3 Best IPRoyal Alternatives 2024: Which One Is Right For You?

Looking for Best IPRoyal Alternatives 2024, here are the 3 best options available on the internet.

If you’re in the market for proxy services, then you have probably heard of IPRoyal. IPRoyal is a reliable and affordable proxy provider that offers 2 million residential proxies as well as other types of proxies.

Best IPRoyal Alternatives

Best IPRoyal Alternatives & Competitors

1)Bright Data

Bright data

If you want reliable, efficient, and flexible web data that won’t break the bank, then Bright Data is the solution for you. As the world’s #1 web data platform, Bright Data provides proxy services to Fortune 500 companies, academic institutions, and small businesses alike. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that Bright Data can benefit your business.

Lower Costs & Increase Efficiency

Bright Data offers fast and reliable proxy services that can help reduce costs while also increasing efficiency. One of the most important features of Bright Data is its ability to rotate IPs quickly and easily. By rotating IPs on a regular basis, Bright Data ensures that all requests are made through fresh IP addresses. This reduces costs associated with making multiple requests from the same IP address and makes it easier for companies to access public web data without running into any obstacles or roadblocks.

Additionally, Bright Data’s automated system can help save time by automatically sending out requests at designated intervals without requiring manual intervention from users.

High Quality & Reliable Service

Another benefit of utilizing Bright Data is its high quality customer service and reliable results. The team at Bright Data has extensive experience in providing proxy services to major organizations across multiple industries, which means they understand how important it is for companies to get reliable results in an efficient manner.

Additionally, customers have access to round-the-clock support seven days a week so they never have to worry about being left in the dark when they need help or assistance with their proxy services.

Secure & Private Proxy Network

Finally, one of the biggest benefits of using Bright Data is its secure and private proxy network which helps ensure customers’ data remains safe and secure at all times. All requests are encrypted before being sent out over the internet so customers never have to worry about their information being compromised or falling into the wrong hands. Additionally, all proxies offered by Bright Data come with advanced security features such as two-factor authentication (2FA) so users can rest assured their sensitive information is always kept safe from malicious actors.

2) Smartproxy


Smartproxy is a powerful and comprehensive platform that provides access to over 40 million residential, shared, and dedicated datacenter proxies. If you’re looking for a versatile proxy solution that can handle a variety of tasks, then Smartproxy is the perfect choice. It also has scraping APIs designed to make web data gathering easy and efficient. Let’s take a closer look at what Smartproxy has to offer.

Residential Proxies

Smartproxy offers over 40 million residential IP addresses from all over the globe, so you can be sure that your request will always go through. Residential proxies are assigned by ISPs to real people, which makes them ideal for tasks such as marketing research and ad verification. With Smartproxy, you can access all of the most popular websites without any hassle or restrictions.

Shared & Dedicated Datacenter Proxies

In addition to residential proxies, Smartproxy also offers shared and dedicated datacenter proxies. Shared datacenter proxies are great for anonymous web browsing while dedicated datacenter proxies are perfect for tasks like ticketing, gaming, SEO tools automation, sneaker sites automation and more. Both types of proxies offer fast speeds and unbeatable reliability.

Scraping APIs

Smartproxy also has scraping APIs designed specifically for data gathering needs such as SERP scraping and eCommerce scraping. The API allows users to easily extract data from any website without writing any code or having any technical knowledge. This makes it easier than ever before to collect the data you need quickly and accurately.

3) Shifter Proxy

Shifter is one of the oldest proxies’ service providers on the internet. They were known as Microleaves and entered this market under their original name back in 2012, but due to its popularity over time it changed into a generic term for all types of web traffic acceleration products (like VPNs).

With such experience comes great knowledge about how different technologies work together; which helps them keep up-to-date with newest innovations from other companies while still providing strong security measures that protect your data.

Shifter is one of the internet’s oldest proxy services.

But since then, it’s become a major player in the proxy world. A huge proxy network and some unique features set it apart from its competition.

It is unique among residential proxy providers in that it does not supply metered proxies.

Back connect proxies are all unmetered here. So, even if you’ve used all your bandwidth, your internet won’t go down.

Shifter also has reduced pricing plans, which is why it has recently acquired popularity.

Shifter Specs

Parameter Features
IP kind Datacenter and residential
Price charged Per-port ($125 a month for 10 ports)
IP pool Over 26 million
Proxy protocol SOCKS 5 and HTTPS
IP authentication Username and password, IP
Speed Average
Refund policy 3 days
Support Contact form

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Jitendra Vaswani
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded Digiexe.com, a digital marketing agency, and Bytegain.com, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

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