cloud tracker and it has the advantage of a bigger team doing the work.

Cloud based trackers like Voluum have the advantage of having all its servers scattered across different regions, which means visitors will automatically get redirected depending on where they’re coming form which results in faster page load times.

But all cloud based servers have servers around the globe… I’m curious how the new CPV One will do with that. We will follow and see!


CPVLab is a solid tracking system, but Voluum has the edge when it comes to features.

You can host your own server and use CPVLabs tracker for 100% security and privacy.

All you need for it is a hosting and a domain/subdomain. CPV Lab team will do the installing for you.

You will pay a lower price on your tracking and you will get all the privacy and security available for a marketing tracker. It will be on your server!

If you don’t want to spend time with hosting and installs, then a cloud based solution like Voluum is the easy decision here. You will save some money with hosting, but you will pay some money on extra traffic (when you get to run big traffic) and you will get very good tracking for your campaigns.


CPV Lab Testimonials

CPV Lab Review- Testimonial

FAQs On CPV Lab Pro Review

👉Is CPV Lab good?

CPV Lab is a tracking tool which tracks your conversions and sales. Anyone who is looking for a tool which can track everything regarding their affiliate then CPV Lab is an awesome choice.

😎How much maximum discount can you get on CPV Lab?

With our discount coupon, you can get up to 15% off on CPV Lab. This discount is only applicable on yearly plans.

✅Does CPV Lab offer any free trial?

Yes, they offer a 30-day free trial to their new users. So if you want to use CPV Lab then you should start with a free trial first.

🔥Does CPV Lab offer a money-back guarantee?

Yes, CPV Lab Pro also offers a 30-day money back guarantee to their customers. So if you are not happy with the services then you can send a ticket for a full refund.

✔What will happen once my free trial is over?

If you are using the free trial on CPV Lab and you are not happy with the service then you must cancel the free trial before the trial period ends. Because once the free trial ends you will be charged for the same plan.

Quick Links:

Conclusion: CPV Lab Pro Review 2024

If, like me, you run a variety of advertisements such as Google advertisements, Facebook Ads, TikTok, sponsored ads, and organic campaigns, CPV Lab Pro is the appropriate affiliate monitoring software for you. As an affiliate marketer, I realize how important it is to measure conversions and revenues in great detail, and CPV Lab Pro delivers that.

I can gather comprehensive insights into the effectiveness of my efforts and make data-driven decisions to maximize my outcomes with this amazing tool.

CPV Lab Pro has been a game-changer for me when it comes to testing. I can quickly test various landing pages, keywords, advertisements, creatives, and offers to see what performs best for my target demographic. It’s like having my own personal laboratory where I can test and tweak my ideas in order to optimize my ROI.

When it comes to ROI, the optimization features of CPV Lab Pro have proven crucial. I can fine-tune my campaigns, target certain audiences, and make changes in real time. This degree of control and flexibility has enabled me to maximize my advertising budget and get greater returns on investment.

CPV Lab also offers 30 Day Free Trial and coupon code, if you are not sure to choose CPV Lab then just give it a try. And if somehow you don’t like its services and functionality then you can get your refunds without a single question being asked.

Feel free to share your views about CPV Lab review right in the comment section below.

Jitendra Vaswani
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded Digiexe.com, a digital marketing agency, and Bytegain.com, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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