6+ Best Marketplaces To Sell Domain Names In 2024 (HANDPICKED)

In the post, we have covered a detailed overview of the best marketplace to sell domain names over the world wide web.

In the past years, people used to buy and sell domains, and it was one of the vast markets where people used to do big business regularly. 

Previously, on the Internet, it was easy to find domain names highly relevant to a company. They were also worth huge money, and so people used to buy and keep them.  However, for doing this, it was vital to know the best places from where it was easier to buy domains. Although the market of domain still prevails, some things have undergone a lot of change. 

Best Places To Sell Domain Name

It is a great idea to buy and sell domains, and make a considerable amount of money. You are not required to build websites on the domains, instead, sell only the domains. You can also carry out affiliate marketing or try to build your own business. All such thoughts are so tempting and can help to make money. 

 If a person is planning to start making some passive income by getting involved in this business, it is impossible. Since when you try to execute this business plan full time, there are a lot of challenges that you will face.

Moreover, when you do it as a part-time job, it involves quite a lot of hard work required. It requires intense research and luck when it comes to getting domains for which people will readily pay vast amounts of money. 

 You can figure out whether you will succeed in the business strategy, or your idea will go waste. A significant factor that will help you determine it is to find a place that would be perfect for you to sell domains. There are several alternatives where you can do this conveniently. 

Direct Offers Received

You can quickly receive payment for a domain that is kept unused. This is possible by getting direct offers. You will receive an immediate offer when a buyer in the market has thought of the perfect name of their website’s domain.  Unfortunately, they end up finding out that the domain is already owned by someone else.

Always keep in mind that you should not have your WHOIS related information private. If this is the case, then they will not be able to find who their owner of the domain is. People generally don’t like to keep their email addresses public since they get many spam emails.

But then, if you want to do this business, keep a minimum of one email public. This way, interested people can contact you effectively. 

Keep a few details with you when you get direct offers:

  • Receive payment before you transfer the domain to the buyer
  • Avail a proper, written contract from the buyer to avoid future disputes
  •  If you smell something suspicious, don’t go for the deal.

The buyer pays the entire amount of the domain first, and then they get the domain transferred. Anyone cannot buy something from the store before they pay for it. The same transaction rules are followed in this case. Transferring domains is very easy; however, if you are not aware of the process, choose to take help from someone. 

Best Domain Name Marketplaces

Best Domain Name Marketplaces to sell domains

In case you are not successful in getting too many direct offers for your domains, then you can consider hunting for the best Marketplace to sell them. There are numerous designated market places where domain names are bought and sold. When you are looking for buyers of domain names to convert them into cash, you will find them effortlessly at such marketplaces. 

List Of Top 6 Marketplaces To Sell Domain Names In 2024


It is one of the leading platforms that allow buying and selling these unused domain names. It emphasizes only this business and readily gives several possible options to the sellers. They have several options through which selling domain names is possible. It is done either by direct auction, marketplace auction, direct offers, or broker services. 


SEDO allows auctioning of a domain as soon as the seller receives the first offer. The decision is up to the seller whether they want to sell the website, or put the offered price as a minimum bid for that particular domain. This way, they can also get a higher price for that domain. 

2) GoDaddy (Auction) 

It is undoubtedly one of the best domain marketplaces where people can do buying or selling of domain names. When you list your domains in this Marketplace, you open up to selling your unused domain. You can also choose to fix the minimum amount for your domain at which you want to sell it. 

Best Domain marketplace- GoDaddy Auction

You obtain several benefits by going for the services provided by GoDaddy Auction. They have a renowned name in the market; the process of their verification is at the place, and ensure minimized fraud. Their team is known to provide the best customer support that backs the transaction and sees that nothing goes wrong. It also has an option through which you can set the domain name to Premium. 

Such domains have apparent value, and almost 99% of domains present under this category were quickly bought a long time ago. For these domains, a seller can also set a higher price. Moreover, they are also open to negotiations if the buyer wants to do so. 

However, the professionals at Godaddy have a day on the price and listing of domains. They can have their perception while they choose upon the value of domains. Moreover, to sell your domains on Godaddy, a seller will have to buy its subscription that is offered at $4.99 annually. 

3) NameCheap Marketplace 

NameCheap has worked hard to compete with Godaddy in the business. This Marketplace is involved in providing numerous services, and therefore it doesn’t readily come to the mind of sellers. Because of this, they are not readily able to think of this Marketplace to sell their unused domain. However, a seller should not make the mistake of writing it off. 

Buy Sell Domains Namecheap marketplace

NameCheap does a great job by grouping several domain names that are of similar category and price. This makes it convenient for a buyer to look for a domain that is specific to their niche.

The Marketplace of NameCheap is continuing to enhance, and they are moving closer to becoming the best Marketplace for unused domains. As the platform grows, the results from selling the domain name will also grow. 

4) Flippa

It is a marketplace that is into selling several online properties. They are into the business of the previously established websites, online stores, and the domain names. A buyer can choose to narrow down the search option based on age, price, end time, or the extension. With such features, sellers can motivate their customers who are after using such tools to choose the use of Flippa over other various sites. 


It is tough to stick out because of the massive number of created sites or domains already established. Flipps has an enormous amount of traffic and an excellent reputation as one of the best marketplaces for unused domains. You can effectively choose to sell domains on Flippa that are sitting around with you. 

5) eBay Marketplace 

You must have already heard about eBay. This is quite familiar with people. This indicates that it is again a popular marketplace. Surprisingly, you can buy and sell domains on eBay too. As a seller, you can choose to list your unused domain on eBay to sell it out. When the seller is looking for some buyers who are eager to buy domains, they list their eBay domains. 


It allows minimum bids, and more importantly, eBay is not only limited to buying and selling domains. You will get exciting attention from buyers who are looking forward to grabbing a great deal. 

6) Afternic 

Afternic is another marketplace for domains. This place ensures that the entire process of buying and selling domains goes on very smoothly. They take great care of the new listings and premium domains.

Many actions go on this site, and they keep on rotating the domains that are on the first page of their list. This way, people will know the different domains that they have available. 

Afternic- domain selling marketplace

Anyone can join Afternic for free, and they also make it possible for other sites to pick up their listing. It ensures that they have a wide net of buyers as well as the sellers. You will often see that their dales page always brags that they have the highest sale on an average of industry domains. 

Afternic is undoubtedly one of the best marketplaces for buying as well as selling domains. Their free joining is one of the best features offered. There are several other reasons why it is thought upon as one of the best platforms 

Online Forums for Domains

Apart from the Marketplace for buying and selling domains, a couple of forums have a separate section for the buying and selling of domains. They are the DN forums and the NamePros forums. Sellers can also find a potential buyer from this domain. 


forum has the top four forums in the Marketplace. So, you can assume that this place will never fall short of domain buyers. You can learn several other things about domains from this place, and gain confidence before you decide upon selling your domains. 

NamePros forums

The NamePros forum is more about the name of domains. A considerable number of people come here for buying and selling domains. Discussion on any topic is easily found that is related more to the domain names. Different sections are present for the buying and selling of domains, and even for the appraisals. You will find a more extensive group consisting of intelligent buyers here.  

Why are tools of Domain Value wrong? 

Domain Value Tools are undoubtedly the worst tools present. The tools are believed to calculate a domain’s value based on the keywords and a few other parameters. However, these parameters are never revealed in front of the people. They are usually offered by people who tend to sell domains such as GoDaddy. 

A significant issue faced with such tools is that the results are entirely wrong. There is one thing that you will find with this tool. Even if you calculate the value of one of these weird domain names, it will show that the domain costs more than thousands of dollars. This leads to several questions in our minds that are more of common sense. When every domain is worth several hundred dollars, then how people buy domains for $20 annually, and sometimes even less. 

The worth of a domain name is the amount someone is ready to pay. Such tools are worth nothing, and they just claim high values for anything. You should not trust such tools at any cost. 

Steps to selling a domain

There are several standards and pretty easy steps through which a person can quickly sell their domain. Such steps are sometimes handled partially by the Marketplace, and sometimes the seller is required to handle them directly.  

However, the steps are all the same for every platform, irrespective of the platform used. 

Decide to sell 

You must be thinking that it is evident that the seller has already decided to sell their domain. But this is the point at which you start. Shortlist the domains which you wish to sell. You must also consider the ones that you might sell but are not sure about. 

Pick a marketplace

 At times, when you list your domain for auction on one site,​ they are automatically listed on other websites. Other marketplace options wish the listing to take place there. You will have to decide on a place where you wish to list your domain or be auctioned. You may choose to list them on several options.

However, multiple options are an effective way of getting several eyes on the listing that you have a domain for sale. 

Fix the price

You should choose at what price you want to sell your domain. This is​ one of the toughest spots. You don’t want to set an unrealistic price for your domain, and at the same time, also don’t want to sell it for a sum less than its worth either. However, calculating the value of domains through the domain value tool is useless.

However, if the tool is offering a good appraisal from real people, then it is worth having. This way, your buyers will trust your domain more.  

Create a listing that is the best 

 This is one of the essential steps. You will have to​  look for things that make your domain stand out, among other choices. Look for the history behind the domain name, if it can help you to produce more authenticity.

You are required to set up a domain name in such a way so that maximum benefits are achieved. Achieve success with the help of tools that you have for disposal. You should have a creative graphic on the domain so that it attracts more people.  

A safer setup for payment 

Ensure that the payment setup used is secured. It​ means that having the set up in such a way so that people cannot pull the payment after being made. Several such platforms work as an escrow service so that both parties’ protection is ensured. This is an ideal solution. 

Making a Sale 

After a party is interested in buying a domain purchases it, there is​ no extra step involved. However, sometimes the seller might have to approve the final price at which the deal is done. If you have settled for a counteroffer to list the price, this is one of the most crucial steps.  

Transferring the Domain 

Transfer of the domain is the last step. Before starting​ the process of transferring the domain, ensure that you have the payment in hand or escrow. Pay close attention to the entire process. The process is simple but may involve a bit of complications before it is completed. After completion, you can enjoy the money earned. 

There are several potentials in the business of buying and selling domain names.

Nowadays, since it is complicated to get the required domain name, it has reduced a lot. But, earlier, it was one of the largest businesses. People used to make huge money by receiving direct offers. They didn’t have to register themselves at the marketplaces of domains. Instead, several proposals were received directly. 

People usually ask for the best marketplace where they can efficiently sell their domain names. However, not every marketplace is a suitable option. There are several things that are considered before making a final decision. Ensure to make an informed choice, so that you don’t face any surprises at the end.  

Quick Links:

Conclusion: Best Place To Sell Domain Name 2024

Ensure that as a seller, realistic expectations are set. Selling domain names can be a new business if you carry on the side. As far as a few cases are concerned, bigger paydays are left.

Know the basics of the process, and learn its ins and outs. Get a deep understanding of how things work, and gain some experience in the field.

Within a shorter period, you will learn about domains and develop the eyes of an expert. You will be able to judge which domains have tremendous potential and which ones are not worth it. 

Kashish Babber
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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