Blake Nubar Partner Program Review 2024 🥇 Legit Or Not?

Blake Nubar Review

Overall Verdict

Blake Nubar Partner Program is an all-in-one Online Marketing program that allows you to access and learn important professional aspects of internet marketing from your own comfort whether at home or at work, whenever you want.

Out of 10


  • Most Sought Out Sales Funnel
  • Secret Social Media Sales Funnel
  • Setp-By-Step Training
  • Great Bonuses
  • ​A LIVE money-making demo of how it works
  • 2,000+ Niches


  • You have to do some video for your funnel
  • You need a website to begin
  • Expensive for beginners


Price: $ 997

Let me begin things by asking a few basic questions before starting Blake Nubar Partner Program Review or Blake Nubar Review?

Are you using Facebook?

If the answer is yes, then are you earning through Facebook or are planning to do so?

According to Forbes, Facebook’s ad prices have increased by 90% year over year. Worse still, since Facebook’s algorithm is constantly changing, the learning curve for Facebook advertising is very steep.

Learning and testing Facebook advertising can take a significant amount of time and money. If you run Facebook ads without any prior knowledge, your account will be quickly suspended for breaching their strict policies. 

However, if you can learn the skills of generating free traffic to your website, you would be able to earn recurring income month after month with no out-of-pocket expenses.

But don’t worry; this in-depth review of the Blake Nubar partner program will help you understand and learn what you need to do in order to take your online marketing game to the next level and master the art of selling online.

Facebook currently has over 1.6+ billion active users. Facebook Messenger itself is used by around 1.3 billion people. Consider this: the platform creates a level playing field for both small and large enterprises to operate on.

You can transform your company into a strong competitor in the market from an underdog by tapping into its enormous business potential. But how can you do it if you have no experience and no skills? 

Bottom Line Upfront ✨

Blake Nubar ReviewBlake Nubar Partner Program is a ready-to-run business model. It is easy to clone and run it. The Blake Nubar Partner Program allows you to rebrand the digital product and sales funnel that works for any business in any niche.

Blake Nubar is a member of the ClickFunnels 2 comma club, which means he’s made a million dollars or more with them.

In 2016, he was $30K in debt, doing data entry for a career, and earning $8/hour before joining the digital realm of making money.

😍I would recommend you to take the course and test yourself.

Blake nubar Reviews

Blake Nubar Partner Program Review

Is Blake Nubar Legitimate?

Blake Nubar is not a scam. However, it can be difficult to get organic traffic on your Facebook profile. It can take a long time to grow your followers and convert them into customers. Besides, running Facebook ads is also not a good option for many newbies who do not have much money.

The cost of advertising on Facebook has risen over the years. Sometimes it costs $35 dollars to acquire a lead with a conversion rate of 10%. That means $350 for one deal (or sale).

Blake Nubar Review 2024

Who Is Blake Nubar? 

Enroll Today In Blake's Partner Program Today Blake Nubar Reviews

Blake Nubar is a successful entrepreneur. He has made a lot of money by using sales funnels to market his products. Though he only started his career in Internet marketing back in 2017, he was able to establish a digital marketing agency in a few years.

Blake received the 2 Comma Club Award from ClickFunnels for making 1 million in sales revenue via the platform of ClickFunnels. He has even been featured in Entrepreneur and Funnel Magazine publications.

Blake Nubar Partner Program Review

Blake Nubar - Overview

Blake Nubar’s Partner Program grants you a partnership license to use ClickFunnels to build a course and funnel. After signing up for the partnership, you’ll receive three ready-to-sell goods priced at $7, $37, and $197.

You can sell them under your own name and keep 90% of the profit. Blake seems to have set the three rates to make it easier to give upsells. Customers who buy the $7 product will be met with a $37 bid, followed by a $197 offer.

The course teaches you how to use marketing strategies that include your Facebook profile to generate organic traffic on Facebook. It’s said to fit well in a variety of niches, including real estate, internet marketing, network marketing, coaching, and so on.

Blake’s Program is an all-in-one Online Marketing program that allows you to access and learn important professional aspects of internet marketing from your own comfort whether at home or at work, whenever you want.

In reality, Blake mentioned some important points about the program that I found particularly interesting: “It’s a “stupid simple” online business you can start from home. And it’s perfect for beginners!  No tech skills, no product, and no marketing experience needed.”

You’ll learn a tried-and-true 3-Step Process that Blake and many other top online marketers have been using for YEARS. In reality, Blake’s training and funnels are so strong that he’s regarded as the world’s leading expert on the topic! Two interesting facts about this item:

  • The products that you will be selling are made specifically for you, and you’ll be able to white label them, tweak them a little, and make them completely your own!
  • What makes things even more exciting is that this is a solution for your customers and clients for generating FREE Traffic. This is something that everyone loves, so they will surely promote it among their friends and colleagues as well.

How Does The Program Work?

The program works like this: once you’ve purchased it, you’ll receive intensive training on how you can get organic leads for your Facebook business for FREE.

You should start with the funnel they have to promote their products because you’ll require an extremely valuable digital product for promoting to your online audience.

You’ll get 90% commissions if you sell it to your audience. For their companies, the majority of your audience is going to need customers. How are they going to get them? Check out what they do online or the buying sites they mostly visit on the internet.

You can reach out to your customers via a variety of digital platforms. Consider this: you can advertise on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Google. Is there a big channel I’ve missed?

Blake nubar program working review


Of course, there’s Facebook. It is the largest social networking site on the planet. On Facebook, any business will generate leads. As a result, by being a partner, you won’t just earn large commissions, but you will also be assisting the audience you target in generating sales through Facebook.

They’ll provide you with a sales funnel which you can then use for targeting a specific niche. When you enter the program, you’ll be given a collection of over 2,000 niches to choose from as an added bonus.

You’ll be given a funnel and other things to use as your own once you’ve signed up. You have a funnel ready in no time, and you’re promoting it in the niche you chose.

If you want to learn social media marketing and earn a lot of money by referring others to the website, this is the software for you. Joining the relationship has a lot of benefits for you.

An Overview of Blake’s Partner Program

Marketing _ Clic

Okay, so the members’ area itself appears to be awesome. It isn’t cluttered with advertisements, upsells, or fluff. I like how you get right to the point of your training and education.


Blake Nubar partner program reviews

When you log in for the first time to your portal, you’ll notice a header menu on top that lists the complete program. You will find the ‘start here’ tab, which contains the program’s fundamentals.

This is an introductory module that will walk you through how to get started and what to expect from the training. Here’s what’s included in the fundamentals:

  • The big question: In this section, Blake wants to know whether you’re serious about participating in this initiative. You need to have a compelling reason to pay for his course with your earned money. After you’ve answered this question, move on to the next level.
  • Dedication to succeed: It’s simple to succeed if you put your mind to it. You won’t just get numerous things done, but you will also save a lot of time. You must make the commitment in this section.
  • Become a member of the VIP club: This is a fantastic party. It has provided me with several skills. You will still ask here if you have any concerns about the program after that. I’ve asked several questions here and received a lot of responses from other people in the group as well as Nubar himself. Blake Nubar will spend a lot of time here assisting others.
  • Create a Clickfunnels account here: The majority of Blake’s preparation will be done using ClickFunnels. He fully supports this as a member of the 2 CC. I simply signed in and moved on to the next level because I already had a Clickfunnels account. 

Module 1 – Choose your Niche

This program starts with attitude (which I believe is critical), then moves on to success stories of actual students and examples. Many people have already chosen a niche.

If you have, then that’s fantastic – but if you haven’t yet and don’t have a clue where to begin and are having trouble figuring it out, then THIS is just the right training program for you!

You are going to learn how you should “niche down” so you can concentrate on a focused segment inside a bigger niche, as well as how to establish yourself as the top and most looked up to “authority” in the niche, in this training!

You will become the top expert in this crowd, as you will comprehend them better than anyone, and have a lot of momentum going ahead once you’ve narrowed down your niche and established yourself as an authority.

Of course, I won’t be able to give too many insights about this experience, but Blake provides a TON of examples from the real world, explains how to find them, and even includes a BONUS download with 2,000+ niche examples from the real world.

Module 2 – Customize Your Funnel

You do have a sales funnel, so you have to tailor it to your target audience’s needs. Does it seem to be a difficult task? Blake knows exactly what he’s doing.

sales funnel- blake nubar review

In one of his video tutorials, he will demonstrate the measures. Your funnel should be ready as you reach the end of this video. To grasp the concept, watch the tutorial many times. It’ll be worthwhile because you’ll have perfected the procedure.

Module 2 focuses on CUSTOMIZING the Sales Funnel! You will discover how to:

  • Import the Sales Funnel of your business
  • Get a Domain Name
  • Share your domain name with Blake’s Team, so they will be able to add your domain to your custom funnel!

Apart from all this, you will even learn how to set up the wallowing things:

  • 2-Step Order Form Page
  • Confirmation Page for Orders
  • Masterclass Page
  • Downsell Page for Masterclass 
  • Access Page for Members 
  • Area Page for Members 
  • Legal Page
  • Adding Social Share Images
  • Creating Page Paths
  • Connecting Your Domain Name

Remember, everything has been done for you; all you need to do now is tweak the template and some text on these pages to suit your offer and target audience!

Get Started With Your Emails 

One of the most effective ways of marketing is email marketing. If you’re going all-in on ads, you’ll have to put a lot of money into it.

It’s the most effective way to connect with your customers, have a constructive conversation, and turn cold customers into hot customers who will buy your products on a regular basis.

Getting started is frequently the issue. How do you get things started if you don’t have any experience in this field? Blake has it worked out for you.

He’ll have email templates for you to use. As a result, you’ll just need to tailor them to your target audience. Simply changing the terminology is what I actually mean when I say customization. Blake has put all of the models to the test. As a result, they’re all top-performing.

You’ll also be able to add your payment processor and gain access to a collection of training material and video tutorials on follow-ups and sharing funnels in this section.

By the time you reach the end, you will have a good understanding of how to set up and manage email accounts. What are the things you’re selling? You’ll put them in this section. Installing done-for-you items is the first step.

The videos that follow show you how to add convincing product details as well as update Stripe payment for each product before importing it. Blake will also provide you with a profile funnel and a connection to share with your customers.

You’ll probably need the upsells, right? You’ll include them, as well as your fulfillment email, at this stage. 

Module 3 – Adding Products

What are the things you’re selling? You’ll put them in this section. Installing done-for-you items is the first step. The video tutorials will show how you can add convincing product details as well as update the Stripe payment method for every product before you import it.

Blake Nubar will also provide you with a profile funnel and a connection to share with your customers. You’ll probably need the upsells, right? You’ll include them, as well as your fulfillment email, at this stage.

The final step in this section is to build a personalized Facebook profile. As a result, you will be given access to the template to import and customize.

As per your industry, you may need a personalized profile to draw prospects into either your inbox as well as a funnel. These templates are available from Blake in a number of formats. Choose the one you like, download it, and start receiving Facebook leads for free right away. 

Organic Traffic

You’ll need traffic once your funnel is up and running. Organic traffic is the best type of traffic because it converts well. Blake will teach you exactly how to build a profile funnel and an organic traffic strategy.

You can also enter specific Facebook groups and communities where all your customers usually hang out. You’ll need the right engagement methods to get consumers into your funnel.

Blake can provide you with a system for posting on Facebook as well as interaction models to use as a reference. Blake demonstrates how to set up your profile funnel and how to generate organic traffic in this session.

Using a platform offered by Blake, you can enter targeted Facebook groups and publish posts on Facebook to engage your potential customers. 

Paid Traffic

In this section, Blake is going to demonstrate how you can get paid traffic after organic traffic. He’ll actually hire a professional to handle his Facebook advertising. The step-by-step videos will teach you how to create and handle successful Facebook advertisements.

Marketing paid media- blake nubar reveiew

The update section, which includes information on new techniques and processes, will be the next item in the top menu.

Video scripts

Blake shows you how to conduct a masterclass using his sales script in this session, and there’s even a launch checklist to ensure you’re designing your webinar correctly. You can also customize your membership area and introduction script.

How Much Does The Blake Nubar Program Cost?

Consider everything you’ve learned in the preceding steps. The masterclass alone is $997, and the interactive product suite as a whole is $9,997.

The $1k a day revenue funnel is the most costly of them all. It is valued at $14,997. The program’s gross value, including incentives, is $37,976.

Blake Nubar pricing and review

Guess how much you’ll have to pay. It’s just $997, and you’ll save $36,979. Isn’t this a fantastic deal? You would have gotten a lot more out of the curriculum by the end of it. I’m in it, and the talents and partner fees are bringing in a lot of money for me.


Blake Nubar Testimonials From Elite Speakers

This is where things start to get interesting because you will learn a lot about the items you’re selling! The Entry Level Product is a ‘DIY’ product that costs $7.00.

Blake nubar reviews and testimonials

It’s a chance for your new customers to go over the details of your products and then set it for themselves, which implies building their own funnels, writing their own bunch of emails, and so on).

They can effortlessly do all of the work on their own, which includes writing emails, setting up landing pages for catching leads, etc. The cost might seem pretty low, that is because it mostly involves manual work to be done and putting in some effort.

But obviously, it’s a GREAT deal and pretty pocket-friendly for what they will get to learn!

The “Order Form Bump”, which is priced at $37.00 – just as they’re about to hit “send” on their $7.00 purchase, they are bombarded with an “order form bump” for selling the second product.

The product shows YOUR customer exactly how they can quickly gain followers. It is actually a pretty hyper-specific, tested method that can help them rapidly reach their next thousand followers.

The top-tier Masterclass named “Done With You” ($197.00) shows how they get whatever they need, including the right tools, the sales funnel, the sequence of emails, the graphics, and the templates, to quickly set up their dream framework. 

Blake Nubar Partner Program Customer Reviews

Sabrina from the Facebook community said this : 

Best investment EVER! Funnel is up, making money and now I have the FULL KNOWLEDGE of creating an entire funnel from idea in my head to fully working funnel with Sales Page, Bump Offer, OTO, Products in Stripe, Abandon Cart Emails, Hidden Content in ClickFunnels with One-Click Upsell in the funnel PLUS Organic and Paid Facebook Ads.

Shall I share more?!?

Blake and Team totally over-delivered and I know it’s not over yet!!! Working on my 3rd funnel now with products that have been in my head for YEARS NOW. I feel like I have complete control over my future and it’s looking super bright thanks to this Partner Program (which I paid for from my mortgage payment).

I knew I had to invest in this without excuses and I would figure out the rest later. Sometimes you have to take these risks to better your future! Just do it!! 😍✅


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Enroll Today In Blake's Partner Program Today

Blake Nubar Partner Program Alternatives

FAQs On Blake Nubar Partner Program

💥How can Blake Nubar’s Partner Program help me?

Blake Nubar’s Program has been designed to help those online businesses who are struggling to set up the right funnels, attract potential leads and convert them into customers. This course focuses on developing cutting-edge digital strategies that position the company for long-term success. Their dynamic team will build a campaign that cuts through the noise and makes you stand out no matter what industry you're in.

✔ How will Blake’s program help me to get paid traffic?

Blake’s program features several video tutorials that discuss effective strategies which emphasize on cracking the code to the right paid media strategy for getting your business the ability to rapidly scale. If your company is ready for serious growth, Blake’s team can create the ultimate plan to make your brand ubiquitous.

🔥 Is Blake’s Partner Program suitable for eCommerce businesses?

Absolutely! Blake’s Program can help you easily ramp up sales and drive down your costs to increase your bottom line. His entire team has the credibility, skills and experience of selling everything from fitness products, online courses, best-selling books, and even boating accessories.

Quick Links: 


If you’re interested in creating your own business, the Blake Nubar Partner Program is like having a trusted guide by your side every step of the way.

Having tried my hand at a few other professions, I can say with experience that this method can be adapted to suit the needs of everyone, from the most ardent babysitter to the most devoted educator, from the most accomplished window washer to the most driven real estate agent.

The ever-increasing price tag of Facebook advertising should also be taken into account. For newcomers on a tight budget, this is discouraging news. When I did the math, I found that it might cost me as much as $35 to acquire just one lead.

a rate of 10%, I would have had to put down a whopping $350. I was not in a position to do so at the moment.

The Blake Nubar Partner Program, however, is here to help. It provides an alternative to solely relying on Facebook ads. By enrolling in the course, you’ll have entry to a wealth of information about how to build your company without spending a fortune on advertising.

In my opinion, the Blake Nubar Partner Program is a game-changer for anyone who wants to increase their internet visibility, their client base, and their income.

As a business owner, having access to the information and advice it gives is like having a hidden weapon.


Kashish Babber
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Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

1 thought on “Blake Nubar Partner Program Review 2024 🥇 Legi...”

  1. I was laid off due to COVID, and thought this would be a great business opportunity. After investing over $8K from my retirement account, and working diligently for hours in preparation for launch, I was able to launch with minor issues all related to FB suspending my Ad account three times. I finally overcame that obstacle and the same day as I was able to successfully get back on FB and begin my new business, I was diagnosed with stomach cancer.

    I was distraught, and the prognosis wasn’t good. Although I wouldn’t be dying in a week, I knew what was coming and trust me when I tell you, it wasn’t pretty. I was going to need money for hospitals, treatments and traveling back and forth to Texas where they had the best doctors for my cancer type.

    I immediately wrote an email that was meant for Blake where I begged him for a refund. I explained why I was asking for my money back. I explained I had not made a single sale, and would not be able to work the program and the business due to my illness. I emphasized that I had withdrawn this money with penalties from my retirement account willingly, but that now, I was arranging for what could be end of life matters and really needed this money back.

    Since I technically now owned everything included in the program, which was also customized specifically for my business, I even offered to sign a document stating, that I would never use or benefit financially from the his program.

    I am not just disappointed, but disgusted that all I received was a “sorry, your purchase is non-refundable as stated in your purchase agreement”. WOW! Not even a “we will take it under advisement, and let you know what we decide, and BTW….we are really sorry to hear that you are ill” NOTHING! They have my Eight Plus Thousand Dollars, and I have no job because I am too ill to work, and I am penniless.

    Dear Blake….all rules are meant to be broken when extenuating circumstances exist. This was one of those circumstances. You are filthy rich and heartless. Thank you for absolutely nothing!

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