The Best Online Shopping Sites in Italy For Clothing & Fashion

Times have changed and, by now, many purchasing options for each type of product have moved into the IT world. Just think of the very fast deliveries of sites like Amazon, which allow us to solve the most intricate problems when we are faced with an anniversary forgetfulness, the delivery of flowers and gifts, up to the now indispensable delivery of goods for food.

With the passing times, then, the world of online shopping comes to the rescue and becomes a real hero to fight the difficulties we face with the advent of the pandemic and lockdowns.

Unfortunately, going out to go to a crowded shopping center does not make us feel comfortable, and buying on the net is a perfect solution to this type of problem.

As with all things, the cyber world is now also a colossus of e-commerce for clothing, and there are more and more websites where you can buy fantastic clothes for any occasion, for an important party or even just to renew. our wardrobe years and years old.

Of course, for those unfamiliar with the sector, the perplexities are the usual: how do I know if the clothes I see are the perfect ones for me?
What if the fabric is of bad quality?

And if the garment doesn’t fit me, how do I know if the size is right for me? I can’t prove it, I can’t change it!

This is not quite the case and, with this practical guide, you will discover how much, in reality, the world of online shopping is simpler and more practical than you think.

Performance panic: sizes and measurements

Your doubts are legitimate: how can I find out which clothes are most suitable for me, the ones that will really enhance my beauty and make me stand out in the crowd? How do I know if that dress that I really like will look good on me even when I look in the mirror?

The process isn’t as difficult as you think. First of all, you need to do a good search on the site you rely on. You will find plenty of them later in the reading, but for each of them, there will be a few different rules, which you will have to check if you want to rely on safe and fun shopping.

The sizes will certainly be the first obstacle that will arise in front of you. You will not be able to try on the clothes before you buy them, so it will be good that you carefully check the available sizes and how they fit on the buyers. In this regard, it will be very useful for you to take a look at the reviews on each individual garment, especially those with photographs.

This way you can look for people who, like you, have tried on the garments you have set your eyes on and see how they dress. If you are lucky enough, you will find photos of someone with a body shape similar to yours and you can rely on their opinion to know if the dress you have chosen is for you!

Some sites report, according to the opinions of customers, if a garment fits wider or narrower than the size you are used to taking, but in general the best way to shop with peace of mind will be to check the measurements on the different online stores you are browsing.

Each site, in fact, will certainly have a section dedicated to sizes and how much they measure or will bring them directly to the page of the garment you want to buy. So meter in hand and get ready to mark a couple of numbers so you can be sure what you’re getting! If you don’t know how, the general lines are:

– Shoulders, take the measurements from one shoulder to the other, starting laterally;

– Chest, to be measured just below the arms, in the widest part of the chest;

– Waist, pass the tape measure around the belly keeping it loose, so as to avoid that the garments are too tight on arrival;

– Hips, starting from the widest part of the pelvis and buttocks;

– Legs, measure from the groin to the ankle.

For each shop and garment there are different sizes, so the fundamental advice to follow is to always check the rules of each site, even if you have been buying from that portal for some time and you are almost certain of the result.

From the best online stores …

Let’s get to the point, though: what are the best online shopping sites to rely on?


Zalando Overview- Best Online Shopping Sites in Italy

The most famous is certainly Zalando . Born as a shoe shop, it now offers a huge range of clothes of all types and for all occasions. It offers crazy discounts, especially during the sales period, and it is really a fantastic choice when you want to do some healthy shopping in search of clothes that can help us revive our beautiful smiling face.


Amazon- Best Online Shopping Sites in Italy

Another very successful giant is Amazon, which has a large section dedicated to clothing of all kinds. Of course, the portal is certainly not famous for clothing, but, as for everything, it offers a huge collection of all kinds of clothes, from fashion items to the most sophisticated brands, up to the lesser-known jewels that hold treasures to be discovered. And shipping is almost always very fast!

3. Shein:

SHEIN Italy- Best Online Shopping Sites in Italy

A site that you may not know very well is Shein , a portal that is becoming increasingly popular in the field of online fashion. This shop has a lot of items of all kinds, often discounted or at a good price. The site is updated every day, offering you a precious double-edged sword: you will have the opportunity to discover new offers at any time, but be careful not to miss those you are interested in!


BonPrix- Best Online Shopping Sites in Italy

Finally, another popular platform is BonPrix , a giant in the sector with well-made and affordable clothing items. Shipments are fast and free above a certain expense, 65 euros, and the return policies are very accessible because they allow you to keep the items up to 60 days. In short, you will have all the time in the world to reflect on your purchase and evaluate if it is really for you.

… To the outlets at low prices!

What to do if, on the other hand, we are looking for real online outlets? Again, cyber fashion has its heroes. Among the many sites that you can find around (to name a few known examples, even Zalando and Amazon have their outlet sections) we recommend Spartoo and Euronova.

Spartoo is an outlet with the great advantage of having many offers, which will make famous brands of all kinds accessible at low and affordable prices. Among its many pros, there are also delivery and returns, which will always be free.

Euronova is the BonPrix outlet, which already certifies its quality. The site has a vast assortment of underwear and homewear and offers lots of discounts up to 70%, as well as a huge choice of fabrics and fabrics.

What if the garment doesn’t dress? Fast return!

You have checked the sizes and the reviews, you have placed your order but, trying it, you have realized that it is just not for you. It fits too tight, it fits too much or it just doesn’t fit right! How to do it when we realize that we don’t like the clothes we have ordered? Is everything lost?

Of course not. Here too, do not worry! Each site, in fact, offers the possibility of returning the items we have ordered within an average minimum of 14 days , up to a maximum, as already mentioned, of even 60 days.

Again, the advice we give you is to check the return policies of each site. Many of the most famous stores, such as the case of Zalando or Amazon, will provide you with the possibility of a free return, with the possibility of changing the size or colour of the garments or obtaining a refund.

Others will offer you the same opportunity but will ask for a contribution to the shipping costs, which you will have to pay. In general, however, every site you come across (or, at least, the best in the industry) will give you the opportunity to return the goods you have purchased, thus allowing you to do everything with the utmost serenity of purchase!

On this point, the country of origin of the garments must also be taken into account . Some sites, in fact, will send their orders from Italy, and you can receive your beloved clothes within two or three working days, without having to wait too long.

Others, however, will be able to sell you prestigious garments from all over Europe, even sending their orders overseas. Always check the shipping times, so as not to run into unpleasant surprises when you have to request a return that will take you to wait months and months before you can dress your beloved new garments!

In short, buying clothing online, at first glance, may seem complicated, but once you understand the game mechanics you will find that not only is it easier than you think, but it is also fun and practical. You will no longer be able to do without it!

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Jitendra Vaswani
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Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded, a digital marketing agency, and, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

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